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Show THE WA. .1, O 1'11 11111:, .z-__....._ ......'2: _ .. _...,__..1_ .,. ...-*..__ 7 .. ,_...._...._,.,1 .-.~..v-<.~--_~.........._.i..v.._". _ ._.... ___.V . ,. v 1 LVNN . -v....,.__"‘.'?1"‘, ,_ , '3 1041‘. " I.l".'l' 3:___.,,,. 11111112.. 'I'Ill‘} HA I.I.YIN(} ...J 4.... .‘-.A...L‘.._-_ "A, w- - ~-- 111 dL'L1'1:1'4-. .1 I 1' 1111-11, FHA" .-_,... " ‘ .212 '1'11'11 1111111115 PM: .II.1\':\'1'22, 0/71" 1'./111.17 IlI1I‘1' Q!'JII'V'I‘IIfLY-LN' .'l/HL‘I'JVYII‘J. 1'11‘111', GEN. IIULL'n [fr/[1.1.11 .'.-1'11]; (131,711,110! Slam/22ml. _/ {/11' [1111111111111b_1' 1111.- l'31'rm1... 7.11031 'I'III'. .V ‘1'1'103'1'111 IXII-11.11}1i}"..'\'1‘.l.I‘1. "(1,1, \'1'.\s:111x1:'1'0x CI'1"11',1"11)1. 1‘.). 111]); in 1'.-1131.111111111 .1 1115- Yesterday allerncnn, at two o'clock, 1.1. 1-71 111'1111111-1112 21I'1'J1s. ‘1111111‘. 111 ('11111111' 1111‘. 1'1'1111' 1111111511 1':.11'11'111111 1111'1111 11151111'11 1111 (1.1111'; 1.111111 .11 \11111'1111':".111 1111111111 1111- 111111111.111 1.15 11.-1'11 "‘.nderson, 01' the United 81111111311111}, I'LaehL'd this city, bearer of dispa1chL-Is 1111:11 12‘1'1- ;.I,'I11di1'.1'-(.'1'1'11e1'al WW1. 111111., 1:) 111:. 13:11:01.» merit of War, of which the 11211111111121; 131111.35 have been (1111111111111 1111' 1 11111161111111 : ./1[0)Il)‘2'((/, 81/1 13'1/1f. 1811" 5.;1111: 11111131111 71.11 1111.: 511111. 111 151.1'2111211 |'1 11i§.111'.1_11,'1-:' .1.1111'. "1111} 1'1111'! 11111.11 '..111.I,--.11' 11' 1‘a. and 111111 C111111121}11111111, 11 1111 1.1:.11'11 :11111 11'1‘1 111,11. 1111: 511111, 111112111, ll} -11 1111111'11111‘111': .1 1.11.11 2.311 11.11 11':'. ‘1I.' 5-1111111. 111 -‘.\'-...Is 110111111 111': l2'111-111‘.L‘1‘1".',111‘SL‘ .L'bL'L‘. 1111711. 111 L"! 11111.: 1111 11:111. 1111 11‘): Il 11111,; (1 11). 1111111111). SIP. ---'l'he 111111251111111511111111 was 111":L'p'111111‘ (11111'1v:11'111':1l :11. 11'011111'111121, and 11 was my 1111111111212 111 11'.-12.11 11'.I111\:1!11Ll 11 1mm 111:1: place 111'1\I1:jr1r W11h111ll, 111 the hliehipar. V1.111111111:1"S. I 1112:11::1;1,1111:1'.111n 1111111- 011 1111111111121; 111111:1'1' 111111211,.11st,11n1lwas1'1:1111.1,-d, he stating 111211 he was 11 1‘1 1111111111'1'.1-1l, :11 1Gen. 15mg}; was then :11 York. We 11er11n1111'2di1111y embark-111 1<1r 1,1111 1:::11123 :1-,»».1 1\«I:1111' \Vitherdl 1111111111111 1'.-What) 111 111an1011 111 go 111111114111 I)ill‘wlL‘. 1'11- 1"};11;11-, (1 (1151111,: I1I1ll;1l'.'. ' \ 1.‘ 1‘111:1' .