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Show 1866.] MR. F. P. PASCOE ON THE COLEOPTERA OF PENANG. 231 Covered with a short greyish pile, scarcely concealing the shining brownish or yellowish-brown derm beneath ; head grey in front, a black patch behind the eye, which is continuous with a line of the same colour on each side of the prothorax, the latter slightly depressed in the centre, with a short longitudinal elevated line, the sides transversely wrinkled ; scutellum subquadrate, but a little rounded posteriorly ; elytra nearly impunctate, except at the base, rather sparsely dotted with small black punctiform spots, but two or three of larger size forming a transverse interrupted bar behind the middle, at the base a few shining granules and two elevated lines, the innermost simulating a crest; behind the shoulder the elytron is slightly incurved and marked with a dark-brown longitudinal patch ; body beneath and legs reddish brown, with a sparse ochreous-grey or greyish pile ; the tibiae varied with dark brown ; antennae brown, the joints, from the third inclusive, ashy at the base, the scape varied with ochreous. Length 8 lines. Daxata is particularly distinguished by its thick pyriform scape and the tooth-like process on the inner edge of the antennary tuber. In this species the eye is larger in proportion, and the remarkably elevated and conical protuberance of the elytron in Daxata camelus is replaced by a short narrow crest. The second abdominal segment of the specimen before m e is furnished on each side with the curious semicircular hairy patch common to many of the members of this subfamily, and which, I believe, is confined to the males. D. camelus is from Sarawak. MESOSIN^E. ANANCYLUS. Anancylus, J. Thomson, Syst. Ceramb. p. 61. ANANCYLUS GRISEATUS. Mesosa griseata, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2. iv. p. 243. All the individuals of this species I have hitherto seen have been from Sarawak. EREIS. Erie, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2. iv. p. 110 (nee Koch). Ereis, Pascoe, Long. Malay, p. 105. EREIS ANTHRIBOIDES, Pascoe, Trans. 1. c. pi. 22. f. 7. This also has hitherto only occurred at Sarawak. I'have described two other species from Cambodia. MESOSA. Mesosa, Serville, Ann. Soc. Entom. de France, t. 4. p. 43. MESOSA ALLAPSA. M. rufo-yrisea, fusco variegata; antennis rufescentibus, fusco maculatis et annulatis. |