OCR Text |
Show AFC). 19, 2%- THE WAI' . 37: ["1710 Hund red / "1‘:/mu». 4/ (11," . .A_ CF ._.L .-.. .. -p- ----- ~-~-----. ‘» « ..- V --~--..I'_‘ . 1.1 511111;, 1101111111,- .11'.(1, 111‘120 to t111. ‘ y-A_1'.11, Item 1111 : . 1 #L#H4W . "LET 1:11'1'C1:> 5.1111011 , '11 1‘1-('1', 11112C 131112 THE RALLYING \V()I(I), 'l'IlIHH't'II'I ALL THI". DAY, 1'.]: "LI/HUNT)" 0/! . . n III'.II7II1 NI". \VY()I{K.. ."AILI'DAYI\l‘0\ I".WIIII"1'1 7, 1812, \"(>1.. I. i\‘(). 20. .13"C'm I21C2'11'10 1 ., 51111», 211111 1.0111, 1(' is :1113111'1501111'. 1"..L1;C', :111r1 ('. 110' . 1. t 1'021'11111151‘111'1 11‘, C11. 21-. (1:1111111'111 110111 I)01111111(111( ' 111:1.1‘11IIC11'1;0 01 ‘111..I‘: ‘0:'11; IIC111'1, \':_-.i 11 crutcs, C011,] i'C'd 1111;11:1111‘1CC1‘ .1'1221, 11111115,; hut-11 111C 1)1‘I>()11C1‘50n :.:111'.11'C(1, 115111-15 1101‘ .3110 10113111111 1; only 5 111cn of WI thC' 1111501119' 1111‘. thCy 11101; 1101': 511111111511, in 1‘ 011!1(1C(!. (11111 111‘- 1‘111511111‘11111111" 1‘11. 1111(1 .11: 11111; ii~h1'11('n I!..‘ltll(‘1(‘t‘1 ()(1. 15., t11C'.l01111 1110, .1 10115., 1111‘ 01'(.'s (111(1 IIIIIIIIL‘I‘ ‘1'1119 \VAR, '.111 115 PUBLISHED EVERY l'a‘A'I‘UIiI-IAY DIUIININU, BY 5. \V()()I)\V()R'I‘II 8'. (X). "No. 473 I'I'C'I'Z,ZI.‘£(.' (11:1,;er:«iIIC-S'ZI'CI'I, JV Yer/r. Jlt 53 per mnmm, [Wyn/III: annular/1,1 in (Iduum'. OFFICIAL. ‘3111--Asthc n'.0\'('m('.11ta (111111.: army undmmy (,(Immaz '1,(1 si1i('(: l 11:1(11113‘111:1:11021111't0ud- <_l1'1:~‘15)011011th(' 11'-11110.1 1111.1' 111:1.11 01‘ '11 w 1: 111C: 11101'11i11:r 01 1'11: 11111 by C'.1'0'.".i11'.; 0V(-1' in 110111511'0111111C 01(1 11:11'y 01)110."1t0 th(' Ilcizrhts. wine, prizc 101116 "1/11'61/071'2 12:71:11! /I(' IIIIIIII struck, or (I/[ {/II' III/Z (Iml ('1'/1071:.(3 oft/1(' ('(IIII/Iuign gufor nor/Hug; mu! "waits-1' [/Hln Ind/11111;, for l/H‘ 7U/IUKC 701/! /I(.' tingrrl "IL'I/ll ([I.'./I(III(IT." it kilhd 110 (Inc. _ (‘1'11151-u-11'115 bt'FlI __([Lg11rtI"(15C\C ‘11:»..11 C1111." 1021(11'11 51,11,111 (11‘ 1.111,- 11:10 11? 1.1- 1,J',0011C1" ,1; 1111191111) .1I3- '11 11:11.1 1 '1(-(-11 C111)I J-, "1‘ '.'.Itt Int/Ii 3,1!)1111! i'UltslHS . 