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Show '1'111". \VAI". «.611 1.11'e1'. (fol. V1111 111-11551 lLtCt‘ was still 111111: to '.1111111; and with great prtsenee ()1' 11111111 or- dered his‘ ollieers to proceed \1ith rapidity 11nd '1101'1'11ehe l"01'1. 'l'his 51:1‘1'11'1; 11111 151111111111} prrl'orined, and the enemy driven down the hill 111 every direction. Soon 1dter this hoth parties Were considerably reinforced, 111111 the conflict was 1'1:111'\'1'1.'din several pl'111:1:s-1111uij.' 111' the enemy tool; shelter hrhin'l 11 stone guard house, where 11 pit-1‘1: 111' ordnance Wis found '.1t the very moment when col. 15100111, who had hetn wounded 111 ttetion, to his 111the1', (' 11111'l1ts' 111dlle, esq. ol'l'lhi1:1111'1- strength 11.1111 1.11111111111111011, 21nd grieved 111 the ' 1111111)}11111': '2 phi11,duted011110111'dthe l'oi1ttiers, 21st ()1 ‘11,111:1,1'e1:Ci1'1'rll)y tl1e lienggul. ‘11) its 8.11 unpuidonnhle' neglect 01 their 1'ell1)\V-.'11)11'11ers, 11'111'e up the 101.1li1:1 101111 011' Mid, 111' it the 1'11‘t01'y was r"1all) W .- .-h- ___~_ \ l". ‘1\- \ ()11 5111:11 fI)1I.'I 18'17'I'/.I'/1')').Il' JIU/L‘. '-"/\1(.','\.1‘1 UV. 7', 1111.}. ll‘l'tll 11" 111 \lotidny l'k.‘tl)L111f"‘ tl1e1l'1y11111111011l)y 11W 101' the 1111 Lt"! r 111'( 1'111e11 ss1 111111111 12 1) 11111.11 Hm. ll. (.111112/I‘1/[,es11.11(1e1)1';:i;1, the 1'1-11- side'nt [1m lu;.'/1o1'.'.' ol' the Senate, took the his (1e: 1.l1'.111‘ 1.1.;111I1ss<:s1111;.f 1:111.'.‘I"t:I1'1~. .,. 1.)..~~.1-1 . l.1;.;ntt.1.n11111711111 .11 re present; hut not. l)trllt§{ 1111110111111 01 the whole 111111111e1', the 51'» 1111.14; 11111011111131 until 'lueadny 111011111111, 1.11% yen o'clock. l) 1101.81.01"R1.ll1I.SI.\'I.\"lIVI'.b 31011111111, 1;'-IllI.-d, 1111ppeured that eiII'Ihty 111e111h11s 111-1present There being {111110111111 present,the Speztlicx deelzn'ed the llous‘e to 111'. 101'111ed. ()11 111011011 01' 3111‘. Mteon, 1t 1:1)1111'111111;e 11"111' appointed 10 111101111 tnI: "S2'11:tt1.',t11.itt 1111. 111111315 11".1s101'111erl11.11111'1'11'Eyto pi'111ee1l to 11118111955» ()11 11101101101311: 111213011, .1 1:1)111111itt':1; r1111, ,1 1‘11) 1:1.111111'1" 111.1111 11.111111; 0:1'21 reeeire 1 1111111 tne 1‘1-11.1.1- 1 The 1‘10I11e 11(1J'I)‘t1"11':'l t1. '.o-nmrrow morn l 1nIr. I I) 111'I)1:I'I:I'tin;:~'. I111.: sd'11y \1e 11.111: 1101. '111: 1111:11113fl1j1'I: 111 t '.1‘ .1. I 1011-1'111111‘1, l‘1o11'1:\‘1'1', 0111111111311 11) the :1'0'111 the 111111!,111d l't)l'1111-':l '.1 junetion \1 1'1: 01' '1";1.'~;'1.1v 111:1! \‘v'ed 1-1 1-i1":l. ()11 \\'eI:11. l"1"s.i'l(‘1.t 11"11) sI 114'. 