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Show RCE sia eRe, ogee et res Ye ee ee Be Se CPS Rese1 eet pS er gt eteeie on) wake ~~ ‘ a in the case. The approval is dated September 28, The third paper is an unsigned fragmentary report of a committee of the Assembly in regard to the same matter. It ends with a recommendation that the assembly adopt a resolution to the effect that the Cabra Spring Tract shall not be granted to anyone, but shall remain, as it had been from time immemorial, as common for the settlements of Isleta, Valencia, Padillas, and Pajarito; that no appeal shall be allowed to Don Juan Otero or the na- tives of Isleta on the subject of the dispute as to the di- rect ownership of the tract; and that the resolution be carried into effect as soon as it should reach the hands of the governor. 1383 REPORT of a Committee of the sembly, dated April 29, 1846. Department As- governor of the Department, on April 16, 1846, dioe ie official communication to the Assembl y, inclosee ecree of the superior tribunal of the Department 0 ihuahua, referring to some action had in the suene court of justice at Mexico City, based on a com- ie a Otero, a citizen of Valencia, New . ° q aa Bipeerty at the Ojo de oan Puiu: _+he report of the committee purpvor a full history of the case, beginning with the Sa ive ‘Oke are much interesting more than important, 1n The claim based on this grant was rejected by government. the United States court of private land claims on November 29, 1896. Subsequently, on May 22, 1897, it was ap- pealed to the supreme court of the United States by the plaintiffs, and that court thereafter dismissed the appeal, January 18, 1899, mandate on file in the office of the United States surveyor-general at Santa Fe, New Mexico, in cause No. 167, C. P. L. C.— the Ojo de la Cabra Grant. v. XPTOBAL vz AREL- Suit for the possession of an Apache slave. The petition LOBATO 1384 BARTOLOME LANO. to the Marques is addressed de la Naba Brazinas, and the of order is signed by the Marques and by his secretary government and war, Alfonso Rael de Aguilar. OR ALLOTMENTS LIST OF GRANTS OF LANDS TO THE PUEBLO WITH HISTORICAL, INDIANS DESCRIPTIVE, AND OTHER NOTES R. No. A PUEBLO Grant. OF JEMEZ. September 1689, Captain-General 20th. Domingo Don Made by Governor and Jironza Petriz de Cruzate. of Certificate by Don Pedro Ladron de Guitara, Secretary Government and War. It will be noted that this instrument was executed at El Paso, where the ee bar) i re, Eng LAE 5 ee a ee property FEALF P 25 LF FEF er fy 28, za er ada February ened of a decrees view of the final disposition of this case by the United States In regard to matters arising from the dispute as to the ownership of the Cabra spring property. It appears that the supreme the Pt sembly, signed by the president and secretary, approving the report and returning it to the governor with other by for and March 2, 1843. The details of the controversy about the Cabra spring PIER FEN EPEL SE IPE ie Pe BekEM3 ih rear ks ML FLEE ea |hee tes Lh PP he arEreres a R Pa ol oO: Reese Lt gr Doi de irs) Pe ba re Pipe be of The second paper is also a report of the same committee on the same subject, but dated one day previous to the first report. It covers substantially the same ground, and is followed by the action of the Departmental As- provided in New Mexico Third instance, Ad LIK LILLIE EPRICE RT EPR 4-9 2 —-t- @- 9-9-8 a 8 8 hry.TET pie ry om “I — 9 aes one ree oe the only thing that can be done for the relief of Otero is to present a new petition to that officer praying for a grant of the lands in question. The report concluded with an explanation of the causes which have prevented the establishment of the superior tribunal of Second and v and assum- ing the correctness of Mufios’s contention that the governor alone has the power to grant lands, suggests that + te vo a-# made by the governor, but by the Assembly, —f- partment. The committee is of the opinion that the grant was not to the prefect of the Third district, on January 22, 1845, and ending with the governor’s approval of the revocation of the grant, on July 7, 1845. It is stated also that subsequently the prefect was suspended because of the bad faith he had exhibited in connection with the matter. ae Tract having been granted to : Spring PoE e rere tt PAPEAAPPR $9: Pes nae Fhe Pan PS POOP OPTS as the Cabra Don Juan Otero by the governor of New Mexico could not be revoked by the Departmental Assembly of that De- 451 Spaniards maintained headquarters ek ee bel FS 8 Pb POPC known THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO ar wre PELL eee wy) Sa rk rt Pele a sar Gn eng ee pt LPRpoe PRE be. SS pd, oe Tare (Ste PA PEP, Pa PPpaLAee 8 Fnils Premn ieFe 66 PA THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO ear 450 hs oe et NFER cee nae BebeFa LeEa edPee a) Sere 9 EF Si GJ Cae NUP bs stressr or ree BoPe Fe bee de pe |