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Show 1‘11 E W311}. JVo. 84. V01. 1'- ..,.,.., '.'", its cons: i u' nts the 1611111111116; cans. of Con(1'01ersv, the th c1se 11111111166111‘1111'1' 1 and the high1 10b1g11110n \Viii'c‘ll it imposes. From What has been stated, it appears, that however great the sensibility to other W1 ongs, UH: impressment of our seamen was that alone which pl‘CVtthflu 11:1'mistict', and in all probahility an acconuritidation. Had that been '.1rrangcd, in '11 satislectory 11121111'11:1',th6' president was \I/illinII' to rtly on the i1 trinsic justice 01 other e: aims, 111.61 the 11111161‘1‘16' 5'. )i' fit in which thI: I ~15>ci1'1: ion won‘Il 1111'1'1: been cnttred into, 1111's'11: i.»l'..ction 111 their favor. (heat Britain claims '.1 right to impress her inn seamen, and to LYXt'I'ClSt: it in American. vessels. In the practice, British cruisers 1mpress American citizens, and from the 1111ture cl thing's, it is 1:11pI1ssi‘1le that that ahusc should not hI (:1'11'1'16'1'1111;;:'... 1:1 extent. A $11.11:.ltcrn or an} 611111t'Illi.:I'1‘('1lItl1e British navy, OIU ht not to 1.16 11'. {arbiter in such a case. 1116 liliertv '.111d 1111.s ol AnI'1161 11 citiz '11:; ouIrht not to 6161161161 on the will 01' such a party. The British government has ins1f:6t d, that every American 01:12: :1 should car 1") winiliim the evidence of his 62111;:6nship, and that all those not poiSt. sstd 01 it 1111I1ht be impressed. 11115 c1'it6'1'111n,11 not 11111.:111 ise .1l'_.'IiItcion1 11:»16', wouldl )C 80,1131116' document ringI'ht be lost, destro1661, or 61111611 110111 the party to whom it was gianted', nor might it in all cases be entitled to respect, as it might be counterfeited, transferred, or granted to improper p,r- This XIII'I'1 ‘15 the extent ol the demand 01 the l nit-I 1'11 States, a dcm; 1061 so inst in itself, .10 con sistent and 1115111111111116 lriun their rigots 11s 1111 indtpendtrnt nation, hat it h.".s been a cause of :Itsttmishment, thatitshould ever haJt' 116111 called in question. The foundation of the 111'?. tish claim is, that British seamen 1111.1 6111- plt'u'inent in the ss.'1'\ic1'olItht' United States , this is representI-ttl a; 11.1 evil 11111-061111; circa» dull)" the great 111‘66'1'1:st; olthe British 1".1 1tioi.1 This '6'6'1111'1111111t would have more Weight 11 s111161i'111::1'.l by the 151111111 6.1;:1111ple. It 1.». ‘x'llt'JWl‘. on the. 60'. 1:1r11rj1', th .tt it is in 611161". re- g1.- shin is taken at sea, and the propeitv o‘r 11:1 AmIeric1111 c111211 21116' 1lt'tl [1"om111 in 1.11:pistl1v, it rouse-'1 the indigrn at I111 ol the ('.'0111' , try. How much 111016 det. 1' l\ t111.n <'I.15r‘nt 1.12:» to be excited, when we 1161111111 so iniiny of this gallant and highly meritorious class (1‘. ourl llow- citizens, snatcht. dllrom the bosom pugnanCe to it. (11":1tl'1r1t111n does iot scru- ple to 1'1'c611'e into her service at11 who enter the events of 1116 noticed as being 1 into it voluntarllv. United States as 11 111111611. t is 111601111111til1'1c collect, and 1111111 "11111 1116111s1'1v61'eig1'1t'1--it' is suhveriiwe oI the main pill. 1's olt eir independence. 1116' 101116111'111'166 ol the United States undI-r it has been mistiken for pt1siil1'111in1itt'. conclusion ol the It she confined heisell within that limit, the prescnt controversy Would not exist. Ileretolore the euhjt'cts :11" 61111 the most d:spoticxDOVVCI‘." have lII'en 1611 at lihcrt' to pursue tlu11' 01111 111,111111"~1\., 1.1} honest ind.I,~1't1"_v, \sl1616161tht'11 11161211111ion it 61 tnem. Th1.' British govermnt'nt refuses to its see men that p:'i'1'116'I. I... L't not this, 1116.. ,be 11111011111 01 C(111tl'<)\‘t:]"1\' with 111.11 1111t11in. 1.1t1t he distincly understood, that in cast:1111:11'1111'1g1'1‘11'6'nt should he made he- tween the tuo nations, whereby each should exclude