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Show '1‘11 13' "'11 R. V01. 1- .\i). 25. - ... '..-~ , " thence to Let. iston (right or nine milI's, op- i conducted by Capt. Joseph \IVheaton ()1 the poaite Q. iceiiston (In the 1111((la -.i(1i:. 1‘ )71-.-\/(1f,rzui". stand; at the h.:a(l ()1 Lake (punter-iiiaster-"(Iiiei'al‘s department, an old ()iitirio, ('lfflll mihs lielow I :wiston, and The country l()')1<s with anxietv towards LUUI' I .\'l AI' IIAL. [law'-Qnar'lei'c', ((11111) Near Buffalo, . \.‘r)'u 15,1812. revolutionart ()ilicer. At a ( Court- m'ntial, wheno mjor Camp!)11 was president, was tritd (" ipt. nearly opnosite Newark air-1 1' "-)1t (worge. the heroes ()1 the North- Westein arm}. I r0111 the Ialls don/11 to I.no: Ontario, the I min the I)re )aratory measures which have river is not more than from a quarter to half , been adopted, the Ci)m[)lt‘tc equipments and 1 (."(teiisit'esupp lL‘S which have lJLtfill thirnished: a mile wide. ch with the hill()'.'.'- and above '.111, from the S'nri»: and ei1tI.:1"piiz.', \Ve close thi. briefsket 11115 tl‘1lt‘ of distances Irom Pittsburgh ti) ()1Vthe (,Il Ieers and me.. (ninliosi nd tl1: s army, it is conlid Indy (.'Xpt't-‘t..-d (11.1. t.1e (lea-(ls (it I'm-t Niigaia: my... 1211.741). all) 27 15 3) 15 15 9) 117 1.32 1C.) 117 192 I To ig‘lilt'ell-Mile-Cl‘ccli, To)1111111111), To 11. .( lt lim 1;, 14113 .3 ZUG 133.3 2.3.1 , ‘1 1 To I i).t Sch l‘).‘1:)t'l‘. 13-; 213 i 7 9 35') 52:39 l ‘ 'Ih‘w'; .'. $I‘1i'rtg't.‘ From Pittslnn-gh to Meadiillc, 'l'() l.(: liteul', '1'() l.ri:-, To Portland, To ()aiizinda giia, To (lattaraug'us, To l.( I\'1,toii 'iu Nliigara, this winter's (1.1111,):111551, will l.(-. film 1711/11/19, of th-. tolunteer trocps, in the seitice ')l the L‘nited Siates, (in the following charges and stiecilicat'inis : (.'./1.:(2'gelst. '\/i(‘)latinf5r the eignlh article ()1 th': rules and reg lations ril I.'..'I.;'. .S'I'JL'(".'V/i‘('((fio.'z. In 1111*,lllltf (in 11.2: iih (la): (11' 11:1: in111111, :It 111111.111), :)l 111' 1. (11 his C'llIl' puny 111.11 1111 .:(l, 51...: '.(:-'l Lin-.11" zti'i'us', Zl'itll'('- I‘lettl to (1') (1 .and that ‘li-I: said captain recorded in the brightest pages ()1 American history. )l/('i'('i/)'.,I. Phillips, l)(11.55'pres-i1t,(ll(l 34").1 xix-sf jut-'1, Dev. 1. The {ii-(5t at Sackct's l"I.tl‘l;t>l‘,l‘i,'['(ll‘l1t:tllil‘0‘in lli'} S']I':((zfl(-alzzn. Ihat on :1 mm: 11} in he .'.:nm pan}: on the 4th l‘\oI-.::m:)er, 16112, 11. 11(11Ialz), he (11d not suppress it, use CUL'iCl'tf‘ 11I'-".I.:‘.'-. to suppress it, or ;.I.pl. 1.) his im- their moist, (ii:'t1'.i().1i-(1 in our last, with-int (alt-(ting 'iiit' Union. The lake ‘.Xlls‘ so hoist-erULH [hit 111 (:_\ iteie (>111):I 1' return (lw‘.1},~-lh '1 hut: 5.'.1c; l)("(n()t': L two (:5 th re: 1 j timis, hut 111.11, l‘Ir t1. ., (111,: reasi-‘i, 11.1911 I rior ()‘ilicer, for aid to suppress it. An article 1, it:i-..i.ic(':essii_1l.n'l‘helLtn t‘ iis se aeon (11‘.112 1, l~‘.lest n'II -r()l the 15th 1 tear, is t:'-;'.i l}. (1 111m.