11) '1‘ 1.11' the heights. :1- 11C1:1 I 01171-11 on his 1.101111'111111 11111.1 «1111151111311. \‘fediies'lut'1:111111111111'C11t.'..'1|'0'.' Mr. (1911's, ;,j- 1:11'11'111 'I -;. 51. 111011113111 11' 1,11 ,1,'1,3"11, 111,1111111'11111" 1". , 1 '1 .,. ‘ (. 0nII1e.s: . 1‘11. 112': 1:1‘1t.1'.1l to 1'111. ll , 11')! '1'11"L.. f).slI.-I,p1)1 .'1'.11 \\1'11p,1:'.'11)t. .101111 1.! 1') 'I;:1:1s.1‘:11 >111.'I'.'11.‘111't1:'1‘11111111101101.{.1 1111» (,I')'1l 1111'11111 I/ [Jr/[1‘1.';I':‘1/I1I11"1‘..', 1.11511111111"11,1-‘t»t .11111-'..ti..' 11'111-111 f.l<)1)[1111' w.11‘ 1'1-1111.',111 '.2) 131. ~ '1'111 11'.111'1'11111.J1111es1111'. so 11111111- 1'1'1 11311, 11121: 1.111. 1'111111111.1seiitii'1.ly111s11111tt.11. . ‘.'111' ()111)' 5) 111111;". '.111 1'111-1'111 2111.11 .\1i".'1.1't1'1pt. 1.1'r1s'11'1'11 .‘ 1 1 1. 2'2:‘ 0111' 11111111.; 1'1):1:I‘1' 1t"I11'.1 .11.'. ..'. .1 -: 11:1-111-111'11‘123 1111:11: I,‘.11:111.1111'eIl ti»; ‘1'1'.I.'. .1 1'11.Il11.1‘111111;,31'11111.111I1‘I111e'11121:1'11'11'ni11.1. 1, 111'.' 111111 ‘.11'11'1; ' =11 115-11111-1, ‘.'/hen .1 1110‘). . 1y ‘11. '1e11:1‘I-' 111.11 1.1-... .. 1.1115". ' p."1tlI"1'.‘. 1 I. '1 ‘ 1'I I1 ‘. 1 . , 1 . ‘ '. '1 ' 1'1'. ".'.1 1‘ I I.".!‘.. 1 '1'111; £31113" ' ' ..1 111' 1 111,1: .111e111'1"‘1'1111111111I;111l111ts'.1111'1;<.‘I'1'I.;1I11.-' . 11' .1 1 '1Il1t.l'11111.'I‘l1. .‘(-I111‘.Jt.'t(I/.Ii" 11'.e:1111.111.t)11ti.'111:.'11 l l 11'! 1,1:L' gated by '11 111111111'1' A tllillllglliiheti 1.. which precede and tone 1. 111111: 1111: 1111111; 1):; 1111' 1': 50.111151511111113'.l'tn' 1: .1111 hens-1.011511 [wilt-"1' 111' 1111': L' righly reconunehded 111.: ‘ 1'itizittirm, 211111.); 111.12 11' 1111111111 mace; 11.1". 11.11 dissuade 11111111 1'1-11:1 ' war, the enemy 111:. 1:11:11: 111) 11.1I1 their l'll'..'l1'.‘.7 17:" the horror. 111' those 1111:1'; .- ‘..I L1111lt1)1".11:'1,' 1‘1111111‘111‘e 1111'1'1‘1 age 1101‘ ~1."1'. 1111111. I1I.'I,' 1 01' liI)'..I11'.1'1.'1I.- 1121's. 11.11Il 1:111 (al‘e'l to 1111 111121111} 11. e l}: C-Etlll' 11'. 1'~I‘It.)1. to 11.l‘e'.1')1 tonnnitteIl1111111et.1e1:I11I-' 12.111111)! initigute 1' h": I.‘_11'1' 11171111111. 11 .' 111'Jst 5'11 -" 11(21 :\1‘ '.‘ 111/'111115'1t't‘1‘11')'11- 1I)1‘171I .inC: the 111. iC'lg-‘e‘. 111111 ' 1.. .1 could not he 1.1-.1110311 1:11'1: which 111' 111 1 ." " tion, houstin r 1 5 1'11'11' .3. )‘.. notheen 1e~=.i"<.111e'11 "11111. lightene. 1111: 1111s111111‘1I' '1-1 1)- ' listsmmilnIt I " loss ()1 11111111111111111 "'U1 is" "R 111e1is1111'1111111111 .1. 