from it" service the Citizens and sub- iects oldie other, on 1111' ‘p1inciules 11nd condi- pared, so 1111' as (16116 nds on it, to g'itt it cl 1666111111 111' th1t1'1'11111 lit to c..;16tl;1'1vs, with such regtd adons and "i nalties as will be ad' quate. \Vitl.1 this 1111119 1', it is not perceive on what ground the British government can persist in its claim. it British St'ilil‘xtfil] are excluded from the seriice ol the United 111'. British qovunment sti.611ecli11e it, and 111' rseveie in the6111 1161.16 6 ol 11'1I11'6'I'sment hon IAmerican ves 3615, the UrutedI States .vill 111'- '1I6'1'1cquiesce in that practi.:e, but will l(;..lSl ubjects,e}.inosinghy means thereof their V65- it unceasingh' \" 1th all thcix force. Itis un- necessary now to em 61'" \that the course would hav 6 been with respe ct to 1mm 63'; ment, in case the orders in council 1111611)een rtpealI111ll1elore the declaration of vt'ar--I.1r hon" .2615 to destruction? would she sullIcr such 11116: practice of impressmcnt would have an usurpation to derive any sanction from her beenborne ,111 the hope that 1.1:1t repeal would have been lollov; ed by' assatislactory arrangement with respect to impressment. m (n With the British claim to impress British YVar having been declared, and the case of seamen, the United States have no right to interfere, provided it he in British vessms, or impressment being necessarily included in any other than those of the United States. one of the most important causes, it is evi- from its operation, is all that they (16111111111. Experience has shewn that this cannot be secured otherwise, th11m 11v the vessels in 1."hich they sail. T1111: f1 om American 61. ixens this barrier, which ought to he held sacred, and pause, rather 1112.111 to recommI- ml to his 171-1) EOXV-CltlZL‘US 11116-1" w.11',l'1t1016tin-111116111760- \'6'retl lrom thc calamities ol the late 011.". It was worthy his innnediute successors to folI tow his eX'u'nole. In 116'1161'0111'11'66 svstem (ti 5111161111111 nt .‘1'oI-11d main sut- 11; 1h . and 0111 hap py union ht conic C' 1n solidattd. But at the 11' session, the period..161 '.111'iv6d nthi 161111611: ancc coul l 110 10:1 .:rl'1e 111stiri-6'd. It was the dutv ol Untnress to 11111; th1s suhiect 1'1 con» dent that it must be provided for in the pacihl-I' cation. The omission of it in a treaty ofpe116'6l, would not leave it 011 its lt)1"m( 1' ground; the public a tlzi‘. A rumo' is currer ofAllxun', 111-11 gzn the 31111111 Rapids, wer, 161111111 01' take' culurs in our 116111, firmed. From the 2517 srmI, 1:11-11} 1 eonnnau' 11:1.I 'IniI'I illt' l)I‘1Il~ll liil""' 8011. 1110113 milit‘ A 111111111. 1' or lalw l‘il'lL‘ on the i 2111111111110. The} ravaged by ~i"‘1'I1 most iron tlI'~ll(III.1 speak his St'llllll! cause '. aim, that 11116611 by sickne: onus ( iwhich nection 1'11‘1.1the other graft '."0'11 theycon1n‘11'11116d,11nd 1111.616 ietiitss in the only 1110116 11111611 1166111116 the 1'I.'p'.'6s6'nt1'.:i.6€ ot a 1166 peed" ther it he to nersons 01' propertv , sh')Ultl prove wish; and shall 116' P1‘t'~1'111l.1'v'1~' I his countr}. to the 1161161 oftl1eIgovc1nI111-nt,to party setting on a claim to any intt rest, whe- That American citizens should be exempted The liz'itiih nI'e:ensitn w.13 trIaturin I; last into a righ'. H111 resistance been 10' 1g 1' 61 '~ 1'11 '6d, it 11111111: 1111 6 become one. hv 1.1'1' ..