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Show 252 MR. F. p. PASCOE O N THE COLEOPTERA OF PENANG, [May 8, species extend from Assam to Flores. Mr. Wallace's specimen the latter is an additional variety or subspecies. GNOMA. Gnoma, Fabricius, Syst. Eleuth. ii. p. 315. GNOMA DISPERSA. G. fuscescens, pube brevi grisea tecta; elytris pallide ochraceo irroratis, prothorace duplo longioribus. Brownish, inclining to dark chestnut, with a thin short greyish pile, the elytra sprinkled with more or less confluent pale-ochreous spots; head sparingly punctured in front, varied with flavous above the eyes and mouth; prothorax about half as long as the elytra in the male, strongly corrugated ; scutellum semicircular, entirely pubescent ; elytra rather narrow, the sides nearly parallel, except at the posterior third, rather closely punctured; body beneath, legs, and antennae with a sparse greyish pile, the tarsi nearly equal in size and outline. Length 10 lines. This description is made from a male in m y own collection. Mr. L a m b has only a single specimen, also a male, differing from the above in having the elytra more spotted, a little longer prothorax, and very decidedly longer legs, with the fore tarsi considerably longer and broader than the others. It m a y probably be found to be sufficiently well marked to deserve a specific, or 2«<m'-specific, name; but in a genus so difficult as Gnoma it is almost impossible to say if such differences are permanent. I have never seen anything answering to Fabricius's description of G. longicollis: "nigra, ferrugineo irrorata." Olivier's figure (to which he refers) is, to m e , an unknown species, and evidently a female. MECOTAGUS. Prothorax subcylindricus, latera haud, velparum antice, incurvata. Femora linearia. Tarsi articulo basali duobus sequentibus simul sumptis arquali. Head subtransverse in front; antennary tubers very stout, divergent, but approximate at the base. Eyes distant from the mouth. Antennae very long in the male, the scape obconic, the third joint as long as or longer than the fourth and fifth together, the rest sub-equal in the male, except that the last is considerably longer than the preceding joint; in the female the joints slightly decreasing from the sixth or seventh. Prothorax elongate, especially in the male, subcylindrical, narrower anteriorly in the male, but scarcely or only very slightly incurved. Elytra oblong, subdepressed, truncate at the apex. Legs long, slender; femora linear; tibiae gradually longer from the posterior to the anterior; tarsi elongate, the basal joint in the male as long as the two following together. Prosternum simple. Mesosternum with a projecting tooth. This genus is founded on the Cerambyx tigrinus, Olivier, a con- |