1,1111 ,1 \1111111' 10 avoid (my C111hzt1'1'11ssnn1t i11(1(Is:~;1111;t11(: l'l\Cl‘(, \1' hic 11IS 11(: 1'C' :1 8.111561 (11‘v101(11t(-(1(li(s) (:x11C1'i(.:11(',(:(1h0'11t111('11 \11.1C1110C111'Cd t0 t.:1k(' thC 110:1t51‘1'011'1 thC' landingr lIClmv t0 the plum: (II‘cnlIICU'lwtion. LiCttt. Sim was C‘011s‘1dC'1'Cd 111C 111111101‘g1'C‘111C'st. skill 101' this SCrvicc. IIC' 111111311t11'.1v011(:(:nwisth,itis such,th:111, th'n WCHL uhCud, and in 1111: Cxtrmnc (hirknCss, '.C' w10h- 1'1'01111d shalll IC ‘.'iCWCd, I 81 1111‘ 11115.5(:(1 thC intttndcd 111:1(:(: 1111' 111) (11(: 1'iVC1'; ‘5 and (3's,1111(1 11‘ ‘...-\.I,(,1,,'11,,[)11 RI" .‘ ‘ , ,,.._, .11, . 1, , 1"} 1 . l111111.11 ._ 1.3110": ,1, - 1,1‘ 11.,1‘1111101'131 1;\' th(‘ 1111' -.(1 .i'.1.1'1.-::1( '11. )',‘ 1: .-..(I‘ J ' 111 11.11117 ,. 1‘I 111:11'51 '111' 1', '10 " '1111'1 :1 (111111111) (>01. S?'1':111.1h:111'5 1'('.g;i1n(:1.t 11101('(i 11'0111 .‘\1'.1»';:'.1".1 Falls-11.1. 8 (I‘thnik, ,‘IIC:.'1(1".-;111d :11, 11i11(: limit. (:01. Iilnn's1'(:1,;i111('11t111;111ht'd 11011: (.110 5211111: 1:101:1'. All \V(:1'(: in (1121111 in good 5112115011. I\1',1'(:(:zthly to my 01'111'1'8 15.1.11C';1 1111011 1.1113 01102181011, th('. two (:011111111‘, \W‘l‘t: to 1125'; ()\'(:1' 1(Igg(:t11(:1' ; 2111(1500111:11.111:11(1151113 8111111111 111: (:(L1'1'1'iC'd, li('nt. (:01. 1101;111:165 11,1119; :11'111 IC'ry wuz. to 11:15,:10w1'ti1u11 11111\11111:'.1 (l(;t:.1(:11111r'.11101‘ rcgtnznn; 11nd 0111C1' 110111131,: I‘0110w in 01'(h:1'. At (1:11:11 01 11'11yt11C 110'111, WC rC in 1'(;'I1i11('v: .1'.(:(:1" l‘ully snlimit myscli to 111C j‘ttl1"111(:11L 01‘ and thCrC, in 21 111031 CXtruot'dinzn'y manncr. and the t10011k1 (01111 t(: 111'111 ( 111:1'11. inzr, nnrlCI In my l(:tt(;1' 011,110 8111 i11st.I 2111111'17.('(1 y011 i‘.1stCn(:d his hunt to tht: sh01‘C, and ulIund0nCd 111C (lC'tziclnnCnt. I11 (111: 1‘1'011t hottt 110 111111 thC(:0v01 01 :1 (:0111111411111111111) lI'.1‘-t.(:1",. 111011..t11111 '3 (:ightccn 0011111101"; 1111112 521:1(2'1. 11011111 ( 4111:11. :1 Crisis in this; ('.2111111aigjn was rapidly ud- Citl'I‘lCtI 11C:11'ly C'vCry 0:11‘ which was 1)1'C'1):11'C(1 1111:1115 \'I(:1'(.', 50011 (115110101111,111111 :1 '.';111c11113; ; and that (10 112111941 th(: same Words.) 101' all th(: bouts. In this :11;01117.i111§ (1111111111111, 1.100(1 ul‘tiCcrs and 111C11, whnsc :11'd01' 11nd 1101 1)t:'(ill (:001Cd 11y C711 11081111; t11r0111;h th(z 11i1.I;litt(I 011C 01‘ thC' 111031. t1'C111( 11110115 110'1't‘11-(2215t 51011113. 01‘ 11111'1|((:t1"y \1'11'; 11111111211 110111 1111: 1.2111011: 11111: (II‘thC (111111111111.11111'1.:. ()111'1111'11111‘y 1211:1101): .I. (21410 s.'