OCR Text |
Show Sin-J liziri: hurl lln: honor to rrmiw: your lrlttzr and its Ult‘ltis‘lll" s‘ ri hating to 'l‘homiis Uiiiin,‘ and hrg Icuw- to inform you that it iippt-iirs ‘iht: mid mini is inzirrird in l‘liiigluinl, inn; l)('{ n tight yi-zirs in his innjtrsty's s't ryin r, and ruzi l\i'tl_ :1 pi~.::~.:on from gth-i‘ii- llllll'd‘ llll'St.‘ (liri iitiistzim (ib',llll(l tln‘ mun li(:\‘t‘l‘ haying; illittl sung, .ippliizition l :1‘ his tii.it:li;trt§i: to prison, he continurs on hi .irii lil‘ St'dii'zt. llizu'o tho honor, ire. ,lUElN lltllHu‘tSl". \\')‘il{lll'l.‘{, Atllilll'ltl ot‘tln; liluc, zintl noinmniidcr in chief. 1' 'l'lir; i-iiplir'ntion wra inndr- :tt tliw request of‘his ht- ‘iliCi, Jolni Dunn, ol' llostoii, \thi: trniismittcd .1 depoIsl‘tltill (ii his hii'lh. 'l'hi- llll‘SslltTP and documents wcrc rt-fcri‘od t3 the (:Omtnittt'o on lort‘iyln l'L‘lltlJtiilrj. ._.....__ Allilliltl.‘1f‘\i t.?.‘tl.l.i‘tf‘{'i‘ll.'i'. The f‘ollo \ inn; nurrntirt: ol an action l)(‘.l\'.'('t‘ll the pi‘imlt‘tr sciiouiiur (uni-mil Armstrong. ol ‘ll , ii'H' , carrying 15 guns :iiid ll.) "an, (‘oninininli il hy (-uy R Uiiniiipiiii, isci. and :t iil'ltl‘ll li'iizn‘ii-, lb h'oin the city, It :iilils .‘tll'illi‘. r lltl to 'ln; \wr -jv' L-ntyiintil around tht- l)."i)\‘,.5 ol' out nun-l war- cd and \,\'l)lllltlt‘(l on hoard thr: (urn. :‘iil .‘ti‘iii511"'l'?§1 li'i'l/iril-Jolin Lotion, ('iull'll‘dlll'l) Amid "'zitci‘s, (ii‘iir lli' ii'Vt‘l't‘, Isuzu: lh-ilgits, .lom pli Johns/rt, (sh Vttlldl) and John Hiril. ‘zV'l'i/N11'"/.‘l.‘II/I'I/---(illjflt'.,'iltllllli)llll, (r:npt.)l'hilip V\\'iniii:in, (Hinze dcnd) John "nil in, Anthony l"l':uii in, (.u‘iiioi't:i"s' tunic) Stuphui. l'igiill, Andrew I. :ll5,.llllllt.f) \Villi:iiii<. S "/i/i'f/ Hiii/iir/i‘iI-llv-nry Ill-its, Autos \Vriiyiil, l"l('l‘ lizt ltt'ux, "ltlllt‘l ()hirlrw, filruinnit-r) '\l)l'.‘_ll::|Il Hi: littt‘t‘rt‘, (lil‘otht'i‘ 'Il'illll‘. otit' l;.l‘('ii) "(in l1. "lush, [)uyl(1Ullllll,<]t;lllts(5(llzlllly:lll(l Hunt-y 'l‘oinhrlli; At. It llltjl'lllltg‘ ol‘ tlit: s oig? holili \ in the jll‘lVltl" :iriin d stzliooiiai' (h-nornl .‘iriiidi'ni 4‘. "inf; ll. (,lizunp lin, ('Hl. «'(ilillllltlltli r, Colin-ind .it '1'. niiiiuny ll,;ll, pursuant to pubic notivr, on ‘.\ igilni'vlnj' t w 'iiiiq, lltli of .