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Show VOL. I. JVU. '23. the Indians, at the some time Yup"); out for emplinc, promptittivle and zeal for the service)‘had inn-ted, Lilltl the residue \vere L'llll):tl‘l{lllf1‘: others to head them. hotu innit liidituis fled pl‘c- cipitzitely tllltl left 6 rillcs, which were token, Mr. Shannon is together with three settlps. "f the mg‘mrinf-fun" 3"" i": "1.6 iimis‘m. illiijlitduli‘, illnhnuii'I‘ll-lfilnbgiilgl11:21:122:10,],2iiélumn emu" M1 expected to recover. the rcr 0:28:11: iliii-i- qtnti'tcrs ol'iun hour after thi i, 1 , when Cllllml'kltiit)" nced the ll's comme l‘t‘tfllli :U‘W : Vt niztiniin; A . . . _ ‘. . ~ : ; 1. th ll i tyith llllt,, the oi hunt tlit I dropped down to Frrm/g/brl, Ki] Dar. ll.the ‘ ‘ (flipt. Ci‘ul'f, 0f Slitui‘uiioe town, went up ‘ .‘1' m. U . . J Y a ‘ ‘ . _ " lid). ) 1114111015 rliel \ch elgzlty. Infill, 9‘1"," hissel, hut (lltl not lull in ‘\\'ltll _]i)lll gen. l \\ its 11c.» ll‘iv bout, to (lt~‘lg‘llzllt‘ it its the lt‘:l(lll|g hoot. ihn \V. i‘tllTll'JlllllL‘Ll ht' .\l.tiors (lireii.iis(1li:ipin, iiinlJi 't:3 Ttlatwiiiilntfitpt \lillsof the cavalry, Adjutant('lntt 23 l mm, and he and Qtiztrter-Xlitstt-r (ihupin, t\'.o pilots and about (volunteers til" lilllllliti,lll\tlt"l' ld'dlit‘ltltlllllllt}ll<‘.‘{'). The (Craig) proceeded 0" until he son, covered with evcr)' "l NAVAL HERON)! RE‘VARDED. The Corporation ol'tliis city assembled on Monday lztst at 11 o'clock in the elegant and spacious Common Council chamber, for thepurpose of carrying" into etl‘ect their late vote to present the freedom of the city to Captain Hull in a gold l)/i,‘{. At the tin-.0 itP-v pointed, :1 committee, consisting of Alderman Fish, Alderman )Icsicr, and General Moi-ton, \l'Oi‘L dtpit ed to wait upon Captain Il'lil, who was in or. Itlllililiilig c i come to tho (ild yum," town, 20 miles tiliot' .. room, and introdure him to the Board. (in 5 er.» , -. , . e he "‘5 "hol ecausc ‘ the mic tltStl‘tly'Cd by Russel, (atr 5,"t‘ill it 'lll i in 'i w.‘ til t .-: ' i"n th.H lltllcfi l mtntii the at possing,~ to they hitil h iiJi‘C durid (ll:~' olii ‘Ctl'tl ' ‘- rel tired upon by some Indians,‘ whose.. lire he proposed point by d1iy light, out when day ztppcurcd, itnou ti ; landing his good made and turned, and one ot‘ the nit-ii l'ltl‘it d sonic tlill‘i::iilty on that il(‘.< tritnce through a large crowd ot'citixens. his honor Dre'- n'itt Clinton, esq. rose and made him the following complimentary Address : uiittnicount, he was induced to l't:‘ill:|ill, :inl it was pitntously agreed to incur the :tdditionzd llllZLLl'Ll, (Llltl day tientlv wait the order of the (it'llt'l'ttl to put oll. At honor of presenting you With the ll‘(.‘f'tltill| ol' this city, He met no opposuion in the loss ol u lllLlll. on him having; nutdc fired the town (those who He took forty-two prisoners, their escape.) l light we discovered the troops disenihiirlting‘, and "TH: iiitiirmcd that the lll\'.‘tSl(ill ot't'izuizidit h-td llt't‘ll :iliztn- ‘ yed tllt‘ll‘ ‘ ‘ destro go: 11 large quantity of lilll'S. consisting of large horns doncdtlirth'is 5(‘:\S()l',illltlilliti th 'ti-nips i.