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Show $206) THE \VAR. throw impediments in the way of a conclusion of an honorable peace. A few more such atlairs as the massacre at the river Raisin, the bombardment of Lewis, and the eonllagration of Frenchtowu and Havre-de-Grace, and there will no longer be any ditl'erence of sentiment in the na- tion. Nat. Int. Emiruct nfa letter from Baltimore, dated .31in 61h. out of the lowm‘ harbor for a number of weeks past, and occasionally sending in by licensed v SHL‘ls and pilot-boats, to let commodore Rodgers know that they were ucarb tired waitingfor him, and who musthave seen the President and Congress at anchor, with the wind ahead, have taken themselves oil' as soon as ever the wind came fair. The moment the wind came round, our commodore weighed .sll‘ hor, and sailed out to seek these g‘ifit'olladinpr l‘lnglishmen, but they Were not to be. found. llut now, longed to government. when he is gone clear off the coast, day to be seen with their colors flying in sight, of the. to 6000 men nude ' arms. town. The alarm, which yesterday summoned our citizens to arms, was in a short time discovered to have been groundless. From what source it originated, in not material; nor was it unfortunate that it was given. It may have a tt‘lltlmli'y to render us more vigilant, and to accustom those on whom the city relics for defence to promptitude in turning out whenever occasion may demand. We. know not at what moment of the day or night we may he assailed. The enemy has given suli‘icient prool of his disposi‘ tion to reek his vengeance on us whenever an opportunity ofsnecess shall present itself. The best way to ensure our sa ety, is never to permit such an opportunity to occur, but to be al- ways on the alert and prepared to repel him with vigor. The hour of danger alone can test our energy and firmness; and in his view of the subject, the alarms which have at times been given are useful, be 'ause they show us on what numbers we can really calculate for ellicient service. Mr. Lloyd, a gentleman from Frederick, last evening informed us that five companies of infantry from lVashington and Frederick, and cap- tain Stilc's excellent corps ofartillery, of the lat« fer, marched from Fredericldmvn yesterday morning, on their way to aid in the defence of this city. They were all armed and equipped in every respect, and amounted in number to upwards of .600. They will probably reach here this evening, or in the morning at. lln'thest. Charlestown was not burnt yesterday morn'ing. Hurrhes's furnace and Stumn's warehouse 5 '1 i Were certainly destroyed, Mr. Piukney, non of the attorneygeneral, states, that in the attack on Havrc-deGrace, three of the enemy were killed and two wounded. One Amer} tan was killed by a rocket. An rishmaz, naturalized, was taken off by the British. The men stationed at Havrc-deGrace for its defence fled-a letter states, on the approach of the enemy, the ollieers were the first to desert. O'Neal, the lrishman taken prisoner, fought bravely, with his musket, and was dragged off in the act of loading. I llanncl, 5 liog;‘slic21(is of military clothing, 30 cases of books, and several packages of merchandize. The chief part of the goods bc~ they \Ve were, yesterday all under arms, owing to have appeared again, .lthoug‘h their tender, which an alarm being,r given that the. British had landed got under way the minute the commodore did, must at North Point. Fortunately for them, the alarm have informed them of his 5 ~ilinir. \Vlnlc our ships was false. In less than an hour we had from 5 Were dismantled a! (1 under repairs, they were every From the Bo] imarr JInleri'can of Thursday. with huzzas on their appearance. The theatro was handsomely filled. The goods destroyed by the British at Frenchtown, it is said, were :32 Waggon-loads, consisting); of