- 1' )I. is, much inure so 1 'l‘o which chargts and s1 eclfications, the prize-- th. in the 1.1 tie(‘.i)ast. same date, has git n occasion 1-.)r gitnt tri- by '.t (rentleinan 11.1111 Sackcts II'.ii'l).)1,-‘ ‘ (ith r ()1 (he (harnes or specific (ti (.115 '..lletl'r'l we aiei .lIi') 111;,(1 thit (13'11. Bioc‘: hasmen 38".inst him, and theitid1e auluit him. p'(roled--«111.I.t'(1', claimt d the prep 1': talten Ihe general helietiin; that the :113‘1) (.i‘.‘ .in hoardtl.('1.'-'h()()n(Ir, as the pritate pro- land, wh) were g1..id to jiistilt her employ ment ()1 th" tom'thank and seal pi.'bll -ltnile, 1)} the example ()1 our o .vn governiiieiibt. W‘e are happy to have it in our power explicitly to declare, upon the authority ()1 Erastus (jran~ gtr, e..(I, .Inili1:111 agent, and Jasper I'arrish, 1 111.: court find the prisoner 71;! [rm/(II (l captain I'hillips 1.1.15 71:Z:gl.'f//.'/, chi-firms 11-iperty ()1 g:n. 15.)Cl(, and that ()ii appeal hesentence of the 111;)r made, to the sa Vloi's that took it, they (inanimInisly relinquished their claim, to capFrom this, it appt-ai's,1h1t the disinterested Jess ()lV our sailoi. , is o11y (qt-(111 lid ht their gall-antiy. Sticl1 ('0 .(l-.;1(t is mount the Ame- lczter of the secret:art ()1 war to Judb In Gian- rican 11.1in.:-- Fis not loi'p)lun'.1(- r, that .‘1111- ger was explicit, (hat the Indians sh.)uld 11) all means he kept still and not suffered to raise an arm in r)tirIc',iuse. As a mean to ricansought to 11')5111, but to support their country's honor. r. \1'111 he crm)(is'I-Iil (,..t c) '..e author: Iecl tI) In): wmment ielits 11111 1.7,» i' ' .il‘ 1L‘F n5 "I"1 z~ thI- citi ',‘.:I. I.i: )‘. -- gt . in ll‘ camp C(l HI..the immediate the (.1 ar I-s ante is rendered n-IcI((2 '..-1 : is cizi' Uf such 311152 111 n ca i: s 1m aiiv stippl o' ('. nr jo d lreedoni an "ndlihrralitt 11.15 input. ..1 m~ ut ar ho r it w die A sol 1116, is an infant in (‘11-; EV... titled army is a sit-ulna "IE-" NEW-1t .'.SIITL'RD/IY "110/: \l‘ court; and order. '.:u«.'. 217 A NU'I'HER BRILLHN 'l' It is ()ur pleasinrr task. (1... Brill iaiit inst.- nce (It the t.' Olll‘ gallant .Iie(me! i, in thi- (i. gate .\1ACED0II1,I.::, (.'.-111:1..1 and nauitinivie‘ (11:111.; ..- 'I'; resume his sword, and return to his (ltl‘.‘-.‘. But he will remark, that unless 5' i. readi' (l.3l-ll.,;:‘l shed (".'i .'.. endeavors to suppress mutiny. 1.11m. 1t 21,.- atltli'iniial clams to the l.I);:'. tain Brock, who has; taken it with him- (isq. ..L‘.‘)- age it, that neither the government nor .1 1V officer c )nnected with it has t‘V'L‘) authoristd the emplo} ment ()1 Indians The 1 quirtd 1dr the .\01"h nei' plead mt guilty. S-:)te.l'.11) r last, andin the 11(1))sit11y of the ‘ umph to the 111101 )gtsts 'tnd partizms 0115115- .'.iz,(ti . an immediate r)r"ra ce ; 111 t'i str at th tined for e fort th at th , pe ho in our 111'3'111111'. commanding (.111-.. r, or any Iiipt - 151:1.Olw'ni."iil‘ ofl/zir fulfil)": inst-11.1 hastih 111 th: 11:)". [15:1 (rt/Mast (Ii1(le..t or to stir press the sIiiie. Chance 2/. Neglect oi duw. I.