OCR Text |
Show A-Q The liolloning- song, written for thc purpose, little knoun among; most remit-rs, we hunt: 1)l‘(fClll‘(‘(l li'mll :1 lil'lt‘lltl, {who hn'a l'(i.‘)l(i(.tl lll tho (litutnlln': nli lollr nlilm li'om NlttltiL‘lL AL tt'l‘ CKlellll int; lllt‘ll‘ position, I ll-lt mu: Hlm~ pally ht l‘il'm nil-n, to (101.1,Cztl th<-n.u2lr<;% llt‘lll‘ plums whirh ('lll‘llllt tl him to l(,111‘ll tho nltllzt- lilt‘. l)llt|;')1V ztlrtl ll'ltflll our app fill‘alliit, on the optimitl; :.i. 1- of 111:, l'l\'(:l‘, to fltlll‘lnl"l.t't‘ tiring, lnllcpmnlcncv, ill Philadelphia, on the rtth tion. m-ttlt‘nlz'ntu, innit. ol' the Southern Sltr'tllnl lnIn'n‘rrto(lixrl‘ttlll'll‘;l1,tl'lltlnn,z:nrl1:)my)"; July lust. ol that t'll‘l‘lt,(lt'}) the lollowinlg fikt tr h. it l"lll t illt') lionllinnll. l tl:(‘ll PW." r NH (1 with !‘('lll::lll'it‘i' ot tilt: loll." :lllollt li\(- lllilt n, to ,1 lt'l'i out (iLllMSfilllU zlonn on the- eozlthu l-z'n inn l; (ll HM; rill r. .\lif)lll SUN-7H .21: 1:1'4 was 5mm at the ('lltlirzltion of American A‘s if is 1v. 0 or till'tttit't‘fll‘s sintil: ht; lclt that (plan lt‘l‘, his l‘t‘tf.llllt‘(‘tltill l:;.'t_‘y' lilil in giving;- zv. rot"l't‘l‘t, olltlino; hilt iinpcrlixt as it l‘i, it Will tilt t;l‘:llil5lllt;‘ at this; limo: ' ~ " Tho village ol~ Similn it‘ll li( :4. olipoaltl‘ l'- llt‘l‘t‘ l‘i‘ctwlonl's tumult-1's \V'Ith: lllilltllitl, lll'ro [Elitllll‘ufsli'ltllltl1‘.I}l'.‘.'.‘Ct)l rot-it. 1"!)l‘lillfi Fltlzll irl-u'r ('l'nsac 101W 'l‘lll: l;.ll<l ml low: and lil)(.‘l'l)'. , our li'thvrs)' high l)t'rt! est, it with mlol'. toil unrl l)ll)l)ll; " ~',\ it in (ltll‘ hrt‘rla'. troit (about 0111; tllvl it hull lnilts ill low li‘t'l'lill garrison, will is hilltllt', on lllt‘. lt‘nllii lll' l)1 tl'oi‘l, I'lV't'l‘. 'l‘ln: l'olllltl'j,‘ i:~; 5»)('ttla(lzllllllf; tin- l'iVi'l' lit'tllll lrllJ? 121. (lhlil‘ (ton mill»; nllmt: Bulldnil It) to l‘.l:lltlt:n. or l‘\ll;llt‘l‘fili)lll'f‘)lt, :tht t l. ht loli'. This part ottln- (‘otlntl'y is l).‘.l:"‘~,tllll.‘ly Slillillt (I; the ltzllrl 530ml 21ml llllht'oitt-n, nith \2 t ' ;-. .;. ll) lllt'. Atlantil‘ llviml. ,"tlill 1H 11' ,‘ Nil: ll this (must: to l)C The ltlllti (ll low: and llllt‘l‘l)‘. L01 linl'opt "a Fran-tit~ nations ltnow, ‘l‘ll's (2;: ill "x wins l'l‘nln Sll‘tiS hzlrt- xprnngg. "fit/w: silillt llnlllztll s l.('l‘\("n lll(‘ Lion, 'iihut \llltllt 1:11, w ll." ("tr-ll- oi~ nlzlil. Nor sh. ll tI tn lit: 'l'ht: lullll of low: and lll)t,l'l\'. ¢ 1' (*lll‘nt ltltltl‘i. l'ittl't lellllxn la bltlll it; on :1 [mint rlllItlltl (t1 the nillllth nli l)tttl‘nit l'iVl‘". tint] (‘olninxlntls :l \‘lt'H' ol' lull: lii'i-I: ;,;l.l :l.