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Show THE WAR. JVO. 19. _V~_MN..1-.'_n x 1.1:1'1 '.u'ri'.1.'1 "'i the. 41h; " 1111.1.» l1"lt'ili 111.:1‘ 1 1 1 11 went '1 to tl:1o.'1 11'111'111'1111. 11111'1‘ ‘.‘.t' . A [my/l at u/i-zmrr/r; 0/0721: 11/7/1197; 1917151 Hundred lliat the Piesulr'nt ol the Uniti d Setter he, th1V' (tl‘O burnt two ; soon alter tlit'V' :1lrir'l;-lioi'1ses and .i'. hut 1111'. :1"?!- ' and he is hereby (ttltilt:li.‘5"tl10litiic ponession 111' and m-cupV} iill or :th' p'111‘t1il' the teiritorV' lViiigg eust 111 the i'iV'1'i' 'l'ei't'lido and south oi 77111711111111! 1)o{./1 11-11711! SEW/1713072111 0/7111)". J/ 1‘1'r.1'1'121',l5‘1.'1t1sli si'lii'. ["11" Sung, {10", 11.1; \VtsL-lnilies 101' N1, '111111'1l11i11l, prize t1) "1;; the stttte ol' (leoi'ggiti 21nd the Mississippi ter- l"'.Lnie. British s1"l1i'. BL-tsVV'-A:.i'1, from 12.11 spzuie l1t't‘.'1'tH ii ‘.1,ii'. 111:1de 1'1" ritorV', in (use '.'111 1.112111131111111 has l.('ell, or ""Y 111' Chalet 1', nith 97') hurrela suliizon, .1, :1l:..1ll he, iiititie \\llll the local '.iithorit' 111' tlie| olitintltV' 111' ll '5 L111 d some ‘i:i".:'i', pti'le 11 1! 1:: "1. '11; as t') 1:11:1- ‘11) 1.l:1.'iit '.'.1111 11:1. 1' 151.1111} 'l'u Bi'iti<li l1rig' lli n!'y,i em IWC i1)();l '1..':1l1.1'..;-' 1'.1 1111i1,p.11111tli1'11i |,11111111111111-1111;11,1111 1111111's'11uii l l""ii'-e. 1"" 1'11 ‘- '1 :1'11'? l,11i'rii‘. ."1l1‘.|' 111' tl11 1»1.-1i'11<',11i' miV' [1'11'1tlié‘l't't)l,tlitl11; Uniti 1'1 lox' liztliiax, (i11l‘l[() 111' 111.1». stilts,.11"! 1,1111, '.1 " THE \V 1‘ is PUBLI::I.'EJ) lL‘V 1.111 3.111.] 11,1111 itlltl 1111' 91:111-1'. 111' in the <- V'ti1t 1l '.n 3111111111 111011111" p1':7.1..' to the ship John, she is '11. 1131111411111: neVV1"e1:V'11, on her first V1'1.}."..j;|'t', 11.111! :. 111:2 11'1: on the l 1l11:.~'..:l ltllll' 1V 11".ii1V' part tliti1' ol ,‘hV 1111. i‘!'l‘.'ltL.'ti 511111 "1011,," (11'11 I,-.|;,|.;1|1.|.V.") :1 1111 rool's 1| 1:11'1'13111111111i'i11111'11t; and he 111:1V 1111' the pur- Miler. 11:111'12'11. 1'l)t ~ pose ol~ t..l.ii111|' p 511141111111 '.11'11l t;t‘<7ll[1:-1lllf:; the 1mm :1 <:'11is‘t' 12171-5 duV's'. Hep-1.1 3310;111:1110} ' 1 )1 .l . ' ' ' I)1lll>ll x111. IIlUHI'lC', l|roiii l)ti!1;llilt|‘tlt; 11.11 the ‘1 l11lV~ tei'ritoi'V Lll'i')l‘('\'11l(l, and in order to muiiitttin! the 3:11; 1: :1li11 1111111111 to thtrr'in the '1uthoritV' oi the United "Lttttes',l St. lr1l‘11.1,1\ 1'. VV: 1 11.1'1111' .‘1 1; 1;V'1..!1in§;thi'V' cargo l of . .1. 1 10‘ -.". eiiipl11}.'.11.ypmt 111 tl11'111inV 11nd nthV' 111111"! i'i'u:. 81p)! .2'), "1; Henry, .\..l'.‘1.'.:.-: hurnt ..o'!s1; :111'. 