\pril, loll ‘tli‘t‘. lolluwnigg rcsolulioiis \1Cl Uliitlll- her to he :t ship. \Vc approached within gun-shot of him, \‘.ll(1li lit: got undt-r way in :1 vary liihl)i:rly mzniiitzr, run up l‘lll‘gllsll colors, and lircd 3 guns from his gun-dock We gnu: him our (mi/{210m :uid showed American colors. "c thon rtomnn-ncud 2|. lil‘L‘ lrom 7 gun) on his intuit-dock, and l li'oii'i his liirccustlc, bl": uloogis of war. hijvc thatihis important addition to our llllilt)|l.'il lot-I v'. ‘,\ ill ht, (roiiiplctod with till [)l'lt'IlllJttl)lC dispatch, Th: patriot": (if the pt-i'liirinr liiiiitiiig tn: fivi: . l AN ACT Supplt-nicii‘iztri' to this :wt lor llit'V‘f‘ItCllltf‘ thi- N‘i til lJl' lllt: If" [I J'lHlLii‘l/ l/l/ [i'iI' Suit/1 /' (ii/u, Ila/1271.11," If, rm lira-ifz‘i' ", that tho- nga-nfs' pi'i-,~.'-iit (apt. (in): R. i.li:iinplin with 21 sword, 1U. llIL (‘3‘.11I‘ll51.' oi ll": stotlillUlQlt‘i'S, {or his gallant coiiduotiii the ronrotitro :thori: sorrow; and lllitl tho ['rt-sidriit hr: :1uthor.-,< .1 to hnyc 'l'iio.\i,-\s FAicrvi A l?, (lllitll‘lTl'dll. 'l‘n o .‘l .1. I. J i; 3. n L .\ is, Sccrotury. 'l‘lll'l S \lt.\'l'()(iA. The privatt-cr sr ll()f)lit‘l' Stuaitogu, of" this port, Ullzll'lt‘s \\'oostrr, t-sii. C(llllillltlltit.'l', llllla ltl'l'l\(:(l at Jim! be it foil/tor e'imxtml, tln: st-ii board as tho Prusidvnt ol‘ tlit: L'iiitul Status sh.ill (losignittc. Scti. . J. .Ii'i'il /iU if "Fulfill i" i "ii/I fin/l , 'l‘hril thi: l'i'tv'l and give him our hirhoiird brozisidc, and hnzird him L‘VLl‘y mini, us hr hzid :L Watt'lllift :ippimmimc, and was in izhiico, (lifl':l'llll|lt:(l, :tt till 1.37.1: ds, to ill'Chi‘l‘VC lltfl‘, piorccd lor .28 guns on his gun-«hi \Vi; bore. down on h.m within lldlh pistol-shot, and cuttrr :4. druhhingg. At half past {our 1'. ' .\l, calm: along-side: ol'hur, within hull' pisEol-shot, 3nd guru he our whole hroztilsiilo ol round and g'rnpr: shot, \\'lil(‘,ll slic rvturnnd 'u :trmly-thu notion mount: :Q'lell ial for about 1:5 iinnntcs, wlicii tho ‘lLth‘l'lh lirt: slimlu iii-xi, having stistuinud grunt thunzigi; in lIL‘l' rigging and \Vc ox- !thuiifmd mzuiy hrondsidt-s, cut away his tlt'5,ll1|lll);tl‘(ls, braces, Etc. and our Hiltl‘llltih pirkrd his mun from his ports its lltst us thoy showed lllt'lllfa'tlli't‘fu \\ c glue him illl‘tx‘ or (our hronds‘idCs in passing him tho first tiiiic, by whn:h c brought away his colors: we ii'iinirdinttdy wore round and olive llll‘l'L' chars; his lirt: emu oil, and no accordingly held our lll't‘, tlllllllllilg‘ lit: hiul strut‘k, by whit-h we lost I" o raking; fircs on him. The moment hc brought his hrondsidrs io hour on us to rule: us, llt: (limited his wholi: l):tl.l(.