< ll‘lllll) (:l::ll.llll ol‘ tht: rim-r. (ll: rt: :n's ' ‘ [~.. . l‘iv‘l' l'trvml 5'1; or $13; lnill '» 'l'mtt' fight:- . . , ,. . . \‘Ju h. (tliliilll‘yt'il l lt‘: ‘(s i‘lllli‘."l?1l."ll"}'ftlifl'{tlllilh Antl manly tirinlr: will guily run v'\l‘.(l lit}: \Villhlliall, llllt to {was C ,\'l (:lHllFSS: tllt' :tit‘s into lgaktt St. ('lnilt. ll" ill tin Alltl (‘\'1l‘. tt't'l" '-.illel this it: Thu lltlttl rll‘ lUV'Li untl l'hol 1y. I \ l‘;l"ll.'1 (H :21. Alzzl'i‘srilt'r. i'olltli't 1.1 lin'w "mglvl'im') :lll'l l‘rllt l'ill". l'l 1-1'12 1.:ll .o ll, H;.2~ willuntnt on (..1)!;;t<t~,ol ltitltz‘lll("*>‘i, ainl nun. r \titll "Hashing/loll! And .ai .1) through llll t-tm‘nlty. ("rlltinlhin 5 sons on (5111'th 1ch free. -.....H 'l'lt'JNiitily LOCK). 3‘ "lilfiricn lung-1'. 5; not thd. the vigor of tilt: ltall'c int 1'1. .215 with tho llt‘tflgssitf/ . n'l~ txrrting it--thr.t on," ( lusticity rims; with the. pt‘t'Sblll‘C lliion its-«that (lilil'.'lllll("l UlllV 9 Hrs l)l'll'(: lii'nl llltll lliltiL\|,ll|lL'(l-lll{it tint:;gu‘s only girous ll1(‘1'tl'lill'lllltl nlCL-n‘x ol‘ortvr- top-rm}; then). It i'~' in Will. n 8111:: (.1 .lll\ ‘1'. in such :1 grout, (‘l'ltxl‘l, that it twin 1 (£31 w {ill "1: l>(""f ini-t. 'ft‘v-Ltt :1 X171; : th. ", lll Hl'(l\'l‘ 1". H ;;lli,(:ii.:lll:,‘ in [ll‘l'whl 2. Mm. i "r llwl lrnm tl't: Li. Stun to l J1", * plat l 'l ilt‘l‘" .:2‘12.<-;*.:l arttlullcim (lll till‘ nw‘n hill" in Lulu: l'leiv, lmt 1 our (1111].) il‘njlollnhu Hit. it tho-L11: :1 llontv' l‘liillt. ltzlztl irnin l)<:1:<l:t tr) llzllu‘ 2hr: Ann-:‘iczln slits) itlfillfi' 1): {mil ri'. L‘i', 12. lo.» anti lnnrrthv, 11141 lll‘l‘il'V llnillilzlhllcrl. 'l'lzl'rt:n‘u L(‘vrrrll lbii:ll(l% in lh'troit rim 1', amino ol' ‘t'll 2211‘ illlllll)ll'.".l. .iilf; (liSlLlll"" ' llll‘fflltjll (inn: (lit ‘l‘roill .‘vzilltlnit n to lb." llll‘tfi‘t hr: itlvzllll ."lll lztllt'b. Thl- i'xitltlt‘. 21H: tolt l'lllllt" 1] on tl.(. (‘ulllltl‘y it, nrvr. l"t)l'll‘»t‘{'l:y' ptnilll: lllm l- lilijl; ll'nin l)£‘ll")it101ilt: linsturn 15 mm, W; l-t I!) (Hill! 12,1: ‘(tlli- .A-l Ll lll \\ 1; lil'1 i')::11illli[: ill 2 Ll')ll"‘"i t-l 1.212 tutllt (93:4‘ '{nyllt ()i' l‘illi‘rltt. lm' WAN)! xix/ll/l‘ /ll'.l jil'fl/r‘ilf‘.' ml 1"." L u.r‘."ll!"4.'.'.‘ Q ‘.'