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Show 532 MR. F. P. PASCOE ON THE COLEOPTERA OF PENANG. [Nov. 22, the middle; but these characters probably vary according to the individual. EBURIIN^E. CERESIUM. Ceresium, Newman, Entom. p. 322. CERESIUM RARIPILUM, Newman, I. c. Mr. Newman's type was from Manilla. CERESIUM VESTIGIALE. C. nigrum, subnitidum, pilis sparsis griseis tectum; prothorace longitudine latitudine fere arquali; femoribus valde clavatis. Black, subnitid, covered with rather long scattered greyish hairs ; head and prothorax finely punctured, the latter about equal in length and breadth, contracted anteriorly, a smooth central longitudinal line and two irregular smooth spots on each side ; scutellum triangular, covered with white hairs; elytra rather finely punctured, nearly parallel at the sides, the apex rounded; body beneath and legs glossy black, with a thin greyish pubescence; antennae about as long as the body, the third and fourth joints shorter than the scape and fifth joint. Length 5 lines. A shorter species than the former and unicolorous, the third joint of the antennae much shorter than the scape (as long or longer in C. raripilum), and the femora much more clavate. CERESIUM ZEYLANICUM, White, Cat. Long. Brit. Mus. p. 246. The type is from Ceylon. Mr. Wallace has also taken it at Sarawak. CERESIUM SIMPLEX. Stenochorus simplex, Gyllenhall in Schon. Syn. Ins. App. i. 3. p. 178. OEmona philippensis, Newman, Entom. p. 247. Very generally distributed in the Indian and many Pacific islands, but is wanting in Australia. This species has also been published by M. Blanchard under the ill-judged name of Diatomocephala maculaticollis. I cannot see that it is generically distinct from Ceresium. CERESIUM? VERSUTUM. C. brunneum, albo pilosum; capite brevissimo ; prothorace fusco, confertim foveolato; art. tertio antennarum scapo longiore; pedibus rufo-ferrugineis, nitidis. Reddish brown, covered with long scattered loose whitish or yellowish- white hairs ; head dark brown, rugosely punctate ; palpi and lip pale ferruginous; prothorax dark brown, with crowded irregular impressions, the intervals intricately corrugated ; scutellum rounded behind, brown ; elytra considerably broader than the prothorax, |