OCR Text |
Show THE \VAR. \0. 11 VOL 1. _. -... ~-- 7"- 1' '.hition. 011 the 5th of August, 1810, the very day ofthe llukc of (.‘ttdore's noted letter, :1 duty was 1111- posed on all sea-island cotton, imported into France, ofmore than eighty cents per pound, amounting; to "three. or four times their original cost in the United mates. And as to tobacco, the French minister here, on the 23d of July, 1811, informed our government that it was " under an administration (en ree'ie) in France; the administration (he says) is the only con. stood under the lee of the prize; scnt our boat on boa rd, which returned at i.', with Capt. Dacrcs, la '1: 01 his )lajt. sty' .S ship (lnc""iii1:11, mounting;r .'1) cairi I'e guns, and manned with 303 men; got our boats out, and kept them employed in removing the prisoners and bag;- gage from the prize to our own ship. Sent 21 stirgcon's-iiiatc to assist in attending the sinner, and can purchase only the quantity necessary for its consumption." And by other regulations, not wounded, wearing; ship occasionally to keep more than one fifteenth of all the tobacco consumed in the best position to receive the boats. At :31) minutes before 2 .1. )1. discovered a sail in France, can to of foreign growth. The ordinary quantity of tobacco annually consumed in France is estimated at l/n‘z'ty thousand bogus/mutt, leaving only about two thousand liogsheads of foreign tobacco to he purchased in France. (To be continued.) + BRILLIANT NA VAL VIC T01: Y. The U. S. frig'atc Constitution, c ap. llull, has arrived at Boston, from a cruise of only two weeks, during which she has recaptured several American vessels, captured 2 British brigs, and taken and destroyed the British 1115;..th (.‘uei'riere. The following account was furnished by an officer of the (.‘onstitution, and may be relied 011 in every particular. ('"1/1/1611!(l)‘8 0/ HM .lrr‘wn [Jr/7111171 [/11' U. S. .[I‘I'Ig'az‘c Cozn'iti/zxfioii, Ca/il. Ilzrll, (1111/ [/11' Britt's/z Frigtzlc Guerrit'rt', (11/11. Dacrts. 011‘ the larboard beam, standing to the south; saw all clear for another action ; at. 5 the sail stood off again; at daylight was hailed by the lieut. on board the prize, who informed that she blew up. Our loss111 the action "as 7 killedland wounded; aniono' the foimer, Lieut. Bush, ol \larines, £11.11111111111II the lat1(‘1‘, licut. Morris, severely, and Mr. Ayl- win, the master, slightly. 0n the part of the enemy, 1.) men killed, and (31 wounded. Among the former, Lieut. Ready, 2d of the ship; amongI the latter, Capt. Dacres, Lieut. Kent, lst; Mr. Scott, master, and master's Lat. 41A.2, N. lonsI'. 55 33, \V Thuisday, mate. Aug). 19, 1resh breeze from N. \V . and cloudy, '.'.t 2,1) M. discovered a vessel to the south- 4‘ ..Vow 'c'coverz'ng'. .._ ward,i'.1'.1de all sailin chase; at 3, perceived the chase to be a ship on the starboard tack, close COMMODORE RODGERS ARRIVED. hauled to the wind; hauled S. S. \V. at half On Monday arrived in the harbour of Boston the U. Statcs' ships President, 4.1.) Com- modore Rodgers; United States, '11-. Captain past .3, made otit the chase to be a frigate; at it, cominIr up with the chase V'ery fast; at Itlttl‘tCl‘ befoie 5, the chase laid her main topsail to the mast; took111 our top II'allant sails, dent, completely knocked to pieces, tojfether with a great number of casks, spars, 8.11;. and it was supposed most of the guns were also not materially injured. l‘he chase was continued till midnight, when it was relinquishfor the squadron to come up. llarly in the chase, one of the President's chase guns, «Ii» the gun deck, burst, and injured the uppc: w eat her missed them, although at times \ery near. The squadron has been off the English. Channel, then alonfr the coast of 1‘1'11111‘13 Shain and Portueal, within 31‘) miles of the rock ol 1 iSbOii<~-ilien made Madeira Island" then oil Cora and l'loros-tlien back to tlzI: lanks-Lind by Nova- Scotia to Boston. Mair. oi the seamen ot the squad.1on aiI' sick with the scurvy. Several hate died About 1120 English prisoners are on board " \Vc' understand the seamen statt (I to hair been impressel from a Poi tugueso hiitr', e1. tcrcd \oluntarilv. l.at./15,‘8, long. .13, 57, captured the llritid: brig Traveller, from Quebec for Belfast. with spars. burnt. Lat. 47, loner. .36, Iaptured l‘ritish briII l)utehe~s of Portland 1: Iom New Castle for l'ictou, in balla:. burnt July '4 Int ..1 lonII. .21),1::pturtd British shii' John leitei 1.1 inn-1 111-, of to e'uns, 31. men, tron. royal yards down, and got all clear for action; beat to quarters, on which the crew gave three othiiie, under Coin. Rodgers. " Sailod from N. York June '.