\'t'1‘.: oi-tli-reil 1, houses :tiid property, ~'- of contusion united, which lull of tvliciit, crihs ol‘ corn and gardens full to winter (pun-it rs A Ahnut Siiili int-n, without at (zzihhtigi; lle also tool; on lyinglish trader it is dillii‘iilt to d urtlcr or restraint, discharging tin ir inunkets i:i every . there. The prisoners he has (lt‘ll\Cl‘C(l up to direction, Mm", 0W, "WWW", "Mm, 3' C‘lll‘iff in under tit-i ,' . ‘ l , Smith's prurlzini :iiin, hut o-vingi; to :zt‘ stiltt- (ll tin not did ~, many c>:;tniph heioiiil l):‘.ll rimils, which \i'tts' arrive until :tl‘tt-i' the first of December. It is iniprchlc for me to form any estimate ofthe ntunhcr ol‘troops enihiirked ill. any time this morning; it was yet scarcely light, ztnd I "as (it one end (it at - ol‘ hulla mile. " line ol: l)()'.llS occupyii‘ 'When the volunteers first arrived :it the intvy yurd, (ind it was found tliztt the regular troops had not yet appeared, their (illicers were instructed to permit them to land and keep tht-n'isclves WLll'lll hy exerCisr, l gov. llowztrd, Ltlltl lltlS safely returned, so that ‘ oil is not tiiisiiccessli‘ i W_._,,A-,._,,_ . H E \VAR. and ot' C(Jllillllllllt‘ltlilig tht-ir high sens!- ol'tlie coin-nu": and skill displziyvd hy y oiirsell, your otlircrs zuid Cl'L'Ht in the capture of the lritish frigate (itlt‘l‘i'iCl‘C. Deeds oi" voloi' and (l('lllt‘\('nl('lllS of glory are {it uh timer; Cl!t‘l‘l8li¢‘tll)) pittriotisni and rewarded liy trite poli< y. llut when we consuler, that our recent victu~ ries on the ocean have cxhihited the American Cllét' l‘ltt'lt‘l‘ in the llltisi interestiii;r light, have created it llc-W era in the :uennls ol'inivrl warfare. and have limit the principal llltflllfi of t‘SlILlJllSlllng‘ our nuvy on :1 1'6 spectuhle (Ll'l(l permanent basis; it must he. iini-reririll'z admitted, that the actors in these scenes ol' ht-i'oif-r1 are tire-eminently entitled to the gratitude of tliei'. Nl‘i‘N-YORK : -' JIOA‘DJY3107/37.}‘A‘G . pyj. 4., iii). leave the side of the boats, that they might imniedi- l I'llmm'd‘ly 7"" ["5 (must/‘5'", :itely re-entcr. ____.:Q£;~..----- PETER B. PORTER. l Commodore It'm/q'rrs arrival 'l'ht: h‘iqnte Picsi- Black Rock, Dec. 14‘, 1812. dent, cont. Rodgers, and Congress, cup". Smith, have l arrived at Boston The l'l'vsitlc‘ilt, \‘.ll‘l£‘ lying" to, + \VESTERN IN'lll‘lliIJGENCE. (.‘liih't'Ol/i/X, (lino, Dtc. l6. country. Thut con'nncrcc is essential to our prospm‘ it cannot flourish without protection ; :t cannot he protected without :t naty, :l't: i‘l‘. In UTl/t'l‘ [lull n21: mfg/it parlicipati in HM [fit/i? rilir's‘ Q/‘Z/ic 31113021, 117: )iiv'ymncrl sojr'ir on (/H' IIberii/ili/ of our pulrons as [0 (Ir/fr (hr ,uii'il'u'rili'mi -, , ‘ a , [lip ati‘,‘/}(1[l‘.§'i' Ill/(lltll‘l; I/(zy. [112.5[0 "(If [lH‘ (i/ _ . t ».. A t"th Slit w \\ hich lizid titll- l : ' y A 'v‘ ‘1 . l . \ (.1" cmlmd ‘51!" A ports {in (llll‘lllg the night; but they nerc hllSll‘llCl(‘(l not to l ‘VVC Sir-[n helialf'ol~ the common rountil, I have the Sl)i])])ctl1t sea which killed '3 inch and wounded 7. The hon.I';uil llziniilton, secretary oi~ the ll{t\'_\', lizts sent in his resignation to the President. John Sniilie, csq. 2t reprrsentzitive in congress from ‘ understand that general llurrison lel‘t .l‘ratnklinton for Sillltlllsliy, on the 7th inst. The Franklinton Chronicle stzitcs, that l‘ Pennsylvania, and Cllltll'llillll of the committee of loi .-.l)out 100 cttvulry from gen. Crook's brigade l reign relutioiis, died at \\ usliingtoii city on the .itlth at Pennsylvania~ militia arrived there from l ultimo. ---.<».--- Mansfield on the lst inst. evident, to h;- denit‘d, and too important not to l t preciittcd by the intelligence and public spirit America. \Ve cannot withhold, on this occasion, our ern'il}: approhution of your generous zin'l l)(;ll(\'til£l‘.