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Show 0'\ .0. -1 , 141) Ill-.11 WA:2.. VOL. 1. . .-" v.7 ___A..._.A._____..__..~__ . . . . ..- .,_ ..... 1.... aided hy the 111111. H‘CCS ol the 11111 inllne111‘e‘1f the 11;; establishments have 111 thtir cm 11111111nttol,11101'e 11. below 1 111151 1111‘ 1111'1‘71-51111'11 . .'(1115' .\I‘ .\1'tl111:, 11. Mill.11‘, to e\ ‘111 lot the [111111.111 11l1tl.1'y 112111‘ 1111 11111e5. ll 22.121111 1'21111112111)‘n ‘11'111‘11 ‘5e ollicez‘5 2111:111ll the [1151 act 1111'! 1111111: censure lil.1‘\1i51‘ 11) ex11e1‘2d 'l'aylor, who 112‘11‘11'1‘-111;1511:1'-j.rt‘» 111:15 111 procuring 111111\1hit:l1i!\1as ont1'1111111‘e ell 1111: 5111211111: J1‘551111101‘ 111111'1'111 uhich he (1 to the army g0- 1111! the zeal thtt‘ li1:intc1'c5t. 'ldd' 1‘11'1‘ he 211'1‘11'1'1l 111.11.‘:1'1'1121‘211‘1111': ‘ mitional character, I have the honor‘ to submit {or your considcrution the lollow 111g dressed to Governor Mcigs of Ohio, 21 letter, of which the following1 15' an extract: statement : " III/1111‘ all Hit- /)('m‘1')‘ xvi/f /(// 1/011, 11‘!» [11'712‘ 1!, however 1',' /;.'r11/21'.-/'1H.1".// you, (15- /}I/(('// 1192/15/111211111‘72 10er [11/ am r1/ 1.1.'.‘. [Cruz 11 r 111‘ Nil/1H! 11//11/ //'11‘ 7711‘ lu'nrr'r will ///l [/12' Wart/111‘ u. " When the forces landed in Canada, they la..d1-1l with an ardent zeal and stimulated with the hope 0! conquest. No enemy appea".‘d within \' 11‘ w of us, 21nd had an imme- diate 21nd viporous attack been made upon 11211111: 11, it would (louhtlcss h2e1\' ltllen an my tictort‘. I know (ien. llull altcrwarols‘ declared he 11‘1r11.ttcd this attack had not heen m2 1111:, and he had every "rason to be- lieve success would have crowned his cllort~. The reason given for delaying our operation5‘ W215 to mount our heavy cannon, and to lhe doubtlul late of this letter tendered it 111C185111) to use c11‘cun‘15111cti11n in 115111- 21111;, and therefoiethese hl2'1nk1 were lelt. The word ‘cnpitulation' will lill the lirat, and ‘commanding‘ general,' the other. As no enemy was near us, 211111 213 the suptrior- ity (11 our loree was m11n1lt5t we could see no 111‘c1'5‘sity for (11111111 1t1n;, nor any pro- allord to the Canadian militia time and (11‘.- priety in alluding to it. poritun ty to quit 2m obnoxious 51: nice. termined in the l215t resort to incur the responsibility of (lit'e5tin1; the general of his command. Thin plan W215 eventually prevent"1l by two of the ct‘nnmandintv olliccrs ol 1‘e'rime'1t5' 11:1111: oider1 (1 111‘.on detachments. On the 1.3111 the iritish took a position op- 1n the course 01 two wc1. kit; the numh1 r ol the11 militia, who were eml1o1li1.‘1l, had decrca5ed 511,'111‘51‘1111111from six hundred to one hun» dred men; 2.1111, 111 1111‘ cuttrse ol'three weeks, 1'11: cannon were mounted, the ammunition fixed, and merv preparation made for an immediate 111\11‘5tment ol. the lort. At 21 council, at which were, prest‘nt all the held '.1flicer5, and which W215 held two days belote posite to We therefore de- Detroit and bewan to throw up works. Duri111‘) that 2111111111: two loll: ‘wiing 11.11,5, they 11.1r1ued their ol1‘11.ct without in- terruption and 151 1l1l15h1 (l 21 battery lor two completed, it was take an 11'1‘11‘111:1li2‘.t1‘ 1. pounder5 and an 8 inch ho .v1' :.