.'I . "a." l‘l' l » l' [mill/021 (‘omv‘r 'i‘. (Nazi/i027 of tho "illitll‘l l‘i , :vih tho " pr: f1"-1l‘i." tint I'\‘7{'ZLI (ll~ Hallo: | Lil ill-ht) upon it. lion" strong l2 iil it h" hhl 1: (hi,incrwlsiul (lt'llt mil :1" 1 :lr- Ll] annual printion (‘1'.l'1'l t's tll-n (" l‘luhitunts? 113112 .lEliti with 1; national litln 'lli "l‘ itll‘tlmt: ('il ' :,‘l"‘.‘. . , 'l'. chill/‘63.? it" great, "llll'll, Llllfl ;1l;t(:l'lt\. r. o .l':"‘-'l m l'tmlil'lllllfxll lllt‘ llnlani1_-- lull [-lwml. till' [tint lv'illllrmr "1 w. ill 1». That : llll' o? \‘{(~ lt nrn lion) mmlnzlilttlngr; t;lll(7(:l' (tulllwt. in Ellylll 1* ll- l ll.1‘.t'. tho honor to he, Your (ll)(‘.(llL‘IlT_ .51 H'Imt, llllW'lS (TASS, (‘r/l. 3(l.1{cg. 0. Vol. , m? 7‘ (jcmml 11ml, ') lvil .. ‘l‘lilllill " ll‘}‘_ 1.11:; 1.1,: mil xxllf. itlilx'l I; illll tt‘m \'<'l\ ‘1 ‘11!) t it P ‘l'li ‘I lltllf‘u ..‘Irllx‘t‘. 'llllll ,illi ' ' l. E it. I . "l V\‘ll'll‘I ‘\" i‘ i) 1 l. .1 I '1. l'i-mll, lu ‘ ‘l .n‘ ll All .‘. ‘..‘l'l' toll/‘2 t : illt'ltt \ 2‘" , (Lin) (.ll'f.» v'.tll<.:l ‘itil‘lti Jill-,1". ,(y/‘ (in?! lr‘l ll‘fi. ...7. out hztnt‘l, " Ltltifl' tlvt: collintllt of l‘.(:l‘l(7‘rt") Winn 2'. )lt‘ tr: (:0 to Na (".lllrl'ltznnn) \\'l:t‘l'l h' l'llitlltlll- 1'»li‘t'l'tl‘lJMJIUI‘f::/? filth-in Cl)llli;l'!l'.it}' "it I l polil' inatrllt‘tilnn. l lli'tltii't‘tlt'll with (L ll ('ilttilltll(lll of no hlln» Zil't‘tl I‘llltl (:ll‘hty liltgll, to l‘( Cllllllliltl't: lllt'. t‘lli'» hays. 'lllmnl‘lxll plans. l.')1'l'-')li. "'12 lnllnrl tllt‘lll in (nu- :wbblon ol Ll bl'hllgo ovot‘ till; ril'u‘ (Qantas, v.1 a. [hilt sails ti‘nm England m" 1 hits, or of cllllntrics Ilccnpic tin" it'll :11 ‘t'l..:'-.. lint l 'l \‘ll'llll‘: t ..lit‘. LL aim/Al) . 1. ntm '» my" 1.l~ ltliill ol \x.‘ I' ..i‘\‘ ill tlltlt .A‘ltttn tLl‘. " UH sirzr't- l2":'ll that hnlh llH‘ prim? tllw. "t'l't lllliill‘ 13.1 101M \\ ttlvl ' ft, «rum». proceeding tn l'lllglllnll, llr 3, to countries occupied in Illc l The nature and ext-:lzt'ol'tht lated by mutual tillll‘is (if in to teach tllu Americin mini not to attach the Cathc vhf ‘ other. but h} M'stcnwic an roast and maritima llctinrt far as its sitlnltlnn and in w reach oftllc rtlpdciti' or :ml ROWCI'. llapp} \2'llnltli1l.m it a course of p'llict 5n smu urloptclll ' i Lntortunutchx lulxnillistr.ll tcnl compliant-ll in lib n.11' tllcCts, which, in: haul of rt-l "lltll'ics nt‘lilrt-i {:11 gmvrnnw . mll.la.~llll:nt§ :l! )lmlimm l‘m‘l (>21 m 11min '15-'21" Ll the )cur 1794, Mr. llllil';tt)l.ll:l.ll.1.. 11v ‘i‘l'llt-"lu irritant l\ ('o/. ('(H'fl, //[ll.