‘t llt'.' merit of the vzunpiished. l't (leinoiistrittcs the l‘iIlTIli‘lii itlliiince l)Lt\\(‘i:lI courog‘c (ind liUlllii'. ity; :ind izi iiii‘ giting the cttliiniities of war, it reflects honor up: our nzitioniil (intruder. He then presented him with the diplo ' . t‘l'gi ii‘vi, executed on \‘t'lltllll, conferring~ the li'eedmi‘n (ll tl.i city in It richly embossed gold l):).\', v. ith :i. rt pirSt‘lllftllOll of the huttle between the Constitution an. the (lucrriere, (ti. the mom-Ant tthen the initininist eeded i season affords: succ scripiiu delicacies of every tlc N: and he choicest wines W. d re nd hu e re Th le. the who ; supposed, applied for ticket slated. 0n entrance, the room pr?! :1 marine palace, colonaded i ships, entwined with laurel, 2 flags of all the world. Every in miniature, with the Amer Front, where the President : the navy and other guess, about three feet, there zippez feet by 10, covered with gram of it was it real lake at watt Iiiutlll‘e frigate. Back of allt ship, 33 feet by 16, on which opaque, holding a scroll in h inscribed these WorilS, " 0 1.‘ i‘y of our Country" This at interest were its L'lllit'il‘ kl.t/'.'. which it was uttered. A given by the young]r men ot‘ some exploit in the .‘l‘tlltt ilder Commodore Menu; ii‘iili his two sons, Eteplit n each side of him, (Gill 5. fin; the venerable oll than cm a‘iuve expressed. 1t \l'li‘. ii; the death oi" Julie's ill c: litiiii'e 'l'iili'ili. llis ilw'ihr the .\l.ii,or [in Decatur rum' (in lll\ ri ' his lie-it. (Apt, .luiics r'a. iii). rived in town. After the rlo‘h was l'~::'T.-'i\" twists "ere drunk, in d.» or '. I NF." ~Yl‘i.'\lt'5 (lll'T. The same paper states. that fill express just arrived there from l‘ort l)(;f.lf.tl2(‘,(:, had brought 1 the intelligence, thut the celebrated lndiun chief Lowan l‘iittl died oi‘liis wounds he receiv(tl in it sitiiinish near the Rapids. The troops under the coninirind of colonel l Cuinphell, which set out from l'd'itlllillllltfll on i the 18th tilt. on It secret exptdition, p." d through Spi-ii‘s‘l‘iehi on the ‘L'r‘th, till in high ll tpirits. Their destination is not known; hut , it is generally believed that the ‘inihzzsh is to he the tliezttrc of their (ipt:i'2tt"' \‘v'e (..,_ pCCt Shortly to hour of some during~ enterprise i'roin tliLLt quarter, and ii'oni the uhility of the citiicers Lind the courage ol~ the troops. it 310- l'lULlS result may confidently be anticipated. Zuiirsrit'i", (i550, Dir. t). A Mr. Dorustus Snow, one of the lllll‘dl)i"my! who lled 'l .l: gallant :lCliic'.t'lliCllLs‘ of our sexiiiieu form a new (L‘ltl i interesting err, in Amerietui history. ly it we are Cziptttin llull iii :1 few v.‘crd:~', {rid in a ltiVi' £le modest tone of voice, t‘:\'pi‘€:st'<.l the deep :t‘llst: l . felt at the honors thus coiiltrrcd upon him. That i :rtd iis highly valued contents, he pledged limseh tr. . . ~rve, as an incentive to his zealuus and must stii: the SPt‘Ll-Wic 0f Friday 1115‘, "'1" l'l-S‘C "WC" Of 315 .n diggingr potatoes, while one man stood sen- wintl-hritiiwl it to .\' inilts zihove ll(‘llvliltit3; hut :iiispi try. A party of seventeen Indians Ltpprozich- 1 (:ionslf.