‘1‘ About 51111-861011 the 1":n1111‘;olt11‘l 1411., 21111111211- attempt to accon‘.pli5h th" object ol 1111‘. ex- ment of 351) men from tl11‘ regiments com- 1'1111‘ 1))C1)1‘11111111115 \Vt‘rt: 111.21.1111111‘11‘ly age-111.1 to 1121c 111'1111' ('llll.‘ 11e.‘.11.‘1nc 21nd 110,511'115 coninu-ncing. he (11‘1121‘1‘11111‘11'. 1' was agreed to wait; it'.. not, it was determin- .1l, with ‘1‘11 1'11; or1l1'1‘e'l to march to the riter Ruiz-.121, to esco rt the 11r11"15111215, which h21d some time re- 1-rl to go without it and attempt 1h.- plaee by mained there protected by 21 party under the V55,1‘1l. 1113111111111. ll. 1)" waitmgttwo 11:11; 5 we could 11:t\'..‘the set ‘.it:.1‘ 11.‘. our hcaty artillery, 1'. l '1" 11.". llid .‘211'5' 51:1",‘11‘15‘ 1‘ 5, 1.111: only 1111111" ‘5‘121'11 to 11,1 1: 1511111111. 112"; respectlulf} ".17... 11/11211 .1l 1 Tilt ."111'r. (1111.111 11.1 11151112511 15-21.; 11 1 1,".1 .1 ill " j .-.1 l'1' 1 ,Lll'l'v 1‘ . (1111:1111 .L 511th 11-11211'11‘11:111:1‘.‘1‘ )) 1 . 1 1l2111, 2.2111111. , t'l 1'1 hie- tl11-1‘11 t ‘ rected to stack their 211111.", and 5carct‘ly wa‘ an opportunity 211111111111 ol motin'1 Shorn‘tlv 111111 21 w hitt‘ 1121" was hun'r out upon the 112111 A 151111511 (11111. 1r 111111: up to inquire the cans A com:111111112111on 11215'51:d httween the. com- manding; (ieneral5, which ended in the 1:21111 tulation submitted to you. in '.‘:~".:rin,13‘ into this (2211:1111l21ti1‘1n, the (‘11'1‘111‘211 tool: Counsel li'oi‘n 1115 own lic1:li1..;_;5‘ 1.11 t. Not 2121 11111122.". tva'; consulted. Not 1.‘ ne 2121111: ipat1 d 21 sur- render, till 111: any tht‘ 1111111.: ll; 1;; di51‘1121t1d. liven the women wr. 11.: indignant at so 511211111: lul a (lt‘g'adation of the .'\1n1.‘.ric1"111 character, and all 11:11 a: they 1511011111 have 1111 but he. who held111111.11 hands the reins ol‘ authority. ()111‘ mornin" rcpo‘.‘ 11121d 1112 it men1211'1 1112‘1111: 11er1‘dl11m51:l{ pledged to lead the army to render of the town and tort of Detroit, stat- turday evening 1111‘. 1let211.‘hnunt'.1‘1.1t to escoit Vlaldt‘n. The ammunition was placed in the wagnons; the cannon were embarked (lit? p1"o\‘i.sion'1, received (11:1:1'2; li‘om (ien. the savages. To this an immediate and llull to return with as much expedition 21.. spirited r1' {11.5211 \"215 retur.ncd About tour pos5‘ihlc. About ten o‘clock the next day l'lhd o clock their batteries began to play upon the they 21:1"-1‘1l\‘.1thin.51‘1;ht (l l)."11'oit. 21 111111.11) lie-1.11 heard, (11 any r1, 51.12111ee visible, town. 'l‘hc fire was returned and continued without interruption and with little cilia-ct till tli1y would have 121111‘1<(l.:,11:l\ ‘11dt\‘211‘1ced 21nd dark. 'l'heir 5111.115 Were thrown till eleven 1 attacked the rear ol 11.; 1:1 11.'1.