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Show No. 35. THE \V AR. he shall Arid {w it flirt/Mr enacted, That i the recruit, and the other hall when military some joined have and , mustered the be ising author lor the act entitled " An act a at I know not wh DEFEAT OF GEN. \VINCHESTER, Sec. 18. .- corps of the United States lor seryice; and Lcllerfmm (i'cn. Harrison Ir) (four/701‘ .lI/igs, President of the United States to accept and organize certain volunteer military corps," hounty of one hundred and sixty acres ol and the act entitled " An act supplementary to the act entitled " An act authorising the land, as heretolin‘e established by law. President ol‘ the United States to accept and commiSsioned olliCers who shall be employed llJ‘JAU'QTTARTI‘IK‘I, cytaarna [mi-1R, 2711/! Jan. 19.13. Dear Sir-The event of which I expressml Ho much apprehension in my lettcr to you from Lower riandusky, ll?" happened. The detach. mcnt undcr col, Lcuis‘ wa~ rcinlorccd liy (lcn. \‘."in(:lnn<lcr, with 230 mcn. lle altcndcd i1, and took the command at the riser llaisin on the 20m; and on the 22d, he wa< atlacltml at rm, \‘cillc, by a cousidcrahlv British and Indian lurch, Sec. 5. And be if‘fier/u'r (amend, That the organize certain Volunteer military corps," he, in the recruiting service, shall be entitled to and the same are hereby repealed, from and receive lior ewry elli-ctiye able bodied man, who shall be duly enlisted, alter the first day taller the lirst day of February iext: Fruit/rd, ol‘ Felyuary next, by them, lior the term ol live years, or during)r the war, and mustered, and l)l_LWL"\'n th * ages ol‘ eighteen and forty- That nothingr herein contained shall he so eonstrued as to dtpriyc. the oliiccrs and men who may have cute red the service as toluntcers, under the said acts, ol any rightsfimmuniu ties, or privileges til-L rein secured, or the U. States ol‘ the Seivitas of such volunteers, agr; eahly to the prom sions of the said acts. ll. CLAY, ' )rwciztiifét'rc:. q/ [Lune oft/re «Si/(71hr iii any he hayc ; and it any olliter shall enlist at the distance of 6 miles, but licl'ore the (Jlllt'l any person contrary to the true intent and meaning; of this act, for every such oll'ence he troops (col, Andri-ws' Ohio regiment} ‘Mlll' up7 it was asccrtaimd that the defeat was complclnand it \lei lhc unanimous opinion ol‘ gent-rat r». Payne, Perkins, and thc llt‘lll olliccrs, that us. should return. [‘1 detachment to flu,- an ount ol' ITO ol‘ the mint actitc men was sent liu'ward, with directions to proccml, as, liu‘ as ptwéildc. respects the age of the recruit, shall not tr;tend t') musicians, or to those soldiers who may re-cnlist into the service: .lizd [u Quit/er! (1/59, That no person under the age ol twentyone years shall he enlisted by any olhcer, or helo in the service olithe United States, without the consent, in writing, (ll his parent, January 291‘s, 281.3. .A L‘ 1' IN.) V .1". l), AN ACT Supplrmcnta‘y to the act entitled "An act {or the more pcrli'ct organization of the army of the United States." B: it L‘}li‘[('ft(/ {4/ {/10 Sent/Hr and 110.586 of shall lorl‘eit and pay the amount ol‘ the hounty and clothing which the person so recruited [Cc/2nMath/lives cf 1/ch Limited Slates in Con- Sec. (3. And be it fart/n r enacted, That it shall he law lid for any person during the time may have received liom the public. to he deducted out of the pay and emoluments ol‘ United States he, and he is hereby author- he may he perlbrmi'ng‘ a tour of militia duty, ised, lw and witn the adyicc ant. consent ol‘ to enlist in the regular army of the United the Senate, to appoint one additional major, to the lirst regiment of light-dragoons, the States, and the recruiting ollicers are hereby authorised to enlist any such person in the same manner,and under the same regulations, as it he Were not performing such militia do» regiment of light artillery, each regiment of infantry, and the rifle regiment, in the army or the United States, who shall receive the ty; and cyery person who shall enlist, while pt'rlifl'li'llng‘ a tour of militia duty as aforesaid, shall he thereby t‘.