‘ tor the first d .y of the ne \\'-'\t‘1'.l', at fair wind ed undiscovered, and fired on lili‘t'n, killed a euiiipl l the ggrut'licttion of our patriotic citizens. Mr. l'omroy, and wounded 21 Mr. Shannon. :attdoiiiun is now n'ioored at the ‘Widlzthout, The whites then retreated, and the liidiiins 1. The 31 opposite the navy-y :trd, where, we understand, she is scalping him, the whites stole up under (i()\'t;\' , i'llkt‘lllilllt‘tllfll‘ l5 repaired for the service ofthe United of a marsh, fired on them and killed three , Stilt/:2, wider the command of the gallant. Jones 3. The Pl‘fiiid'fin‘. of ill" I" 'I . The Governor of thr ,1 , 4-. Our Navy, \Vith :i'i'ii -‘ ,tl'Ly we nuthupe \till L" is in i:, ...ti.uiilg-3 Cheers. V i \ (far. The 1 Here the mainsriil b 30's iii' dellly ftirlcd up and Iclim parent painting of its \t'lloit ¢ '. .liIice ' vic tories . The (‘u has" the ,, latter _ in full blue , {14' \vli all would may lctiire another year rolls round, Wt: hope that To \‘~'l l. Oizr (‘mau'rrc Miv i: t \‘i isdeiii iii Council. and L‘ll" V , i'iizxnuiit taught to tvhat pointthe sti'ez‘igth and resources of t.'.l r ‘ country may he directed with :tdxztiitugfc; and th:tt :1 y C(llllpt'lCllleJI. can he ei'lL-ctutdly supported by :i i commerce vshich it can and will (LS L-ll‘ectiiully pro‘ } interest l;_'. the fix quency of its exhibition. ing himself, had returned to the .‘SLlllL'lllt‘ll't, The lil'lli-éli frigate Macedonian, togethrr with her Ltll'tl on the 13th of November, \vere eiigyziiged y victor. the ‘Cnitczl Stutcs, had for sevcral weeks lJC(_l\ tame forward and gtmlpgd My. l'onii‘oy ; while enamel. 0n l"l'lil.'l_\' lust the citizens of New-York, it: rich as many ol‘the inhabitants ()l‘lJ)ll§‘;-ltlltll(l , \‘.'t‘l‘i: presented with :t spt ctutle no less novel than gratifiiitg. l‘hil' the first time since America has held at l'Ltlll'Z uniting ‘ lliltillh ewrticiis ii) the tuiiisc of his country \vhtiimt; the liltliUlls ol' the earth, :t llritisli frigate (the MitteJI‘ tiituz'e good fortune should :tnoi‘d him :in opportunity doniun) entered our llLlI'l)()l' with the American (aisle proudly soaring above her national llzig. It was, Nt:\‘.':i hudv as the corporation. of the cit ' (i Yt-zir's dzt: , and u more uccepiuhle compliment e iiilii thzit 1|ll_'t' :ictioii of his had cont; Juted to So Lipsiixtfl‘ not have been presented to :i joyful people. The lute :in event as the (Stublishnient of It navy tn (L p r» {mm Lower Stiiidiiraltv an". i tect. llnll's surrender, and now residing in (‘lintoin informs us, that (1])le‘ty‘til niin: inen, includ- the hitter went by the board, lieiititii‘tiily l);;ll‘.‘.'c'tl ll :. lmnf the iiizivor i,li¢".l (tilllfilli'\lt red to t'upt::..~v llllil the l‘rccmzin‘s oath, ninth iitv hr; "ll. ll'lLl thé t‘L'l‘t'llJ‘illy' lilll:lli:(l, (lupt. litlll 1".Zil‘ttl :tiniilst u that. . "ind stuns, 1nd; suinl (TiliLLFS \vlir» lined tic putht- l‘iloli‘lt:ili ti‘i' llia dcpii-fiiri; nude the v tili", tin; with the c.\liilir;tting hugxu. Inc \l asp taking the F't-l 1812, and the Un ited Stzitts fitted Xtiv. 18t h. T Erectin; 1 . . .nstinctively rose and cave 'L. u "5. Fur [tha n of i‘a S" ‘ u tyercd by lii N. i‘eiiin All V i :t‘llllOllS. N.\\';‘tli liiff‘vlilt. i‘ii'. :tl'iil (lillii'lls; Pi" On Tuesday lust the turf New-York gave :i Spit‘li 'itl ."uwl lliiiiier 1d the (‘itv . ' . - . . .i 1 Hotel, to (lupt, llu‘n, i,»ill‘illv':ti‘. 1r ili'ntni, .tn.i ., .lont-s, us :i \(‘Siillic‘liy el' t‘nt 3.511; ‘.3i‘ll‘t, tlmy tr. ol'tlieir lzttc lirillidnt und 1. --).'i.i ss'lil: \;.i.:;rl:te t_\ lilllllltii ‘ plnits. At, 5 o‘clock, hettvtin l it.l‘ and ._ii.. . liy Tu; .r. . t," .‘i. PllJPLllttl table a to down sat gentlemen l V . ‘ . fll l6..v'7n lt‘l1.€l Git",.. i'?‘.i T ' I i in OH its (lDICCl‘ ‘i 0.011,, . (C , ‘ 3‘41"]; o, Decatur, Hull, '0i‘ i a fillLI‘C l tiic topsail' el‘a s' ' ‘ A‘y ice-l're :l'd' will, ' 14 feet"Jim " .it, lllLCl. l. ' ‘1. up, displayed i _ . a b‘ ‘ CH()1; biillizuit and . . st "kmg‘ will.k is, the Americ v" . tin Ran-1. SCl'leilllL'LL . a L holding: iiiid THEM," |