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Show .No. 45'. .J 7 _ a," :f . v. . AA. ....-r_. 7 A ...__.. ol in ‘23 days passage from own officers, and drive these iiisiqnilieant The U. H. schooner I‘i'onsuch, lieut. l‘vlork, arriied at Liverpo ately on her arrival, all the barges from our shores? ()r must a few open, Immedi port. this action. _.al,'i:nrtd, on the with instant. after an found on hoard were seized, boats continue to commitdepredations without of 5 iriiniites, the British piivateer (laledonia, l fitters and papers and forwarded to the molestation? The guns are now taking out sealed, (apt. liiniion, of 7' igtuit-i and fit) mm, and t ‘=*‘- i, iiit into bags, thence sent ti) the oftlie large vessels. and supposed to he intendand liee, l'ost-Ol (Zeneial . Pl‘l‘. 'l'he llritizih :ied her into fiavaiinah. on previous to ed to operate against Lewis. They have also inspecti for ieer lizwllower was in company, and both eiiv transport board ers were also informed those persons that have been taken. passeng The . delivery gaizet l the Nonsiith at once. but finding: her their having any communication that they mean to visit l'oit Penn in Search of too warm, the l‘iiayiiouer lilztli‘. oil', and the prevented from fit bollocks, which they are greatly in want of. tizilz'dunizi 5.11 ink. The captain of lll'.‘ Cale» rwifh the shore. They receive newspapers with as much reigns (la- and ar Gibralt from ts accoun last The tlonia was so enraged a' lit-inf; deserted by lit", : lzirity as the most of our (aid/mini, and have a rived ,justar lilltjlls‘ll frigate 2.:oiisort. theitng mutually pledged to support, di/., state, that an correct list, of every man's name, that lives to he cruising to the westward bound from Ncwheru, N. (T. to Boston, was leguns was said of (,‘apt; St. Vincents. i frigate the captured by the Caiben bi'itti Nviiiph in comprtny, on the l it]. April, and a i prize master and three men put on board, and t Jigsaw/r5 iffli [t'li.'7' from Dal/Emorc, (lam! (lie 22d ins-mm. 1' he Capt. and crew, except a black 1 Km, taken I ‘- The lttl'jf" ships of the enemy are opposite l | with troops,‘ctc. are on their way t1: A'l' 'i'\'\'t m ‘»»~. L, a..=--..).<... »‘ It is feared they will land a pa" " W h.-.~__ , Clllii‘i'll' guns. fie/mat oft; [fitter/rum For! Moth/tin], dated copy of 3). l'i 'l '«f "r inmlort; Ira-1"", 5‘ "peak". enclosed ('.':i'.'7‘:"r:;-.'o7:, .4‘1'17'11 .. the naty. Yesterday moriiiru,‘y a detachment «if 1 Lo a. I; .5' mom (" ~ have cue" Sir-l at'iiil in). 5" if seen, arrived in this city from Salisiiory, (N. C.) undi r the coiiiiiiznal of iiiaj. l'oiiriiej: and captains liankins ard l)onaho. They an: pciike's culls", \‘- im'i‘ part, to infirm j. 0'1 ' I believe it '3 km"Bin-ton on the thh l line, soldierly looking: men, as we a part of the 2d rcgt. of U. S.ai'1iilery, and 3 P. NI. we oiscovt'i‘v chase: but night c0 the present to the gariisoiis of are destined for to .i/u-iz, i s 1 :3. Your others were taken in , ly condemned. our liai'ho‘. " On or ':botit the loth inst. Hen. \Vilkinson , forts Moultrie and Johnson, in lieu of them. They were in complete uniform. possesforcibly, or y peaceabl ic2‘ tal-Lt',eiti Capt. Dar ‘es, late of the Guerriere, litis' will been appointed to he governor of the iritisli J‘saval Asyluni~a very lucrative situation. sion of the town and citadel of Mobile, and the Aiiit‘i'ieaii standard will at last wax e victorious over the ramparts of l'ort (.Ionde. SC MMARY. Ili'i'i-o'on to France. \Villiain ll. Craw- The great strt iiggth of this fortress (erected during the reign of Louis XIV.) may he deduced from the circumstance of its hat/ins"r been defended several weeks by 80 men, against the united attack of Root) under Don (ialviz, in 1780, and finally capitulated honorably. One hundred and fifty rations are said to he the daily issues to the Spanish garrison, but I scarce think that the number of troops can justify it. Be On the lst (lit) "f -l in 131, 3.1 X. and ion it gives us pleasure to state that the CitL‘v gant Set of Plato intended as a present from the citizens of Charleston to capt. Isaac "of for his gallantry in capturing; the British l. sail, to which "1‘ KW ed her and disc'wrt‘: gate (.