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Show Ti i if: W'Ai‘. Kg‘ 1.)" JV). 4'2, rock; it was S-)\Vt:lltlt1‘t'r_‘tt‘(l, that sm'eral o" tlii- shot. l'iiwidi-nt, t'iiited Stains, andConstitution,16mins. piorw (1 tin hull oi Ill" t'i-aco k through and illl'tHi'u‘h, . Iii inn" it tippt'ul‘H, that a 7,4,. ~gun ship, «Vt-u ot‘ tht‘ l-:i'li d :L number of men, and in a measure, decided 'w‘)‘ it flaws, nozihl he littlti"'.‘l(‘.illy i Elitt‘lfii‘ in guns class. The ii the contmt. v hun‘t il'ig‘tltt‘. (iron: .31 't‘j‘ittl 1.) -. iL ' . , enabled to i ,i m a t"i.'( I‘ has, is the ia- ‘ iiii-tiil than the. iii Will carry one t; in less, 1; ot .)"l from; but, 1 'l‘Hl‘l F!l"'l'll ,V".\".li Vl‘"i"t)l'.v l‘ll" it](lt‘iitll;jtll)lt£ at. "'ill (".‘(Clitfi atr< sh the woinh r of the woi'lil‘. Th0 - pw‘t, (iii :ue‘ \Vdn rut (toxin troiii a (71-, airl car- il Sitiliillt: tln- lil‘t ish sin-iiiot'r.:ir1' aeoelc, by tho (I S. "as thr-w tfliiis' haw" on (‘1 h Hill" than the Maria. sloop ot' war Hornet, lltl/t/BWIM Jilitltlli s, will till Log.- nt, liiillt d Matt-1;, ant thnn‘itution, and would i. land Willi unlit/CRIMEHL and dismay ‘t'ht- l'uai'orl: w. . giinvnt U. .‘5. infantry, ('onaiisting of more than .700 'in-ii, under rot. Dennis, whose tirst battalion is at Hawkers Harbor. 'l‘liis corps embarked Another detachment. of vrater: :y tor Albany. it) or 1.200 t‘. S. troopa are going on in rompa~ iiy. We understand that httt't‘l'ttl thousand men, rwrnitisd in duh-rent parts (it the country, H ['9 "Wurst-run "7‘- Von. l. now on their mari‘li, by ditt'crt-nt routes, to join. wwj»: l .. iii-1' h tor rather (it illl‘lil. 'i'ht- Hoard t‘it', a Vt‘hfitl as the Hori -t, and carriid IHUI'L‘ 'J‘o rut this ship to pit-t‘cs, to kill and wound illt'l'~‘li)t", a! '4 il proi'ii-rly in ordi-rinr; thi‘ Contain n as ii). guns. to low oul_\ in" (pi'ii'tzr-t "'4 and tormiaetlc ; and ii. 2-, said that the 't‘riiiinpti, (illi"1r.i§"ittti, at Plymouth, 13 -. toiiiirh‘i‘goa lll;("‘lli1ildy\i bi tin-mi 17') and '1') of ll(‘.' men, \i'liil<~ the American ship l‘tbl but am: kit/Ml (not lit-u .imolrit, is a circumst'i ice so e.‘-;iraoidinary, that it lIiithi‘h: '5 the minds the Northern Army. 'l‘lieno with the troops at Sarto-1's Harbor, itit'tiilo, etc. will form a body ot'ahout t:‘i,i"00 men. It is eonjertiiii'il the can;paigii will open, by the invasion ot'Canada, about. tin- tirst of May; at the same time recruiting will (itimtt' ('oizntryinrn with an izxtiltaiion It ixrd with solcinnityl is it merely our prowess-or is it tlnv il‘: 1r of Heaven pointin}: to thc path or our tiiturt: glory ? successes tit iioLthc iinnd wit: a noisy and y, but with a Solemn and grateful .‘sPtillnit‘lil. '1‘ i i ifW A it. h t‘iw YORK : '1‘!'!;x/).9i' slolm‘iwo, Jilin/f, 6, 181.}, and our ting-rs to tight t" t;- up and organising. 