S loads of coppz-ras. ‘30 bales of This courageous conduct bangs to our mind the story of the ass who came and kicked the sick lion ; but when the noble animal got \rell enough to stand on his leg-s again, you saw no more of the longcarcc gentleman. h-q- SUMMARY. It was reported when this paper went to press that the frigate United States and brig Argus had put to sea on a cruise. We understand that Commodore Decatur has reduced the number of l.is guns on board the U. S. frigate United 5 ates, to 48, in consequence of his ship hi ilCi‘lt) having)‘ a dispo- sition to bog. The U. States formerly carried 54‘ guns. From the length of time elapsed since intelligence has been received of the frigate Ils- sex. serious fears are entertained that she has foundcrcd at Sea. The Cartel ship Neptune, Capt. Jones, for St. Petersburg, sailed from Philadelphia on Friday morning. The Commissioners, Messrs. Bayard & Gallaiin, embark at New Castle. The London Courier of March 18, says, "The troops and vessels for Quebec sailed yesterday." , The ship \Yilhclmina, capt \Vood, has arrived at Alexandria from Cadiz. ()n the 3d of April was boarded from the privatecr (liobe, capt Moon, of Baltimore, and was informcdby the surgeon ofthc Globe of her having had an engagement with an ."Xichl‘inc sloop of war, oil the Burlings, (coast of Portugal) mounting Lieut. Moore, ofthe 9th regt. U. S infantry, has been arrested at llosnin, on a charge (it holding a correspondence with the enemy. Capt. Spelling, with a guard. has conducted him to the head-quarters of the army. It is said that three Englishmen. who broke their/mrI/{e of/zc-nor by stealing a small schoon. {MIC sustained by the (llobe was ‘37 shot through the squarcsail, 15 through the jib, 7 through the flying jib, 12 through the foresail, 17 through tin. mainsail, 2 through the main- topsail, 2 into the main boom, and one 9 pound shot in the starboard bow between wind and water. None killed ; but 2 wounded, viz. Vi'm. Dixon and Peter Sanlave, dangerously. The Globe had taken 7 prizes, 2 or .3 of r. hich The damage done by the enemyhas not been fully ascertaimfl. Several bay craft wer, den verc sunk, the rest ()I‘thlCrl for America. etroyed. Foster's house was damaged; Stokes's CI.7.>7/i[:'nzvnl.r to valor. A dinner was given house, stable, and stages; Mrs. Sears's house on 'l‘liursday last to the crew of the Hornet. and stables; Manslielt "s, Mill's, and Barth-3's; by the corporation ofthis city, in W'ashingionPhillips's and Bartlett‘s; Mrs. llodgei ‘ , and Mail. In the evening; the gallant tars \veri those of 8 o; to other persons burnt. Mr. Wei)- treated to a seat in the pit of the theatre, by. sle: was killed by a rocket 409 yards from the Ithe managers , and warmed the house with their shore. jollity and applause-s, during)r the performance. ‘ The representatith were adapted to suit 1 2e THE SQUADROW. taste of the Visitors and gratify the patriotic A gentleman in this town (says the Ihston Patriot) enthusia sm of the audience. Capt. Lawrence, \flio Went out with commo lore Rodgers, took have of him at half pist live o'clock on Frirl. y even no", with gen. Van Retest-later, gen. Morton, and a about :20 miles ~iit5l. oft.)ape \nn. 'l‘hellritish l-"lg‘Z-l'fl number ofother oliicial characters, tilled one 'firaiinon and 'l‘enedos, who have, been sailing in and ofthe side-boxes, and made the house ring 1mm." if?" ('ompt'Mr Flt" '2' Mil/iota .N'n. 1, mm: l» at UM, i‘V-‘I/M‘r‘f]"hm prov 1w nrrl. ti." find i ate. Tilt/I Ii cop/um f/H/' r / tlir ll'rtr, 1177/ M nadir/«v lot/W Whom 'l'.» u I) in BUM/Th; 11,717 T)"; Ito: uablc cargo, and 80.000 dollars in specie. Arrived at Salem, on Sunday last, the Bri» '4‘ .lon‘.‘ 'l' l.::'.