‘\‘ 75) fit. lo (It )1. n1] [In/7, Llnfrz/ l‘v'rJ/lt/zz'll'fi, U/l/lrl‘ ('llJl/vflz, JH/r/ 17, l‘>lJ. lllllcliitllc ll} 51:: and l.l'i:ll, nation, or \l'llillhht‘utl' tilt- r. ‘ Aw»- l Llcclrllul l/clmllcnu/lzwl and " The British lwlnlnls a: 5 l‘l" twilll .vn .ntll ...l l .r' Utollrwl i‘,‘.tll.lll'tl2("ll.\' l. r-Llniiil, I"(""" Altllt. Ulbli‘l\.tlllltil.ll;\‘l'15". v ill l" .t. not t.l.'l..::. ":ll}-".‘i(1[ltl1)li‘l1' o1 ttl‘lllh‘. (it‘t‘S iri count-ll, the lv‘runrh L' 01" llt‘Ct'I‘ullcr t'Illlnwlln‘r hs' " cwry ship of \llnltmtr n'l mittcd 1n sz-urch lly 2.111 Pin; to England, or will an} m Vt l} l'\_':11(‘Clltlll}'7 Sir, rulili tum ll t..(l --.l. . :4 gm‘ernmnlll \mlllll lilkC. if) Win 1.: rit inchincm. Hjt‘li lnl't>l-:1l- it'litlt'n'llll" to tlm 1.1111,; In nun lll(,'ll, hm ‘.l‘.lt!ll.‘> lilr ill" lull! in '9 Lli l...lt' Countries klllll the (‘nlnnim u 'l‘lll;' extravagant MUM Britain l-rc immrilrl; lnul't- (n‘ltmvugnnt 0"? n " '. waiting for any knunlcrlgv- ‘(Jilfiiti‘ ‘;_'=l<- 'i'llt'llllllL‘I‘L l'l'oln tho ltv :nmn'. Still!" minim, ;.l.(l zl)U(i)' ol In» :.l:l 1.1 tllt: hi it :31; (Mimi-in rl of . .1 ()tlt‘l‘El ill-1n national on this 2* (lo ‘-‘"l. hints. tiltowgl't'al thl‘ (Jr: lll;{ rtinlizlt'nijgl t ll; 1l,.'. ll'..ll. whole :‘ll‘trrimnli. 'l‘lll 1'1: is I J 1 (illill lllll. till 21' n-.1nl:( r r‘ollsnicrnl,ly -:~:« lln‘s. (\‘t'thl Ill-Ll". (Lol. Kliht-r l'omlln'fi-n in lllt‘. Ell‘l‘\l ‘uilll'lt‘ll :11 lfl ;,i)l(' I'llitlJzt‘l‘. l lime ("\(l‘ {'1 man 1!» l)!‘ szvr-fitll with the collnuu I‘v\‘ ‘ tirili only in {ml-r of llrt' dd" nornriut. Hill «"2 .mm , lfil7. hillltlng all tl‘a-lc in 'lltfti'r‘ the said cmln'rics hl' Chi-‘1 w line latil (3. ‘:\.'r :onll‘l gain l n tilt (1251‘ inlol'm nzmtwn :71 ll!" . 'lillitli"'l.;;11r51'<l to H» lt ton" " !‘.: {in-1min for :1 l-i h tllt- lh'llvllllit‘lin .)1\l‘ ‘ . tram 37:t\':1lln::l‘, tinnlln‘lgrl till-iz'm t".ir I 2. l') iiw t"'l‘. l-l‘nllr, hixultg; ( ‘ l A.» lon‘liu - lzitil, " l llit‘fliFW!‘-1!.tlt:(t ‘.'lllll fin-l‘v of" sliillll'l . H: r: fluid It r: iisfiil'i t‘lllftlll ,, iritllrl Liil'l\t'1 tl'ls llbll flag was (‘XCIH'W‘L "ll Lannie m".l‘~'5t}"5 Uh "~25; .! tuhicct to calmlrf' 1W1 ""3" in. 7:12:19 Ill: l".r\(‘ll7\lll.\'l' ORDERS 0(-, Inqr'gnd lll (lit: (l'fil‘ 7‘ "Vt ‘: l()\\'lllh"A 'l‘husc tlt t l.l‘.‘"«l lflllglllg m [2'rtlllCCv im-l 1.5,. \2ll'l: _m0_ 1,, .lu/l/ Til the ""1"," .1. r‘f‘fi'" < 21 in council Uli'l‘t 71h "l ‘1' Hurling to or from t" . ill .3. limit M :.;,l_ t ._'__ 5,. immizl .x. ,l')c1,lt<‘ll, ll an." Err. l~~ . ...l ': laws/Mr. 11‘ ((‘qn'lmurdfrl tn 2‘ .' l,- twain: Detroit nut: [ranch) with 501110 ling;- [I r MINORITY ‘1 r , sizlo oi ;.:ll;1; ll! it'. A (itiELElitlt‘l‘L‘Lllltf proportionot1hr. inllnhii. nta LI 1‘: lltl‘xV hula/1"" I l l‘r All .llh .1 .7! 