'l‘ho tith, 9th, list, and part of the 25th ret;i~ BY In. Win No. i: ‘: Iain! /. , a .'i'i" ‘i'ho Ho ! 0'? if'f" (ii/apt 'i .‘ f ,yglx/ifii/L .\i'r SUMMA RY. _ «trout tith. r to rapturt: or drive llh‘Ti nth-but tinnoiuc uiarcoinital)l<~ I'Ctlsttn, the tin ,cd Sttttt‘s and Macedonian have boon sutli‘i'i-d he upwaiils of {3 thrr ti'i‘r‘rtlltli‘bil‘il.' Months at the navy-yard, riiti‘i' mutiny, \i‘lit-n occasion l‘txlllll't s, ...il tit out a Ship of war in 3 wet-ks, or cmi h: s time. .flz'iiixtnr in li'imfri. 9.1 \Vashington to 'l‘lit- ti'ig'atr .'\(i.':n‘.3 i; prcparii 3; talgw out .‘ilbrrt taalta‘iin, rm :5 i'lillir/ij'l' i-Vti'aoi-itinari tothv rout-tot" St. t'eicrslivii' 'ii. : I, t‘ntl Li-':tiilill‘t|llt‘l‘ ot the trczniury, is to Luttiii'l'illitlui the. Shtfl'uiill'} '.» di' partmezit in his absent 2. (,‘ol. \Villiam Duane, (il‘tor of'tlir: I‘liilatii.:ltili" \uroru, is appointed .‘i:ljittant-tiuiicral of the armies of the t tiiL<'(l States. Hutu-rt Swartwout, oar}. of this city, is appointed a (it:artcr-niastcr-gcneral iii the army of the U. S. toads; E"H‘!5C‘E oft: [i'li'c rf; 1,711 Sum/y [Jon/w, (Iii/43!! Shirt/131. This post liasl 'n rniin‘in'red by 5 till! t‘ompanit-s '5, and J of t‘il‘l'fl'flcn. The new fort. is" (:onn pig-t d, hating thirty JEQ-priiinilrrs mounted and well 'l‘hc telegraph on the. Highlands is ri-ady ;-ppoiiitcd to work; 800 .lL-i'sey llitlcfi are (:ncaniped on the lu-iglus. Home days 'ago ("int Lewis ("now here) came down from the City, with the flotilla of run-boats and tire- aliips, he astonished the ‘arrison by landing (trtJUot~ hi:> men, armed \iiih lJtitll'tlbitty-Pikes and riiuskt-ts- they tin-mod a wry hand ionic line, were, counted oil' into platoons, \iith otlii L-i's rchularty posted,a. d went through ;: \arii-iy ot IliuliLL'llVI‘CS. Major Forbes, who (‘oaniiands ln‘i'r, turned out the regiment in compli- )i'i ‘lii to the bra ,. tars, rcviewrd the whole line, on t'-- promos: p:ii;.<h- ggiouiid I (‘\‘t‘l‘S:lW, The Dragon, ot‘73r no bolieving any thing without 't'wo li\tll« tired w orkmci; mint» don n to build l).tt racks and block- iniunt-s, liitili litllltj; done here, they art: erecting tor- \\'t- fear nothing: nieu is a tow mites ltt"l(7(‘ t tit satistimt, and ti‘ilit‘tfit s (-iiiulous o't'distinguishine‘ tin-in- scuisi-lves, in tlL‘li‘l‘J‘t' of one of tin: most important posts in tin: union. it is said the no" tort is to be named Ai'iiifi‘i‘ohg, in honor ot' the SC' retury of \\ :ir. 1hr .h‘rsr'i‘ tiirini rs ham: sent our lilt'll a pm-si'nt ot several boat loads of potator's, cider and upphs. So litttlill tor the patriotic it‘tjllllg'w} ot' people who know that said Iiit!s ati'ord no \egetablcs at themselves to tho poor soldier. From (In: ])/,'[Illl‘ll7‘(?. A. British squadron is again in the Delaware, and have captured and burnt. about twenty sail ot' lltliii)t‘I‘-l)ti£tl<. 