‘Il\ :1‘1 111 11:1 1 , .121 11.) 11. , .111'1; 111111: 1112111113111 1 L11.1I11I.111111 11.11. .- 111.. 1111\111' 112111\'1I|l|1,1"1111‘ 11 11ml 11,11JI 1. 11111 1‘3. 111-, 11111111113" -."1 1 1111.111, 1,1)1111. 11 This is 1111: 1111 11111211111,11111y I h:we had 11. .,/ //, ,I/'//' «12‘1": I‘1 , I . /.1I1,.1 1L.__:'--7 OH })I.'11'1"' " . ,.fi__. -_--.-_~. L. . - 7. . .7. S \ "l L I\I)\111'11‘1311'1'1' '31}, 181‘ ' ' < ).,.,_ 11, - - . fencamment. Nut :1 51115111 1'.-1111.021 01' mar- ,Iar was on 1' 1111-11 21111111111 1:1 L'111'1'l11'1111'1: 1Ihatplace. I 01111111111 11 1111 1.11211I:,11'.h1,:1111-1' ‘11"‘115‘ (-21111'1111-1;L 111 121:11: :111'.1::I-I~..1.11 11:111. ‘, 111111 the 11111112111 11111.21: ., to 1 11111111: a breach in 1111-, 112".1 11'.-11.112111 . '1'121' I'1.1:111:11 I called 1:151 111 111.1- 111211111111 11 '1'.':1I.'1-11‘.«--- l'he 1519;111:111 12111115121 21:19. 132:1:1'11-11 11'- 21.1.1111'1121; ,11'1:l)'11r111i1111,111111 1‘. 11..-1' 111111111111 1111.: 71111 A1111. 111:1:11V‘1121-1211111111L1‘54 1.211111'I-I:1111w112.1511111'11111111111 IL "1151-2112111: . 111112 to 11:11'1: I)1"1(JI:1111'(1 1.:: 111': I111 :1.".'I=,1 \Vhile 1111: (11111111101111 (.1 1111: 111111); .1111 1:11:11 by 1111-111: I;1'1',1:11':11111;1s, the dumb. 1-" adv-1511.1 had 111'1'1'1 11.1" sum-1: 111121: and 2,1.- .1,,. 1'11511111111611'111 111 111' 15:11111'111112'111I11'111d . 1"me 81111111111101 11111111111213.3151 112111.: 11'1- 211' 11 thenorlhei'n.111'1r111 11..-11:211., and 1'21: 1.' '.-:1I;\I.arm1111r 11111111 ''11 11111 111 1 1111.g. 1'1. .1111110: 11111115 11'111111'1111111111 11111 :11 1'11 17.111. X1121~ heisdmrg 11111111' .111: 11111111121111 (-1 (..'.11111-..1.-l l'rncim'. The d: :.1-1111111 1.11111 11111111111111"- I'd. Besides 112:,- 1'1;inl'112':::,211111111 111'11 came by water, I 1‘4‘131‘IV1‘11 1111:11'11121111111 111' :1 \'U1'\‘ (:111'131111-1'able 1'.-wee 11111111 1.111.- c-I1111n'1-1'1nd 111~ Maj. ()1‘1an1bz'2's, (111 1111' 11111 I1: 1"r1-11Lh, wi1h Ionr 111:111-[111'ce:-:, and (11:11111121111111: m1»litia rm hir1'i'111111', evidLnI'iy 11151121111 111r 31111hersdnn'g; and in 21111111107] to 1111 1;:11211111'.:1~ 111111,:11111 incrLaSL: 111' {.'.-me, 1:1.111: '1- 1,1. :11! 