\L(i"C1‘I\lt‘;'l li‘om serving the remainder oli said to: r; and the state to which he may belong shall not he rt quiret to furnish any other person to sery: in his like pay, rations, forage, and other emoluments, as oliiccrs of the same grade and corps of the present military cstahlithcnt. See. :2. And be ftfiirz‘hcr mat-tn], That there he appoint >d, in manner aloresaid, one , , third lieutenant, to each trorvp or comp: ‘ , in the army ol‘ the United States, w 10, iii ol «at Lm'y, or ll_"l1t dragoons, shall receive the monthly pay, of thirty dollars. and oil otlr r n. CLAY, S/cazsh‘r C/if/zc chor o" /'\'<';'u‘z~.xrill/ulcer. [ w. n. cnau roan, , Presidium of My Sandie, pro (t'III/JQI'L‘. '1 l corps, twenty-three dollars, and :ii: Ltlif)'.‘.r".l l the same lin‘age, rations, ant (:thgr emolu- January :10, 181.3. mmuuin), ments, as ssconal lieutenants ell the same corps to which. they belong. Sec. 3. glad be ii fort/hr which", 'l‘hat there be allowed to each troop or company a in the army of the United States, me ailiiio 3513.1 :15 1:1}. inso}; l l l l NOR'l‘ll-W'Eli' ‘lj lf‘i ARMY tionai serjeant, who shall receiVe the like pay 5 rations, and other emoluments, as l l serieants of the present military establish ncnt. Sec. l. And be 21 firmer cant-Lid, That in «rder to complete the prtscnt mihtarv esta- X 1 bililsinent to the full numher author r ted. ov law, with tht: grta‘test possible dispatch, tl liil" L shall he tail to each elitetive alile hocicd enlisted into the serman 7 who thall tie {hilt y His excellent] go The lollou‘in;r 3-1 ed to in the {dime was dated LUWL'!‘ S "Geri. "inched since the Will-litthe river Raisin. l tuliiect. I shall "At his camp this night lonels Imwis and A 7The patriotic [c oftlue OCL‘H‘lHIl, n the following law :7 LEGISL? .111 untfm' (hr; "HF/W Norlli-llidrl‘lt I Wherczu in co dieatnr, which liaNortli-ll'estcrn Ari under the comma" ter. it hcmmc‘ l prompt and cliicicr cscapc; lhc snow wax: so dccp that the l'Ll‘flll\l « wcrc cutiri-lg, cxhausted in running. a [in miliu, those that did get oli‘cllia‘ti-d it by turning (loan to the lake and st-crcline; llicmnclycs. l llé‘li(‘\x‘ lhcrc were not more than 51" or :30 that en". :« H. Harrimn: and cable to Ft cruit at the militia of tlii< ; i'ciiilin' a" lln- .‘Jurt Milli" from the scene of action, and thi- LCl't'hli‘l' under the criminal ral Perkiaq and n part of them were oyi-rtaltcn, Ncyi-r were lhc :dl‘aiis ol'zniy :uiny in a mm» cxpiratiun ol' the ti patriotiun. yet c< prosperous situation than ours, llt'liti't‘ the liizliji' sullerings thu=c n innate .‘l‘t'li ol‘ river Raisin; il authority li‘Hlll ' Eycr} Sollllltlt‘ to expect marching t'nc detachment to the was made not only without an} m-‘-, hut in opp: «Elion to my thing in my power was. lax-iv cicr. In See's ice, aliwr tl‘ said. without malti union: 'l‘lieri-llirc Sec. 1. 1/ if, ws'rc pushed on with a; much rapidity as powi- of Ohio, 'l‘liti‘t in c lilc. 3i, 3. xsro‘t'c‘s halttdion. {the hid in [ll-.arm} ) was within lourtccn miles iet' :lw scenic oi action, whcn he hand of the dcl'eal, and .300 rc« of llli" Inllill‘d ol manil 01' general \\ gular troops wt'rs‘ trio on lil"l1‘ way I remained at the ll: Inn i‘l. on}; In jll‘ '< r :1. 