‘uerrz‘rre, is now completed, and will he immediately forwarded to that ggeiizliiiian. The set consists of six pieces of silver, (lotifit. Cloud, in place of the deceased Mr. Barble gilt, on one side of each of which is eir low, has resigned his seat in the senate oftlie graved the arms of Charleston, and on the U. n. \V'. B. Bulloch, esq. has been appointThe enother an appropriate iiiseription. ed by the executive of Georgia, [1m tun/ion, this city, of \Vood, Mr. by done graving; was to supply the z ~tcaucy. Dr. Jackson, professor and is in a style of elegance we have never of chyiiiistry end natural philosophy in the disasters of the north will never seen surpassed. University of (ieorg iii, is appointed secretary assured the .lohn Robertson, estl. is appointed by the in our South-\Vestern Army; for repeated he to the new iniiiistci. lie is a distinguished at its C(n‘i'lnilllult‘l‘ prefers death to defeat, and all president of the United States, navy agent scholar, and a gentleman of the most amiable ‘ this place. ‘ his oflicers are equally emulotis ofdistinction." manners. Allit'l'l Calla'tin, can. has arrived in PhiladelJVeTv-Imlio'on, .1/1I‘i/ Jl, phia with his family from "‘itlis'llillflit)", and will I'LL-(rue! o i a letter, (lo/('1! .Hovcr, (11.1.) for those who would n'r, Miitit BEST Tiii: -»//.n/ 19, non. shortly proceed on his mission to ltiissia. Si'itish lilockading the board on is , cheap buy " The situation ofour shores from Lewistown Brigadier-Genrral (Jusliiiig, whose official du~ e oli‘er Vir- apeak (Ches the in Those ties as :itlitiltliil-;{t‘tit*i'::l have terminated, has left to near l'oiiit l'euii is most deplorable; three ships. dollars per barrel; and the four (it llour igiiiia barges are now lying; in the mouth of the tholVashingtoii for Boston, where he is in future to roughfare that leads up to Smyrna and tap- b" st of northern sheep may be had on boaid eniiiiiiaiid. at three dollars-fluid Fro/n Riki/DH- we learn that gen. \Vade ture all the bay craft that are passing. On those off Block-lsland drug! Masters of mere a kinds all of fish Friday last the Dover 'acke'. was lying in the liaiiipton has tab-1‘ the t‘oniiiiand at that post, ers on board the prison been have and that three additional regiments of infan- iinouth of Old Duck creek, when the 3 barges I vessels who llai‘tiy, who loves cap-t. that say lics, llanii , inn in and took possession of her; the owner try and attillory, and a due troop of horse, ishiuaii, gave them have joined the rtrpzirition already ordered (.l. Bell) and passengers were liberated, hilt roast beef like a true l'livle bet-f of the first roast and s steak lent excel the captain and crew were sent on hoard the out forthe defence of that quarter! is represented Hardy capt. by, the By chop. 711 that now lies about is miles above Lewis. l'tiehard (nuts, or}. is appointed Superinhis power to in been have s who The Belvidera has come in the Delaware with by Am ‘rieaii Clitltllli-(n'3lit‘!".‘l of L'tiilitary Supplies. noble man, n-a lello he a noble-hearted two other ships, which are supposed to be The British 1'. 