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Show IIIII 111. ll IIIIIIlt‘ III IIIIIIIIIIIV 7FHE VVAR. IIII rIu-IIII I aim L'IIIIIl and I III \ "I" ("II siIlII' IIIIII is Ili~I‘-;"iIIliIII and IIII ___,,.L_. _L_._Vm.__,.,_,_ _ , III I III III :IIIIII IIIIIIIIIs III! III IIII .IrIII). ,_.__ .. , " III-1r 'I'IIF. .r r ._ _. ._... lt\1.I.YIN(} WORK), ,.¥.,__.__._..., - _,,_, I'IHIOI III'I ALI. ,_c. THE". _I._ , c.._.__ _. ._ _ -.._. . ..._...I.. .. ._ ..A._...__-..,.._ . J: DAY, "I; _4 _‘_>' r) (A! ll: [I II‘I')' OI.' l)l-I.."T'/I. IIII IIlII Ill "'II' S" I‘\ :,II Il I.\\\IIIII I‘NIYI‘II IVE \I \(IIIK ..... 'l"| LSHII FEB" l' ARI 13;; i 11115;7 Vol.. I. I-IIIIIIIIII; :Ir IIIIIIIIIIIIIrI l' I IIIl-IIIiIIII.IIIII~I III \\lIIInI I To IIII‘ XIII-{III}: of Krona/w, l) IIIII.‘V,11IIIrnI AN ACT, .‘Irmy .I.\ III IIIII pIIs‘I, IIII‘ .\I'\' I' I~ II III III'I-IIIII'III: IIIrsIII , II~ liII;I'1‘~, Carter, (III ). ~ 'Ilitl _ Master; .Ilr, \l'IIII, Supplementary to in act entitlI d, " Kn :irttoI providt for cal'IiIIIII .I'Itl; tl'. L Iniliti. t to e\tcute the laws, su)pIess iIrsttIIIctions, anIl' the pay o1~ volunteer and militia corps. Illrl ~IIIII \III;II 815 I: ‘I'ZI:.‘I'c'I.l.1II'/ rz‘II. I'IIIIIIII‘I (on! [IO'IH Q/l .\II.' In" {I31i‘z'.5‘I‘.‘II'I'ili;I.I'.y / I/II' (.l'II‘I'I'I. ISIIIII‘S :‘II The IIIllII\\iIII: ‘II‘II . III I:'I II;IIII~. lIIu'I- IIiIlI III II'IIIIIII. l'iIIIJr- "IIIII‘. om. «' II " III-fl: F. [IN/er]; .‘l III l'I'II\I~ IIIIIIIII~I I-Iery IlIII our 1.1:: Is not I'OF' I . ~I I'IIII' IIIIII I-1IInII IIVL‘I' "III a II;II"y o1 about 50 ~I II‘II III IIIII IIIIII mum of ., ,H II II. no IlIIIIlIII. Iot‘ IIa :. IlI‘iII .I‘Iltl I't' A'IIlJII‘~ (‘IIII l'l I‘l:II IIII'I'I- :II l'rerIfIIII'II ~I'I. lIIIIIIlI'I-Il IIII'H. I lJtI'J' IIIIII IIIInIIIrI'IIII ;‘II~ haw Ilith-i'tl l'I'wI'oII. IIIIII-altst-I‘IIIIN' HI)" llIIII IIl lilII'IIIII‘III .} III. \‘I I tl1.l «III IIIII. .‘Ilr III II" III. l f I' III IIi- H111". IIIII lI'Il ‘I'I'iI‘I_\IIIIIIIII yIIIII- .‘IlI I~I III III» - IIIIo tinisIIIl III IIII‘.III III IIIII IIIIII III IIII III: IIIII to IIIIIIIIIIIIII Illll" III ‘lII IIIIisIIIIIILI Hill on the patriotism 01 IlIi- IIIII ‘_'III'~(I!1lII'I'I' buddy- I a -lIIII‘l IIIIIII. IIIIIlIIII' I'I'III‘. this IIIII::II. Ia~t ~IIII1IIII-I‘I I I'IIIIIIIIIII} .- a I,1..1 tIII lIIIII'S III ll]. IrIIIIIIIIIutelI ,I In‘IIIIIIILIl 'Il lIII Y‘Ifil‘‘llf‘N MI "III. II ' I‘ IIII 'ht I'IIII II‘I II'llY I pun, . I ‘I.. I: 11.1w in the tIistI' Ict . , , I'. . I,. III III 9'") A pot ' I I mm 8, toil ‘ IIIIIII I '1 'I'I f I I. I I ~trI I I. III (eIIIII‘l "mt IN ',I‘,, "mm ll' I s'rI'iHl l‘ "III (115‘ am lJ'i' ,It'I'C'. III: \IlhIII‘ "I'M - I, K I,1 p, leIl II!" .‘II. III .IVII r1 III/Imstl\'I‘S II Il" II, "I to N pass (I' l‘ I, II. I\lI|I'-"~ llll‘ IIII‘ II I . II III III... . II ,, 'Il .sIIIo'. II" I" Ul lll'J pIMVlal ._. ext-C1150" posts, alIIr tht t‘L'IiIl1I'IllfIII o1 - I'>II.I teim of syl'viL‘t', have aIIIlIorisIIl S'l'i‘r‘ll ILX/Ilr.‘ ])('(1' tarilv to the standard, and aRed to be Inrollmonth to bII your out III III r tII: asury , Ird in IIIIIIIICI. ol lltt' rights~~-;;a1u was not eat: It non LIIIIIIrIisI.iI;Iie.lI (.llit I r, musician, arid your obiect~~you gloried in the precious inprivate, to the number ol IIItII n hundred. in hIItitancI: so nobly won by the lIItIIlutionw addition to tirei'r tIIIIIl II ')I\' tom the general \ our bo.soms IrIchd \\ ith the ardor ol ll eI mI II government dating I.I.tiI additional time. (II ---)oU "I re not Iro: l(lt‘tl on bv a tyrant h'.Ind service. to light the b: Ittlts o1 amlI'Iion or dominion, but the spirit ol yourlathers anusId Hm IIIIlI'm' é'ilii'n‘ns um" 39/. 