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Show €210 TII i". VA R. r S'Cith Harrh, says that lllL: prisoni-rs (U‘C hudly II‘("1t'i"(l. 'l'ht-ir :tllowuncn for one \Vt‘tfilC is 9 pounds 01' ritilll' liiacl; lil"t'i‘.vI, ‘2 1-12 pounds of hurt, and ‘2 po'invls ol' s U M iii A R Y. 'I'hr, frigate Cli::s.tpr::tl{r‘, (:npt anrcnct‘, war-1 to salt huh. The latter :tllil-I, thut in twinnvipitcnm: of tin: ‘sziil from I'm-non on Hundzi) lnwt. 'l'hi: ('lil'll'l \lllll l"ci'<.4:\.'i-r.nmy, ("ipL Dill, Hftllt‘tl rm liiul quality of the [)rnvix'ions, tlii: Hlliluliiiii ol' Ill(‘ pri- ' dcnshui‘gh, N. Y; Bulls-town, N. Y. _.--__.. [NI-mm (/11; [Eu/[inflow JIM mu: m writer l,t:li :vcl to h" III"11 oi" 'niI'--‘,'i:-.t it) ii ('i‘ti, lilitl \Il‘ n 1. it lilyi'lliiyllilltlll, ol' llil‘iiiioi'i', llJ\'l' i',"'"" 1 I'rimit ii‘voriii'nr 1hr lit I'IIlHIltt and It ii'li:nlot~;, with thismnvri ll'l'l I)"C1)illt‘ lli§lll)i)lli'L'Ll)lt‘-~ .t <‘:iii‘i~.ivi-; (if. ships \'.:‘ t: (l lllV' (57)‘i\!‘|;§ liH‘ nit-n to t‘lilt'i' on i‘I‘Alil ol' . ITI'CW hi‘iiil; lh'itixh ~loop oi~ \\':ti' l't-iroak, :iurl Ulllt'l' \Ir, Hi ,i'in, ol'thi‘. I‘iltfilvlti tnvn, a; 1hr} \\'t'l'(‘ (:nlli l, hut wlwz . ilii: pf'is'nwrsol' \‘v'III‘, in Jill :ih nit, l'-l. IMP}? ICSSICI) AMICRHLL‘I. /\ 45‘ "n"...- Tin: lt‘tlv'i' in" John (iittii .‘oi'tl, Li iin‘iv c Amer riinn f'}('Lti'liflli. \-.l:o wr- . horn ‘izVfl-irningioii, (nil in tho (writ-l :w ngt'r'hta 1hr piiwii-‘ifl, ll::, l'orinar gout" it'rl 1U") moi't‘ avert: ":"iily‘t-ilhlL il tin: pi Mira wort: not swalinniginl arm 2, :‘i 1;)' xi \\1)|)l'l lost: it 17:":«1. litl Ilitrhrt'lors :iitrl tlii- l:t1'(~r :ii I' 'illlll'li. Ilul'iw or, will ahow tlii: ("rut-l ‘.::i.'l iggiioi *nini» ‘ Hr. (lriiwlo. :ippoii'ii, l ‘n; it" Ell'tjwl'l"‘il. Hililirl '1‘ mitiiv g‘ii'i'l mm. \‘i'li.it £3. Ilttfyltttlldllflllé 'j'l‘llv'l'V 1‘.) our, Il't':lllzl' .1 to whwl: lri'rt-Inn'n to Pru‘ir'r, with Dr .i::r:l.-;on, liia .'1 ‘ ii'i , ha- i: r A‘Xllltil‘lfiiins l 1.1»; gutt England I it-tyiii oi: howl the shir at \Viix'nqgftoii, illl'l hi; Il'iliilll‘llifl'l an «win (I 1n lits of (lrcat ‘11 It lil‘ tvnifir'iiwl l'iy tlii: 1191;, :i'ill lllliilt ililitlll-tz 1 1.3x 'l il iin l't'tll‘\l('l_\'. 1 u 1"." . U ,1," V, in Eoirf , (.174 June‘- I'c-H‘C, (7/1/ . L'r'iliirii /':‘/‘f‘1[f/‘OH. l'.