.1‘C'(:1) 1111: 511011; ‘01 it \‘.:1'.', 1111' 1.01m: 11111111t(:.'1,100 (hurls; t0 (111'(‘.:t 11111(' 11 1‘11'1: 11.1111 111'; (011111.11. 111151; 1111-. A l)l‘l‘>l\ (11111110110110 1111‘; 11011 01.1.1110 whiI'h (:0111‘111111;(1, 1111:_1h'.1tC~('t, 1111' t'.1'C11ty-('ig.;ht 5.1111): 110111'5, 1111(1dC11114Cd t11(',\1.'h01‘1:('.:11111). 11115111)- 1111011t11(:l)0'111'. 110111.741111113'1'1: 11.11111‘1irt‘if‘3. "111' 111'011Ch 01‘((1'1y-litrht (#1100111111th (:\'<'1'y 11'0'1-1 h;1tt('1'y 1C1111'11Cd th('11'1‘11'C', 211111 (II:(.;1.;;i01111111' 1I(:;t( 01‘ SllClt ( 5%, :111(1 111(: (lCt11'11111C11t 1(1111:1((l t.'111'C\'. 1'1'11111'. 1111011 th(', 1.110113 11,1111 11:11, 111:1-11 10 (111111). (101. \'.(1.1 IC1151~C11101 1121510111111' 15(1' \((1 111111 510.11% (mm '11 3111:111 111011-111' 01‘ (111. Under $111011 11111111115110115, I hurl 0n (11C 5111 inst. written to ln'i1;:11li(:1‘-;_;(:11('1'111 ‘.'hnyth, 01‘ thC Unitcd Statue? l‘01'(:(.'s, 1'(:(111(:‘1t‘.‘111jj :‘111111tC'1'\'it'w with him, 111:1101'-1;('11(:1':11 11.111. and th(; C0211- (:11(;1111.">;. (101. H(',0tt, 01‘ th(: nitilh-ry, 11y 1111:; 111:111(1:111ts 01‘ the U111t(- 111'11th' 1'(:1gi111(:11t.s,1‘01' (:01111112111d11d th(' (‘.1'1.1C11111C'111. /\i‘t(-r this 11.111111, 1 had 1.011('(1111C1:'1ti(.1(,( t('11111r' hi‘»111:.11'('h 1‘1'0111 \‘1111'111'11 1".1113111 th' th(' 1)ll|'1)0%0 01‘ ('.0111‘C1‘1'inq 1111011111C 511‘11‘1('(,t0 I I‘nttn'c(1111:1'21t10115'. I11101<1 1:1101'- :31 11M 1.111211 l 01‘ 111C: 1100115 wunld 11'11‘1'C (:01111111'1C'11'.1111! 111111'111,.1111\(di115(:11.‘011t01"1111111t11(:(11.:1111':1 t0 thC sumC' 11111'110rt. ()n th( 11th, I 11::(1 1‘(:- (:0111d snhmit tl11: 11121115111;;;;'("11C'(1 11111.1 IC1‘1.(-'1 1‘11'1 with t1.', 0 ',1): 1101111(l( is. (11 CCiVCd 110:11151‘.‘('1' 1‘1'(>1111"(:11(:1':t1 51111111; 11111 in 01‘ (‘10 11111, that I 11111-11111Ct1111(1C1":111(1i1'.(:011- 111101010 1111: 011 th(', 10111, ;;('11('1".'l 111,111 1111:11- l01'111ity t0 t.:h( 01111110011101 111i'1'ht lIC' th('11C:-.'- ti011(:(l that 1.11.11C1-gtl $1111.1h 112.111 12(1L ytt, L11(111‘1111‘(,ss(tl. 11111. my 11011C 11:13 idll : th( 1111110111111' (':<(:it(:(l (11'1101' 51(111Cd 10 thC' 3311111111 :11; 1' 1211 111.1011 any (1111'1‘111'1111: IltIIthtltttl‘lIItl. In tli:'111(-1111 t!111(',th(: 11:11 1.1111 5.111'1'1 30011111111. 