1"}"1'3 l I- om the slumber oI indolenct, to nudeMake Such another op pottunitI' may never again the turmoils, and surmount the labor and hardships of camps, to show our ancient ene- my that you knew how to value and maintain that indIIpIIndcnce We held as the gilt ol heaven only, to wipe olfthe liottlstain \Ihich had been cast upon the Americann ame,by the base surrender of one of our armies-to avenge the shades ol your Slitllfi'lllt‘"1t(llJTttllrt‘m ol helpless women and irrIIIrts--‘I1drivI: back occur to crown yIItiiIIelVI s with honor. 71hr eyes; ol your ,statII, your country, are on you. Act worthy of yourselves, and all will be Well. It'w'Io/wvfl That the governor of this state he re ‘1"sh (l to cause s ) many copiII. ol the loreIroinI; atlI lIens, to l)t printed and trInsmit- ted to gen. llarrison,1a .d such other cIIlic‘I-ri commanding; the militia of this state, as he may deem right, in order to be communicated to said troops. JUS. H. HAWKINS ISIII‘J/Icr oft/It: Nous/I of III/JIWIIIsuz/ulri,es. H. HILKM AN, that audacious ( I.eIIIy and her .savagt alliI 5, who had prolaned our soil with her hostile m IIshtls sh Ill pay all II.res which hat c been I evils of the war at their own doors: Ina v iedlanIl collected by them or their respec- I tiVI: deputiz s, undI r the authority of the acts1 "rIin referred to, into the treasury of the 1‘"Inn d SI.IatI. s, within two months after they I,.hill have reI cited tht same, deducting five nar centum tor their own trouble; and in IItse of failure, it shall be the duty of theI Word, to plant the standard which bears your country‘ .s eagle on the walls 01 M aldcn. Ihese were your Objects when you IIIaspI, (1 your arms and demanded battle. Y our pro- gress has been retarded by obstacles not un- .S'pwrzét‘r of Hit? .S'I'IIII'ZI'. Approved, January 2%), 181.1. ISAAC SHELBY, Governor of III/.IIIIIIII'IGII, der your control, or that III your Iveneral. You have with heroic fortitude borne (:,old comptroller of the treasury to give notice toII' hunger, and Iatitrue. \ our state has symp:l' Ithised with um, and your brat e associates in I sullIIring. \ our lellow- citize ns and fair couri- , try women, have Indtavored as far as in their l power, by voluntary (‘ontrilnitions to assist in I shieldin" you from the inclemencyol .In InhosSec. 3. Jim] be i!_/i.'rI/.I,'I‘ L'.'Z/t"'["ui,'1ll13[ the pitallc clim; Itt. \Ve know that, w-htrettr Ion~commission~dollicers, musiciansaIIIl pri- the em my has been tangible, you ha\ c m1 IIlt vates ol. the volunteer and militia corps, who ll IIlln not only rtspect, but IIIl you. \ou subseque nt to the thirtI -hrst dav of Derrem~ have shown that you are Kentuckians, Iirm I‘icr, eiph teen IIIIndIId and l\‘l/,'< lye, shall have . and lll\l1](:ll)lt'-~SIIC(LL'SS has dawned IIIHIII been or may III:rI::IIII- r be called out while in ‘yotI~-tlte ‘ olIiI'ct you sought in taking thelIiI ld the service of the United States, shall, during just in siIIht: 3 our anxiety to rtturn to the continuance ol the present war betweeii the embraces ol your ll"51111(l$ and families 'Ihe united kingdom oi (Ireat Britain and Ire- must be Ielt and appretiated. but would land and the IIIII'im'Idencies thereof, and the U not the joy of your return he dampi II, when States of America and their territorics, be the it lltt. tion Ihould at isI, th at you h1i<lsurrntitled to and II':I.I:iI.'e the same monthlx mountI d the Incatt st dilhtulties in vour way pav, rations, and forage, and be furnished ---y our general was just about ac corirplishing \‘ith the same camp (IquipaIIe as are or may the important obiect oi the ampu'rnA-Wlall. :providec‘ bIllaw lor the non Commissioned d n was in view ~~\i(,; tory beckoned I on to Igners, InuIici Ins, and privates, ol the army lollow on, and you n tired; "ht n two months Ithe Unite d States. had been wasted, and your fellow-soldiers H (I AY, were It'll. surrounded by danger? IS/Ma/IIIII of [/II‘ "0/156 of/I‘II/JII (asenr‘ulivi'v. Your state or your country cannot d:inand VI M. H CRAVVl'Ol'l), of you to rtmain a lew months lImIrtrr, as I"‘.rmirlwuf 0/}. r oernulr [no (em/wry. an act she ha. any/lt-Igal right to claim (It you; Februirv ". 