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Show No. 23. "rat; WAP. ,, vou more in the schooner Marv, llail, from Niagaraai the . shall have the honor of writing or per~ return, mv on billijt‘tt this mouth of l§lilglwtun llarlior, and tool; her . detail upon should wind the if here, leave I lieiore hapt. inort: The next with us to our aiiit'hora: Wily/J. -'-‘.q[ 1iil.). .\'utx ahead. 1.7.": continue m‘. through Ilii'i' is heat Si i'l'n'i‘t intY,, iinding that she could not commodore was to be, ten respectfully the honor I have Since the inclined. lI-l t‘l' iiuini tlnthe manual \iih m. I til'cit'l't'tl the $.liiilllif, . . ._ in . t , ith a, [in "V, and _ , servant t lx'll, the ( Joinl 1' l l'\ iill'llt'tl \\ oheditn v I\oiir , :1] com tinder ht-r oi the (zrou l.-r to take ISI\A,C CI‘IIX IINYCIELY, lit-r t~:~.v:t:.'ni lh'm K in» tr i.) the lait' gent-ml oi that 1 limiter on antlioi on, ninjj‘at past tii)\'.‘il rtiii anti \‘ov I l""-‘~ 'i.‘ "W r mine, \\illi the hugger oi‘ tl " lilo "v , was (ill th‘ False i ahle I‘aul Hamilton, Secretarv~ t.‘ Vigil that the llni'l Iii \‘i'el the east entt oi Loin;,. Island and wait twi‘ a 'i ll" l'ionor (in... M a [0101‘ I/inm . 17.. .8". '1'. Jar/writ": 1. "aiming;( .i'I/l mi runixnufwv "ii M‘L‘i/ 1" "W "'"‘i"‘"'l""»" "J 1"" NW!" '7 . In . . I y | .V", , . . :7 .1 ‘ t 1 t hi ion' -5 tit-m i. '-i ll. n-‘i'in (limits, :ii tl the t'oinnioilziiu h . . stoii liing roni (,1l'i iit‘i‘ tiuit in tin; hope oieui .wind the Navy, \l'ashingtoii. . . Sitlt. I I . was also II to Come no_ on the east "up": be m1;] imp", that ii" liov‘nl (,L-m-gc * ~ ‘ of retaking e purpos the for . duct-ti . to loll-iii: tlitre l‘i‘oni iiiiiirniatioii ix;eei\'etl ii'oiii (apt, Bl‘t‘ClI,gly tl'xiv. very stron is no (lilL‘Slriili 1,. that liiiiii‘toii -ls had our ‘. it-adali lit: expi'ewstd burpr .e to iiiid n; 2tlitlr§1t_\5 I not on; ul'tlit: lilti‘l}.)l' alter having htt-ii in ,IJ'i'fihmr. BY S. l'i‘UtlDll'tll 1h;- 11-00175 "ancd here have Thursday in buildhis . but" employed since lastIIIS "pm-,5 fast corp leave to tered l aware oi the consequences iliat tht- regiment to which he belongs is quar '.\'Ieli tntitii'ilig‘a‘. it and ars? regul " tithe des lit-Si g, stron r v it). I Aw. uga'emling/i, . , . . . our prize,. but her commander was. too Well a llig THE "v. is PL'BLIEHEI) izi'uu' Sti' lord-«it .V0. 1.73 Pam". fa!" M; PIIOIIIIIISC , '1'- .7: 52 [Mar awrrim, pr: there, Jill) inmlmilillil- "‘9 "CHEW"? "ml" li‘ll-‘Wlll5l"."'5 :ippa n ot \ilIiicli this report. Ile assured, sir, that intlie actio mitioiithe commodore 1 ms given you an account, the Lil honor has lit-tn most ably Supported olmdn-ni servant, in Sl'cul MSW, your most a \\tt‘lil.'1‘. ANDERSON. i Ln ee c": snot a ounritt , v. ltl .i singing 1 through our sails. The other \'t‘:i$tl.-3 lost no ll min and rece_ ived . hut . little iiijiirv in ,.theirL‘: J , i lc 'rr 2 llulli . dill U Aim-In, The "on. Paul ,Ilrziiil'ltmi, Secretary (fr/iv i-vI..,., m. n 4 hdilfi-, \\ ltli tin, L.\.(. 'i t.().] ( i tli I',_ i 1‘,19) . etl , - A (4111 tithf) (" .1‘ ~.icti a .1, lltJl ‘. q' b ti‘itman , kill 41|1a in this. :ii'iiiir. IIIone .2] .,1( hm; \‘i'e lost I . and fa ed ~: .i. I I I is believed, however, that it will not he. finished heiore the \‘.