- pears, are t1'5ed,tli'.iii carton) Phillips emf. 'rt'it, in tie frigate 1.3.1:: I‘ellrnr-ci‘. zen , 11'. caning? 1 ed, it would he1111p1ssil)le to ktep an 21111:} time again in t:'iiiiii;.':1 -. togetht r. keep their) lioin going to the enemy, (11' agents Were authorised as a last resource, to Piaf/9,3107). 2-1. lVar,1'(I(‘9771271('/1(‘('0'. ()1) Itidat C\'€I‘.ll‘.l{ at 9 () cl oclt, the a: inistic: coaclud(1‘i)(.'. t'i'I... gen. Si)1j.'th and (gt-11. Slimli- i'):pir(((1, 3t) ‘ 31()lll‘511')llilt;llllVlW‘; pretiotisl.‘ i).( 11 55mm. 11y 1 151:1). Siiiyth. Ai.-2‘ the 1'1 Iiie ', thi' iiritisl. 1 .‘.l‘tllttl Vessels [11"1‘. at Fort 1"..." , (32.1‘ (1 up 11' lake. Oi) SI: 11(121' liriiit; ()lV cannon (llLUIS, that the}, .s-/);i(.a' no on Canada. act in the an:((:.'l This explanation if (1.11. to out government, to the honor of our eountrt. And it is hoped that every editor posses» 111;; any pretensions to eatirlor, will give it an in: I'rtion. Ontm'éy .Ueszrengcr. - ‘kjm Ia: '2lts/Izzi'fr, Nov. 26. RIILITARY h‘lluMOliAi‘JDA. OI) Sitttrday last, left this place for the N-irth-Vl'Vestern :11:11:.', the liillI.)'-.vii'i;5r mun}. tinns of war, Etc. I‘iVenty-eig‘nt gun-carriages, for 18 poundcrs. including several brass tut-(lite, 5'1th, and how-liars. A large quantity ()1 IlXt‘d amiirition for cannon, and a very extensive supply ()1 musket cartridgres. Seve1 il travelling forgess; and :1 ms tquan- titt of (1 11.1cntarticlts necessary In) awriter catnpa.1311. . m ‘i‘. 1.1:I '.i lit-art E l '.'.1s he 1rd hot-.1 Whig-5.11.1 , l ‘.\".1‘.(.'11 cwntinue '- at interval. for set'(:r.ti l hours. Ace Hlllt‘i have l)~( I1 rI.Ie(-.\'( (1 1mm l ["I'ffifl [.153 I..,-.-.1.'I!:71 1('(/Ir [(2. thatoiiaiter uhi'h state, th:t thI.- (.'.i iii().ia(ll "Ve (mile-retinizl 1min ui.(;i1I.I>.‘.i()ii.-.hle 21111110111.5- .'23 coiiimv..(,((l by (h.- llriiisln-oihat (1(1- , rity that the (wvernor ()1 IV('iiiit,ssi t‘ has re- 'l‘ii-I pm.- thIs seat .19.) X ()1hitding:l.ei\()ii.ii.'(-tlpris. to printed through the so .11.. is expected the 1113‘. If..." \i 'l‘lie [nit-til States :iz'i'.\(il (lay the Ittli lint. and 1m tz. \ itiiltoii, \ilin passed (lirviutli on his way to \Vasliiiiezuii, ‘.\ patches and the Cvlllb :41 enemy. llit' lollm‘tiiig is from 3],.- S'...\i.' .11, i)(ceiii'.ci- 5 lie 111- (iii-.'.ietl to present out 1EACH) in. 1111151111 111121;; a gun hiirst iii I'lii't .\Vi;(§5..i'.(, lceivrd instriit'tit . 1111111 the S(.c1'(It.-r} at War, .(hich killed three iii-xii, and (ii-strayed th. ltr) iiiaitli 11:.1‘11(':iiit,('i\' iVIir Ni-iI.-(-)i'l('t.i.s, 111‘hands (.1 anoil'.er--h.1t the, lint sustained l teen hundred 011114,: (Junta (11‘ militia and VI..onie (141119",- --.2:1(l that :3 or .3 men were, l liiiitr. 1‘}. 1)mm 111; : . ; (in-.'. als') that he i: re.{lilt (l 1)}; the (iie-nt's shot-(lit the British l ‘(Ilu red to h.,l(l:ii 1- ...ii'.'.-.I.<., writ-ct to the or» ‘1..(l 'liri-e housxs 7'11 Int. 21,-1.1 a ‘Jl‘lLk h'nise in l ()1. EV. li'.':,ii(ls, tuo l"l'e‘lh (,i yanernor Ii .iizirtl 19.11: (.1 -'.