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Show 260 MR. F. p. PASCOE ON THE COLEOPTERA OF PENANG. [May 8, ochreous pile ; legs luteous, tarsi darker; antennae black. Length 7-10 lines. A very distinct and handsome species. GLENEA EXTENSA, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2. iv. p. 258. Found also by M r . Wallace at Singapore and Sarawak. GLENEA OUDETERA. Stibara oudetera, J. Thomson, Arch. Ent. i. p. 143. Also from Sarawak. GLENEA ANTICEPUNCTATA. Stibara anticepunctata, J. Thomson, Arch. Ent. i. p. 142. M. J. Thomson's type is from Java. It appears to be a common species at Singapore. GLENEA VESTA. (PL XXVIII. fig. 3.) Glenea pulchella, Pascoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2. iv. p. 260. I have altered the specific name pulchella, it having been previously used by Hope. It appears to be rather a common species in Singapore and at Sarawak, and is found also in Mysol and Ceram. GLENEA ALGEBRAICA. Stibara algebraica, J.Thomson, Arch. Ent. i. p. 144. Also from Java and Borneo. GLENEA JUB.EA. G. rufo-brunnea, fulvo vittata, sparse pubescens; prothorace angusto; elytris trivittatis, vitta intermedia obliqua, abbre-viata ; antennis concoloribus. Reddish brown, with fulvous stripes, sparingly pubescent; head nearly glabrous between the eyes, and coarsely punctured; prothorax closely punctured, oblong, narrow, vertically compressed posteriorly, the disk with three fulvous stripes, and two paler stripes on each side; scutellum semicircular, fulvous; elytra tapering posteriorly, moderately punctured, the apex with its outer angle strongly mucronate, each elytra with three stripes, one sutural, one near the carina, and an intermediate short oblique one at the base; body beneath with a close pale-ochreous pile, divided by three glabrous stripes ; legs dark testaceous; antennae entirely dark brown. Length 5 lines. Mr. L a m b has a specimen very near this species in most respects, but with a m u c h broader head and shorter scape. The outer stripe on the elytra is also wanting. It is probably distinct. GLENEA CUNILA. G. capite, prothorace, scutello et regione suturali pube velutina grisea tectis, carteris elytrorum fuscis, glabris ; antennis pedi-busque fuscis, hisfemorum basi rufescentibus. |