11('\1' 111:11'1 1‘1'0111 thC' 1111.1: 1111.1.:11'1'i;th;('-~t11(: I'Llli011,:tt 111ml; I<(11'1;,'01‘ \'I11i(:h,110"\((1, I 1:111v11'11'('1'(:111(I1'tii‘11111t0 5101) 51:01't 01‘ th(:i'.' 01'11111\1' 1'1'C(-‘11,1:(l 11:1 (1111:1111 ‘1111‘01'11111.1101 1‘, h(' 5.511111 101 ‘1 (z;( L. and thC' timid t,h011;)'ht 111111113. hull W011 ('XCitC 11 51.110110; (11s.110.~1it.1(;:1 111 th(' 11' (101% L0 :1(.t .‘- 11,4111 '.tttC1n1It. This \‘I: .‘1 (41111551111 to 1111: 1.1117111;in yttrimt's (In th(' 111(11'11111g~'(11‘t11(' 121,11,s111'.h\'.:1$tl'1(' (1111111111.)1111111; 51111111 (11 :111(I[I('rI1'/.L/I‘14':I1 that I111(s»111(111)011111( 11'0111:1ll(111'.11't('1"s,111.1t111(7- 1.11:‘1',-I11.t:-.\'v(;1(:51'.11101' 1:1t (111111111'1‘11‘: .( (1 with 11C (:rl(ti(,'-,, (1'. 1.1 (.il '11: \‘1‘1111 (151.111.1141 (11 shot: 111t ('01. \‘:111 1:11115‘1t‘1'11tl'."(111111110111 1'". 1111-1, 30(I11C11‘C:(t((l l1".,l:1t1(1‘111'I‘ '1111r‘nt 11. 1111111.. 1.11011 1‘11'C 1|lt,-.I.(11 111101111111111"1'11C".C'1. 11'/mt; 1:11 t0 tht: :15‘1011151111111111. 01 1111 11110 1".11..11:'.'-.(:«1 . S(;t,'llt‘, thiza V1111 0l‘1l11', (‘011111111(1(11'2111CC11slowly .t'E‘WIII‘nI, 111C lirC'. It 11115, :1 5151111111»; 1111111111'111111: 10111C \1111.:111(l indCCd t0 th('. \vIttI‘tt' 1':-111‘.tI011,th'11t111:1 1":11 minntI(1111;1' 11111111110, (01. th('y 111111t11;t\(: (II'J I'..' III act; (11' :11 :11111'11- 1(,1111111.11isli('d 11111 1111(11'111'11110 :It‘ t 1111'r111111- '\ :111 1.1mm: 1:1(:1' 1'1 1 (111:1; 111111' .10111111.»~--n i .111 7111(18,111ty fi'II/IIIZI/ . ""I /[/III7". I 1‘0111':Ct1'l1(:1'C: 1101.1, 111C111511::11‘1(;1011111111 thC'. ..(:1'\iCC in dis- 11:::;".C(11111' 11jjh thI', 1'1111311 thiII'h, ('ntCrin; 111:1 1 (:01.~1111('11t‘1113.1,I (11.01.1121: 0111.1C1izs (.1111';(:(111(:111.1' a :1 I( tIt'10'.I.' tht: 11111 1,0111'~---'11:1I.-LI'1(:1' :1110t 1111:... 1:0 1111', 11151300111113 01 1(I112:'1.:1' \IJitl1l101(h;i;5 1111 \1(:wingr 2111111; :11 1111111110 115'. }'(:t1111<('ttl(-(‘l. t111'0111'11th'1' '.'.1111'1: 1111011, (1, littlt: 1I(:10‘.'.w 4.1:: 0.111113. 11".(JC'1' 511011 0111,1111. :..'.1_(:1".1. 11,111101 i111111(.(11:(t(-11,' (.01111101'111111'.(11-11 t11('111111'r:1 thitd111‘1011';l11111'C1It(11111:;l(;"--:11111'11101112111 I 1111121 1'1-:11":1'(:111.(;, 119.11 »"‘3‘ ('1 111(.