11111111111111 the With crates, Coal, 1-'.uiith's shop, ..::I it '1 1s ;|'}‘l1(‘lilll}‘ l1tlli‘\'t'\'l Liiit ed SL.ttes,Vvlii1li he iiiinttiiitttssitV |Ilroni [11Vei'pool‘11'llztlil 811313. .Jm/ {11, i1! f'"1.2/}112 ('111/1'111.','ihtttl 11Mtl Stilt. UM-"l311"‘£"111111"'1':l th'.‘p"1"}1£LU'. 1'; 1'.i\1il'.1l)lt‘, \Vin to tlit‘V‘ \‘1‘1'1‘13 f):ll\'\'1".1".'tll" lt't).'.'1":1) dollars he '.1ppi'opi'i:ite1l for deti'uV'ing'! sehi l111lii :i'l'Y, 1‘1'1115'71'1el' 14' hit, l13V'ii11. heeii huiii the 1:11 111i'V, so . L ii might (‘;'.t(‘l1 the surh 1 'ipt‘llSt s '11s the l'it'sitk iit may deem ne- risen iipoi11 and mptm: rl lV 1111 111 i.~.'oi1eis on 1:1.rt:iiii lll'('llll1(‘ 1.\'1( h: :{al‘llh/Ji), \V'izith \.1;'1'1hl "/"11'l'-""1""1!11.‘ ‘.1.t' ' ' ' ' 1:1'1'~:11'V'lorohtainiiigg. 21.5 '.'.liii'e Stiltl. and the se- iiieuus ol' destroVing; us all: to pi'enii‘t thitt. ts the men in:r "13111) 1'11lni, the (‘1)11111ittli'l» 1' 1 l" l l 1.1"..." 11.0‘11(‘y in the '1lll‘CCl'1tillIf-1li"'tl)llll(il1ij_{""08 Consumed VV ith- pritit1 d. 1111} 1 . 1'1t's111tri1t,out ('11 11't,lit:|1.ii't'1';t1o1i1111the hound. ‘1»1111_. 1111.1V 1.1.1111, |111l(1l|1.ill1.11|t),(1|)|l)\. L")""L1" 1.1. 111,15 11111‘1'1, ll.oin'.'.s ll;.111;lL1111, (l1p.111: he d '.'. '111ltlltil‘u'lllltire to the l'.-.1' toiV'; andin l: ss than out'11n};11;;11;.;erto the .__'.1i'i'is'oii. ‘1 ' |1 11'1171'1‘ :‘.'.'l' tit2'1'1ur'1 izot otherwise .zppro-E 111;, ' l.:1'l 11. ,1. 1:1'eVV l1l-., " in lll:': he, and he ':.-1 11"1'1'11' 4'.';iin the ('ziiii1oi1 hV' lieut B. Vusquts, soon 1 1.11:1l1lish '1'1'i‘1111n1111'1:.1"'1'.'1‘:j '.'. o'I mode Llitii' VV'llow jtit‘kt'ts llV'. ! .|,U1|-1.1|1;g~1,x,1111,1.11;it..1;1.11.1. 1'1-l1' 1_' 0n the bth VVe lltf1ll'(l hut l:"1 h: from thtm: l _Vii1;‘1t:i.1l 1"11111' 1. 12', 1111-11 111 1111.111" ‘11' Hutu. .11'1it :1 several canoes were seen crosainV; the i'i}.<'i'. l)('l‘fylvll 211.11 person?" 111111 111, 1':;e;'ri'~11‘1 iii s"1'1"1 and on the 9111 not 1111 Inuittzi "1111'. to he set-n 1 - ' 1 I nor a gun tired. I am httppV' to say no liV'es were lost in the 1'1;i't: one IllLlll was slightly Wounded in the nose. The l111'1iz'1ns must have 111111 mzuiV' lailled, :ts' several of them were seen 7.| l 1 l 'i't'sident _ o/HJC 'irw-l11,11" evpt'ired. Lt'siilss Dt'alaonz, [1111",1' ' " "11"j1urfs'115n1/ me" 111' 11.1.__t .11. lil't1it'j1'rr-:l_\' 5 -; and the I" pi ‘lStHitl‘s, l til other provisions he :2..'1‘.;: 1,-_V' ('1111j| several lizditius crept ii'.to :1n11ldsttll1- Céfll/ ,f,1|}.|1:,}.r||||,|f." .,1 1'"."| £1.11 "‘1' m J1") tons '.ufl 111. _. .1111. 3,111 l '.Viiileoiiiii1ti1et'1lsl'1ootinggnutol' it, hut '11 shot .130. 4.73 1'1'57‘l,1'e!1: .llugr:.:.1 J]! Sf] fer anmm, [7113.11.14 . V ;::1}.' l }|\U]HV1J'(: See. 3..7';11//.1'1"|/11'"'/f'".'1‘1.'1‘/r'.'