11y (.1'I11. L1: 11111115, the VV'Iyanduh, Cl11pl11-1I..I.:-;, 1.1L'211.s'hi1) I know 1011 h: 111 1:11:11 C1111lidL:-,n(1 '11'1: amo: 1'11 the hostile 1rib1s, and several (11 111cm (11.111111‘;111Sl]t:(l leaders. Among the vast .1.umb1.'r 111 'CIIILI'5 th) led the hoxvile bands, I'chumseh, Marplut, Logan, W‘- Walk-11141112 water, Split-Jam, ‘11. are considered {111' ;1rincipals. This) numerous assemblage 1.1 011.1.1115, savages, under the emn'c influence and di I'u‘dawawn-111:5, IVI111151t1'1-, 131a- WHI‘LS, I'x'c. w11h whom I had 1111: Inn-'11 1'1‘11'11dly 1121e1‘c1111r31', :11 (1110' parsed 1 \11' 111 Amherstbuwr, and :11. 1.‘-1 11 1.11 111L' 111m'1l1'1111I11' .'1-c111111 (11. the British commander, 1.'nabl1g1l h1m 1111ally 11) obsunet 1111- only 1:11mm11nica~ 11111 which I had 1'./11h my connu'y. This CI11n1nL11111:;11iun had 1611‘: Uprned from 111:.- and 2:11:1101110 11111113. 111.1- 11: 121-1111; 111.11. 211.111 number 111 I111l1'1111z2 at 1111: 131111.111 111121, 1111'y were sent 11) 1111' 21111 {11111111, 1311111215111"11, and 11121521121931 to 1111110311 1111' L1111:1'1111'.111::1111112. '11) 1:111:12 1‘.-11's‘1, l. dc~ 1111:111111 31:11. Yanhm' 1.111111.- 01111111211111" ..I 111'11-11'111': 112 1111-: state 11101111), two hundred 11111135 111 11'1I 111-11111: being 1111-11. $111,121, 1111111111-21111111111111] rivers by gun-bums, 511- Georg-,1: "'1.-1.1151, 11111111111 any 2'1-11111'5: on my pan, has 11111'1'Ld 111 11111111, 11;:2':. 1111; armv ~21111allyd -11ri\'1.:d 111' all enminil~ he "1111111111111 (/11, >1. 13111.11 111111 «1111' 111111- 1111::1111111111I \v1'11e1. ()11 1111s. extensive 1'1121111 dred :121111 1) 1111-11,.11111111'1'121 1"111'111111.-:.1a11: 11 (1'.-111121 11:11 1112 11'a11xi1111'12111111n (.1. 11111115111115, 1 ».1~ ()1111), 111.111:11111:.-111111\I11l 111111131- .'1 1.11' 1111: . 1'.-11:111. 1I\.11111'1'1'. (>11 , (11111". 1::-1'11121:11I:'.1'1.11. 1'. the 111::11'u1' (11 1111 111:.11. 111:.1 He was. 11.1. murly a I111111. in 11 11'111111111131 :11'111 11:I~1,:j111-1» . 'l 3111121111111111' 1111' 11'11'111111I111 311111" 1211111151111' 111111211511111.-'111I.h;11la11121': :11tl1e A1'1'1111"1_\,I;a111l I 1'1-e11nn1111111 =1111 111 11.111 '1'. a 1":111111111: 11111112. 111.71%particularly:11111112111'111'11\1.‘11l11'111':.‘1:11.1' 1111111111,"; bra-"11111: 12:111 :11 1.11.1: 11.1.11- 11111-11 111.: 1:.111111.:l:111111111.-111: 1112111. II: v.11] 111' 111111: 111 1311'1: _\,'1111(:111'1'1.-1:1 1111111.:11111121 1111 any 11111111», ;1'111I1.1\I.l111:l1 1111.113 A \‘1111 11'1'11' think pimp-1' 1111:?!» 1:11.11, 1'.-1'1; 1‘1"11,1I‘C11'1l'l\‘, ‘.' ' ' . 111.11.. 111113111 1 111111-121 '.-".'."111‘11, \‘1'. 11111.11. 2 1'271' "I 2/1213/1'7'2' forward 1111' d1r-',1:11Lh1a'. The 111111112 111111t11531111‘1's' i'1-1gimentis 11.