‘ I""('11C'1"111 81111111"; 1)1"l."it(1t.3, 1111011 thC 1‘:1il‘111'(:011'.112:111m(1 .115 hC'C'l. 11115‘1‘1113(11111011111111‘I. 110321111110;I (1111(‘1‘1Il 1;; 501.121'1I1:1"1011 U; 1.111.301 1: 1'11111115,1(:<1:(111111111', hnt 111111110 110w (hur- 1t111~(11(:d1t1011. Uti(1(1"0,".'.1'(:1'1' '11 111'1'11‘ 11".. .. 1.0(3:111:1(lz'11.112(1(1011111101111111.111111112111011. (1111 I111111.. ‘.(1 :11‘:: ('11 (‘1 11'1 11'1011, I M111 111‘: \v 01d( 1. {(1:1"11'1111 10 10111111117t1001.s.1:1'.1. .11: 1..~1 111(111101'11‘11111" 01‘ (111213.11,111:'1'.'1'1,I('. 1.0 01' "1"t1101131.9110th10111111111,110t with th(' Ham (,1 1 11.;111(11111111111111.:1111.11111111,1('1'1.1,1111... 111'. 11'111111'01:1::'(41|1111: 1111011111(I1:01'(:11‘1-. .‘(111 1' l 111') (1 11'. th(z :1tt111'k, 1111' I (nun/1111:1111 thC' ‘ 1,14: (11:1 1.01, 1.1'1'11‘1: (111111 51.1.170 11,1: 0'1'1'I'. 1.154 11'.( 11.10111: ‘1'I'I'(.' 511111.11 him ,2 1: t; I‘Dt'tn', (hire: 110d :.11I‘1‘:(;l(:iit, Imt t0 511111101". ‘1110 11111.1 11:11:, \\‘~':umlC'd. in thC' 111111.13 111 1 1" 1.1 : 1:. 1'1-(I111 1101115, and 1110 1110.3: C(I'nlidcntiftl (111d 0x111:1'iC'11(:Cd 111C11 t011111112131;(:t11('111. At. 2111 111111' 111:1 (h:t'.1(:|1111C11t, 11y thC: 1'<:.-.1' 1'0'1'1(‘;,1‘1'011' 511:1(15.1;111'.1,10(‘.'.11111). At 7 in (In: (.(11111'111'116 ; (11.11111. ('.01111C:(:t(:d with th(: inter (:st 01‘ NC scr - .11:1' and th(', hulCty 01‘ 111(3 army; and :13 I ‘1:1‘1td111'0111i11C'1'1t1y1'Cs1101isihluf0r501111:(II‘tliC:.'(; hr. Antt'lopC', ()I‘ .:11110nd, of NC": I1'n1C1'ly 'a I"1'('11Ch 'tC. British 511i]: 3(It)1niliti:1; :1111111iC11t.C'01. (I111'i=-.ti(: :1 ("011111111 01‘ the 5811K: 1111111111'1' 01‘ 1125111. 't1'(1(I1I.'. 1‘11'31} 1:1'Clittntiun W11) 110" :11‘101HC'C1 as to 110111'111thcnigghtJiCut. (:01.(l111'i:1111:111:11'1'11C1l ztttttCk 1111:; 10 11:11'( 11!?111 111.1dC :11 It. 0'Cl0(:l( 111 (‘Crncd 1110; and If the rcsult is 1101 :11] that (.101. V1111 Iit1155(:1111:1',:111(l 110:1{gal that he might have thC 1"101101 01‘1'. (:(mimund‘111 thC' (:x1)C(Ii-. 1,1011. 'I‘hC'arrangCnu-nt was 111:1(11.:. (101.1111: 'ItittfiSC‘ILLCl' was t0 (:0111111211111 0111: (:(Ilnmn 01‘ 111111010, 511(‘11 (l0. ( 11011; to many ind I\ 11111. '11s; ( 01011118111111: 111111 um, and the rcusons a11din0tivcs which 11'0- (:znmc 1‘01'\'(211'(.1,' hz'd ‘(L (:0111‘C1'C1'1Ci0 with ()I'tlcl‘j \‘Vt' 1‘(: 11150 $C11t 10511011. 