~ minit1 1111 1'11 r6111 111str11t3d1'I .11.st it, in '1 tone whichnewIioke th'. growl:1I indiI1111-.1ti11nI 11‘1: country. '1‘116' 1r 1'I-'1n:.111t1'1'11.c6.sproduced n. ell-'61.. It was 11'11thv theillustrious leader of 011' aimles, when 6.111111 bv the voice 01 tions ahov,' st. 1:661 that 11 11 s hoi1se \\ ill 1) 1' on - 161 Clare6, in towns the mo tdecisive,that should patient forbearance ? the mean time, 111 11.1111111C"\V"U purposes 01 112.131 of ptuhlic as we11 as of private riIrht, that the flag, tocnte r on 11011161 her merchint vessels, cdvetl,co11::inin< WC shall enIleuroz tiedi11t011.C'1"1I..:1ar1-:1 alllictinII'1111116111116. It is an evil w:1161'. ought not, which cannot he longer tulernztgd. Vi1111:1111. do: 111'1'2' on ‘11I' stilli'rings ol‘thI; victitnz, or on that xvi-'16 sCe' '.' of distress which it spreads 2111101.," 1" 5." rel» tives through tl1~ country, 1116 practice iv; 11'. itseil 111 the llllelilfi'xLI degree detrr'tdin'f to t1'1': In declaring a wi 1110,,116% to givecellect to the prI1p1sctl 111'111111gIn11'nt, your committee consider it 601.1111 v the dutv ot the house to tine irom them such part of their crews '11:; til. t Iehoarding officers thought fit, 0116111161' own / "J A letter ft lol 1115 .llt'lll. ll British subjects, and 1111111' to imnressn'ient, his right> What wlould e the conduct 01 Great Brit'.i,n under similar circumstances.‘ Would she permit the publ1c shin of an» other pOWer, disrtgarding the rights of tht11' J) TL'ESDV'TY 01 their lamil16's and ol‘thI'ir cr'i1'.1'.'111"t', and car- sons. But this r6116 is 11:11:16 to other, and much stronger objections. 011 what principle does he Briti:h government claim 01‘ the United Sttttes,21s may he elll'ctuallv (1011636116 13.111111111- States so great and shameful a degradation? tion of the claim must 66.136. "1611 it is Ought the free citizens of an independent known that not one l'riti, 1 seatnan could he power to carty with them on the 111111 '11 ocean, 1111111111111 board American vesSels, it would he and 111 their on 11 \essels, the evidence 01 absurd to urne that {act as a motive for such their lreedom. And are all to he considered impressment. who do not be111' with 1116111 that lizidge? I. it not more consistent with every idea, both N N (11011, and they must be protected If a sin» consider it the duty of this house to exlilain to 1 ran161nm gI'r..sp of the British nav v. '1‘.:16 \ 11.'11'6 done so 131' an The new secretaz' 11621111:;; to '.1:'1p6"111 will be sun- menced their othei The 82111116 111111 Pt)l"[C',;1)_"1‘tl‘1;l-1 co_1stit1‘.'nts. Y 11') 1'1111I111t' 2?}:11‘1'1‘111‘061131 an inte 111g crisis 1111s arrived in the United 5:1611 but the-'.' lit-211': 1:0 painlul apprehension of cons6q116nces.lhv course helII'Ire them is (11' reci. it is p 111161.61 out tnuuliv by a regard to the l1oI.1::',t.'16' ilt'ldS and 1111616 . ts 01 117:: nation. III 1I6- nursue 1t .11: 11111111136ss andI 136113161111" '1 L116 aid 01 116mg. , our snu- cess is inev1t1 ' Our resources are abundant; the people'116 brziv: {1111d Virtuous. and 1111 11' spirit unbroken. I ‘16 gail'uitrv of our inlant11:1.1'1'126;.>6..11. o'. '11 ;;1)1iing greatness 0111th 616:1 6'11. 1'..1t o. o11 tr.1'1I,111s when led to 6.611.111. I 1111 c 111111 lmce 01 what may 116' expected horn them, \1 hen their 01> 15111113111011 is 631111111616. ()1:;' union is always most strong uhI'I11. 111,11aced 1.11; loz'ei'In 61.121 The pe'1'1116 01 A.11611611 1116 116161 so gc'I‘S. much (111611111111' 2's 11:11:11 their 11' 521.165 11;: invaded. pally occupied '11:}; for several days p11 The B 16511 squu all the Cltesatreztk I'ellCE 01' 7»; guns. A reinforcement camp ..1 (itcen‘ous' being apprehendet a. descent 011 that the flotilla there. ['71 I/rtzmttze (1." Pennsilvanizt 11111-1: representatives of a sloop of \vur; 0 15/in oft/11' [1116 Massachusetts 11 sider th: expedie 10111161111) gore I‘ll the 31111111161111.11'1‘1': Col L,w.s 0.5: Cd majoi. Ewen11 woulIl in effect he an :11‘1solute relinquishme iii, an idea at which the 16611.151s of every Ameiican must revolt. the seeatnt 11 01 the United by titel1W "Bimini-L'1 s6 11111611 on hotn'd 1:1 the merchant ‘ . 37 there is nothing to protect them against the States have :1 claim on their country tor pro- , btates. . sI;"I" 301111,. 71111511111," 1126,! SI! of51.116.11 @9661 |