. lliii'ii‘.;1;thi 111', 1' (‘::p|t. wlud'je l'l'l BY 5. \Y()()l)\V(l l ‘ s1 )1. 1 ' A'(1' '1.l‘111'l'1 1; 1'.'.'i"\V':'11..1.:1 lull 3'1 1111.}. t.l'.1111.-1:.p"1"1 ,} '11 1'.I iron.,.11l ' 51', they too" skii'hish, ii; . .lV' VV'111iri1ltrl111nd Lll'r linglish ship which ll. '.1111ll.l~'.i111.'i-1 111':1e1t i1. dress V'ou 0n the important 1;li'1." 11'11'1'. pin '121'1otisto111'1'1‘1V'111111111111'11.; .111Liz1llV' connected \'- iti1 1111; ‘1l‘.t‘ tilld Ll.e sgil'ttV' 111' 11.1 1 11.1, (31-1; 1111;", 1., ' "$1.11."; the ()(1 l u... £115. ,1 June, .35‘; tozis, 1'11 :‘.1'1111lpi'1iii‘1ii1ei1zlj1'respond . '11itserpiei11Les. l in 7 l1_;'.'..' sir. and through V11}: to my ‘ion antl cii'cuiiistuiices i'11 act, and the reasons airl i.', .li'i 1' 1111;; '.'ilii'i"iiiii'iittf'eiiiiiie't';'ii'l' ilii;'iti!'1'_1'h l|l|"|‘ 1'1'11'1'111'1j':i'iil ."1. i330?" and '.Ul'mtt' |1 1‘31. 1\(.V)'.lllit.,ll(Jl "-11 '1'11111:U 1" '":1'1'iie"1'l'iv'i'r'"'i" . . . . . . ‘ territory, in the lull enjoyment 1.11 tht ir lilieiiy, l .lolins {1,11 Leith, ,1, 1th tiinhti'. ."1lso,(:ziptured property, '.tnd religion." l1i'e1: lrintglish i'isliii:j1;l.1'i:;.1ni1<lreleased thtiii. ________ The John has brought in '.1'noV'e 111.1 prisoners, '.'ernerl me; and if the re P to iitll. From 1/111' Amman 1717/‘1'1'ff/TI'7261 7'. .1 'l ‘11. l '11'".'11' 17/117'1'1. Our readers doiihtle';s i'eC1,l'.1'1.:t,th:11t during: the session1.,l'(‘11'i1,1;i'es'slie- 1111'1' the l'.'1st,l,otli lie-uses on eertuin business, the L with (.losed doors titre. of VV'liieli was not divulged ttt that session. ‘|/|'|'||‘|l/"'"'/'|',/f' afl'hl'mhh C‘Jl'l)"1""vlbl"l' . Letters from the hlississimli Te 'tory 11‘» I late as the Both (11' Septeniht-i'. state that the 'I‘ "" 4?" prim; "0 the lndustrV'. (lliit:k:1.a.1w, Cherokee, and Chocttw llKliLillS, are 1lt'-L1riiiii1ed to "main 1111,111th to the L States.---1/). ,"' (/21u1111'1rw, ""1"" senr. AWNIQPS 01 §iti|i|'|'.|a1:o}.~1,|| prize to the Rosamond, of |i\e'11,-. oil me .\n teloi11.: was lorrnei'lyg l'i'eneh pi'iV11‘1111, cal ltd the Bonaparte. British ship . 1..11r"lV. been wished. i}. ‘111; '1'1'110'11; ground shall 'i'l'illV' seliniit iiiV'selt' 11 :11}: Co‘nitiV'. ' lii inV' letter of the 7'5‘l1 4.11111. :1 mi sis in tl1ls c11i11p.1 . , l'l:t'i.}i.\:,1'..'11Vn' 1'.) . guns .1» 21: d (1'1; and 11' men, 1011;11. V0"lJl'l‘v"; 11.11111111n11,11111z'c totlie (‘.zipt. Bzilzei', lute ol the I‘MM‘Eth‘ estern \'1.ll'i(3ll _' and that 'to 112-1:" 1/11‘ 11/01:! 11111.31 éw 1111,11 1"1 Some VV'eelts :ii'niV', who returned on p'uole, has pi'oCV'edtu 11ltu'V -_11111. of Charleston, 1:.fitui'ed Ltl‘tCI' u after the. close of the session, It disclosure was to Quebec, VV'itli ('.ltitlilllt" 11nd money for our . _ siatttr‘. action, ii1VV1'hit'h the 1:11p:;;in of the Ma- 1111111177157in 5/1111/ 'g'n/ mid 70'17'11 «1 111 , . hi'ttV'e 1ello'1's who were sui rendered prisoners-1 :tt Detroit. 