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Show Till". VCAR. Ab. Awake 3 Columbia's virtuous sons, Zl\‘f£ll((‘.i J‘UR 'l'lll'i "Till. Lone; lizid Columbia borne proud Britain's wrongs, And urged niorzdity to gain redress; Long, by renionstmore, st .tdit our l'iglll‘. 11‘ turn, 'l,'l‘ll.l".(ll€.\ I'll. As the conveyance ot‘intelligenee to remote distan- Let patriotic union warm the soul , This oiilv hostile mvvers euti lireult; . lint-one's‘ l And l‘l'iglzind's Sellish pol'ey control. And all retuliution did l‘i‘1i1'(‘>t~. i Then pure. will suon return, and sprruo her Charms, In vziiii we sotltrlilsthd oil slit: lvnt :ni l'.t‘.‘ As ii . ./;'l1l‘itilllCtillillttsS1tll‘.‘liii'ill \a on. l‘vo in ti'C to hour of win" the on rni sound -this no more l'or t'l‘iil.ilLli iitl :durms, . -. l\.t. ... hop,-, .t,, n.i i‘, Yet all delusite-inoelu'd \'.l‘ll ller next it‘th lltle'tl rights she pressu- on. But jois, :uid sot-Lil meteors, smile :tronnd‘ Al'lll‘lldl 5". -l. 53 t . ‘i 1l'1 ‘ 1. Mini.- lionscit-ns, :tl lenig‘il», appeals to ii;i;hls new v.21": "N"- s Columbia‘s so rim-vs r. w her soul to arms, . Bid her the s iiiiid of r: 'ilt'i'li \viil' l;l(}t1..|t.i_,_. find liil the. l'l ruling i) 1/! ,"i‘/J';: . . ~"ui'.ci7.or'.i.', ON. 7. i warm/gm? 1/1).an ‘. The blood of Fierce, thnt HHU‘ our shorts was still , (Who's troubled soul Drum/,0 o3,» l'ix‘i‘ui‘t to .i it Her li'oni Mr. John 1}. Hillier, H-i: editor, Muted . Ji'r'rin 3min: in, "' ti)! Or how ri' " :I'tII‘W. 1:2,": .3, liiid. *;;;des, prov ltiiins our goth, "l tt‘t‘t‘)‘.t"l the l',lli>\\'lti;f uneoniitol the, I . \« " , . . . t , ‘. Airs .v itson (,ominttnoei, item the I\‘ow \vtilIes her mighty soul to ninrti'ii lire; eiir'vrnzt :2 Rut oh, liiy r‘ouiilryl dost thou still tooluiti, Men who cun weep :itlidse, ideul woe :- \'\'lio drop a tear at each romiintic strain, lilut reul misery see, nor cure, nor pity show ‘ llereyc at times, to view her nutive lzlllt'l ? If spirits \veep, celestial tears \votild sturt, To see Columbia thus divided stand. Spiritof love, of' liberty, and light, tetnrn again and bless thy once loved shore-Relume with union, bless with new delight; 'l‘hen \vztr's' dread horrors quickly will be o'er. Flhe comes-disputing clouds declare, Beaming glories till the air, _])urkening glooins olidiseortl fly, And unl'old a radiant sky. Eyes, that lately did express Minds perplexed, or in distress, 'Now with vivid ardor glow, Anxious, all to meet the loe. Aged heroes, Frosted o'er, liezuly to depart liliz's shore, Feel rekindling lil'e l‘_‘llll'll, And with Illttl'llul pleasures burn ‘ Lo with animating skillw ‘! 11-3] point the youth to llonlter lilh‘, l‘nl'oid the scenes our l-‘uthers boust, lieCtMlllllll‘g‘ What our Freedom cost. night. or by day, t'i'hei' lot". e universal (‘Ullll‘llllllltflt‘ titill ol' til" :pti: ti-d ii,t:,.‘ "t; letter by letter, or bv pi'eeoiu t. rte<i st: llt'ts‘ l') tiny extenf 'or any event which niuy be e "t,(l and ' i ‘ tliut p111" Iii/St". 'l lit'DC iiiip.o‘.'<:iiients (,‘llCtI'll'iL'Q't‘ him to 1 ironose to the public u 'l' ' fgl‘dlllilC l'ibl:tl)li$llnlt nt, which promises to be ‘.Hi"'l1y of their attention ; and in order to gun‘- t‘_\ the toll .n ol‘ toese diseovrries, he intends ti deliver it l.l".l;'l'iilll‘.,izi n liieh he will exhibit coin. svi IS rennin-1n ll'tl'lz‘i' y, lit 5. t‘.'(i:it)t,v'< . , V]. A. , . _ d‘0.1l7i1'1v('1l‘3,...‘.l it Two iioiinir P. 11'. 1111.11 01‘. l.'('l'i'.'.'.' If?" M 1' Ari-Ants ()l ll piete working models, by which (in ndequute ind; nirlil, may be formed, and by which, he will eiqieri- the pubht‘, that the proposed establishment is highly worthy ol being clussed with some of the greatest ini- lield for the extension ol'(.'omirn:rre, than that Prion 'l in. \\ lual The following Liv tlcmzui in this any (Luzon tic inlormauon ol the Ino‘ ct‘n army : Colonel James Dmit- then (".tiiie dottn and assisted in (ilt‘ltl‘lllg away cvcning from St. Eloy? press arrived at that p. the l)o;it,iii order to suve sonic of our lives, as the, schooner nus sinking. Alter we got the {l