‘1_\ . '.i'lit. 511112111.121111w1‘1i1:l.1‘.:25111:12‘11'121111112111;1.121ee21,2tl« o'clock. tl‘.1221111 111:: rc5ult ol 211‘c1dt-nt, Wu; 1111.: b;‘.5t‘ Atd‘11y~li,1;‘htthe lirintjr on both sides relor 2111‘1111‘. 121; the enemy and c111111111‘0h‘ hi': 1;:12‘111111:nc‘:d' 1111111tthe5521me time the :111'retreat that could h: it‘e 112111 5:1ltt‘.'.1l. "/1111 my l1e11an 11 land troop5 211 the S111‘1n;)11‘1'-1511 hi'. raw troops cntlo5"..l betwetu t'vo 12:19; thi",;11 111111:.5 b'. low 1). ‘ttoit, 1)11)te1.‘1‘.‘.l by {no 1 and no hopes ol succor, 1'11; 112 2:21111‘1117111111 111 th1,11 21r1n‘1l11:551:l5. l‘Set'.1'1.‘e:1 ('1 and 7 to say, tl1;1t\'1.'ryl'1‘w would 11.' 1'1': 1 11101111311. oclock they had11:111‘ctc1l their l2111(111‘.;‘)', 21‘‘1 l1‘121',‘1.:b1.‘1.‘n1121111‘21‘11‘1111'. '1 1.1. 1'111111: .‘, \vh‘i immediately tool; 111p tl1"1r lint: of much. lhey 1r1''2\'1:d1n :1 close column of 11121111'1115, 5'21'.v the return of their 11'1r1rt1zr-master-1"212' near aceomplfihment ol th"1r W11.1hc5, V1.15 :1 .5111‘1: and sacred pledg‘ , that111 the hour 01' trial they would not he 1111112121 11211111112; 111 their duty to their country and th'.‘1u51:1t'e.~1. But a change of 1'1‘11‘,215‘112‘e:~2, in 1111111151111111 to the ‘..'~'15hc5‘ and 0':inio:15 oi" all the ollieers, W215 adopt 11'my the ( eneral. The plan (11 att takin'r Mal'1en1v2 15‘ 21.1121 :‘111011L‘tl, 21nd 111511‘2111 ol acting1 ()flen5it'ely' Wt: broke up our camp, etttcuated Canada, 2.1111 recr‘os51.‘d the 1‘111.cr, in the night, Without cren the 511211111121 ol an enemy to injure 115‘. "'1: left to the t1‘n~ der mercy olthe enemy the miserable Ca- nadian: who had joined 115:, 211111 the [)20fz‘2'~ 311:1) di5piritcd the 11713113, 211111 11'."'.t111\,'1‘(l 2:11 little confidence ‘1'1-11111211 :21‘1‘1155111‘ 11111111 resolute and indec .i.e :ne'retires. 11' 1d lelt"1n ,1") wa5 in this manner filled; the men were 1115 without including the d'.‘ tathmt‘ nt 111:lore 211‘ ludt.‘dto,21nd with out including .100 olthe L/a'ichigan militia on duty. About (lurk on 321 {1711 we alliarderl [1‘1"‘111 11/225 but 21 1121551111" to t'.:1.1'.;~11nc1.‘,. 'l'hi5 1111.211 and UilllCCtflltllztltl" 1111'111l 1101) men into a little work, which 1300 men could l'ully 1112111, and into which the "hot and shells ol' the enemy Were falling. ll‘." lior't' On Saturday, the 15111, about 1 o'clock, a flag of truce arrived from Sandwich, hearing; a summons from general llrock 1111‘ the sur- l . lit-11;. (ifll 1 ..1'/2..' 1‘1"1.'.t'.'/. 21 d15p215‘sionate examination of 112155111 prevents, saw the lolly 21nd impropriety ol crowding command of capt. lh‘u5h. 1.1.1 the officers and men, on learning the .10111lli- 1"1 nt upon the 1‘1 ctipt (11 1111.5 11:11:12 lho..1‘, whose. conviction was the deliberate regult of our ellcc tiv1: me n prestn11 fit [or d: 11y 1060, on board the floating batteries, and every 1\121‘111.1'211 1‘1ll111 311.115 in 1711111111111, whole to retreat to the tin-1,111.1 11111112111111. ty loni' 11111111111‘ 1'2 not to (11::' 11 upon the. enemy. ()ne 1111111'1'5211 111115101 11211111112111111 W11". 