-I:tined 1111‘ (-25.111111, 1211111 :1 pain (11' 1h1' 111-11. The whole 011151915 111:11111le over three l11111- and 11e2'm11 me 111 i;1'1.2'1:1-d 11. 1111: 117' .\'L-\\'111.1'1, 11.1 11.111171. 111. 111 '11:, 12111 1111-1111152 111111111111.- 1::11‘ 11:9 111 51111111111121, 1" 1‘- 111} 1"02! (1':-021w, 1'71'/.IrI/.'I1t_26,1812. SIR-IDCIOSHI are the :11111:.'l1.;1 I11L':11111111.1tion, by which 1111' II'1IitI1l I)1'111111 11:1al111n surrendered 1:1 1Waj111'-(;1'n1'ral 1511.111, (:11111- manding his 111-1111111111: 1‘.I:1‘1I'51)"s 1'111'1'1-22 211 Unper C:.11:1da,and 111 w 1111:11 11 11' 111111115 11.1w 1)II(::11m1 1111501111.: 111 \111'. \11 I12 11111111112 :11 111'L'sen1 1111111112: 1211: 1211111111::1111111I- 1111: parti 1:111:11‘C1'111‘5L'S which have 1111 111111.15 111-11111111.1111L' 1..-V1121. I will, 1111-.11'1'1-1' 5g1'111'1ally11151‘}‘\'L‘, 111:.1 alter 1111', :21111'".11111.-'1 1.1 1'11'1Ll1111111::1:"1'1n:11:, 111'111'111-1'11'}; 111121: and 11:11am 1.1 Indians,11:2;51'11111'1;I',,a11:11'1111'1111: 111:112211'u:112d l)1:'1:1\\"1121'::, 11112111 111.1111 bewmd Lake SL111: - 1"1I11', w1511111111 111-1-1111111111I:.‘111I.s.iI.ipp1,111111111 11111311111." (111111 :11. 11 \\ 1111:1111, and 1.'.1'111'1111'. '11'1 1»1 L‘I;.11' (.2111z11111, and 1mm all 1111-- 1111-.1'.:1-..':'11a'11.'1.11112:.1'_\',‘11.)11:ed in 111,1L'n 11111:» 111:11'1111111-1'111e1111112111 11111111111111, 11151111151111::11112:,' I C111n11'1:11:d1.-11, L‘I11'111'm'1' 111 die 1111151 9111121111 asauranCL-s 111:1 111.12" 1211111111 111 11111. 11) 11".11'11111 1111111111; ('1' en die ()11: uva (1111 la 11'1111'1 1\rl11'1:1'111:: h, whu 11111221111 1111:111'11-gatim1 11 \Vashingmn the last sunnnL-r, in 11111115; .7111. I173 1'1'1/2'1, {(1/1" [llugu.:1'211'-1§'/2'1x1'[, .1‘1‘. York. 1111111151; .. "A I, I15 PUBLISHED EVERY .51\'l‘l'l{l)\'1' KIOIININC, 1's 111:11', 'II' 'l'lII". 'I'III'. DISPATCH. BY 5. \\'()()l)\\'()l'1'l'll {5' (:1 ; 11.151111215311151, ALI. THE WAR, 1111111; 1111', .. T\'l".\\7-Y(')R ~--- THROI'GI'I ..... \I'111.. I. : )‘11‘l11; "'URI), throw-.11 .1 \v111112n1'a17, bv 1111: 1'111II'-.I111I. :121111', \Vllllilll121111011111011‘11‘11(11111C1‘ 1'1\ 1'1' Den'uit. 1111.: body (111111: Laku (:1111'.111:I.11<11:1.1 by 1111: 151111511 :11de te1-i's with 1W1) 111111111'1-11 m1: :1 111 :.1'11L'e-1d :11. 1211 :13 1111' 111 L1 1.1128121, 11111111 an 1 2111' (1:1.111111 :12iiI::11'_1,12.111r1'21, medicine, LlI11hmIg, and L'\'1-- 1 111'111)'- An:11nl111:.1':1:11:"1151121111111:1. 