'l'lie coasting trade in the iay is entirely destroyed. Halt-'1] Jim: i," brsides muskcts, tlints, liar h-ad, iron, and dr\ Qtllitlfi '1' MW if .".. 28,00 dollars at anchor l.)t.‘lU'\‘. that port. not knowingof thewar, she, Was taken [)1)\.S('.‘f‘iltlll o!" by to o l)f):‘t,n crews :ron .n l'liiglisl: armed brig lying the e, and wt." gi‘tii" on. d'qr way to go otl With her, wlnii the vrr w o in ship Frantis, of Sttlt'lll, and some. other izlllF‘L cans urn-re, seeing her situation, \wnt do' n in boats, t't'tUlvk her, prawn} rm ii a i» tinittri, ahtl iii i' in; i and b ought ltL‘l‘ into itn- harbor Lit tln‘tL‘ a f\iw- \'orl; pilot-boat b iii. ..cl:oovi r, tln- inh- \Ilit‘l‘it'itll in r3; that at . oli' that text‘s, who i‘i roast, tilt in \‘llit an tingliflh >l.t[l, lain and sr'hooinrr, \lt' st‘i‘ti (l il., unit 1' Conroy ot'a i' =iin u: no hri; (ii 1!} guns, which 22d J ‘tttt‘.l'.‘\ t‘lS \‘t't‘l‘t‘ ni‘i anil l‘L'.\\‘l' its}. pol‘t. ilill'.‘ lit‘ltittt‘t' (J-iln/ t, (it' lialtiiiiore, ,KhKT en red, and Lapttll‘t'tl ~ll three in less than an ll‘Hll'. e .sliii. 'u'ttl si'hmnt- ltiltl on lioaid l'tvi'tlfnot H: storm, ‘t‘tt‘ rth :is‘i-(t, :.i.ii ha: 1 itl l".\t‘(l at t't-t'r The tern) of service ot‘ the greater portion of tin- \\ li\t7'!, helm-3:: miiitia, iii the army havingr t‘Atiii't'tl, they had re~ turned lioi'ne. The object ot'tieiioral Harrison's trout t?n.ton, \ii-h a r: 'o principally .i'tcza, wasrazw [ltl‘t't‘ h» the British schooner tam, ml the "LlIUiul'e' 'l'lie pinnai r ot'tfa- Monti-squiru was gii‘vn tip to the o: it is siiiigulcn', that in the artion between the Hornet were (:xrhau. and l'earoek, ii ln ii the tirst liroadsir Qt‘tl 't liali" pistol shot, the pendant on the llluiltttia‘it {in lloriivt was shot away, om: man "was liiilttl in iiti‘ 1.: p. and the. W2 pc-r raging lunch injurt-d, but no "it, 11,]‘9 li ""‘1',‘."",:' ‘,"‘ ""5'8'13'llfl "1"" "ii 3‘ M," L ‘ :: cc on it: cu. . ‘ I; "L‘l"tl ‘ : l '.'tl' - < :iw. , t~~:« -- .~,' to .‘vl'. "Laird, ot' Plilltltlciiflliit, men , it) in nn.iihtrr._\iho hair arrind .it l'lltiiitltllillln- dity as poissilile. His position at the Rapid-i must (Layt. \\ keep the Indiana in check, and thus enable our othcr~ l‘ik‘ t‘routier inhabitants to sleep in security. ("H 'J, it i‘i suppnsiil. would liaVC been worth a Hilllio. ofdollars iii the l.IiitCtll‘iL:t1L‘~'. r {Lin ‘.'ol.iut, with a very valuable cargo from by a tin» Ft' wound to Boston, has bran captured tish cruigtr. From the Ill/II '{'/ll\‘I'1'l)Uilf Journal. arrived at this Un Sundav" last The firing. H, . . . ‘ m lti2ll battalion 0t tun tutu reby \Vtilcl‘,ti Village, (at tin ll'i‘ia" ii liii‘ ‘,l\t' l Wini'l Hormt made a sutnrriplion and siippii<,d the prison. CY": (Who had. lost almost (‘Vt ry thing) with two shirts and a I‘lltCl‘H-It aiti trowst‘rs each. journey was to procure l't‘iIlliH'tft‘nH‘llir-l as spat-- oilintrwi, at.» John \is‘ 3:5,; the ih-r'riii iion ot' the Peacock, the crew of the It is a fact \\ orthi' of note, and in illt' hit-,‘lieet degree stow, it‘i tniili" wt SJrIl-\ :/. .lv: .n .