2111111- ":tot'in. This opinion appeared to correspond with the tiews of the General, and the day was appointed for commencing our march. Ile declared to me, that he consi- z'er11115111: article was prepared. 'l'he spirit and zeal, the 21rdor and animation displayed 1 1‘1'\‘ 1111121111111, 2.1, manded by col. h'l‘Arthur, and 1'1‘1y51'll‘, was 1‘211‘.hw215' 21113111115 that 1115 in1l1t‘itluLl exez tion 511011111 contribute to tl‘:1‘ pt‘ttctztl re 5nlt. \thn the head 111' their 1,1111 111111 arr?" .. within about ll\'(‘. hundred yard5 111 our 11211:, orders were 1‘1'1'1‘11'111 lioni (£111. Hull 11.1‘11‘2" the commanding (illiCtJT. 1111; he could no longer restrain the fury 111‘ ttvt'lt‘e 111 lront, upon the bank of 1121‘ rit'tr. 'l‘he 11111111 1‘ ‘11)iznent wa5 stationed in the l‘ort ; 1112: Ohio volunteers and a part ol the 3111:111g21n 1‘niliti.t,li1.'hindsome 111el<ct5‘, in a :.rtuation in 11.111111 the whole flank of the enemy Would hare been exposed. The re- 511111: ol thr‘ l‘vl1el111‘)‘21n militia were in the 1111111.: 1‘ p111 111 111.: to'.1111 to re51.t th incur- 5111112 ol th‘: 5211212115. lwo‘~1--pottr1de1‘:1, loaded with grape-511%, Were 11o5ted on 21 conin‘uuiding;1-1‘11111enee, ready to S‘A't‘t‘p the About the tenth ol Aug't15t the. enemy 1.‘1‘e‘1'iV1:(l 21 reinlchemt‘nt ol lot: 1' hundit‘ii adVane‘im; column. In this 5111121111111, the nun. ()n the twcll‘th 1h" c1'111‘11n1111din1; oi- superiority 111 1.111' po'sition 1.1'2'15'211')1)are11t,21n1l 171:1:r5 of three oi the 1111112113115 ( he 111111111 , our troops, in the easgt‘r1'x111c121tion of Vic» ‘1'1'11‘3§l'-)SC!1[) were 121lor1‘nctl through a 1111.‘- ‘ lory, 2iw21111‘1l the approach of the enemy. 11111111 which admitted 1.1. no (1.111111, that the Not 21 1.115con‘11‘1'11 broke upon the car; not 21 {hue-ml 11 21d stated 111211.21capitulation would 2 10111; oi cowardice met 1111: eye. ) l'it'ery man 111‘ 111‘1:1‘s.:121ry. 'lluy 192‘, 11:1: 52111.12: 1,1111! 211.1- 1ex1n‘ctel21proud, (1:1y 1111‘ 1215' ':"=;‘.‘.'.:‘j~', and r ' ‘ ‘ 1‘ 1 , , .4..-S...¥.._.._m. .;‘.-‘-«MWF1W ‘ ml the day alter the 2-‘1112‘1‘1'ndc1‘, that 11%;" whole luree ol every (11"‘113111‘1‘11'11'1, 1111111, r111 21nd 111.11.212, W223 10.11). 'i'ht'y h21d tw1‘ 1‘.'1_\ nine 1111111111115, twelve 11 21 platoon, (1'11 1111" 111155111 in 111111111111. _ 1.‘\'1<l"2‘1tly Canadian 1211111121. 'l‘h‘: 1 111111112: increased their ‘.111111‘ ‘1".‘11;‘.‘ '.et'en hundred men. 'l‘hr- 1.11111‘. 11111121115 could not 121.: 21'.1‘.'.t:21'1'111l with 21111 111‘;.1)‘1‘ee ol‘ precisionl; not 111'1111 "1:11: '.lfiildt. And in the et‘t: nt of 2.12 2111121:11 upon the tons: and tort, it war 21 species. 121 turn: ‘.'hi':." could have 221 1121"'d no 111211111.1l adt1.".11112‘113‘ to the enemy. ln endeavorinr; to appreciate the motive: and to investigate the cauaer, whicn led to an event so unexpected and 111511111101‘21blt‘, 1: 15' inipoeedile to 111111 my solution in the rel. |