1 111:11'1111'1111' 11 ‘("J‘ " 111111 111111111» '11..'1»t..'' """' 11I11I' l 111101111 VLlldlk1ll \"ll'1'l '.1'' . l 11 his '111 '111 ' s. 111111111 '111 11 I111111.111‘1311)1'1I.erI..'1'1'1.\'111111.11 ‘.11.'tI-' 11 '.Ij. lo" ed 1)] 5R 11111'll"t)')1\ 1 ‘ '.'1 ' 1 ()11 IUlll present1111.1'1111;;'it.111111' 1:, 111s111111. to 11 '_1'I,I'11':1t:111..1.-,1 101111' 1";101'1' 3.1111111 vorI. .1111I11 11111'1:1111111ry 11.1'1 1:7;p1'111111'ed. 1'1 11 '.'111'1~ 1:;t1' C\"k'l, '1‘.lL1it)ll t " 1 011311,": 1‘. ['1'/1") 1: I‘1"(1‘1111.11N.'\\'.\l. \ 11"." )l'\. '- ..'". 'J l"1'1'1'.1|.1:1'et'111y, the 111110111113 :"IiL.3S.1f:‘J t', e0111d1'101'111g'11) 5.11111 than '11, ., ‘1 a .‘-.:1is~'..\1'.1:. The l'resi 111.111 111' the '1.'11it1-d State». or. 2.1)11';y11.1'111.ite 1111111111011, 11.11 1 ,1 l 1"1111111113', '..1'1.'1'1: unite 1'>111:.t:-.'.11'111111l nettrly 1.111. 1.11 (1‘11- ‘ 1.1V 1111:11111111 111- 1tll1'i't‘llt ()11'11‘1'1' 1111'! 111111.11 1'1'1'111ne1' may he 1 11111. \vitn great1'1'sp1'et,sir,yourohedient oitiiirntion,111211110 1'ein1'-)1e1-'- .' st.r1111.t, 111;,11'1'11 S'l'?§.'1'1\.\ 1'11 V">.‘31‘.l.".1l 111e11t 111111111 11111.1 over; seeing; that another 311.111» (ien. 1)): 1115101151. ' 'ere 1.1).111111't 1111.121 soon 1:1.'1111111.11ee; 11:111 lmoning; ti 1". the brute men on the heights lndiuns'111 th- l 1' territoivot'111e1;;.1'1111' ;‘ 1 111111 victoiious1110;1'1w. 'l ve1tl1t'l.‘ss' tc1‘1111;.'.1'.I.I1 1:11'01‘ in a retreat to the "1 '1: 11111. in the sucru " 1' :11. causes or 1111sp.1'...111l:e Ahout 152 (1'1-101111 "any ('.'/1], 1'51). 11*; "l'he (11'1";1151‘1'eljv', he 1121111. corps euinu .Vot'etnher f3. ‘Spetdter, took 111" Cliitil‘; 111111 the 1011 ';il)11111'- 1 (11;, ‘.‘ "1) :4; 1.". ice ; 111121.11)r 1.1.. 1. 111' tram): I-Iitn'uneIl 01' ' 11:1.1"'1s111111111.'11 ."l J .2: .t 111 (1,1,1; €12ll)l'.)"'tl {17 (U.\( lil' \1103 \l.. l have the honor to he, sir, with 5.;1'1-111 res- (l11pt 5111111 0111:11121111's '11: 11 1111‘ I' "11,: {111: 11115111 270111". 111‘."1 01' th‘; 1111' I let1, 111111 r peet 11nd consideratimi, your most obedient tappohited, joi 1tly 1111.1 .>1.'"ll tonunittets 11s 1'111111111 i>-' 1111;101:1011 hy 1111- Benite, to 1111.11. servant, ()1‘1'11‘1L‘1'l'L.‘.i111'1.i1111.111:LiiltL'I'iSth‘.."7',Z'-llil'll1° (f‘Ligiit-d} S'l'N.\'.\.Vl?1l'L1V.‘.‘31".'1l}.\21, 111111 1.11.11 L111'y 11' 1'111'1111:l 111111 11.1'11‘ t l'z)‘1'111 lII."_/")7 _(,'1 rill. t '11) 1‘1".:1.1'1‘1.' 1111;; 1:I)111:11u111'.';ttioi11.e1111,;‘11t have t t1) 11111.15 \lujr)1'-(1I.'11e1‘;tl'1)e'.'ul-0111. t .. . . , . li11'1'1011 this dispatch. .11 113st. 1111:1I.'I1‘.'