\l‘. ()ii lie passage slit; put into t'urn..nibuco; and while hours-Fable. to our iiravr- tars, that on thciluy surrend- .___.._- lici? z'aiint. . 47h, »\ l) L21" I, 10m from Lalcntta, with an imnieiisisit valuahlv car 0. inuu‘nuro ninch iii}, in d, but tln- br pf hi int; valuable Wort/rt}? .s/m‘n .']:")II}/. in this at‘toii tlic mash-r73 \A':tS(>ltl('t‘<"l to Ann rn'a. General Harri-ion and suite arriVi-d at Cl. mate (it he» I. if." mt his hi ail ha a shot, from tli- Div rotlii- the Mill Pita 't'l]. His arniy' \H'I‘t' tell at "11.". Sinw tin rcptiiro or the -.!.l a ,ir; Portuguese the l'iapidzs, where they had a Fort, which for hail ti't‘iti' tl the .\nn rirans with much attention. ('11'lillllilh'Ial-V- last a detai hint-n1 ot'oiic hundred iizt-n (:oii‘i'enit-iifte and strength, was believed equal to l ltilitli'tl in 'iriii'e‘ai from the it"lilllit‘ffi 74., Capt .sii‘ ot'ttiw nt inow-iue No atty in tin: t'uited States. '1 la It‘ti‘i It mt} ; tin-y burnt a sinail \(‘fi-ii'l that had (-niraiy was oxperted, as the roads \‘H're almost tat". at 'it". and bro :g‘h'i otl'll bulioiks iilltittQH'iilt‘, and the lakes hill of the lii'ohi-n ire, Lori q/‘(io Int/Somali. 'i he ship Mootesipiit-u, clipti IiitiivitMtJ'i'i oti‘ :‘ti'izlntt'aw' Tins. all» N: ii." (l'itlli/ 1/: 7- i >llir has a cargo of 400 casks gun-powder, .\l-.io, British brig Shannon, from the Bra/.115, h cotton, p in to the \ankce, has arrit‘cd at that port. 'l'nt- lliiiish hit; Hover, prize to the Alfred of 5alt‘lil, has atrircd at Ncwburyport, with 184- punclicoiis of rum. 'l'in- cartel ship Ecrtock, capt. Brown. sailed from Ncwrlioudvin ita 24m ult. with the late oilictrs and. crew ot'tht‘ trout! .‘lacriioniaii. The tnig (taxman, capt, "card, has arriicd at Saw it comes within a person's own knowledge." (‘I/Imii/ .‘i"r"/.'m' rc , nu"! J guns, pr 9:. to the Yaiilx'cv, of Bristol, has arrived at The. Dragon lost ten men last week that that lay aliou: N 'u'port News. Perhaps this was the ('ttttst: ot'tlieir leaving the Roads. 'l‘liere are various reports as to the iiiiiiilii-t' ot' di-sert: ers. They are so weakly niauiind that a gentle- man who ("oiiu-rsed with one ot' the deserters, told me when the ships had orders to get under way, they had to send men from one. to another to assist; but there are so many vague reports M.\‘)\}.\.