1')'-.'\l1ll was V1.1111iidc13-i1o liV'e' los't on either [iii'rcd 1:11'1'1'1' '7 '1'" / 11111111: by some person, in V'lUlittlUll ol' the iii- iuhrttiou 121' secretiV', through the medium 01' :1 Corn-.tctietit puper, ol' those proceedings- V-.'iiiel‘. we then gore our readers for as inueh they '1}. ere worth, without having it in our power to s.1V' VV hethei' or not they were zuitl'en1 tie. At the List s1, 'sion of Congress the iii- 'i:i'.1;iioii of ser'i'eey \V'zts i'einoVed from the pro- 1:;(Ct1illL"1 on the get passed tit thtepi'eV'ious sesdon; .Vliieli, although not of lieizillV' 111111.111 puhlie, we now pulilisli from the pui'loiiieo riopy originally published in the Connecticut Mirror, for the iiiliii'nitttion (11' our readers; VV'ho will pei'iteiV'e that it was under this net that the l.1LL:jg;1;ii. Mtttlie'1'V'st1nd ('.ol. M‘Kee were appointed agents-trout the erroneous . side. ' ‘ ' the l 11Llil‘(, in coming 11 p the ehenne ii. 111:1Vti1ii1jr, "11$ fired atli em for't\l11til tr'e NAVAL SC 3'111‘.l'11."<l". \ll‘ll‘1lC)l)1.'\Nl).L Altlil‘V‘hU, .fi't [Ba/linger" British l11'igg l'oltit .-_l_li( S'itit upset one ()1 the "11115.101'0 up the pituilr. s11e'11i', shattered the hoot, 21nd lodejed '11; Sliqi‘e,‘ ' 5.11810" ""9'1‘1-5""Wald."it "11"] '11") 011‘" {1‘01" St. Johns, N. 1'}. {or Bzii'h:11.lot's;, \'.ith :.1 ' f""""l"i"|l' 'H""'}"-'\|'""|f|"""f 1‘- "l"'15""7l"15 5"" ezti'g'o of fish. prize to the lettt'i' ol 1112.!‘1V111 .(Llir. Bziltiinore, eztptured on 111:1' V'1'1V' 1; France. l'iiV'zitt't-r s1:1.i'. V Lh 1.1.1'1'1'1 -.'..'.1out LL11 :iiili's south oi the h..1', 11 ll i11 VV i111 and '1'1'11111'11 the ~..l:0(111t'l" (1111011. 111' and 131. '.-p Ela- Rossie, 1.11111. ii. 1'- neV', from it (.i'uist'~-tliis s(:l1(.'oi11':‘ 1111s 111 '21, .»'1i1ii1(', 12711! 11111111, (igghteen prizes; 1.111, . 1 . . heeii ninety 1l'.1V's «fire/1111' at 111121; ht'i' .tiiisr‘ "1 "" PM" " l‘ll" 1"" l)"3!"}{f‘llc"'t"".l""" "'3'"; 1"15""‘ll"""""" 1"" "- ""1""! CU" 'l"h("'"' l 1 1 . extended to the (-11111‘.\"1.1'tl ol the, (1r:'.i11. B'.1i1‘1; l .. \ ' . l '.‘ ‘» '1'"- 1‘" ‘ ‘ " ' 1' l 1"" ‘4 l'.‘ ""1" . ' . . , '.'/71' .4114 (72/1/1111 an 111‘! aancr/Jng [/111 J'rwirlcn! 11/1/11 (hill/11' 11/11/1'x 1'0 wen/'1, flu; [err/Very (/11'7'1/1'71, 1117111911111, and fur (it/1"," /1'1'17'/1o.',1'.1.'. See. l. 191' 2'! IIMIf/f'tl 61/ (1'21' Sui/111' and [louse Cf l1'1'/.7‘1.'1'1-1'1'1'111/11'1'V of l/ir' United .1711." s- 11/ .‘i?72('7‘!','/(, ('.1.'i~'i‘~.'.x< 1113'11'1'1/1ML'1? . ' _ H" 11.11) i, l 'liitl'-~‘L'-11' 1'1':;.i,-.' 