‘.l.-()l‘; the London, 1i:r \l: tl'lllll(;llt, ordered in \ue. ‘.2, l-tt. .>,lo1n;. 33, Captured an English brig cheers; at 5 the chase hoisted three English 2.311, at 6 .L M. disroi'ered and gave obtuse to an English fritI'ate, supposed to be the Bel videra. The supe‘.Hioiity 01 the l'icsidc'nt s .iiid; at 15 minutes past 6, the eneny 's nii- and 5 P. .‘.\l hen it had mo'. lcrattd so much as to give veiy1:11 nt hope".. 111 gettint; aloof; side. At this time, perceivinnlIl' 11 as ['.‘tlllin}; her guns to bear upon tht l'r1sldeU'Ill, the latter 1'oiiiiiic111'1'rl a tire at her spars and lit; gingg, with the view of crippling; lit‘l‘, to net abreast of her. A fire was kept up about 7..en--111:I.st 1ell over 011 the starboaid side two hours. close with him, and avoid beinfr raked; at 6, set the main topeI'allant Sail, the ciitn I. hav111;; here up, at lite minutes pas t 6, biouth: the enemy to close action, standi 111I' beloie the at The Prcs'idcnt gave her two or 1111111 lioeo '1oi'1i,.‘>‘. \. for London, took out (1'11 [1'./11:» ".411.'(I'I11"'II11..SI, and ordered her in. ‘11"; 17,1.11. 41, .11) lone: .311, captured lhitish sth .\dtline, 1'.-(.... bt. Domingo to l'1irtSiiiotitl1,E. m...colli-c-ordtl'etl in. , \ug; 21, lat. 42, low. 6.3., recal'iturtId srh liei'v's‘}. from 5.1111» for \1.11 JlLllL id with l)l'.1lltl\ "lllt'l‘. had TJCt n taken by the ( 11erriere-ordered1n + 1 COPY or 1111;: .‘l!f([.‘l‘.'7.\'."(/ [o //'1' Cll'l(.‘l l. ‘1", (2/1. ("1.12:1- '.')" (111' (1:16:12: 1'1111'1'1. -.:1. [1111.31'1) / 1) /.:..'.'.'111').'.‘, 412")»: 1'./n, l‘rIi.‘ Sii:~-Tnc noii-iniportation act he I; still in of oI11' mizeii ritrgiiigr. \‘1 e pric-cti'cd to boar,d but immediately after, his 1ore and main--mast o1 111'-iii w ere 11111:: 11 \1 011111 led. The President, force must. in eiery respect. lie1'1n11t-ti intc effect. It is your duty to sti .: '.'.11'1 link 1 l‘Il'i tish iiit:1'I.':h'.1ndi;'.1-.iiI. '.'.'h.1tt.'.'e1‘ manner and h'. whoizisocier it may be b'.'..II.I."lI.1 or sent in»: the United titan s with the exception only of property 11.3.".1'311'111 yr... .2513 rim-11111. the int» . time, was exposed to a running; lire portation of which is pci'tiiitteti by the four- went by the boai'1 l, and it was deemed unne- ccssary. Our cabin had taken fire from his f'llllS', btit soon extinIIuished, without material injuiwy, at 30 minutes past ('1, shot ahead 01 the enemy, when the firint; ce1.Sed on both irom her tour stern chasers; and once the Biiti.;h frigate commenced a fire from her teenth section of the. 2.1!.‘1. Concerning; letters oi." 30 minutes past 6, finding; v'c weie 111a» 1119 three broadsides, and kept tip a ii'1'll-dirceted ahead 01 the enemy, ltiilt'd short iound hi: bows, to rake him; at 25 mi tit. s past (3, the cnt'my fell on boaid 01 us, his]1o '.1sp1it lord and rigging; very much, btit did no succeed in destroyine' anv 01111 1' spars, although some Sides, he makinfr the signal ol submission, by firing a qun to laward; set fore sail and 11121111 sail, and hauled to the eastward to re- pair damage; all our braces and much of our standing and running;ringing; and some of our spars bei1.711" shot away. At 7, wore ship, and fire from the chase guns, which cut her sails main deck, with an intention of raking; the martpn', prizes and pri'xx' swore, lo the. tases \ihith, 11111.1 peculiar circum President with a. broadside, but at that ino111ent receiving; one from the President, con- tinucd her course under '.1 press of sail, and or upon apolicatiwn fol a i't'iiiission of t:.e forI used only her stern guns. All sail was crowd- 1t'ituie in the ininner pies. .oed by law. ed in pursuit, but in vain. The chase was now throwing overboard every thinI; t'1_it 1 ll.l‘.U11."J honour to be, respectfully, Sit. your obedient seri 'ant, ‘l.;'.l'lll'i‘ GALLA'I‘D,‘ could be spared, to increase her sailintI, and eicapcd by the ligI'hness ()1 th" Lind. 101': patent atitlimi'ies. M 16, Capt. Sinclair-the whole of the squad- ron which sailed from New-York on the 27. st at the mizen peak, and began firing on the enemy, and continued to the cc 1'. 