‘l'_‘,' on us, and dwilt destruction to our sails and rigging: Wt- innnrdintoly hiltud to and recommcnccd the notion. "is wads wvrc vary destructm: to us. He ponrcd his grape, oininistor, 29.6. in j'l‘L'ftt quantities. Wt; saw tllL‘lll tnrow ovor many ol'tlicir killed. "'c had 7 kiilod and 1t} Wflllmlt'tl. l lt‘Ct‘thf‘lu bliotli'om their intuit-top, which wriit through my collar-bout: and out my l) ck. Wu llIUl but ()i:(: shroud, no stay, haul-yard or shoot Sunding, \yiitzn \rt 'huulrd oil". We v‘ llowmui, thiro was no llllt'l‘lllt‘th‘, Wt: must hull; and as tho lililllll llowvd plontiliilly through hi;r scuppcrs, l prosiiihcrd llCI' loss in lilllt'tl :ind woundud must have liccn 331 Wit. Ht- thoii hort: up and l't‘_llill\\‘<l his Convoy. Uur olijcct, Vl/u the promotion of ()ill‘ iClJtlJC. On the 19ili, on our way to it port in the U. States, m repnir our duninscs, wc li ll in with tho British ship ‘Williuni, 1mm 5?. Johns, ol'LZriti 1_<)ll.‘9,1t new ship, with v. Lutl'tfu ol‘ lish, value about LlugJUU doll' -:, and capturBil licr. ~ \‘t:‘5h'cl5 ol‘ \v;ii-,in such ognirid :iud unniv !'i-'lll pli» l and llllla oil and on t I iiiitilab'iilt llii'w: o'i i. k after it ship in .lilums, from Lima", llt,tl'(‘(l Aii erratum router ln yuatcriliiy lJU'tl‘ 1, il lllc Shannon l'rigzttv, \v'n aid milking SillllL‘ an ; ‘.. i'l port, wro": o.i Cll‘d, (ll. \t‘liiiili bhnniion: Tuned is: :t pzt‘Ci ‘, (,‘Ltpt. (hot. I Tim 7-l‘s wort: scan i. 'Iil‘. (lt‘llL lltf' (Alltl ho is' llt'l'i:li_\ It,llillt)l'l‘|,‘|l to r-onlrmi lict.c huddinguny oi tln- 'x losti'rloxii~ grim ships an thorisitzl by law: i" (iv/it'd, 'l‘hit thi- building hi.- on tlt'l' :iispt,<‘tio:i of an tut-ht illlllullllt'll hy tit Si-ri'ttut‘y tit" iht: Nuyy She. :3 . hii.' half. 'iirr/nxrzwri', 'l'hut ilii; l're-si lain. of tho l'iiitt-d htLtti-s hi: .tlllll'Ji‘iSt‘tl to ~2~ll or (llwlflhutf of rail ‘h :1 d so man}. 01‘ lllt‘ tfllll~l)li.iij htlwi'iji'iiig ti‘ thi: l'iiit -.l Shite-s as may limit- l)l'(‘.l)l'l!li null" liir wiwiry, or its in his ‘iudgi moiit may no l<)'l:_§Li' l)L‘ not. shztl'} hi hi: l‘t'lltillt‘tl. liy tlit: g'it'crilll‘ii-ii‘i.. March .1, I‘d]. ]-.\ppri,ycil, JAMES MADISONU , and \ii: 'i t i1. i s‘:\ l, I‘L' when up, and. tr. i in \t'tfltt liriill'.‘ h‘ir‘. :‘Wt‘iltgllifih'l: an A: J] " 0n \K't: hirsvlay tt't- .i place, from the m. :it S'u'iinnuh, ti lli‘, a \"l fit}: him to {ll'lltjl' it llaltu mti'llitllf d4 l‘L‘il'IL‘ oi tl:.it repently rcct-ivcd [iioin iii prrpurntions h.