('ili i. (tistribiiti'd to the oilictzrs and --.sli<.: is (toppered, and vessel and Cargo valurd at few days since, that (ti-sorted from the ti'igate Wt luv-v" s..." r .. crew of the frigate United States, by 4110 prizr-agciits. The B: ttibll lL‘ttI'l'-t1l‘-rliul'tlllfl' schooner Alder, of 6 anchored oti' Wittoughby Point. I understand dt ' rtions have been way frequent [root the landed at, Hampton. Report says fit.) passed the haltiway house, between York and Hampton, a j",- t',‘ .lottV iii, lt,‘ I (Him): 4' )1 ., t 5', Snifv'l‘io. m i»; tnc port des'gnatcd {or their reception. 'l he prize-monry tAl‘.Stllg titnii the capture of the l‘iri'iisli frigate Macedonian, amounting to 200,000 dol- that port guns, is the nearest vessel to the Roads; she is that. there is [ti/‘5‘ pm' i'm'i m in lion/.7: ; Cw tnose V\'lltClI may hereafter arrive there; that being lars, Was yesterday ,w ;, UM ill. fill/l i'} He has come: out as agent for [)l‘tStillt‘t‘S 'the arronnt in our la t stating the arrest of Mr. Moore, M. itish consul at Annapolis, is contradtcted. John S. Skinner, insq. has been appointed by the prt'sident ot' the II, S .\ui(:riraii agent to trim cliarqc oilthc British p'tClCL‘t, now lying; at Annapolis, aiid they got under way yesterday and an- i-iiorei‘i in Lyuliaven Bay. fleet. DEFENCE 0i" NE‘V'YORK Col. larclay, (tiirna-rly Uri isli consul at this port" arrivrd in this City on "ethic-sitar last, in a cartei from Bermuda, and has gone to Waishiiigtoii. l; [It at UM .wlw'n‘po I" I .Iioir iiw'i. i/i. rip-,1 /, nil/L o I";).u"»:a< ],,, Basil/n Patriot. Latrstjrom (In: Clutmpru/i‘r. It is said that an intended insurrection among tlr.‘ i‘i'i‘groers in the vicinity of Hampton has lltft‘ll 'l‘wo thousand were embodied and t'ru-~trat«_-d. partly organized, when a captain ‘ ot' a vessel ili:<i'i>i'ei'i-il them exert: sing near the shores of the Chesapeake. The ringleaders are. secured, and all [fllritlt rted ticgroes committed to prison. Extract ot'a lt-tter to tho editor ot'tlir {irhmond Patriot, t'ioin Norfolk, dated March 22. "1 now have the Hatisl'action ol‘aniiount'int.r the iii-parturo of the British tlert ti'om Hampton .'7}'.//,‘/,/',' 0/ ' "Wit: ments, have lel't Burlington and Plattshurgh tor Hacliet‘s‘ Harbor. A l'ai'itiah T~1~ and Hu't‘ral privatt'i 75 are l)l(>(‘lizl(iiti;j: ound, and liJ‘iH‘ t: ‘tzirt'rrl a i‘lt'i‘ilh r (it ccasti it; nth: 'l'hr natal tort}. now in thus. harbor i5 suiii- l.' t is l'UIiUn'll‘ l) go on, and the (titl'crent regiintuti-i wiil be filling towiiii .i that t‘owm' \\lllt‘l1(‘t>tltl‘0l5 illt‘ World, and gin-Lb us the. iir‘iory, by " teaching our hands to war, {oi‘rjf-i.‘c/III7(7 (Noun/l ih'tfl'liVU/t'll. yx'fiz did not know ot'lhié war tltitil his capturr. hr might have v'ilietul his twrapv. "15 "that ll" p'l!"‘l1.r~.i.‘ an; 'iir vi i. ‘tlt,i. t own drain no. i" rs \i'hirh, this d i., 0i. "t ‘5 - ilat. ."~ ~'ini t's '3." U In. still win 1)} ,~ :- . it |