\i~. r- tish brig Carlotta, from the coast of Africa, for Eng-land, captured 13th ult. by the priva tccr brig,r I‘vtontgomei'y, of Salem. She has a dlt'hlll F. H '1‘. (l l" '.';j" Sid/Viibt/W 7." Pins"; {5); ] -----‘-,----- cargo of rice. camwood, Sic. Also arrived at Salem, the privatccr sloop OFFICIAL .\('t'4 if "(T t lll‘ ) l.‘ \V'asp, capt. liivin, from a cruise, having,r tar ken an Englisn schooner, with lumber, and ctllll‘t'tl 0f Ivl‘lll'l" f'lh'r] film sent her into Machias, and TH.) ptun d an to 1hr N rut-1,1 American vessel. \Ve are informed that one of the \Vasp's men was shot dead by the lieut. 11ml Qrin'" in the boat, hid in tht. act of dcseriion, near the eastern shore. The man shot was the, same tried and punished for mutiny on board the privazcrr America~an Englishman. The lieut. it is said, is brought home in irons for trial. Lrl wl'l : ...d \lnwlii‘ fun)". The English privatccr Crown, of one large gun and about 20 men. was captured on Thurs-e cr, an old naval officer of the revolution. otl' Block island by the Orpheus frigate, and informed by the boarding (illicer that in the lirst boat w hich attempted to board the \Yhampoa, (ran ashore. in the "'est Passage) the "it . lim "Edi the high-25L rsm. day the .‘30 ult. off \Valddborough, by a sloop fitted out from that place, manned with about :20 volunteers. and Commander! by capt. TuckThe ship \Villiam ai‘idTIr-iii'y', capt. lludson, kept on her course, not. wishing; to have any ' thing more to do with the Globe. The dam- 'l'ho _: fi_.,--.--~._._ 7. tish ship Lord Sidinouth, her prize, with a \‘31« arrived at Neh'poit from Lisbon, was boarded The Algerinc \‘I‘ 3'? [Kill/It'll! Q/Zl/i‘ll The privatcer l'aul Jones, of this port, was, spoken on the 16th April, within three days sail of St Til-.irys, having in companiy the Bri- ,Thc Globe lay by the Algcrine 3 hours With- ' in pistol-shot. The Globe then hauled off to rigging much cut to pieces. i M). 80 l'rrf‘y-Nl. 71W 1/" or out of the harbor of Bosten, in which they escaped to Halifax, have been arrested by the commandant there. '8 long Us, 4 245,zuid Q 12:», with about 75 men. refit, having,r three feet water in her hold, and Mm-flw TH [1 l6 rennin-2n iwrin' in" >2 \i'oohi Ii iii? ill". {ll/‘31. .1011 'l . I" . Affirm". r." it i." . litre, tie urifhxl it 3i floitlotdi C. n." first lieutenant and live men were killed, and several wounded. The remains of the lientenant and men were buried at Block Island on 'J‘hursday last. The sch. Ruby, {11' ton, taken by the llriiish. ant a mi lshipman and four men put on board, and ordered for Halifax. has been [ii/JIM! into Machias by he? iinni'al' he. .. ‘ il'tl'lld ha‘n foimcr C'tpt. who was lki‘l. on board. Capt. \Veems, of the sch. l'lxpcdition, arrived at Newport from France, informs, that the American pi-imteer True Blooded Yankee. (apt. llaley. titted out ol Rochelle, had taken six linensh prizes. ()ne of them had arrived at llrrst. \rorth, it was said, upwards ol two millrons of francs"; and another, loaded with dry goods and Irish linens, she had OX‘< . .zered to a port in the United States. Liv. [poo [intuit-z. 11,15 ml genius of our coasting i‘aile has again made her appearance off Cape Cod, and ca.:turcd a neml‘cr of coasters. A brig mantis With Volunteers, limit the (nun of (ll ucester went in pursuit of her, and got "Him a mile and a half, when a, fallingr calm, the Pllrltltfif‘l' escaped withhcr swu p5. Several of our privatcers have cruised tor her, but ir Ihli l‘llil' to :J. ' urb‘iU Imp. Willi ,4", L. ,i . l , i ""ka l)"i‘ . \ \‘l-Plllitll l 1",; {pl r.l.: fillllt‘k ‘nrul .. i It w ‘- ‘ .‘t‘ll gt Sziit.‘ ,in "1"" "M ll! w l- lillril \\ ulna ti l huh ., lltult l‘iit‘r 1'. , ‘ r:‘ : lll "if". . hint". "in . w, ."'l «is . i‘: now. in. iiih'llbh 7 i ttll up". I" (‘loll inn . ..\ ll " IN» 2.hr ill‘ud l ,nt ,. iii"!.-' ,.., she has always found means to elude them. V. ‘ :' -;n;. . \\ , l 1 'l . .. i" r in l‘in.‘ 'l . ...hI. Ui'it‘ ll' li.rr",. gi' [ |‘ ‘l' |