1. '1 of NCWliJlllvtlltilitl, and on the littiil.5 ol the: l' ‘ 1 l . 4 V "( l1‘1"" 1'1‘"||1‘,.'~~~' 1 Doi'totSt.1loiiiis~-uloii§'' tlitzt (11:13.1. to the Isle ol' Sitliles.11;1 .‘ 1. Hour-5'1"}, ll:t'.1l;---t1.ilii.litd in )..1...|.. :11 N1'V}.po.1,1_'l{. [.,‘11'11'1'1-lli1'us '.tlltl niei1,lill1':<i i. ile\V'ssti1.11.1.1', 11: ‘ 1'1'1'1 .'/1" water, nod proceeded to the ‘VVesL-lnrfies. l 12. 11111 31111 l1'11 Passed oll‘ lierintidzts; l'1'11i11 thence to wind\V'r.1r1l ol' the Soinhrt-ro pLLssatge. thi- pusst'gge l l)l'l71151111l'- .\11. l -. 11/ .11, " -- ' 1 11.111 1111 k 1." . .. ~ 1 111111,.11.1 "1'13"" ' 1 " "i" ' ""1"" 1" ‘."t'. 11010 nearly recovered. . . the most of them are: U ...oii<l>11,1;;1.'iV.1 1'1 cruise is', {/11' 1'11/11111'1' 11/ 11'7'1'1' 14111111511711! .111 t 1'.'."1111. '19 1 1 ; . . . . i homo/'11] (1211! JHIIF/‘f,'~1/"'Is‘/ 1mm .1] "Jo/174117..» I ii‘1t.l:1'i:;1.-.,, "#711131 1ri‘.11',ltipr111'11'-V' |. .l i'litiieiii1.i1(11 1:1.tiitp'.: ll|l')lt, 1" lil. 1"li .l\"-'". h'.1\1- ititi l‘(1l11)(l‘1h|| («1111.11.11'5 t1Al"1U\li_j',' lliis V,' .m C‘\‘|‘it1 "M1 t1) 1 (liC"lii1t'l1li1tne sl. we (.1 z:1ttls,tl~itV w: EUL'lltlelltlll" '1 " 11'10111‘31: '11 to me. p1i'soii:l1 l}; 1111" t)‘i 1(t|f'> 1r ."1.lct s1111i 111 ' ' l ||11 11|1|u t' l".'i'ei:' t '.1 tisii li'ifrr'f' The H ; sult ol'tht' Rt.>i.‘1lt)fal to 111V C 1.211121. of | | I _ | {1 note to 1111:11'11 tlohetl1'1 :ttt tfri'er til tlieV iiiiis't litte .1; 1 ; 'l'iii'l1'.s-lt»1l- '<l1' . l1.1VV 111111 1:...» and passage; the CitiV'eos 11.1%.».1. 4; 11111111111111;- l Pf!" 1') the ed Island passage; 111-11 31.111 1111-. (ittlph ol' V'1l1'U Q 14.331 wound/1! 1'11 moon; ftittue operations I V. 11.11. to the some puipoi't (>11 ceiV'eil 11111111s..1' l 10111:.1", ri" -‘-"‘|"'§; '1' by St. 'l'lionitts's; :\l1)l1it 11.1.1. l"'1oiid:L 21nd home. The 1:11:21 are in hijgh ll(.ttlll12‘.ll(l spirits, 1.1111, 1.1 11111.11 si1.l1,1.:.'1:t'pttht Llitlct‘ 51'. Cl '1 iiitpi'tssiom iiist Vii'itteii to l)l‘l.': '1;'11-'11 L'nited Stutts' 11111: cs. '11 1'. witlilhim, 111.- ior-1't'1 1t'ltil1 l Iiiaiitlz1i1ts ofl tl1e C11it1- 11‘ tht purpose ol e11iil1i'iii'1 }. . I proheedintgs ol' the former of \‘1'l‘10lil resulted the seizure and restoration ol Amelia Island. luring; the lust \'1'i:1Le'1',:ind other eii'eunistun- 'es', e1.1'.einportu1eous with, 2111' well :15 suhst- 'i‘lent to, that event. The l'1,}lioV\'in;r is the '.'.et :11 1p.1estion, which passed'11 the l use o1 '.epi't.st:iit'.tti}.'es hy Lt Vote 01 it) '.o 411-. ‘ 11». :-:.d J": 111111.111171C | '-. ' 111.915. 1 1' 1 "'0 . , .|,' ,. ,. ._,1 1 » ‘i'") 1111" .1 Mlle-1" '-} (1 Wm. (‘1',"1' 11".:': tllQ "1011111111 ‘11 1111 i 11‘ lie 11'id 111113;. (llilL‘l1 IO 81) 1,11". |