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Show 476 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON THE GENUS EUPTYCHIA. [Nov, 22, Alar subtus pallidiores, lineis duabus binis mediis margini subparal-lelis; aliisque tribus marginalibus unicis, interna autem ad angulum analem posticarum geminante, lineis mediis ochreum includen-tibus, interna posticarum paulo undulata, externa apud marginem internum sinuata apud costam undulata; linea marginali anticarum interna apud costam angulis alternis dentata, duabus externis integerrimis; lineis posticarum sinuatis: anticar ocellis tribus indistinctis subapicalibus ochreo-fuscis fuscoque cinctis, infima punctis duobus minutissimis argenteis, albis, fusco pupillatis: posticar ocellis sex nigris, ochreo pallido cinctis, fusco circumcinc-tis, et atomis argenteis pupillatis, primo, secundo et quinto bipupillatis : corpus ochreo-cinereum, antennis ferrugineis. Exp. alar. unc. 1^. Hab. Venezuela; Pernambuco. B.M. 54. EUPTYCHIA POLTYS. Neonympha poltys, Prittwitz, Entom. Zeit. herausg. von dem entom. Vereine, Stettin, p. 311 (1865). " Size of a moderately large cedipus*. Wings lobed, costa folded over. Body and thorax blackish; antennae the same. Palpi and underside of the body light brownish. All four wings ochreous (pierre de feu), the base sprinkled with dark atoms. " Front wings : in the middle two dark oblique streaks, between them near the costa a darker angular line (upon which the discoidal cell terminates), close to the outer margin a more slender bent line, in front of the greyish fringe two parallel lines, all three dark reddish brown. Hind wings : a darker oblique streak, anal angle much produced ; outer margin with its lower portion emarginate, with four sinuations ; in front of the greyish fringe two sinuated brown bands, a little further inwards a third broader and darker one; between the three lines the ground-colour is lighter ; at the inner angle in the left wing two, in the right wing one black spot encircled with yellow; Underside grey, dusted with brown. Front wing : markings as above, but more delicate ; both of the central lines doubled ; fringe and a shade near the outer oblique line violet-brown. Hind wings the same. The shade near the outer oblique line reaching from the costa to near the middle of the wing continued near the outer margin by six very small ocelli, the second and fifth of those within the cell have slender silver pupils. All the fringe brown, darker than the groundcolour."- Ent. Zeit. Hab. Corcovado (South America). 55. EUPTYCHIA ACMENIS. (Oreas strigata) Megisto acmenis, Hiibner, Samml. exot. Schmett. Zutr. f. 233, 234 (1806). Neonympha acmenis, Westw. & Hewits. Gen. Diurn. Lep. p. 375. n. 14 (1851). Hab. Baltimore. * cedipus is a Carnonympha) not a Neonympha. |