- j: glll'c‘t'limimt. tri r.i'.;t anion;r oilicr plans- n' \‘t- pri; , lining automphsht-d, and tho dniiiag‘c no sustuilicd bringr C()lls£llt‘l‘:tl)l(_‘, ! thought it :fllhsafldt‘. to SHIP lltflldlthz. K'L.'5Wi'i.-.'i.r.fr '1;-‘i.n,‘(ti' .--/i om ii [Juli/mt former. kwcp her-rclhrting that it is not all for honor, but a little with :1. "my to lllttl‘cal, that \rt: light my 0 Suviiiiiuli ll'llll‘l‘i llis excrllanm' (lllthl' The first il ithli- (loft; ship in lt :'i linginiil \ A. l). 1543), in tin: SJ'dl _\«:111‘ (ll. lll‘ r ».ij'i cil- Henry ‘\ ll. whom: ltltlfll‘ it hort , 1nd mp. l'llil} ions i)illllit nv tlh total i x'pr-ri'lilurt, ol‘ whitili is t 5 i:n..trd at lvl,'iiiUi‘. 1it‘Hi L ' l is, 3;- ;un ships \y'o-i‘i:1li' hit-:1; ~t in 'up llLt lll‘: miritnni: mowini 5th of "unit iiistztnl. is t)ur loss \i its thrtx; killed and two ‘,‘,l)llli(l(:ll; and it is owing)r to tho guudnos‘t, of our ipiin'trrs tint! it was not much grizzih;i',;is muskotrymid groin: wart: pourml iiito ushiiolizni-stoiirs,1iiiil wuru found stirh zit; in o.ir htllJiul'lis and cotton hugs altor thv notion, throughout thc whole of which my ollicors and (:i'm ' holiuy ed with that cool nnd strzidy valor which is tht: Clllll'LLC'Lt ristic or our sciimmi, .‘illtl which, I trust, tlnry Will continuw to display, till haughty ‘pritzii'. blldll ho compelled to ucknowlcdgc our maritime rights. hurt; scvrrul Shot butwixt Wl d and water, tour or live through our ho Sid": and our lorrmust our third cut all by a. 33 pound shot: wt lizivc soverul 33 and 38 pound "ads on lioiird. "()Wt‘V'Cl', Mt: got std}; away, thzuil; heaven and the (jcnrrnl, and out of the not], again 1" Mil -i, pit: post- ol'cstuhhsh i115r :t (loch-yum, l'o' I't pzuriiiif tho rd hy a king's cutter, mounting; M'htiizn pound Clll‘l'tllilflll‘fi, and u l'roviilcni'c [ninth-or, :il. how: in night. Al‘tt-r inziltiiig signnls to our prime, 1 llléttltt sail tight ordisuhlo him thnt Wt: CUlllil cruwl oil‘. Tit-9 {Nil/ii f i morning, two "In? . T: l." . l)llllllllil§ or procuring sztitl vrssi-ly, and ii v- tln- pity» two lottt' ol' nun-(pic ships, of 1.}‘iiirl (,3 g‘iins, (,hllt'tiy- it) our iiiortilicntirmi we too liitt- found lit-r to l)t: u hi‘ wliriin wuull ilili hm '1 ed tin lil:'|l'il"|illl':.' l :- That liit‘ tht‘: miziit ol'two lllllltll'L‘tl thousand dollars, for "sat-la :il i'oztdy [li'UCtll'ttd on the. lftki's‘, by (lll'CClllHI oi'thi: l'risirloin, the sum oi'iiint- llll!l(ll(‘tl lll'lll‘ii‘tlltl dollars, nu‘» of any nonuy in tho 'l'rvusu' y not othti wi n- :ippi opt: :ittsd, hr, and tho SLtlllt: l3 llt:l'cl)_\' :tgipropi'nit-sil. 5U: 1}. Jul! 0: 1'1 fi/i-i/n'i' I much i!, 'I'hut tlii- Slllll o: ow: hundred lllllll5otilll dollars hr- :ippropilxih'd tor the .