- 111‘1111.111I11'1. l 1)1'51;l:-.111: to 1'11'1-1‘ 1011 to 1111;1711111111u'i. .11.:1 ‘1'1'1'.')1‘(:I‘ i'.t'1lt;1t11‘j(;it)‘'ly1 1:11 to 51nd them '11 fresh supply 01. 3 sm: eta, §.I'1.'11e'1'».1l1j.', 1 21111111111.1tio.1., 113111: 111111 letn'nt theie was left ('1pt.1it 11')I)_\:, who 11111 11:11.1, 1111' honor to 111:- ‘ e‘:')1‘ess '.‘1L..-11:.;1'. 111.1‘1111I' The 11:11.- 11I::-. .1 Ul‘OpH, ‘11:) 111 1'I_I1I ‘t -(4r1\ 1,. 'I‘"E- ‘11\R. \\0n', hu11, 1)st 1111' the \'.'11nt01:t small r1.11111)1'11:- 111611. 0111' //1i/‘I./ [111/"1‘ of [/11' 1'1/[1' 7111,21 wig/1! /11'11II' .1/1'11'1'1/ 11.'[. returned, mounted 11113 horse and rode through thee0.11111), as 1111111150 judtIe l'te1{,11'h1) hap- pened to he here, exhoitint; the Companies to ll‘l,\l)~()_l. .1‘1'111'11'..,', proceed-hut 1111 in 111111. /.I"71,stoxz, l.3//1' 00/. l'JlJ. I'\t this time a large reinforeemermfrom SIl{--l"1)1'11ny l'urthrr pati‘titziilLu‘s respectloit (111)1'1re,11t1e (11511-)I1'1'.-'1'er,l coining; 11p 11.1: 11111'. As' the hattery on the 11111 was consi- inj; the action; the present. situation 11nd dered 2111 important e11e1:1; 111;:1111st their 11s- tiil)‘,‘(:111L:11'-3~1 ()1'1111‘1' troops; t".': appetirniitit.‘ ()1' 1:e111'11n;.; the 111:1'151115'3111131 sures were iininedi-, the enemy's situation; 111.11 0111‘ lutnre pro- only 12') s! UL 101' 111-‘.' 1:; 1:1)§II:('11'1":'. 111 1'1'1'110115 11) its 11'11Iy, \1'11011'11': .'1 1'0111111131-1'111111011111the ‘.V11.11, 111111011111'1111'11the'I':l11)\1 st1tttnient in 21 letter 1 1111112 l)"('ll301)1'(.‘S")C(l 1111111111: various du- ties ol' hi't'rinI: the 111:1111, providin'I‘ 101' the 1101111112111 1'..Ill1.'1-'tin:I' th1 1.11111li1 pi'op11'ty, 111111» I:i'.1it 11!; 11:1 1:: 1'1I11nnle ol pii'-‘.11111'1‘s, 1111111111 th1-. 1:1)111L‘111'S 1‘011s11.11ntnt 01 such '11 11114110, 1111111 21 short 1,111.1: the route 11112111111: 3ft'ltct‘ttl, 11.111". . have 11'11‘. l).:I'u dole to forward this disputeh the e111'1ny's1'11'e11'11s‘ silenced (mu-pt 1111111 '11 '11';early1:11110111'111'1 l eould 11‘11'1'e Wished. 1 one gjun l); 111:1‘1', so 1'1-r down the 1‘11'1'1'21510h1- shttll soon 1'111'11'111'11 you another dispatch, in out 01' the 1'ezi1'111)1111111'1‘111H111111'1C1, 11nd our '.111'11‘11 1 $111111 endeavor to point out to you the li'I'i1t 1.:e1‘e. 1:1111111 111.1. 111:.1(:1: it. A number 1'1)111.luet ol'soine 11101-11 [15111111111 and d1 serving; 01' 1) oats now p: :1-11'111 011 1 u;1'11.1'.1')1e1!,1\1ep'1 0‘11'11‘1'1's. But 1 (:11111101 in justiee (‘ltiwtl this 111-1.'10'11.111;'11-l1.1.1.11 gun. l"111 .