181.' but your state asks it, as what would redound AIIIIIIoI I-zn, t) the honor ()1 you, her sons, and her own I AMES MADISON. III the (I om hi .'I II.(: ()1 the tin Iits ol suI lI o1 ,oII :I. v ill III mum at your 'IlI‘Il", \V hen the first sound 01 war was In ard, at .z‘l'lrl /‘c‘ tit/(I'Vf/I't')' ("I'1I'5 ‘Ii That ll‘lt.‘ the district attorney of the United States, who shall proceed against the said marshal :n the district court by attachment for rerovcryt of the same. ,1114‘ an tirnII ,onII FLIIIA)" "1117,1158 Aw HIIIJIIIitts i'I IIIIIs, , and triumphant steps-to make them leel the ETC. 2. . .~ I in which a court n1 Irtial 31 I Ill have adyu lIIId and determhnw. a ti Ie a; aiust any oiliccr, nIIII-cirnmiss.oIn-Il ofliceI, musician, or pri» vate, ol the mihtia, for anv 01‘ the causes spe» rilied m the act to "lllt .h th s In: t is II. supIilI: ~ merit, or in the int th «I aim I 01 an act, entir tled, " An act to aitl.orI Ie a (II tachment from the militia of the United States ;" all such lines so assessed shall be ciIrtiIied to the comptroller 0,. the treasury oi the United States, in the same manner as the act to which this is a SI1:1;llI‘In'.'lI[ directed the same to be certified to th: supervi .or of the reve- nuc. III ~III- IIII'lIII :UIII'II: IIIII. Il'lI'F I-II: I; "$7, 1,, 1.. I 0/ .ll'fl‘l‘l- ('41 [/1 C0 '1Irrc'sr (IIz'I'I'IIIIUI'I'Il, 'lihIt in every case 'I III II;I.I,I»~.IIIII~ II~ IiIIIIIIIII~ llIIii.IIII l'iIII'II, "Vllllltm Ill~ I'.I IT:III:IIII \l' IIIIIIIII, will It: resoItIIl t1 in IIIIlIrto III-IIIply onII pl; II I s at the eiuliI: III possibl pI !l()(l. UM call III your country you crotIdId volun- repelInvasions,' 'and to rtpeal the at I now in force {Ir those purpt‘Scs,and to Inert-ast.Illllt‘ ‘ (1IIIII I\IIIIII-Il .‘Io {ill high character. ltvery rcasonal .1, means AN ACT Illa/ring additional I"O?)I/)(‘)l.1f7/1021 to flu: I/I-IIII" 22ml of l'o/IUII‘I'III'III from MI". .thrlr in t/II' IIII'rt'III'II 9/ [/It' Unit/st! .S'tutt's, m the (.‘L‘c'JJ' (/Irn'in specified. VI ht II.II IIIInI inlormation oflicI Illy com munic Me I] to this lIgisl: How, it is dr. ITIt‘ (- dIm port-Int to tlrI. success ol the pie st nt IanIpaiIrn ol the north we ItIIn army, under the com< m: Ind of 8' III Ial II I/lmnr II. Urn-.1 Ian, that part of the militia olithis state now in that 111‘»my, should continue in service Iirr a longer time than that lor which they are at presen: enIyaIgr-Itll: \VhI-rIIIorII, Sec. .lI'I It IIIIII fII/ />_I/ I/It- (IN/("(11 .ISSII/I' . My 1/ tl/II (9);. IIIammo/Ht If I I II/IIIAIII, IIIrt tar h non IonnnissionI d oII Icer, muiczi In,1and private, belongiIIIr to the said (l;lt(l111)t.‘1[, not I,-\c Iedingg liltecn hundrI'd in. ,to her ceived or StltClL‘d, and orIganiwd I)aird tInroIlI ed by the Commander in Chiel, who sh, Ill re ~ main in the said army, ut.der th IonIInand ol their respectiIe oflicers, or .‘U(l1 IIII II Is who may take the Ionrmtind thtrIof with I the approbation of the cI.)IrIn.anrlI.Ir ‘ II t.,lIiI l. alter the expiration of the time of se 1th)" II,Iwhich [ltly we rt orde .ed out Im II r the au- thIritv orthe PI: s:(It nt of the LnitI- {l State < or sh Ill have bee II III l.eIl or diedIn the harm; ---shall be ti;- titltd to re. I we upon the ap pli- cation of I. ‘I h p«. Ison, if liIi..Ig or his ltIIaI |