\"i‘i'.l.ll1,i"il‘,:1iii'i'tJtli' .iilll'd'i 1119‘ '1'" i-‘. ll l5 I‘C'IILFIIH) l.\ hit? 'I ‘ Ry .~' \t'iitn'ill'tl .‘i', "-il'mu-‘l‘ IN" I" "‘I ‘ 7i," i i E w in: - '{Wi J,U'.L\l" Iii/I //t//,i' 1/, NEVV-Yl'ln‘lx': ml. tln- tf‘"tl‘l‘i$1‘yll on {impr'ioi‘ls-l <3 ilonmt 'i Lii?'--I t: .- it upon rm: to address yHiltiiihi)‘ lll'il‘iiliii: list, tor a]? :t‘imnh tn 1 Tli‘ in." ‘ fro-i iiih thr if: INN/$1 Lth'l will thank V0111 l'fILrClJt" 'I'wo othrrs, '34 lil'd" "l I'i i~‘ I [Vol ti:- m It lLIi"I (month "1 Ir": II"; from a Rervicc \V(: have llt‘Rl'd no news fr it?! the frontiers since 2h»; itwi'n‘ oll7'-iir‘cs, ert: brought on: :0. ti., , l too-it l (i‘.‘i'.‘l‘i‘i"ii]('-' l}; rcaiat. Sailing; ol' coin. Chauncey from Sil7l{'.l'5 ll ll'l) W. hu i""~;|')li(f'l. The last time I . . [3, our» mi arr/"HI The Ohio niilit (1 WI!) m' 5 lirlt In; d: Ltl‘ ii hive r,i,:iiit:‘y., I shipped on hoard m th'dr \‘.':ii/ to l‘( hm", 1. M I " li‘fiht, . l;"[.li'lx'1 mt',‘i 1, 1 "11,1le 1': » n '1 . , For: HULK, \l";'{}tllx~':illl""1 1. I"l"3]'.' thifit'i «1‘11"lif'l t‘w ., "lit, ‘3'».ll )‘i.,‘_,i .1 till" .I‘ ll'..\, {Alti‘rI'll"3‘1llWlI ILtIIIl'fJI', Sinaigol' :tc‘ii'in, and pr. :1 t1 5 .ninlyon o1) i'w: 13:3) l.‘ .1. . «Lil to i'tgttirn it'li‘ilc, till 5.» i ‘15 "-i 2;" iiii:/i'!;' ~ti ul into 'h! I‘i'll'dl‘u lt or "rice, l I'li'i L, m'irtlv ml,‘ 1L1: ol~ danger httvinl; vziiiiahtwl. 1 17 'i"» "x 'Iit on lyi'ir'l tli': ll with sloop of 3‘""‘r".' l) i war w 1l:,'if . . lzn. . _ " ‘t 1‘ ‘.fr : . ' l'f , :. ..i ~.‘. t‘:',<lli'. ‘it,‘;7 zilthmi til at; Ct'lil‘vl. DEL Vl‘liit‘ci HQIT mam: " 1- ll". '1 :- KM‘ 'I'IIIIA'I').IY JUNLK' AT}, .llffl‘lz‘ I W7_._. a._ "A, _._,,__.. . ii at «It bra» l. l WNW" Sh" iYi‘l'l" Clown the alter llit. my, through the \\:irrl room in- to tln: l).)(‘.toi"5 room, put out, his Crttnllo, tore up hi1 had, and thou pusttrl l)i:t\‘.‘(:t:i1 the skin ZLllvl ceiling of lln: \hip, :Liltl tow: up :ihoiit L351 nails ol- litl'i' copper at Water's edge. No further truer: ol'it multl ht: {l150'1VChill: The )I‘iiiudoniun was about IOU yards asturn ol'tht- U. Status, and on observing: tlii: lightnnig sl.r.l{t: hat, immediately hovc her topsuils aback, {caring that the lirv; might lind its writ; to the iTiltK‘flfllllr). ()n S'ttui-(lziyevening, about 5 o'clock, the Squadron Wits saw ii standing for \‘Ionttul; Point. In all proba- bility they