‘jtillltfi tii. 1e 11- 11itt.o1111':: p1'1ssin'; the very 1311.111 1111111111911 121‘ 1 1111.11 passed 1,'1er, the 1'11101‘y '.'.pprru'ei 11 I 11111 111.1le1' t0 hr 1131111111'-;ge111;r111 \Vztdsnorth, 1'0111plet1; hut 111 the expert's/don 01' ltll'tlte‘l‘ ('11l.\':.1n '11'nssel-1'111‘, (201. SI'ott, 1.1. (.‘ols‘. nth-1114.5, 1 1111s t:11;i:1f;‘ measures ."01'1'111't'11'1'11114 ('111'i:.ti1: 11nd l‘1:11\111:k, 11nd (Itiptuin (1il)s1)n. .111111.11,)i111111e1ii'111111-the direction 01' this :\l'.u1y others 11111'e11lso behaved most 1151111111111): st: 111111: 11.01.1111111111 11)111.'ut.'1'olten, 01' 1111.- .\s‘ l 11:11'1: reason to htdieve tl111tnianiy 01'0111' 1111111111.". 1":. But \11;,' soon the e111-1ny were troops fled to the woods, with the hope ()1'C1‘USS‘ '1'-11,1111'1ted hv11(11:‘:e1:111ent11ls'"t'1'11ll111111.11'.'11.1 111;: the river. 1 have not been able to le'11rn the lndi'uis 11011 (1‘11'1').1 1111-1111 _I/ Connnz n1: ed ‘11 probable 11111111;1:r 01' killed, wounded 111111 1111'.furious 111,1.11‘11, hitt \111e promptly 111et 111111 0ne1's. The shrughtriw11111'11'01)p' 1nu st 11111'1: routed hy the rille 11nd bayonet. 11y thistiine heen very considerztl)le. And the enemy have 1 pCI‘CC1\'((l 1ny troops were e111h11ri<1111§1jr very ' sufl'ered severely. slowly. lpzissed innnedititely over to accele(1 1-:,\'11‘.11.\1. 13110011 is 211110111; their sl11111,u11d rate their 1110ve1ne11ts'; but to my utter Listo- his‘ aid-([r-rium/z 1110111111); wounded. complete Victory 11115 in our hands, the 1111301 o1'theunenftf'11ge1l troops 111111 entirely subsided. I rode in all 11ireetions-urqed 1111111 hy every eonsiderution to pass 0'1'e1'--|)111111\"11111. l1ieut. [- 1'1'2'1111',1l 111 repossessinsr their lmtterv; 111111 1311111111; 1111111111111": on every side, th1I hr:11'e men who lthtltfztllitltl 1111:111101"),exhausted 01 now hrislaly :11'1'1'1:d. I ordered the 1ire 01' our huterf' 11111011111131011 the gnzu‘dlonse; 11nd 111115110 1'1'1'1'1'111;.111 111.1111', t.h11t 111111 1‘; o1 10 shot 1111: lire \1'11s 5111' 111‘ ed. The enemy 111111. 1111119111 'I)e1111'.11 '.1 1'1-1 .{t' stoi‘t-liouse; 11111111 1115111111'111, I VOL. 1M). 21) 11 . 1" 112.1111 1111511111; 11loI1 '1-t111:11 ' s.' 11 '0t tn-11 1y on 1111 e'.1. , 113'1' i 1 111't'1't :1 111111111 1 6 111111111 11' 1'iI1)121te11efi'1)1‘t s. 1‘11) 11 1 \ 1.1.5 llC C(h')1ti'\' l'ttlllL'i' ("J J }'11s e'11111' 1111el "I'1111 I111np 1'e 101i 1‘ 81 1 1W 111 211111 0'1111), 111111 11 .11111111111111 \'1111 I 11111.1t111n 01 1‘ NW 1C'11111' 111'-1.111 111' ‘ Brigadier _ l (111m |