\ tlirj.‘ li-i't th: {dry-lino. their ship, .\ini.n;tli ‘ lllcl'i: p; ‘ Nil} ii dbl : Sec 2. .lliu/ {m i! flirt/ii"- Purim/:11, 'l'hzit. thr; l'ri-ii (ltilll l)(5,1tll\l. lit: is lwrchy :uuhorisrd to appoint such l1lll(‘(_‘l‘5' nnd to nmploy lllt‘ ltllflllli‘l‘ oi~ ~(:.H‘ltL'l| which may in; Hoot-swry for such \Vt‘S'Si‘li its {(111 :iiitlioi'isi5ii .‘y' law to hi put in comm. lull, any law to thc con: t'zu'y not".ithstu'iding‘. that she was a. lrttcr ol~ mnripic. \Vc :icrordingly concluded to run dowu close on hoard ol‘ lit-r, and :4ch him our starboard hrondsidr, wczir on our lict-l which I l~lllt.".V could only hr «Ali-c‘td hy giving,r the .‘itjlll, up :1. SH iii‘. that litur Vi5llllll't' U; l 1 ‘ im'", lllnt ‘ built or pi'oCti:'i.d such it llllllilltil' oi sloops of war, In .3. Killii‘. plauie. A‘ the llltlllivf o." liioitcd a iii 1' {Th-V. othri- armod \‘casrls', to ht: lllllllllt‘tl, equipped, and coiniiiiasioncd, as tho puhlic Scl'VlCL; i'nzty roquirc, oi: the lltl((‘j. Now ()rliriuis', \riih ht:r prim tho Lord Nelson, of GUI') tons, and :t v duuhli: ciirgo, zitluptcd to tho wants and noccs‘sitxm ol'thiit Ulitl‘lit‘l. (,ant. \Voostcr writes :15 iiillon's‘, untlur dim: of' the 22d 1‘ . to his corrrspondont in this rig . The, Lord Nelson is un ultrgniittt-ssrl, nnd consiiloroil out ot' tho lincst iinxrclinntincn in tho Ul‘illsli str» Vl(‘.(,‘. llcr cargo Izoiis‘ists pr nriptdly oi' pluntution storms, Lind will hi-iin; Iii) pcr cont. more livrc thun in any part of tlit: [JilllCtl Slltltj‘l ()ii tho 9th ins‘mut, \‘i‘liilr mull/ling; (.‘npi- Antonio, l l}. n'iodoi'os‘ Rod: . (tlll with tlirir llt'llitjlllilll-l, an l up Mr lliWii7 .. i tlii'te lti‘ltl :url inutr‘; l'riiii tho prompt lell'llll'lll of gororni'nigni to tlit: sitmr: m niicd, (:(piipprd, ind (Ulllllll*>.'lll."(l in» WI, 'l'thL tht: (thOVtfi resolutions hi: pltl)llSllL‘(l. . miriii and .i illlty ll'Ll:~it llll‘ waning ii mail an lh.» \‘i'li‘ll'cl, and tin: grunt I'Xt‘l‘i,lh|l,'> iiiitilv lit-i; of in lli . N‘ity l),-;i:ir:iiir-iit, we hnvt: thi» s:iti iiwtioii to hot. B .lish iii}; lt: oll' Snirinzuii. 1:, ' on Friday lm‘ in. who Curlew: ly L. accoiiiriio liiioii. 'l lant, tax: and "it: l Milena!) lor tin: wholi; oi ‘ihw-u. (if/w"; o/J/u / 'J.'