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Show 92 REV. H.B.TRISTRAM ON THE MAMMALS OF PALESTINE. [Feb. 13, It still occasionally occurs west of the Euphrates, and not many years ago a carcass was brought into Damascus. 63. FELIS LEOPARDUS, Linn. "Nim'r," Arab. The Leopard is more generally distributed than the Cheetah, but in very small numbers. It is found all round the Dead Sea, in Gilead, and Bashan, and occasionally in the few wooded districts in the west. A magnificent pair were killed on Mount Carmel while we were there, and the skins purchased by the Pasha for £20. 64. FELIS PARDINA, Oken. W e never met with the Lynx ; but I have occasionally seen, in the possession of the Arabs, battered skins which I take to belong to this species. It is spotted on the belly, and called "Wushak" by the Arabs. 65. FELIS CARACAL, Guld. W e never met with the Caracal; but have seen the skin, stated to have been killed in the east of the country. 66. FELIS CHAUS, Guld. Several times seen by us, and once taken by us in a trap at Jericho. 67. FELIS ? I shot, in a wood near Carmel, a small Wild Cat, about two-thirds the size of F. chaus, and with a much longer tail. Though wounded, it escaped into an inaccessible crevice in the rocks. It is at any rate an additional species, not enumerated above. 68. SOREX PYGM^EUS, Pall. I picked up one specimen dead among the cliffs under Marsaba. 69. SOREX ARANEUS. The common Shrew of Northern Palestine. 70. SOREX CRASSICAUDATUS, Ehrenb. This pretty silver-grey species is found in the desert and southern ravines. 71. ERINACEUS EUROP.EUS, L. In the Lebanon. I believe the species in the south is smaller and distinct. Unfortunately three specimens of the latter which we kept alive made their escape. The Hedgehog is very common. 72. PLECOTUS AURITUS (L.). By the Sea of Galilee. 73. VESPERTILIO MURINUS, L. Tyre and Beyrout. |