stillicient stimulation to ensure success, and tll~ though the minds ol' intelligent persons ltl‘c sometimes from gen. Winclieste". '1: Charles Pi'iIiCt‘, seuniun, ‘vVilliniii (lhtii‘les, cook, (the two lutterwere t‘t1l()l‘(:(l)ttlitl llztrry, it mulatto boy. who \vuia so much burned and wounded, that he died in about two hours alter leaving; the wreck. \Ve then out two piettes out of his thighs, (which we dried in the sun, and committed the body to the waves) on which we subsistcd, without any fresh water, for l‘our days and Lt hull: " Before we left the unfortunate spot, we looked for an ollicer to assist US to navigate our boat, but not finding any, we put up u prayer to (ion to curry us to some of" the islands; alter which we rowed to the south all night, and made it small sziil out of at ease ol‘ nizitrziss, and run down before the wind, and on the 211th so obscured by prejudice, or iiifluenred by j( :ilousy, as to be invincible even by the most lurid arguments and ineontestililt- butts, still he hopes by the t,~‘-i(lell<‘t: of the, «yo, and by iitiiiierieul demonstration to convince the. judgment, that thcre is no imprudent risk to be lezu‘ed, but the most solid advantages to be hoped by prosetnting it ininiediztiely. ‘ (Illth'l'UPlll‘ill COLLES. 'l" is Lecture will be delivered at the Custom-House" oi: 'ln ritsiisv, the 22d inst. a. 4 o‘clorl; in the ulter- noor. 'l'iy‘sets of Admission to be had Ul'Mr. Samuel inniteiliutely to l'oi't ll: l'. ..t ed with all ('x‘ ":dliio. i i .,.. 3000 mounted ritienn'n. that gen. \‘Ciiicltsiei- rm fiance with about .3 i) luntcers, and UL. Cllll) ‘. '1 amounting to about. 2.3 o pieces olitl‘llilt‘ll',l1.:.'tut distance. \Viiittliester iv: an attack. m. \Vood, No .357 Pearl-street; Collins Li; Co. No. 159 l'eurlstreet; \Vhiting EL \Vutsoii, No, 96 lroutlwuy and ol' the Lecturer at the Uttstoni-lIouse-piiee, 50 cents. October 12, 1812. M‘k COMMODORE RODGERS, Cave the first severe blow to British pride. by returning the fire of the Little Belt: and the British and their friends in America, huve never l‘orgiven him, nor ever will. The rid- (Hing)r the Little llelt by two broadsidcs, broke the magi? r/zerm that encircled the " queen ol' the ocean." The very serious polting)r which Rodgers gave the swilt sailing Belvidere, ms tne second iiiortil'ying blow to "the ruler of V I LATE FROM ' Mr. \Vlllliml lliigznv u. afternoon from Detroit, last Saturday giftemcon. the cannon and unnnuniti are removed. That Dear, by one hundred llritish t‘( are not more than 3" at days ago two Iiitlitins ctr. it letter, which they liiiiiii they intercepted and hi; been sent by the coniniz. . of August at midnight we saw the land: we then pulled to the windward until daylight, and finding it not stile t0 lund on that part ol. the wuves"--but the destrurtion of the Gust» to gen. llarrisoii, ref um: riere in 3d minutes, ltiliinji; l‘oi'ty-live of her men, and woundingr sixty-lonr, has dispelled tisli commander on the the island, we rowed round to leeward, .\t ‘2 l'. M. we lznided on Burbudu, being all Liblo to walk except Brown; him the inhabitants carried with us to the governor, John James, esd. who treated us in the most lllllllilllt‘ uiid the charm forever. The cannon from the Pro-1 tender Illttllllt‘l‘, giving us every assistance in his power. Alter reiiiuining thcrc -t days, we were sent to Antigui, where the .Xiiierit‘nn consul treated us very ill, and the lJtlltLSH'tLili, llrown and myself begged (L passage on bo;.i'd ‘d schooner, rupt. l)lllll‘.tl). bo ind to St. Hurts. \Vc ttl‘li‘.\‘tl on the (Ztli Sept. and received till the assistance we needed limit) the benevolent cupt. \Vni. R. Noyes, whose kindness v. e never Shall l'ot‘gtit." i' To 'tl‘iZC‘ would lengthen too much, and . gut, \vl tab is only to :tllilllutt: and give the ii<.-eet-sury st l~-ol course only the blood ol‘l‘ii rce ver :uid invgiit two or three tn'netir‘ul modes of exe» ('tttinig' this it: pottuiil obviert, the simplest of \Vltit‘it. t"-;hilnts lig‘ttres, lt,"i('7‘> V.