.'i «/ .S'Kiz'm offl/virii'ini [/2 'I‘onwr :u‘in'lli'rl, 'l'llnl thi; l'l'{"'1ltl lit lii', fllltl he is lii-rtsliy :il'. tli irisi-d to hint: built s: slm-p» of ii :ir, and l0‘llikl't tho tliltllkrl of ‘hzs mailing; to amt (i. ll. (,‘humphndiis Tlic larm'r- r‘i~ brows n-i: alim'r , VI ser'l» ll‘tVL' ltt't‘ll c'illi (:ti {l at tho ililli-ri-iit navy-yard) oi'tin; Lilitcd Shitrs, and tho in of thrisr: sitvt-n ~ lliurs :iiid s‘r-iurid ol‘ tht; otlii-i alll[)H :tl‘i: :ilri-uil‘,' litiil nhirli led me to helium; lillt: was :1 Liverpool lottrr ol Liturq'iu, as they have several li'igztlc-huilt ships from that port; and it was the general opinion on honrd guts. .._ "3""), . l4 A ‘ i v Siilliltuliti'll'l'lldl'illlrlllSllil."v"‘,l;r';ilT1;,',l.:‘[if .i ,ilos‘. It"ll‘.'ll\', :tnil 1x1‘t"x :zuly' in :i ainti- (,5 r: :i .ivh-riiih- liit‘ty'ut‘ililigs for C'tll' int; ii.to z-lii-"t ll; :trt ol‘tli" l«tl."‘.'.".1l'lll of Coiif‘iri‘sn \t‘hi' h :iiitliorinoo. tho hitililingi; ol'lo'ii‘tnwwziitylolli‘s and 53k ii‘iw 'f'i,1'liil (illii'crs :ind (:ri-w, liir tlr Zr nulliint ii'lll'llt'lfi Ill an it'tioii sustziiut'd hi i.'i\il('ll thi- (.i-ii:;:';ii .‘ii'iiisti'ung and at tilt-iitioiitsd. we mud: a sail at 7 in tho morning, hill}: in shorr of us, at anchor, about 5 leagues" N. 1‘). ol'Surrin..m ;".vn:r. Wt; hurt: down on licr, and soon diicth'rixl v Willi lit" ff. iiiously :iilopti l: I.‘«. u/iw/, 'l‘hut tlir: llgt'ill‘: ltt‘ I't"lll{‘\:‘(:(l to trnn'iniit , ' ll; .. i'di attained its pl'Lmj Ii 1/. .i:".'oii (WV: Jim, gf 1), le'LllllASl'i ()l" 'l H l‘\."\ 'i V. riot-.1». ' Hui ‘7,|‘,:l,‘~. i' ':':i t. A? or: "ltil'fi. ii'li-ston, S. (1. .\pril .Q, lid 3. ,l. arrivtrd hart: lItSL tuning, :ilirr :tii tiiilorluiuitt: i‘i'uisc of eight \tigtks-in which tmn-, on tht: 7th of" March, we lizul :ui on, no niont \Hlll n llritis'h sloop of var, on tln: coast of .‘a'urrinum. Wt: t-xchungt-il six or rim-in hroiulsidirs with her, in order to :tSCtjl‘thlll {\‘llt‘lllt‘l' sl was :1 \‘csstrl of war or not, and on luring; blllli‘llt‘d \a'o linulutl oll' without injury. ()ii the 11th, prov mi tits, \Vi‘ ll‘lll . . aCl'Fi. -9..." 'I'hr: followingr is; :t list ol'thc nrimt-s; of persons kill- "wig/2,9, own/w in, 1mg. mi'nt. Wt: Could li'll lvnt'li. . ,. .:-..-‘ _.- .. . ill, ‘il‘lll lot" tho txrliiuigi: olf\iitci'i¢tin prisoners of war, ditttd ii'riii‘irrlirittly tnlu-n into one: ', Iiiiil. committr'rl to \l, '«lingftun afar/l, 1hr ,..