5-7 1of," CHILL" . I WA ...-- "- ,__..__---- Ml. tti' 511:1 lll‘ nt ,. ztllr! 1m ié'H‘i' lot 1‘ < it ('11-31:) r. (inlonllllf'; ‘i'l'l'vll 1"" (.‘til‘li 2w inhul lll| in til ‘I l; lll' "Jllllll('l" ml :l r:l»‘ l.l lli'C tinnmw lit. 2 l'llit‘lll' n ol'ihc(11".I;lln.'nt \2' w nit I llilnn tlll \.'- imwfilfll llrut o 1:. Nil" 1;. llli,1llll'.\' lll 1hr ('l'ltll't‘. 1'3 ll.<3ll nits l'UllLL} in liz't-ii-lcntc to going; on tllt; Htlillll " ‘1" liq/1. BY. 5. "WUUK‘ ‘ ..ln 1‘ N9. 4T.)l'r(1l'l','uiz w.- tllr- (lit in} tllnl to it" ‘ ill.» h nan: 4 '.‘ rm t glory ll\'( 5 wlw ll \inl' in Illllli‘, . i 13.11;; tltv 1m. i1?‘)tl.t:-ll1,..l»: l, the lll'itlSll l"l_l't. {Hi-221; .'l Ul.' Ulla} 'l‘nl'm: lllll< s till-t loln o .mnn Illl'C_.'t'tl. \\ l; nl‘oxl: li1(.lll "It .I lw, ‘.'xl.( y: it 'Iu-r Ltlllt‘ so tint illnt l lwn 1-11 rlwll la tlw (llz‘l', t l,ll night ol' tl.l: «limit. liril- nntl lllll'on.) :‘t ln‘u z"; :~h::ll l‘i‘SS :l‘.'.‘:‘}', t' li‘M' tl‘l‘l'ln, rll‘H‘iltl: til Ignition '..<' Illnt‘lilt't} to.) li1‘lil'il.':l,fl:lt ()l tlll: l'ix'(~l',;:lwl limnrl mi tll'li« "3‘" . , ;.‘._. tint; ln, :1 (;'l't‘('l1_, \H‘II lt \\;z~s till l2 in], {m milin. \ ":3. ‘31 I'(;tl1t.‘ii (owl-l lll2<l to nlnr.‘ ll nlost oi lllt‘ l-tinjg's :tt'lnl (l V1 ",l in ll, lt l» at tll'tl't (ll. t lltl‘lillt l'.‘ :i: llllll'll'lllilt't , I.‘.ltlI llt'llt‘vt‘ 1i.<‘ Ill-.ly l:ll‘illil':l lt' Wm. (‘11 l‘ul't .‘St. .lml‘ph'm ll-I'Y lllx "il'i.(' I THE l l:\l:ln' s ED SH IS PL'BLI 01: «7‘ Till; if. Ru . lluil, solo rt‘I'Hilill!‘ nltht‘ n'ol-lrll (‘vrl‘tlt 1'l5~lll;; (‘inpil'c of tho null lllL: >-‘ 1) TI Iil‘l'l‘llt CANADA. 'l'l: : t§('(\gl‘fll)lly of this provincu lining; but hon": ixliltll lllc l'nitt-(l States, tl .t"l .L Iilt'l presuntntlv s rtllnizal .uui {it rnvrcinl t'psu- ictlnl'n \zhit‘ll h: cinn ot' hm; lt Britain. in- ll llllcts {U - ... ms"cosm 's ofl'fn ("if to 1m ttll‘CS‘ _ n. in raw H v and tli'mt., "lllmtntl". . . ....::.‘.;:':t::-2s;z of her lltbm‘mlrvl. , ,3 11.55. I of American 1:011"ij ‘Aiwfi-‘I: nucm' illcul~- -"x."m"h' .... - '_ Uh it .llllim ,« "m t ltatrlcumh 5 . In that dlly 01.54ch 5 mm "ml thusltmn Was 11:}: ‘1 \ [llt‘lllL‘ of UHCcasm ,1]? U ' "\Tc n 41 5'11 hr t‘i"' t 1 bllt‘t‘css l-) ll)"I l7 illitvu k) 1.) brunt Bt'l‘t‘ll'l l'llblll't,‘ . |