81111111 (0 51nd ((111211 11'0111 1111110111111 C11 1.1' 1Ct(' 1', 11101111C'i1111' (:0115C (:111( 1. (' C's ()\‘C CH.) 111'15011C1's. )1)t‘l't(lb1111)-----~, guns. torc 111) 1116 .mt, (11111 lC1(11_5C'(1 in I 011 Ni'1.1;:11';1. tachmcnt. 01‘ his; 111'11;:.1((1(' '.'.s (:xistintr (211':( 1111151111115 in that \‘it‘i111t"111i'1'11t wurt'tnit. 111(- 11d I'(‘I(‘L‘.5L‘tl 111C111. \CS 101K011 CithCI' 11; 111) 111C Channcl 10111 {(111 1110111111: 1v<:1'C, tI1CrCI‘01'C, 111111.10 t0 dislmlgfc th('. (tnCmy {‘o/HI (11‘11'1'11'r'; from mu," V'N'II. I'm: 73.21.11'lur'l', 0/ Nu: Ar'w- I/Irl' IIII/I/II, to muj‘14' )1'. [.1'/Jury [)(III'b‘II'II, [I'(11I.s-III.I‘/1'I'I.' by [/11 [:I/ICI' 1'9 r/II' 171',/I(.‘I'1‘IIIC'n/ (if (‘.-(17'. Limit. ('..01 I(111\1(1. 3 1111111.; ‘.11'till("‘1., :11111 :1 llI'CId-tQJIIII'f LI 70184071., ‘ 1(Ct‘.1(:h111C11t 01 1( (11.1111' 11'00118 L1111111' 111'. ('0111Out/.111- 11., 1111:I 1u111(1111'1('. CI1(1(1C('1 10 11C 111) in St," 05011 110111 1(itibu111(:11(;Cs, I thg l(:'11VC t0 (:x1)l:111110}'011, 1013.111 01‘ the Ma- I 111: l)(:bt 1)1'C'.11:11:11.i0115 in 111y1I0WC1' 110111 the IICighirs 01‘ QUCCtaSmn, and 11055135 (Itit'IiClVCs 01‘ the 111111311, th'rC t1'.(: (100115 mi1rht 11C. shCltC'-1'(',(l 1‘1'0111 thC' (iituti'Ca‘dng in- 1|(111(:11('.y 011.111: \1"('11.111(:1'. :«ir, and through 1'01: to my ('01111t,1'},th(: 5111121: "i011 and Circumstanccs in which I liuVC 11:1(110 (1.1(I1111'Cd (ti‘tcr :1 immC'di.1tI' attach. (111 thC I('11(::( 11C (‘1: 11' C‘ (1 91:111'01‘1‘0111111C \11'1 "1'21 1"1011tiC11'. .11111111C ,1‘1'0111 St. x1150,(:11111111'('(1 ry. (inch i111‘01'111:11.i011 :13 (1('tct('th'nt should thC conflict l:C 011:,ti11'11t(' ‘.‘.‘1115 was 11nd 1011;; (:011tinnCd. \Vttl't'itlttt'tl I.iC-nt. (:01. (filtry'stic, who had 1111111; arrivcd (0111‘1(1(nti.ytll ('0111131111111'211011t0 5011:1111 01‘ my 111'st0f1‘1c015, a11(1111'(1(h1('(-.(l g1'C'11t 1(' '11 t0 '.1(: t; at. 1110 Four MiIC (11"C(:1{,h'11(1 lutC in the night more cs1)(: (: izdly '11:; it might haw; '11 C 011110111110:- 01‘ thC' first (zontcniplzttcd uttthk, 1;:1llz1nt1y 01‘» CHC‘CC 1111011 th(' 1110VC'111C1115 (it I)C110it, V1111: 1C {cred 1110 his own and his 111C11'5 511:1'1'iCC'; but it was; supposed1'1.(:'n(s1:11 I11'0C'L 1111.1 110110 with 11C gCt my 1101'1111551011100 11111:. "C now again 11:11:.sz (ivor-(Ihtnincd 4 |