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Show 1866.] MR. P. L. SCLATER ON THE GENUS NEOMORPHUS. 59 Note.-Dr. Herrich-Schaffer, in his ' Lepidopterorum Index Systematica,' gives names to four species in this genus (D. schenckii, arema, hermippe, and nerippe). Dr. Boisduval has also named several species, some of which (D. nerippe, azema, lixa, and daulis) have been immortalized in Mr. Doubleday's ' Genera.' I am not, however, able to make use of these names, as I have not seen the insects for which they are intended. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Fig. 1. Danais fulgurata, p. 48. Figs. 5, 6. Danais crocea, p. 57. 2. conspicua, p. 49. 7. mariana, p. 58. 3, 4. gloriola, p. 56. 8. inuncta, p. 58. 4. O n a N e w American Cuckoo of the Genus Neomorphus. B y P. L. S C L A T E R , M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary to the Society. (Plate V.) In a note upon the Cuckoos of the genus Neomorphus, published in the Society's ' Proceedings' for 1864,1 pointed out the characters which separated the two species of this peculiar genus then known to me, and gave some information as to their geographical distribution. In the series of birds lately received by Mr. Osbert Salvin from Veragua, a specimen of what appears to m e to be a third species of the genus occurs. Knowing the interest I take in this group, Mr. Salvin has kindly handed the bird over to me for comparison; and I propose to call it, after m y friend who has devoted so much time and toil to the Natural History of Central America, Neomorphus salvini. Curiously enough this new northern species of Neomorphus is much more nearly allied to the Brazilian N. geoffroyi than to N. rufipennis of Guiana and Amazonia. It is, however, in m y opinion, quite sufficiently distinct to merit specific separation, and will, I think, be readily recognized by the characters given in the following synopsis of the species of the genus which have come under m y observation :- Genus N E O M O R P H U S. Neomorphus, Gloger, Froriep's Notizen, 1827, p. 278. Cultrides, Pucheran, Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 211. a. Sp. torque collari angusto : rostro virescente, basi plumbeo : alis extus aeneo-purpurascentibus. 1. NEOMORPHUS GEOFFROYI. Coccyzus geoffroyi, Temm. PI. Col. 7 ; Max. Beitr. iv. 324. Cultrides geoffroyi, Puch. R. Z. 1851, p. 211 ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. ii. p. 258. |