‘it‘ii:"l‘ set-‘5 in. The plan of the tort, \\ e ill'lCld‘rFHJNl. was the. proz‘iii'." tion oil .‘iir. lamina, a l‘ienth griitieiriztn "in .____. i S‘rzcl'azz‘s Ii'zii‘lior, le/z .i'o-iv. 1812. the action . , _. \ ' it < . ,, t. . . - ,, . and ,. ‘. . ,.. . V ‘7 V ‘ v t in a gale iI (ga'1‘iing.n~u,m.,. ."trunilt-i) Milli. .mu ~i mid- i xi. A1. at Airtiiixit nit-.rtioiiAant eveninglztst here arrived 3."th WHY?!) - ,, . , ..-. ,. liCVl) the . shipmau and three men sli/rhtl.v. hir. Aru' i dl‘ wind, the pilots 1‘3""? 1"‘fl15"l‘0the-Royal . , . . . . v'h lion 3‘ :1 . l ' l ' a vl A cript."'illiair< Diamond, it: hr (Writ-l with 07‘1". Rear-l in .7! . ._ ll' Ck_ tell d 1 l‘"' I (.111: 1‘? "dill" 8th '10 l' titl, I lathe. (ln the | Quan- lI wounded, "'38 lul-fiCKtwl OWl‘llonl‘tl m brim")? 18 dais lfrom Ii-Jl'liilltll.' \iiih 190 American pri-oni-r:-, Heorge, and chased her into the havIoi‘ lit l iii) to our anchorage, and I am "my 10 5;" 1 among whom are ('tpt. .llzl‘its, oi' the t', S. slimli n: night. the in her oi ti, where I lost sight "varl' M ' 1min. '1; '= ‘ 1» Hii l, i: o iit .. ,n' (Int‘v-, (apt. ' i ‘\‘ii‘ ' I "if: l "‘1 oi I ‘ drowned. mtg-lit got was 1,. , h. revenue with‘ 1‘ the oi the morning oi‘ the 9th we again rrt-x' 'i'id Ultit‘t‘l‘.) (no an . i . (7‘ i I) .1~ xx ., .. .v -.. ‘E . -. \Ye gate '(‘l) Madison, oi bani ii=i;.li; S Clt‘lli'lllih oi nit-reliant \'(::r~.i-t:, ti‘l I~15: M" L H Cir »\ (Id I" ' ICllI‘lv \IU) vid he her lving in Kingston channel. or oi liarh the into t'i. 'i'lit» Aiiierii'fin ship Rani-er, .Im'; her scan Midst/me . in owed and hull foll llt'l' l. verv considerable li:itil‘\' in chase; and w' w; . i-' 'ii‘ '"v ‘Va ' I and the hat- i ' ""l‘ .‘1‘ '. " "a": "W" "-k imm 5""th "f poun3.9.2 lonp,‘ a With )13 "iiingétthi, \vlier , we engaged her ves gun the as i, me t he it'ltl , value small . oi' 'ls \'(‘.'~.‘ SL'\(‘l'ltl I. and oil II . tes. I had l, ‘1.' (l. <}(.1) """""t terieis formic hour and 4-3 minu (,lti \\ LIL Sui *1 0 IS" lL 1‘ r ""0" L" 1‘ Shor" 3 into ilei‘mtida li)‘1i[‘i‘ti.‘sll ('l‘lliil'l‘s. so was she made up my mind to hoard her, hut .12 Skirt-malt. Ih-‘niah sr'lii'. Comet. 3 guns and «i - , d that she was reinforced 1. \"eii protected 1),. the indict-195' and the wind , and it was observe and <11}K" 0* Slight. lici'WIi-‘L. tolwcn. diilcrcnt times during the l. NWT-"M n, 'I'lie {itiiiti L‘HHHS.P1'l'/.L‘iUlllffli'Ilid oi ('li‘irlt-sfo imprude ‘- troops ioar . nt nah _ ‘ deemed blowirtt ‘ . . hl, it ""415 ‘. -. (lil‘eCilt ‘ ' " . ' v . l')l]. , do 5 ac ‘1‘] i‘,' a . . . .. f i, took and harm, oil .i‘thzteo, a Neitul'i'rmdeiice p l\'::'?t" . l I 1 . .. '. . _ . 1 .. i. to "1:1le tllb attempt "L ill t UIIT C I' the] l) L‘} um, the ",1"er 2,15,, "m"; 20 and Am, (,f-(mc I . o it t lat L mg 1u\L gtezit 1, CLISLIIL. .11 5a} .iitiSO l‘ClLlSC(l to take charge of tilt. \cssc . men. of >lltil‘t being but of eve ‘Iv vessel he- ‘= min Mary, of St. 