‘ot'ds, :iiid setileiiees, bf. enjoyed; and ulthough it is a luiiientultle eonsiderte iion, that the ntilaty ol' uny improvement is rot ulu nvs til getting into her. The boutswuin however persti:,~.(.la-rl them to unit the boot, by telling them that he would make u rult; which he ut- tempted, but ionnd impossible. At length we got our bout rev. ly, Ltlltl six of us got into her, viz. S.tlll'tl(:l (lolmzm, eui‘peiiter, llooer: Robinson, bontsvcuiii, Samuel lirovt ii, st‘u‘ iLui, Ohl \Vztshington-does thy loved soul rarer! ment the, 'l'eitph, and has with the :tssistnnr'e I ot' litttl, tho grin-i or all g‘ootl thing's, been able to diseo: important branch of knowltdge has yet acquired or From all his heart, bud fondly learned to prize ' His wife, his children, robbed ol'evei‘y stay-Nor starts one tcztr ol'pity from his eyes ? Or fill her vituls with a dire disease. [.A', rvtry thing; on the duzirter deelq, together with all the. cabin furniture into the air; I bout out, she vats; tll t severul times-so lllZL- As mining worms, attack the roots of trees, 'l‘bey strive to sup the pillars of the state, as :i matter of I" tionzil as well {18 individual import niiee both 1" \ . :uid l'eue‘e, the subsrriher vieuing" this stibjre‘t in this lie'lii, has lately contemplated llii» invention and linprovm ed of that. in (ternary instru- "10;. the il‘tii ol' August, 181;), :it '2 l'. M. . pi'mttnettl» and most profitable sper'ulzttioiis ol' the. lzit. If), 46. X. being;~ at the fot'etop, heard :1 present :itg‘v,ot‘ that has hitherto been luid below: them ; and that it is also capable of opening;~ _., mu". pistol go oll‘; soon alter slit: bletv tip, carrying ropions (inn see a husband, pureiit, torn away, Yes, such there are, with sadness I relate ; ees \vith :teriit'm‘y un'l (lsputeli must, I .ie considered Illt'lllllll} pi‘ovt-r,th:it art is xow iii-rived :ta‘ sneh a. in" in'ivufeor selir. llirnm, of Bristol, ‘ (lt‘lil'l‘l' ol' Pt‘l‘ll‘t'iltlll this and siiiiplieity, (IS to Critivitiec \‘v bile oiirevenged, lroiii \xui (.oltnimnt tans j.- \Vhilc British guilt, in numerous iorinx‘ :ii'i'~t_'-« \Vith reeollected seventy-xiv, conspire To heuve her bosom \vitli l‘t.‘\'Lll:'.‘L'l.lll siulzs. 7. sident and the (Tonstitution have prechtinied to the world, thut the trident oil the oceun treinbles in the llltlltl ol‘ lirittinniu, The gl‘t‘dl curl of (ilizithum, snid in the llritizeh pni‘lizt-v lllt'lll, ‘4 \t heiievei' the Anieriezois come to push buyoiiets v. itli our troops, you are undone, knieriru is lost to us." \Yere he now living he would say the. same ol‘ their nuvul nurture. VXiienever the Aiiierituns (ILLII repulse otit‘ ships ()l‘ war with Lt!) equal loree. our ii:iv:.l sn- perioi‘ity is; 1% ?.(f. The vburni is lirolten, and the sun ol ot ll;1‘.';tl glory is last desrendiug below lit: horizon! New. 1'15. , In a sham. engagement, \iliirli tool; pluee at (Join li'rzineis Xuvirr Mullen; ol ll'iltiniore, "lliljl at: is iiientionetl, \\lll-"ll leaves the int'id to colour from tempting to swim to the shore, li-mn the {)I‘I‘i'nlt‘ttl‘ that tiirtninstuiit'es ‘.Ait- viitiisus abuses are have sulli‘r- Paul Jones, nus liken .loxvn by :11] .\llit'_';tlt)t', in the Suruiitiuh lliicr rord, _\l:.s:u'liu. . on the 3.1 instant, by the lirst br "tide t/lilllc third division, 35 litt‘lhtlh \\\'1'L‘ """ll‘l‘ ed, :Olllt.‘ ol‘ their. tlungerously. tine ol‘ the ot. ' nus obl‘g‘evl, in >Lll. (leli'tit‘t , CO \votnitl t'llc tll l::-: litii-lllll'll‘n tissit its; uni another :Lrti'l'tfllllfi' escaped being) shot llil"A'L ‘h the mull. in}; that his situation v l immediately sent about a who had arrived a! Uri!» wit/z a frzr regula rs, to t which time tliev had not Indians who were at tr. tron have almost (ill bet 11-116. The Britis h. lie sn: tion of being; abl e to liol lialiitaiits of Detroi t tire non. l he savuge s ed by the llritisli can r ll'Oltt to Taking the uhove eit‘ the re can be little dou (lays hear of warm bt ii'oi‘it army under llzu 'risori 't ables (British and lndii orc cs are headed by :1 l general we lleVL' not llt‘ that a good account will it they should be brow, |