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Show 1866.] DR. J. C. COX ON NEW AUSTRALIAN LAND-SHELLS. 373 considerably less so than the true B. caffer with which it associates. H e considers the two to be decidedly distinct; and one of his two specimens is from the Galla country, the other from the White Nile. In m y collection of drawings I have found a characteristic representation, taken from the living animal, of the cow of Bubalus bra-chyceros, Gray, the great-eared Buffalo of Western Middle Africa. Bubalus brachyceros. This animal was from the Foulah country, north of Sierra Leone, where the species is abundant. It was met with by Capt. Clapperton In the vicinity of Lake Tchad, and more recently by M . du Chaillu. The colouring of the species much resembles that of the Red River- Hog (Potamochcerus penicillatus, Gray) of the same region. 5. Characters of Six New Australian Land-Shells. By JAMES C. COX, M.D., Corr. Memb. HELIX PORTERI, mihi. M.C. H. testa profunde et subobtecte umbilicata, depresso-circulari, tumidiuscula, tenui, rubida, sub lente obsolete plicato-striata, minutissime granulata setisque brevissimis confertim bullata ; spira obtusa ; anfractibus quatuor et semisse (4\), convexiusculis, ultimo tumido, ad os constricto; apertura subquadrato-lunari; peristomate tenui, expanso, reflexo, intus albido, umbilicum semitegente. Diam. maj. 0*75, min. 0-63, alt. 0*50 unc. Hab. Upper Clarence River, at G uy Faux Station (Porter); Upper |