1321211115:'_\‘ 11111e1' 1.1111' ' , (1'1 [)1(.1-.I111,1'-- 1111 "(1)11111111, and 1‘./I111. ‘.:1:1l211111':s 111:1:11'1112111211 (11» 1111111. Wu 1'1: 11:11:1«21111111111111Har111'11laLl)L'~ 11::111'11 .11111 121111" (:1 111 1:11:11) 11111111111 LlleL‘. 11111, and in 2'1 lexv days 11 passcd 1111111111 1 i11g1111:1111111:1:1 11; 1111-1-2;}11d1 11121. 111131113351 1:1111.1:1':,', and :11111121111si1i11n SL'L-med 1112111'11'111'1' 111' 1111: 7111 1111.1. 1.'1111 1511111111 1111111 1.:-117211: 11. 01-1'111111'1111 i1 1'1'112211111'11 11111111'111.11'.'. 111‘ 111111 11'1'2115'11111111, "1151:11'11111'11 12I1'.I;1.-'<'.111:1 111' 11115 :z~;:1|'111‘\', :.11111 1211-; 11.-(111111.11 , 11111.:111111'111111111 \1'111111111'11.1.'11111-1' 11:11 1.11:1» , - .. . . 1 .'1~.1'~-.111111:'.';1~,., 1:11'11111'1'1111{1111:11111111'111-:1.11:11- , (11:11:1111111111:2:1;1;1;11'<11'11:111;;1'11111111131512.1211 11:11 1111:111-1 ['11-'1:11':1I~.1 51x1v 12121-3 in 1'11L- 511111-11 1111;1'1'1'1:l\'1'11:1111':::>1'I..I..~.11111110111. 111111, 111113111‘111111111 - 11:-1)1.'iI11:' ,.1.:1l 111:: 1111111111111111'1‘ :.1-1'11)- 1111111111111; 1111111111111- 1111: "11111111 1.111111. 1111 1111' .-..I:1.1,'.1 11 with 1111: c11111111' <21 ',11I1:21iI111, f'{1:1g;':11':11'i\1:1', |._\' \11111:l1 11 ;1]1111':'1'1'11 ‘111'1'11 1111:1'1 '1.,1',".I.I'111 1-1 11' 1111:1119;1.1::'1:I'-‘.'111:1111-: \1.'11.:-. 1111 111'11s111-11 .'.-1":111yL11-11i11-1'11111111 1'.11111111'.! ‘ 1111;.1‘11:1'. 1111111111:11111211111111.1111:11'2.1.1 1.1' :11 111. '- .1. ‘11]"1LL 1 '.I‘ 11117: '»VI'1'~..' 1 111111-I.11111112, 1.1111'1'1' 11111-1111.: :.1'111111111112.1111.11111111111111.'1 11'. 112151 ‘1311- '.-.'l‘, .' ' 1.1111111: .1 1111111111: L'I111- , .... . , ' . , 1111:1111b1-1':~:11'1'1111'11.'1.111111111, 1.' 11I11 11 11110.3 111-1 1.1 1.1': '.-'I..\, . :11. :1 p, 1111'112'1111-1'111111.‘1 1111-, 1121111513 1111: 11111.1) 1'111-2' :.1111 111::1' "111-; th' 1:.-i .11.". _ 1'. '1'111'11', 1'2 11‘.-.'. 11.1-1 11'.-.111111:1',I, ('111111111'11, \111111111 111111111 1111',' , " . ' 1 ' .1 '1-7." , H‘ 1,;1‘ =.I;:- 11, 2: 1:1 :‘1.'1'".:.11'\.f. \ .. ..1'. 3, 1 3 1. 1 1 11). .1 1.11 I 111.11 »- ' :1 (1:111‘11'11111'11. 11.11111 1.111 121'. 11".:11I11.1.111:1 \1.1II.‘1',LlS 11.1.- 1111 1.1111. (.11 Q111'1'111.'.1:.11'111111 , \1‘1211‘111'12'11I1'11'1I, 111111 :1 . . 11111111 . . 121' . 1111.1'11 1, . 111111;:111'1'5, 1.3, 112 1111: :'21.:.'.' 1.11 1.'I121 ..l»1.-..; 11.1 |