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Show 1866.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON THE GENUS EUPTYCHIA. 461 This species differs from ocypete in being longer in the wings and not so distinctly glaucous, in having the anal ocellus above distinctly bipupillated, the bands of the underside broader and becoming reddish at the anal angle of the hind wings, and also in having three apical ocelli instead of two in the front wings; this last, however, is a variable character in E. ocypete. 5. EUPTYCHIA MYNCEA. Papilio myncea, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pi. 293. f. C (1782). Euptychia myncea, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett. p. 54. n. 516 (1816) ; Westw. & Hewits. Gen. Diurn. Lepid. p. 373. n. 5 (1851). Satyrus myncea, Godart, Enc. Me'th. ix. pp. 463 & 488. n. 36 (1819). Neonympha clerica, Herrich-Schaffer, Lep. Ind. Syst. (1864). Hab. Guiana (Westw.); Brazil. B.M. Var. a. Posticar supra macula anali minus distincta; anticar subtus macula postica flava distinctiore, posticar ocellis minoribus. Hab. Para. B.M. This variety of myncea has hitherto stood in the National Collection under the name of crantor of Fabricius-a species which, if the figure of Donovan be correct, it is wholly unlike, and which we do not possess. Var. b. Alar subtus cinerascentes. Hab. Para (Coll. Bates). Var. c. Alar subtus fasciis rufescentibus; anticar macula flava valde distincta; posticar margine postico latiore intusque fulvo marginato, ocellis mediis parvis. Hab. Honduras. B.M. This has also been considered a variety of C. crantor (vide Gen. Diurn. Lepid. p. 373. n. 7, localities). Fabricius's description does not, however, suit either of these forms ; he describes the underside as having two ocelli in the front wings. Both of these varieties have three apical ocelli, the highest of which is the only pupillated one, the other two being merely silvery spots with indistinct dusky irides. 6. EUPTYCHIA PALLADIA, sp. n. (PI. XXXIX. fig. 21.) Alar supra fuscar, fasciis duabus apud basim (interna indistincta) obliquis integris; margine postico, linea marginali aliaque submarginali undulata fuscis ; margine anali posticarum albicante : anticar ocello apicali, posticar uno anali, nigris flavo cinctis argenteo bipupillatis: corpus cinereo-fuscum, antennis pallidis rufo-fuscis. Alar subtus albidar, fasciis duabus mediis, posticarum minime convexis ; lineis duabus marginalibus aliaque submarginali undulatis fuscis, externa anticarum integra, interna angulis alternis, lineis internis ad angulum analem posticarum latioribus flavescenti-busque: anticar ocellis tribus ochreo cinctis et fusco circumcinctis subapicalibus, maculisque duabus insuper parvis piriformibus |