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Show 182 MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON BIRDS [Mar. 27, 48. COTURNICULUS PERUANUS, Bp. Hab. Nauta, and Upper and Lower Ucayali. Many specimens. Fam. ICTERID^E. 49. OCYALUS LATIROSTRIS (Sw.). Hab. Upper Ucayali, near Cashaboya. Examples of both sexes of this fine species. The males measure about 12 inches in length, wing 9, tail 4*7; the females 9'5, wing 6*1, tail 3-7, and are duller in colouring. 50. OSTINOPS CRISTATUS (Gm.). Hab. Lower Ucavali. a) 51. OSTINOPS YURACARIUM (Lafr. et D'Orb.). Locality not marked; but Sclater has specimens from the Upper Amazons. 52. OSTINOPS ATROVIRENS (Lafr. et D'Orb.). Hab. Upper Ucayali. 53. OSTINOPS ANGUSTIFRONS (Spix). Hab. Upper and Lower Ucayali. 54. CASSICUS PERSICUS (Linn.). Hab. Upper and Lower Ucayali. 55. CASSICULUS SOLITARIUS (Vieill.). Hab. Nauta. - There is little doubt that C. nigerrimus, Spix, is the same bird. The synonym is given with a quaere in Sclater's American Catalogue. 56. ICTERUS CHRYSOCEPHALUS (Linn.). Hab. Sarayacu. 57. XANTHOSOMUS ICTEROCEPHALUS (Linn.). Hab. Lower Ucayali. 58. GYMNOMYSTAX MELANICTERUS (Vieill.). Hab. Upper and Lower Ucayali. 59. QUISCALUS, sp. ? Hab. Upper Ucayali. One example, not in good condition, of a small species allied to Q. arquatorialis. Fam. CORVID.E. 60. CYANOCORAX VIOLACEUS, DuBus. Hab. Upper Ucavali. |