-1;.5I,: C-)i‘i:»‘.l‘.1'1LLi-- aid that the Ilri~ 1 1'; . inn-1:111 (.1‘ (l '.L...1‘.(.'=.'l t‘iiiliti:1(,i this state. (.sh 1 1st some men. i ' l l 'Vl lite loret-I; ()1'i,‘.(i((i ..)1 .‘I.'.'{ 1V'.‘l.i-\)ll;(:l.‘) --.l 11.11 '1 nil/W l)(: (l. stint-d. it) (hit-11d lllI' hustler to lords-fond. 1:) :1 N." ~(,)i'lerI.i1s paper of ()c- the smith. .‘ht' atI‘. Vttitl' a'siinit'ti l) the t. )her 29, app: {is a pr()elain'..-.tii)i. ()iV governor I. 5;).iiiiartls in East I‘lurix" and (he al:iiii).':;; C,}litil)r)ri'1(:, convening the lt';:l'il:tl.llit to met-t l',(Ixtt-rit to which the i:iI-.-I I111 the Indians l l .It that place in an (Ktrii bL‘bIJlUlE on the 2.5.1 1has'.it'is':I‘i,t".'iidt-r it 11. ('r-s..~'.I.i"\' that '.in in), (5,lay (I..')'.(.1111)er. int; force: All the accounts h ()m that (pewter an- he ()r'j iIii,:.(l to the sotithIt. (id (\ hen we \lfjw[11I-".ll'-tl‘11)ll','." si'. (ii-Iii- ii ()1 (,(.:' I‘sor' h \‘1 Stem frontier and the t.)')' (-1;tint('t'rs,acd militia, as tire-1:511 '.oi'i'e 'I-i'lt my 1.1"" (1 (Land. ti on of the settlements in 1111.: 1 (munce movements ()1 t1.:).1 '----r( 15(I'fi'i's, Vo- 'Ihr'se supplies employ a train of ne'.'.er one hundred ti'aggons and teams. n)tt..Iilt site t1... 2') ‘ paiiy, th. battalion, ()r the l‘t‘f"ll‘i‘.£ :1t, '.-'1 I (1;;pi'ess it, (110 pt 1"(p01ting,r it t .‘ tlir gz'l‘i-l'iil; 1.1.1 leavingit to him to sup)I):':-(s it, 11151.1 V.is h( 1I\'_\'. An officer present at a mtttint', who nI-It'er draw -5 his sword, and tiScs (.I11lyi.':.:1(l.s."(111.not he said to use his utmost endeavors to suppress it." By order, / 1 .. i (5.1511((1) jAS. 15.3. XIII} F. A11. eapt. and 1111311111}. "2-". _. embody as few ()th1 e n as p )ssible and report them to general Si11t'th,\i'ho would order them t') he supplied with rations. But this was solely to keep them easv ; and they werrso‘ to he employed in any 011 '.‘SIVC. perarion. Itisl)'liet'edthaz(It-.11. Smith, on Stiiit 2t, 7-11: 23-11.111.11 expiicttl) inloiined the I .- 11, when a company mutinit's, 11o tilt)". is made hy the (.'oi'riin;1.1(liiig(-.111-'-( 1' (11V the con.- Villlll". boasts 1'...- pi) (31' 11) ' . lant tu-s come in c..- - r; 2111.; are 'i enterprisie were conteniplateti. 1111!. [with i 1 punter, we cannot but leel the111 inortaiice -- ers (M a} :(f el‘ll'itll .'(i'.i \ I b. Iii'Irat. Land A»: (h 01 Ei'iml (1011111 ..I Inn. (11(- slivii'e iiIiiil Iieii (Jim-1.11111 sU' L'l‘al Ill)Cil' 01 (ll \1th.\\; '1 ' ' UH the .1011(1'. ‘ - 51‘), lung o5, tlii Lin '(:11 (loiiiiii to \lillllt\t1 ((3.. ‘1' hi)-'"(lr)'..11 upon 11-.-1 , .t -l ‘I'I‘lll p.11'.i‘tl (Iv-i 1:11. (.1 . Margy.,in.1'1 li;(\lll' \i‘l'lli (lo l\ ll); (:11. (I .t to l sla-.l- struck her (' t/i'il‘.) V1 '.U '.. V‘ iie Matt-(1w.'I) l \ ..: (I. 5.1.artl'eii(sq 1:.I1I1Ir' .11I' pl llltlll U1 iiie ii '..l). (1'. VV) ((11111 i. 4i.l|'lt .'( . t LVIll‘tttl 511111511 1111 1‘ ~. ll 1' 1‘l ()1 (.113‘ Mitt 1; no". .'I. \‘.Ill‘ut 1111: eliieti' ‘ l} 1 l.ii'.C‘.1 tines-I death \I: 11 ‘1 l) :‘ [Ill-HEY! tiillieiidcr 1111' 11.1111; hallo-11'. |