'J‘lmiinis, , der these circumstances, (and. it heme; alter . heers and men on hoard . sundown, I (icteriiiined to haul oil and renew l the attack nextmorniiig. \\ c heat up in new I a Ito) tlicI " ' ') iionIi .. iiic i‘ " ' ' ' omitti- undet a heat} point tiwe 1‘ ll "here George and batteriesl to 4 nine , ie " "fill-‘11" t‘('llfiasc ioni .. i ll b1": s C\L ‘u‘cm'udl' was ier air LiClllQ‘t r r ~ "in. - . ,J.. he pilots f t" orp wind. mu (ii eIn?" "ml oi a gate l ,' appearanc "oceanic alarmed and I thought it most pru. (lent to not into a place oi more satiety. I therefore (my, reluctantly) ("finial mmemg the "ti'lCl; upon the. ships and torts until a to weigh, and we beat out of a very chaiinel under a very heavy press of sail to At ten we tell in With the Governor Siincoe running for Kingstmi, and . vi...... . .. i,' QM, ("balk d b) Chasm" "Lr Into the harbor. J over a reel oi rocks under a heavv. . running fire from the Governor 'l‘ompltins, Ilie Ham- iiton and the julia, which cut her very much. All tier peOple ran hclo" \\h-.le untiti tht hit of these vessels. The Hamilton chased her into nine feet water before she hauled oil. VVe tacked to the southward, with an inteu- tiou of running to our station at the: Ducks, but it coming; on to hlow very heavy, the piltilS {Old "it? lakes. it \VOiild lit: UHSFti‘B [O ~ , liCt‘P . I ' Norii'ich-u'ns taken on his pztsbiie'e to St. llaitx hI-r Al the British :liip .‘VI(l'Ctll')‘, and Stilt into lit'l‘llltlilJ. command such .oilicers and such men, Ican have, no. douht oi the result. . ,, win . l il I can l 1' it . that l i'propriety . I great . tl‘ say II . ,.. .I l think l '{L ""3 "my ‘6‘ commant 0 It"? A Mimi l where he raiioomtd his vessel, and has come, lioiitv :n cartel, with 40 American prisoners, llilit'HiIl' minim are 2 st amt ii who were imprtssed :1 )(‘ur ago on limit? the British ship Dominion; ‘1:er "ere l‘t‘iilSttl tit-13 U" "E F‘m ‘lfin‘JPOIEtH-{OI'S"I" "OILS mfml ‘"iI wages, hut \\ ere glad to get (ii as prisoners of'vxar. pait til it mt out an} rm; oiIan attack iiomI the enemy ; although the "hots of his naval 1 1 tilt . I hurt: up tor this piace, where I ar- s_tii,i:i), S I \‘i‘i‘. I‘lrnm ('/i(li‘/r',-ifml, liiiiiSl: (:Iii'it'l sCtit‘. Nim‘sttil, l)'dtit‘llc5 "(itiid "1016 ‘ diff" (inl' than counterhalance the vessrls that were ah- ll 5t) British prise lt'ls. Sent. . It was thought hy all the o lierrs InIilll‘ li it)l‘C€ at tile i guns mounted at Kingston, and from 10M) l . their surviving hretlirtn. t the encmv. [Wider this scribe the follomag extr tIiIiinl: proper, voti mnv in I _ .vathte. in. th‘I‘O.‘ :11 ("0' 8‘; in"U LL" i BRITISH Ill-PM Previous to the rear Ijsriiiciplce upon which SWI ~.tracted, were deplorablv regiment was at libertv words, without rrfcrciic nrproof of their goodnc s iiiinouaiit hath forgotT . ,1» ‘ .Clltc A-u 1') Cl‘itllCt or c...r~ jI,IiIcrt.n‘r: "21' 3,‘ the sacrum '. : ulna, and an tiiiascc r'c‘ [y ».-.\icc. l I .IiI sriortls, Inge-{her \iit li iiii'il. iii oriltr t". 1* 'l‘ Ecti ii‘itv t hat .Itrt '* aIiii H ' 1111.1"11 i'r'.';ti‘;l ,... i5t Lc‘ lit ‘.\'lll;l it] liJL‘. llilit‘ the lli'fi.' Slitili proceed UP lllt‘. . . .. . . \ . . i, \\'ln-ii genial spring,~ 5\‘-‘('(i clrise of the Havul George) I ordered lieut. i taken on hoard for that purpose. ' tool: i shall try to land than. a it's." niiles helou‘. l '7 intuition, \1r . .. 1 (.. 5 ' :_, iti‘z lll‘lillliitiii- I ,‘ I . all: l . X» . L'wlini'n It ll." 1‘ l I,....ti liow quickli hl‘t'1ltt‘i‘m.) tlt ;. Ytt Still, :round the lit." . i‘t‘m'c Iii the ene- , 'i‘iit‘il tz‘t‘ltt‘t'tnh» pit} inn; the live.» .i iiiiniRV. still in pt)s;ses:.ion ti Qiiecnstoxvn, I 2 I‘Vlaepherson to take out her sails and rigg'ua‘ i iuIv are 9 ‘ltti‘ tin my". i. it i.l."t n dirt ‘ i tile sword-t in' ‘it-i ""55 r in c: l-h-gi'iiit ‘ " Win i. l 59%"; ()in- minds lliitI\' then l)_" .