'tsionally, he Wearing; very often, and we iiiai.<.e.uvrcd to u'ary to gzke .1.: 1.1.1 .~ der that 511C 1 112ml. '.' with on their .11ri..11 a: deck so much as to prevent the use of the stay sails, and fl\111g iilb', took a second 1'1' c1iii the topsails; hauledtthe courses tip, sent the sailing, while the breeze continuedmesh, (:12- abled her to trclt within gun shot between 1 pn‘.5 to the 11.11111) chandi 1c in cone; '1 1c 'iI'~ ed, :I.s hopeEess, and the President hove U- Decatur; Congress, 36, Capt. Smith1; 1101'net, 16, Capt. Lawrence; and brig; Argus, Commenced firing; at SI) minutes past 5, set our colours, one 1.1 each mast head, and one ted States are l to ci'izens oi I1.» I i... her of shot in hersails and iiII'ging ,but was 1.111.";1, I15, long. 23. captured llritish bri5: Del phin, letter of niar~1pit (Jf‘l'l"11115,llulllltltU.\ltll"‘lli ord 1.- 11.1 her into the first L. S. poi'.t ijiisigns; at five minutes past 5, the enemy 111 l()\ \l.l.". ‘Illl thrown overboard. The President received a considerable nuni chase guns on that side for a consideiabh: he had It feet of water in the hold, and that time. The President had 3 killed and to she was in a sinking; condition-all hands e111- wounded, most of the latter slightly ; of the ploycd in removing the prisoners, and repair- '.vonndecl, 11'. were by the bursting; ofthc gun iiiIr our own damage through the d..y. l‘ri- It was by the same gun Corn. {odgcrs had day the 211111 Ct)111111(‘.li(:Ctl \I' itli ligl it bieezes. his leg fractured, but has recovered. 1roni the. northwar,d and pleasant, our boats The stiadron afterwards pursued the .la» and (".1er employed as beiore. At .3 l'. )1. niaica 1leet, but owing.)r to uncommonly foggy undo the sifI'nal of rccal for our heats, (havinII' 1';e1eive1 all the pl'lSOIlOlS) they immedi- att'ly lclt her on fire, and a (piaitei' past 3, The {1.11 issued by 1.1- 3.1"); . rate armed V't"»~.'. .~ .1 of her boats were seen floating; by the Presi« stances, may be entitled to 1I-1.'itl--this can he I.I;'.".1nt'.'d only by a special :11". Congress; '1‘" E \l .\'l'L\\'-1'(. anew/.11 .110"). I I. .___------ AMERICAX .\'.\V'. To compensate our rI gree, for the disappointnii they cannot but feel at I." little army under gen. lb. of pride and pleasure 111. the gallant exploit ofcap in the frigate Conszittitio destroying the British What adds to our satisl‘at cheering occasion is. that esteemed by the British frigates in their service, picked crew, and inflerI with the full confidence frigate would be an 1251' Winter, while off this 11C Guerricre vsuntingly 11:11 pain-tedin large chin. t"'t and inquired of eieiy i't-~ 111911011: P.0dlgcis, intini'.131 chastisclhint fortthe 1'11. 11:: Belt. We ti‘tlst 1'1. Dacres will boast 1. o 1. . Our rz'cideis 111ll alSI. "‘ lads 0f the ocean' on 1w: ycsscls, hare not been it":'. indeed, as the cziitu'.‘ o1" remarked 1. 12.1.1 it, I. , the French 0'1 the 1,1.; Latex! /r111 1‘5, '.1 ,I_. England confirm the in .7 '1 111I been declared '.i l‘; .dltl 11.11 se i'cral 511111.15, llhdkhifl die 111151111115 1‘.. . .IsnoIiiiII't 116 L011 1 . 1‘he l"r.'ncii '.11..1I. c I)" . 11. 11‘. 1111111510113. The. .3}: C," 111111111011 01 \i' '.11' had 11")", .Z-Sth 01 Jtilv (ll/152MB 'f (If): .[l‘IN "it111heartfe ltregrit 110 11: ‘ 11 rileasuit tlllel l 1"(lltC1\J our 1'1 count of 111 15 1) '1111 ha s"as ":1 Clti' A ii) ll (111111111 Side about the 1 A "tirito Dt11011. ('11 the l a aten with .1 reintr l ‘L‘ mil the lol J loivinfr dai, tried" in! 7001 Indians un der" 111111111 .1 111' i U ‘tl'o [) .1 1] 1 1‘ ll 1r 0 f Lush/1151'. lasted 1‘). I l l ll}"(‘ 1 0th -.piLZPaauons \. ‘.'C II m:.,iI 2mm 7i: f.'./.' ('oz'lwr'ol' 4/ .' 1111111. '.ui ee' 111 [‘0 get)«11 il‘i)lll i'1'ions (Iliai i‘i 'ih‘ le -t. the k'i‘\ particulars 111 n 311(1‘lltibt. .is tollow H on L.lcneral llull .tUintlon t-tl h‘ a "ye t: for.111 (lis'till . o truce, \ \llll ()l s 112:1: 111011 :i'I're''d tip'jrirl |