1 mad him-rye. that ti ‘lw t, l)1t‘lll,lll‘, l<i1%'l't'l)\ \‘it:e< l'or any lull; montlw: and Wm such militia shell I ll.‘.‘.?' i l mcaqne an hing pirc prior to lii< r the ("‘3‘ llllit‘lll to the ritcr Rabin, was lin't‘cd N‘lVW lo the ordc - fz-ut uhnlewr may hart 51' great llit‘ calamity in en ill-i wiust‘. :‘izil l‘ tlic Norih-thcr l‘wllil as it rcsrards lhc "anon and isiiii‘dduals. it i- rate of twp"...- d. an] Iiu'dt li‘t‘ i'Ulid‘lfllHl: and in: tin» 21d w: '4 an o't li'eln'iitfly 11: 't, to serve tor the term 1 il‘ lilth' n ~h and E; l'.‘«.s partial Irina, the war", an advance < ll . "KPH-é lthllt‘llll m: . 2c Milli, prolmlvly llll'i w or H. , live yet. " tu=enr~,'~to:.:t‘ (an; .rs n tics-wait or has my, 2 A c a. on l:'~' email and h its; tue aldm» . g: .. Li',‘ - elm. ;;ottul.,, ("tie on; or . [find related by gen. daniison in the ;A(_:-lel()l] [U \ALK; C, such ad‘s" ice to be paid at the enhstnicn‘t o. with much regard, t ed, to carry on ll! llic army undc!‘ tho wit 0n the 18th January the ZLllV'iilll'K 2| Kentucky certainly ind irct'pmahiv. lly ifn- union ‘x-‘iiion llfl Inuit r-l ollici li‘. lie and acorn-l troops under the commend ol' col. la-wis, mada- the :1 ~pcctly an all; cl< upon a party or" lenliam and a company \ ycrlcralai, m th‘, p .:.,:-..-~:' ol "mi 'ii l'm‘ .'"1‘1.£1llil to coycr of militia stationed at thi- liV‘JI' Raisin. 'l‘liv mili~ jinn-(mu ol‘ Ila {go and slows lia lied with a llt'ltl l;l1‘t€‘,illltl icl't lhc luihans to the \‘t-ry \aEualilv comm; ol'aililh-iy ,. s lll'lll 1 ,.‘::‘t2;; lllul tire l‘tH . light the battle, which lirlcd li'om thrt-a- z-‘cloclt llnlws tui‘ wvtuln r is t 6'. unlil l really maid, when hwy also llcd with pre- . in loitr or [1» days, and " Uar loss was it‘ll he at the . tipilalitm, let-Hire; many dcud new} in; "l p- ..ianily ol' '5 .4 aw.l 20 li!‘l‘y‘£ll1‘\‘ \‘Aulnd- . «hill ('i‘ ltilli‘d, Mn r ill: iv: in another (on~ ,‘vhrlil‘dl'Nl' r, Kill: a rinr- ‘ ml. i' a: in. Ei-‘lllii Zl~ EU lilt‘ l't‘ , tort" 2.: .ixlzu'clux lrillm ll' it) dz-r ri'sct it?" .iu, Vice ol‘ the United States, alter the first da 7d, lnwtt'r general \l'inc th lulled: some of at er tt la report the ntw tacliment anmu to assist those who were fortunate enough to suc‘n ollice ‘. gress (lsz'enzh/l'd, That the President of the clothing , 'li‘llt‘ troops brine, guardian, or master, first had and ol taint-d, invert/1M:uw, 'l'hat this regulation, so lar as 13'. H. CRA‘W FORD, with six picccs of artillery. wurpri'a-d, and ll!" ground ll!:lit\t)l'nhlr', had but lilllc opportunity ol' forming to :nlt‘anlngc. 'l'lii y were .«Inrountlcd and hroltc, in it: or 2.7 minim A major and captain "1:! about :7 piiiatcs, wenail that cll'cctcd tln-ir cscapc. I had but .1630 men with mc, {ilPHlll thrcc milcs‘ above the Rapids, uh: rc the news: lirsl reachcd Ill". I immediately (il'Ill'lf‘il them to pl‘t part,- to march, and r'!"l out wiih my wall, to oycrtaltc :1. dclachmcnl ol' Jot; turn that had >f‘l (-ul illi'l morning lor the riytr um". I overtook thtm live years, the sum of four dollars: Prx'z'n'u/ Prim/t at 0 7/1.: Senate [ire [cm/2911'. VOL. I. . 7", .. of l | Vices as he may i an ol'tlic li't‘§i~lll miwloni-d oflim militia of (hi,- i'imua sum. 4, in the sen-w; .,, and the lmunu .~ and paid in in. it) the lime ilay Wm sulti- (In: L (ll‘ht‘1‘\ipp_ SW- 3. -l‘l([ l'. fluceition cl' (Etc .1 n; i‘lllVl‘ in": icccitt-u ‘.> mag. . a din-iii: i liixH'HiL" 2;, , and it .ia: (Mn iin‘ i""~l0-'Hlfli‘~"l l'UN-"l‘ cert, luv: " lt'Lm. voluntwy 11""t |