- . . tnttel the oi‘ii‘l i‘j I1m )"m E ii iex'al ‘ ‘‘ plic And tlthliitil Iliti‘tl tings no.4 n,i No thin: for ii-iendnliip‘s e'eiitlv- t">t' inn i~ er nior ‘ . .I I Ill: ‘ - lll'Ji I l‘uil in I Mire, ll‘ll"‘)l7t(l, ilixplaw , l.r,-:' . , . hopes to tail in With th: 3' zarl Moira and t it: i mini]: I," II hi the l: Suweps‘ o'er the liU‘SHl‘il oi‘ tl \‘i'e are replacing 2,31 (1, {H} ".34., ! and 1 i At that pcri ti . not having been ahie to join in the action un- i The iiitrl: (loud liiur>, :uiii ‘iht 'te- ' | til about taillithW'li,("Villg to the lightness of the winds, and the Pert'j gun liming; burst I the second or third shot. \ottrs, Sac. i‘x' THE MAVUFAL ['1 W: in: thing), a ‘,'.ll1C'.i(,)t‘. wnh l In our passage through the hrij.‘ of Quanti, i to prevent them from (wing-t: 11,131, this 3,, lt'fl'. I shall i 1:0)‘111 the i Ar- oi' village the, at er Itliscoveretl a schoon rivtr iii practiealéle, in or- i mingstown which we took posisessiriii iii, hut also \iail Nine, rzi and storts that I have i guts some finding she would detain 11% (Itieiizg then in der to land Vw'e a. alili emplnis til" Poi: lia‘ t.:"(‘.ifi'.‘.'s mini is to roll i; 1; ol iiii.iiitt;lIv more imp: penilence, 1,: tlil' d 111 the ex talents and u" Gene of ti". and pair 3 rill tr: rev" .., '~'l In; A I,Iiiitc p ltt hbl t‘d the ll‘tt‘l-Z‘ A I ,l‘.l) |l\ into :iiw ha: C'!t"((.ll.. .. . "l iiiietuiiiiti‘ i ...i, hllt‘ min... and she l: iiozv rioit'ri at; U: into i. niarttinit panel: mu; 1 .‘_ i my this izirce was driven into the inner harlior, under the protection of th.‘ inugixtrjvtlii I'll." i/ir "is". the Oneida, and four small stiiooni r. illlt‘ti PROSPEUI‘ m, \iIN'E‘tii out as giiii-hoats, mt, (jottnioi loinpni. .. i "v F" 1'li(fi),nnn' cvmrvt-ilEU t ,i nix-tan iii Li‘. "i Silrer/iil 1' 'fr‘. «n/‘(y'z‘rw Fri/mo. (Neat lh‘iti-iii 5': _\ M i‘l,i) us ill‘fl illliti L‘litli‘lit 5 squadron that the e emv had more than thirty Ata tri:i:, such :iz. lit-r Otir ditty as will as iitch' oiitvcrv irrpr r. «man: in I. .tIJA‘LI. zt'ii'ince Regent; at any rate l :-haii endeavor i .‘tli‘. ilit‘ll, l)t'gllilt‘tl li_v iiiiitli anl rin‘iui iiiili, rived last night. mil hum her, which 11: did. I a, L , . lug \ Ltt .1, cart. late. at RIMS-9:0", vet m, i II (III/III": it SI. J it‘ll force, was not C(Jiicctgd .5 , A ‘ .' I I, I ‘ . : . , Signal At 7 A. i‘vi.0[1 lllb 10th, I made thenarro w the open lake. l l‘dliziilflt'tl her. cztpt. [‘nilt-r. hon :t . t Bu {Mia/‘1',pii\:tte(r\\asp, l II "MRI IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIheeii mn Amwi ed. III III captur III/IIIIIII have to .12 .U-u. ed Ii Cl'UiSCreput was She r. opporttiiiitv. more favorable 4 . haved with the utmost coolness, and are exmum)". "1,3",ng to meet the "‘an on the honor to 01m" lull": and as long as I have the' .li'rm'a. Ji.':‘::‘e. ~ . . ‘: i‘estdes 1,, this "11.5,," i I'ert, noose gun l)tilhtti(l in the tailt part of g \voiiii ( led her commander i .J ,‘nd tilitl'iiI)' yin: u'iiu Ti." new-L txliii i n... ii. 8 V. f9" iletE. 5U} ,,1 U L" idly-i |