have got to sea. CONG IlliSSIONAL. The 131h congress met :it the Capitol in \Vaahington ()in on the ‘2/1-th Illtiirio, and procecrlr'rl to INHIm-ss. Mr. Henry Eloy was (:hostgn spmtlutr ol‘ the hOIISC ol' rcpi‘escntutiw-s, and \Ii'. ,\I:igruilur Clurl'.t. In the senate on th(: mine (by, the ll'ill. I‘llhrizligr: Hurry, vhf-president, took his smt, itll'l 'lL'll'v'Cl‘lftl :t'i afllll‘-‘3'S, which we shall ClldtélV'IH‘ to publish in our next. Sincr: the hut session of congress, the interior ol'tht: hull of I'CPI'CSCHIdLlVUS hits been no :Ii-rzuigwl :i'; to :vlmit on its floor the additional rt'prt-zsriit:itivcs, who mum: in unil ‘r the lllst Ccnmis; zinrl oths-r iniprovuments lJItVL: been imulra in tho hull, highly "i‘tfitll'..llJl. 1.0 the taste and industry of Ur. (Jlii'ttoin who has In s;o many tears o1liciutwl as a faithful oil'scwr oi" thihouse, and who has sopzrintcnilad the meant :iltcl‘LtU'HIS 0n 'I‘urzs lay, the 25h. tliepi'i: fund in both lltlllscri' and no otin r nt's: inrw'iagt: was )ltsiiiC'iS lime. ()ii \\'(:rlnr:grl'ty the standing: CUlWIKlIHPi‘J ‘.V(.'I't: appointed, and rlilli:r<:nt parts 01' the pimruitlgiit‘s nicssiigc referred to committees. Mr. Ilppes is Cliull‘lnftn of the Committee ol‘ \Vuys~ and Means; Mr. Citlllottnhf Foreign llclutihia; (illtl Mr. \Iztcou ol‘ Militnry Ailitii'm 'l'ht: suhjcnt ol'tlit: lxtrhzti'itics ol'the enemy in ll)': Conduct of the, present wzir, hm been titlifll up, and rollri'ctl to :i :aclcct Coiiiiiiitttrr. The house: of i'vprcstzuiu!ircs ol' the IStli (‘ongrem is: composed of III I'CpllilllCltllS, 15.3 l'ctligriiii. 1.5, and 6 nmrtlcst‘ripts. The Mini-5mg cnt‘iorscinunt was inndr: on the ri-tfi ;(er of the Swadish hi'ig~ (illVILt‘y'u, urii‘nql liCI‘L‘ on tin: 24th tilt. from (lotteiihni-g; : " VVarnctl ol'thr: blockade or" all the A merit-a n port from the Mississippi to xiv-‘1: , hoth incl'isiw. l'iiowx; Hinton» Unf‘L'L, C-LPLCLIII. II. (If. J/JI'I In: Ill/.SI‘II", '4! 5711,) .11]qu 532. 11'} l '3 .;7 ‘3'," I'lf I" . ,I (H, "I," livil/ ,Ip pip/3"", "J11 "1 ‘ i:"I 1 'l, ;iiht'o"H fro1'""XIV‘) ' T'‘a'i nr‘'z"ti‘n' " " I li"'l 'V "'t l >"'>‘iri " ‘ "r" A I. t" ' ' l‘i"ll'lI'i'l"l'il.fl. i'in inf; irv situa~ ‘ : ili'iil i'cr‘j,‘ i1‘lfiuUi'flC. and \‘i'l';ii‘:llf'; Gum: more to ~ , t1l‘('\'l‘.'.‘'. IXLE' or: ~l, ohm-i,- I I?1%. (ltLW u;'-.