151; of truce "Francis it‘reeling" ‘ 'l'ownseiid, lord and ; Quere, as the sailors will not though no in. 0/1 mm; sailed from Annapolis for England (via Ber- her prizes. :i being from fai' as lflolus, the commands enter in the gitiidmals under the U. S. oliieers, who i:iuda) at ‘2 o'clock. f1. {31. on the iS‘th inst. The Aillel'ic‘ttl} cartel brig Catli‘a e Ray might they not be permitted to select their 212' ":Jr :iian, though a mild: mun ford, est}. appointed minister at the court of 1an per ro/umr '1' in Bean/.9 : (III/f '1': , :stoii, is 11.; I‘irothcrietter from Baltimore states, that England for the purpose of being cet, (is-an, were found to be rotten, and were according" vii/it (1 (Op/ions III/ll llm War, [till [M m; S rill.9("ffIH‘I'-5‘ in 1"; . i. x that the have. :gone up the Bay for water." tpienrfie thereof, which Via?) expected to return J1me noel, gm Fin-l "J .loHV T. Li» he launched to-day-siie is sale. to : zoi't‘t it is said that four 74s taken into dock in on ix‘i'iday evening; sets/row .‘v'n. l) )H 111 [he .S‘llbst‘rt/Ilt')/l , dlrlrm (' H. (S l,‘ ‘ il break on the 113th inst. $733: 31f? (10mph Ir ("1' the river. :hi: month of on river, and the small vessels posite Southampton, l1] consequence of her lie-- the enemy"- squadion iu the Chesapeake has ., reini. reed. A tiny: of truce was sent up or; tally unlit to hroceed on her destination, \l4 hecn l on 'l‘hnrsday, and an ex press iniBultiiiiort: and wt... award. d and recaptured by the inha- t to to \Viishington iii consc(li:,p;ttclied i inediatciy day at shore, the from on bitants of Sonthanipi IS PUBLlSllhl) i;\ . [7 I'.ll'./1U,/£ or. ton, as there is a quantity of at that place. A person from Canada info new British frigate, built at T [I BY 5. \t t.)‘ - an vessels. Two Alge- on the seaboard from New-Castle to Leo. is." lilll.(l1‘.l‘iilii‘:a:; quickly coming; on, she made SfCllllUi of 52 Americ Cat. A let- i. The loss on hoard the (‘aledoiiia lines were cruising; oll' (lape de .l' CHCLtiH‘. from March, 17th the Cadiz reached had Ogden'x/iinjry/i, J'il'ii'f.' l4 "v11"; ."i killed and 9 wounded ; on board the ter had frigate e Algeriii an that stating; ter, .(iihiai since is whom \Vithin two weeks past upward-1 of ‘7")th '\'oirnirh, .3 wounded, one of an ship and troops and sailors have passed l'rmeott, 0:1 .lead. After seeing; her prize safe in porn: iust passed up, with an Americ from Nor- their ray to the l:tl:r;~--MUO have gone tip brie; Spanish A . company ii ' ' in quest oi the May- .br‘ iieut. Bio. ....ih d main ., by two Alge- since lzmt 'l‘hin-sday. There 1?. no apoecraiiec taken been had Cadiz, 1 ‘ captured had The :.1'.iz;\'-'.: privatecrs llower. aies, (Nov. 25) the Spaniards releas- of a force at Prescott. l several vessels, and sent them to Bermuda. the supei'cargo, Pollard, of Norfolk, but ed, i " ' By a person direct from Matisse-.17. informaThe sloop Mary-Ann (larolinc,(.1apt. Bar' e loaded with corn, turpentine. raisins and «cocoa, 2 detai icd as a slave. An Algerin brig; of 18 tion is received that 4') British l:':'.'.'-., laden :£MI____. N0; 60 VIEW-Si. IUI fz'otii Algiers, reported the Capture by the Al- each other) that he opened his live upon her; out and ordered for Ilalii‘ax'. ()ii the. litth they encountered a heavy gale. splittheir sails, and they were obliged to .acud, and on the l.‘>t‘.i came to an anchor hav‘: of Long; Island. op» . . ._‘<z-L«;AmvvurllmKe - 4....A______.____~ THE WAR. iii '. Julia, of l) istoii, f1", that she was sruiin the captain deliverH ldeterinined 1o til." midshipnizin, and-set tination, that sht- iii. per; but the r" weather lJ'iiS'tt.‘I'o".~, Eiiitvl iiinrning:--v" -. :i‘iritit tl.,;i:i‘.r‘i3' Wind's 11.1 oi us »‘ how. Alinit half [i they Were vessels of he :i 1 .rise ship. .\.‘ min of the bria; \v: directions to is". t‘l' Would an ltri on the l‘t‘UlT of vl under tlm]. lt- in-wt'st‘. so as to bring tin-in . quarter, \ii'rii tht t ii'.)lll tha- lll'lH‘, and u; , to he eiiai'ri :l lul‘Ct' of them .Hi the hing, I back, .\ t pi'oaeli Us: liu rm, that b} l";‘.ll|.'|llltl" \I lieiir Us Lilon- 38,. it again mid stoml a they attain h oiled 1! - niiiii-i Illlt' inart" wilhii‘imi‘e we [0.11, q .im" ‘l'llL'y .. pit. oi [in llillt: our liirttomp 3in h, mvr'nlitri ti; o lutcsiid itlii At . gallant-Hash. ‘Li'iil iii-m r \lt'5I2'11‘15‘, "We Wu; Hut, 5 gr" |