« to :i\\;..t his: trial ri‘ lh/ llt‘R‘ li'l'li'. (ii ‘t .(iii Supp-riot Court, to lJ‘,' Lollicli ii‘ ihifu iiioii'ii. in; , (ll) l‘ri'jzili: mounts o9» {guns on hm- grim-din ‘r, C or {5 C'TW til" rt lollrr from :ulnii til Wiii‘rrn to Mr. \iilrtlh il on llii- (Jllnl‘li'lV/ll't‘li, tuid it. on the lorouitstlc; hul' IiLLnir; "Oltlill) llll'l‘tllll‘ilili'. [ft/Wotan, (JV. C.) .lj'if'il 6. ()n the afternoon of ill(: 24d UlilIHU, llL‘UlL‘ilitlil (it"r tiltinii, holoii; "in; to gun-hon: No. 1116, lying; at thc town of \V'ushiiigtoii, \\ :is m: ' h i-hitrously hotel-cud by , tgtlliiitn' ol'sh l gull-bout. 'l ltL‘ part (:11htrs as tar 115 they haw;- l)L‘l:ll roiniriumcuttd to us arr, that. lion t-nunt li, in attempting to put him in irons for iisordcrly and ' hus'ivt: conduct, Was 5 abbcd through tho heart, full, and instiuitly Chpll‘t'd. "c was ~ Itli l i'ibt' v.4 Wt li Hit liii‘i'P-li'ilt's, tll‘; gun.» month: on lllL‘ t‘ppz'r ll"( 1: only. _ l-‘or 1hr intuition of port ll':l 5,, and 'i'n‘i'wis otiicr it tl'itiht-3tliy, ind. htrd to the Jilti'ilihlilC of "3,, on mni ' din of Louis Xll. 1' 'H lll" yi iti‘ Lilli), iii lll i-ls ii which our \'-.‘i~ find, howow-r, thn: t; iliiz-Ai‘iuiis. country in in, Sir l'rniitris; lirnkt , Cllllhtl'liljtl '_ placing at his disposul iltticliriicnt, [or sutli :t litiii h'om his (lll'lsllill, ti might be lZcCt‘53U‘t' to Enrrgy, any prullnir, i tempted by the titan-2. ‘A l')l-iVl,lIlt‘lll-,, ‘. , itiiii‘iv of .\l. Ill" l ' tilt: \'v"t:st lniht-s, .ii thc _i. .ii' lsiTt). «.rc oi :i wry ;i li;l‘ lililhb‘, lhi: l'.t.(;iv:t ll'lll}:(1l‘7")l'11l5, and ili-J. lroni ‘vllllfll 'll‘tllllirillUH't‘ xvi mLty ‘.'.':i‘:, oi"); tilll\ ‘ui.-,lly illit‘f', (that hint rim; bllllh (llll Ill')‘ l)':v',‘()ll‘\: Vt.) gui‘urd, (:oiiii'r ‘- ' _/.-v' 51 i.,.il ‘1, until 3 yt-‘ry I‘t:~ -i .i t‘t‘iit (liLil', Although in (gov-on lill/JLlIL‘lit s Liillt.‘ tin: er‘ mnnicnt ol' i-Liitgl.ii\'l, iii tln; luflill (ltpurtmuiit, was computv-d at 151,271.) l'lH‘lL . A (list mtv mnn ol' wnr, ofthc pl't351‘lllt.lity,l‘i(lllll‘CS above 70,000 cubic {cut of timbcr, and cximliib ul't‘HlllCM/y . h-ciiflvu‘ laiicliiily ocmrrrnco . \i'l ll‘lih ll'lUl'lllllf"-lll(f hi» I l ‘(illll‘illllh ( iliiniuiih d li\ . | V I.':l‘t: ycstci .. I aiitliiii'cil itllrijllilylnl.) t I?" unfortunate muii ‘\\l. i ‘ hit-[rated and turn in i n riii , elite by which 4 sin ciilicilt tliis (listl‘t'SSillg .lme (View i mploicd in .re on t "‘3 "Pl-031ml w as (run niw~ . |