‘ lH‘Cftlll, I, :itthinptictl ‘o ltl"l't; inv escape , l't‘a‘l l'iosu ,\'i '.i'-i):'lu;iuv, :zrrivwl :tt Nit/"pod, on Sittiir ' luxt, harm; l)"t n ( huswl by 3 Br tiah li‘igsitc 11lInf)" rill lli(: 'iig'ht ho il/l'vl hut um '$(.:'i"{ to Tit, I horror! I cannot awn Sriiltul ii'om \Iwwport l‘lSt "Mk, the ‘n'anlirc of 1‘) ft. Ilut‘ oh, this‘ moment guns and 211') m n, and Ellockudr: of 1:} guns, both he- on the most disgraceful longing to Ir. I»: \Voh; of Bristol-win, has on the htorks a xhip tor primtccring to carry .3.) (rum. The in attempting to rid iiiyistll‘ol'n service I so :thoniinzihly hate. out I I'CCL‘IVCd I tum tiikizn, my legs put Yankee h'ul thi: rt-mgirkuhle lt1(‘,l{ on hr-r lust rruisc, into irons, and there In pt for some tiintt. It to rupture sown prizrs and get tlit-iTi all in .5an was din-in}; this (:alzmiitous time I had the A sloop of war of 5111') tons, (Itiltlt'tl‘ tliz: inxpi-Ction of, (in l to he comin'tnrlml hylicuttJ. lluinhrirlgt‘, now in IIIlaIUl‘Ull'it' ol‘hui‘ing; my protection stolen From A liter I litirl hccn in (ZUIiIiiif‘nlcliI 1m long; the I]. 5, hrig Cnmrprim) is contrxr‘twl for luy go- lilt'. vernment to hr huilt on the \Iv-i'i‘iiiimtk, and to he (IS IllC_V thong-lit fit, I \I'ZtSlLtllCii out and nude launched in Your months from the 113th May lust. :1 puhlit: (:KLtiillilC oil-stripping; mo naked, and Limit. Joseph Nicholgon is appointed to command sot/urging me with a cztt-o-iiinc-tuils! my the (2' S. illotilltt at Newport H. I. l‘lie prim: (‘F‘I‘bClL (loveruor l'liimvr ol' Parta‘month, feelings then were more than I can express hzm l)t‘f'n ('zipturcrl hy the British hill; Sir J. Shor- to you on puptrr. Since thzit time, I hurt: hrokc, {mil swnt to llzililiix. hecn I‘Cl)‘.0\.'t'(l into the Sahip Itlli} now sorting, 'l'ht: ‘lil'iVitILKfl‘ I‘Lnir‘rpriw, of Si‘lmn, on It"? return from u long and iiin.vir'r:r.:§.iliil cru ,, i." :~; 4‘;tI)IIlI‘"II hy the British lnwg‘ of war (hit-low, and sent to II:: i1'.t.\'. .‘Jznw (ram! [who 'l‘nr: PI'HAICL‘I‘ 'I hoiniis, Czipt- Shuzi', ol' I'orisrnon', , has :iirivcd zit \Vis'lznxtl with the h'iti~sl; ship Iii-on; i. li'om li.vi::'poolhounil to Hal illix, Wl‘ll .‘t (:urtfo hivoi (:il :11. FLOW) Iiillliltib sti-rliiiij hating}; li‘l‘lfCI‘, and 21% :1. snit-gwmwl to {lily furthcr L‘.'