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Show 1866.] MR. H. W. BATES ON FORMOSAN COLEOPTERA. 343 species, in the striae of the elytra being scarcely punctured ; the punctures are visible only with a lens, and chiefly near the base. The elytra are also more elongated than in C. mellyi. I do not know whether it m a y not be the C. planicornis (Laferte), also an Indian species ; but the author has never published its characters. LAMELLICORNES. ANOMALA CORRUGATA. Oblongo-elongata, prope apicem paulo dilatata, supra viridi-arnea testaceo marginata, passim grosse creberrime confluenter punctata;, clypeo marginibus elevatis, testaceo; thorace antice vix angustato, medio longitudinaliter impresso; elytris utrinque costis quatuor angustis larvibus; corpore subtus pedibusque rufo-testaceis ; abdominefusco-arneo ; tarsis piceis. Long. 6\-7\ lin. A n elongate species, widest close to the apex of the elytra; above fine light brassy green and shining, notwithstanding the coarse confluent punctuation with which the surface is covered, with the exception of the suture and ribs of the elytra. The borders of the clypeus, lateral margins of the thorax, and deflexed edges of the elytra are yellowish testaceous. The body beneath and legs are reddish testaceous, with the abdomen darker and brassy, and the tarsi pitchy. ANOMALA INCONCINNA. Oblonga, postice dilatata, sordide rufo-testacea arneo tincta, capite thoraceque medio arneis ; clypeo reflexo-marginato, grosse confluenter punctato, marginibus rufo-testaceis, vertice minus dense confluenter punctato; antennis piceo-rufis, clava (2 ) parva; thorace crebre punctato, nitido, linea dorsali leviter impressa; scutello lateribus grosse punctatis ; elytris oblongis ( 2 )> striis 13 for titer impressis, grosse punctatis, stria secunda a sutura latiore multipunctata, striis 5ta et 8va minus profunde impressis, interstitiis punctatis, colore sordide rufo-testaceis, arneo leviter micantibus; corpore subtus pedibusque passim punctatis, sordide rufo-testaceis, parce pilosis; abdomine arneo micante; unguiculis majoribus, anticis et intermediis apice fissis. Long. 6 lin., 2 • EuCHLORA EXPANSA. Magna, ovata, convexa, supra viridis leviter aureo micans, minute punctata, glabra ; infra viridi-arnea, lateribus tenuiter pubes-cens, pedibus violaceis, elytris utrinque margine postico in lobum foliaceum reflexum expansis. 12'". Large, ovate, and convex ; above green, with a slight golden tinge, finely punctulate, less densely so towards the suture of the elytra, and the longitudinal lines very faintly indicated. Beneath the colour is dark brassy green, glabrous, except a few hairs on the sides ; legs |