.U'iIll)I"§ to escape. I lint: written sorcrzil lc-tt_(:i-~. to the roi'isul in London, und have ri':(‘t~i‘,'t,il Ltli more, iiiltn‘i‘niiig me he had It‘ltfll ltli utmmt cxtrrti'nm, htit nithout SUCCC a, :29 I hml no import; to produce. Since my (:iidczivors lllL‘.i.7 provcll fruitless, I have 'I‘ht: 'I‘llUIIl‘t‘x' hurl til-,o (ZZtglilll‘l'tl :tn.l H‘ii't. irii o llootli-i hay, 1hr: li‘itisli hr'g v", with it C'tlg'l iil‘.'f)i('r;(l. :it ggivcii niywll‘np ti 4 an America n since war has HJH') ffllllil'ls sir‘rlriq. 1" i. .‘xéiti'J.' llfxfl IIt‘t I] fii‘lt' Din: lr ii'wl: out on hr» ci-iii The mini n '.t‘i‘iti;<, ihttt thei 1 mi (lu tart-d littWtH‘ii tht: United States and 11‘ .Il)t)‘.'t" prim-s tri: Worth mom: that] {iii-'J,','i‘vfi \‘u lliituin; tor whirh I was only laughed at iloliti'x. ‘ 'l‘lio, l"i'f'li"li Pl‘lV:tl"t‘I‘ Invincihh- Nun'vl‘ Ill, \‘ylil'Jl' hy tin,- (iltiiiftlli and o'i'irt‘i's; \Vho iiilornicrl lint, had l)L‘t,‘Il (:WlllHlt'Il unit rw z;pi'ii'r~:l ‘.t".'1l‘:tllliiit"€, lsis‘ to my brunt «llnuttiwlirtioii, that I hurl no nccd l)i(,‘Il tiikrn hy Illt‘ pri‘.';t.<~1- Y‘r‘llih" .rruy-r, captain ol' tiliirin in :i 'ihip ol' thia liiiwt‘c. 3/"11/7111/f/1'ULU‘ I)oha'\ii, or this port, and .‘sL‘lli, into l'hl‘ldiilltl. 'l'ln: Invincihlc anolttoii is u lliit: sailing ship, :ui'i mount» Iii iflill‘)'. The Young: ll‘t‘ltgr‘l‘ hit: alto p:ir,'1ilI'f‘Il (llitl sr‘nt iuto I'ortlttiiil, tlii- lh‘itisn p :t hrih~ .‘tini, oi" It) twine, :t tinr Vt'rht‘l; and the lh'iii ~.ili \(‘ll'i'i n ‘r ‘11'C‘)llt)lili ., ol' 101) tons, hulcn \i‘itli lish illitl ltltiil)L't'. I'i'i'lla. and that I h::<l no ncctl to tissiat in Case ol‘ urtion. \‘i't; art", now «ruining; oli'this port, ticl I toiwuril this hy :i liiciiil. now 2i prisoner on liotai'd. illi'l lull'ttil tulw it :i particnhti' favor if viii it ill ht: so qootl 1.th to forward the ncccssa~ i'i‘ (locum: his to tin: CUIlSlil in London as soon [fiv'i'11'11'{!a,'i, I'I. .llriu :1). Arrived in town, last evening, Ur Sninul l \I‘! lillll, li'oiii _\Iontr(.tl, who can grim-(l uh'lv l,‘(1ti'llii{‘ ll Hui; of Il‘ltCL: ll‘OHi ilt'll. ll‘l‘l'l'w‘ti'i, to col Prici _ Hi: has l)(:'.‘ll C(_)lllll.t"(l iii I.ll(: (It‘lls ol' Mon I"‘?tl jiil for thirty-thrt-c tl:1:.$, (eight or 1"" 11~r-i lH'itf ‘tili vilic :nii'tlti'i- ol'tlw with} destitute ol' tht: li(t(;('> 51t£'i(‘3 .iud (,oiiiliii'ta‘ ol'lil',. ‘tis pm, llilli, liml I may Ltguin enjoy mysclt as an tint i-imgn :iml no loi.f_;t;r hc Contint:d in n Still‘wli lllllll-Iii‘W'u or Mr Nut/Ill my in carr/zungc Anicrii'uns', who-H- hard lot it has in -ii to hill rs n1" ‘-'1.l', \‘ix. : (whiny H. i Fort-rs, ol' the [1.5. army; M in "Ullt‘iil)t"‘l{, Unis Iloolii-r, l‘hilcstt-r Jones, I .l'NlC‘b, lirwtii. Minor, Q'Irli-asittloiility iiinl i'liiicy 11‘ oh \', HI ()uiitun. i\'. \U; 5: ‘li Ilirii», ol'i'fuiuhtlt-H, .\'. \ .(l \Vli urcl, ‘zlztI ‘1..v-'. " M; l ist ijl‘UIIi'liidlII".‘/'1l'{(,‘(lllllaillIIIIlUI'C, April 11, INN. t {urn-t: utillt‘l! scvcile Limos~ tht; q ll'li‘" 1.1 . " 'trmiiw-"'1""' (indium-house, hut ‘ i (istr-i‘tiin. i" 'iIU'l'1'i'lllllst' \Utjl‘ii'lllffxi Width-‘31.". tUl‘thittfyL'a. ""1 "HMO, in): oictl ~..r. rmir inmi ‘77"‘\ int, ohutltcn". .ioiix' (Li-hm roiiu." . tiliiliriib [i‘ r. lii<:,~'~ itotin-‘J'.~ (if in; l1)‘3l,211i(l tliit iron-horn and l(‘first flint l‘l': l ham [lit‘ hands ol an roomy \titll‘ noznpliini .3 with this Will .. an. mi... i W liait; i't;t,t l\ .(l no unjurvr; tl't' i'i‘LtHi)" I (:‘(tiliint o lllC‘l!‘ lzrintls :is, pixai John (Jainphcll, of titholiuriv; M, :' \t :ttbnn, u‘." Us» lilL‘l' 5 L (5/,- (; l/'A"/t)/IUPI' 1/ If) 17:! l'i‘: tii,'-2. :tlitl lo "t: llzh' lt'i‘i, (:onlhiril in that print n I.) fil‘fllll' unforttintmt " I Raw it tlown on ilr-rtl;, p' ~scyl into on: of. the portholwx ‘, ‘ I ,1; ingi'iri A or ‘.!i,-‘i'_‘t‘ll< l.l‘:lil. tool: :1 liilu‘ urn It A‘Wil‘fi'h 11": (H'Hn‘ii‘: titl‘ati ".'»'l;l'.l1 I slicivcd ‘ Imri we 5: li'iltl, "lit i;.ioi~n;wl :3; :ii 131- g In tho i:oi'niii:iiz:'iii;_f oiling: \Vc wurr: noon i3"'-l"'1‘7f‘i=* 1" 1‘" I)" "1'?" 117‘" "w‘ , '1‘tili't'l‘ni"'l" ("WWI " l'w "1"" ‘ll/"l' 5"" thr; Sound. When oil" ilunt's Point, the ITlNllllll't‘il ol' C'l].‘ urn. , . the Ifiiitf'd Stairs was struck with ligfirhiiiirir, \i'hitth ‘ Iiu: r-rivm'r‘r‘ S'ii‘ri‘og ‘n, car/t. V. . m'trrr 1_Iii‘t:l'.‘.'£L}'tlit‘(lf)|llllt{)'l1)1"‘:$l)I‘J.'Ul[)Clltltttllliihl iroiir'it "'I ;,'V,'ll 111/ I'll 39‘; x' . way i'ith 'Ill ititicntion or liliHiPt‘Jllti; to am ‘31-; git ' r, 5,];J‘riii1i tr} /.." '7 I {zr«:£<:..q, :3- Th0. li' Lt: Uni‘t-t whim-e, Com. lit-rt!" Muccdonrng Capt. Jun"; ; and slim") 'll' ; . aapti lii'ltll~, on Monilzty Hi" *, L1 L1: '111. (yo? 'l'i'l"l‘ i {é (hing/It" ["4 " '> 15/ ll 5/1; 1301/1 No l, ,.i/// V ' ' H‘- .. .1 ‘ I, |