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Show l4. THE WAR. VOL. 1. til \\ _\ indignant at the oil the stain from ‘1111 of them were march under the 1113 taken the com- 115 of infantry, one 00 mounted 11116: to take the $111116 '11 1LW days. very much cut; 111 L 111511. quence of the disa- distinction but by the greater or less degree ble(1 Lo: 1(11tion of our rigging and tore yard beinir gone, captain 11111111111 deter mined on C'm\'t)\ in;Y the priz.s to the lirst port in the Unittd St.;111 to relit', kept company with of the crisp of his hair-«ten of the former the pr 12.: s until Wedne sday :21 September, W11:.1 M4 A. M. we made a large ship to At the 1'1'1111t1v11r1:l, standing to the south. half past 5 A. V1. she tacked after us in directions. The whole area within 70 yards of the spot, was strewcd with fragments of chase, bore down and spoke the Pursuit, and buildings within 100 yards, by the impulse of the air; trees were almost stripped of their branches and leaves, and pi-.:c:.-s of the tim- Ortlt'rctl the prize-master to tack to the south- ward, 1111'.I 111111;: the li st port he c<-u‘1d. senior division 01" 1is itspectfnlcom- 151 oclt', coirnnantl~ . loiccs, white and tion 01 Port Deck, all public 1111115 oit, are to be (it-111 oeposu is point- ). for/y I/wusami 111 111L LiLscr.puon, :1 general mock, sand to come and At (3 A. 111. spoke. the Phiinter, and informed the ship in chase was '11 1rigate, and ordered him to m the :11 sail to the northward. At 1') A. M. the pursuit out of sight to the south- ward. ring, that by the At 11 backed the 111:1intopsail,tht' strange sail coming up fast with the. Planter. At meridian tacked to the southward. At half past 1 P. 1V}. the frigate fired five runs at the Planter, which 0111;11:11 her to brim)r to ; supposing her to be a British frigate, a. sh" kept English colors flying, we made sail to the westward. At half past 3 P. N1. the frigate and P1 antcr stillin sight, lying to, th: Ame.rican colors still flying at; the Plantei':. W h tVL: every reason to supmix-en peak. p 151'. that the lirge ship escaped, as she was 1.1' rf t/u' 111/mower 1g. 46, \V. at 11.111 it to the westward :L'd to the south. tcktttl to the north. at to quarters and 11111 past to bore oistLd the AmeriAt ‘11-‘11 past 10 the t us, both ships at colors flying. At nenccd by :1 broadthe Atlas, which .hips at the same small ship struck irected the "hole ,e ship, but to our 1111p again opened 1i her colors 11ch nenccd firing upon rs drove et't'1'1' mun ninutcs past 111111We innneoiattlt' ) lhcy pro1ed to :11 Shivers, ol LonI; s and 9.5, 11111111 and theship Plan- 101,1111.‘ 11010115112 15 men, 110111111111 tobacll cotton and 11'1'11111111, bound to :1 'isontrs and put 01 d ar bo 1L1Lw on 111 J the southward .11 11.1 d ha we :tion 1,1 ,1 11'1or.'.:lly1tot.1;t 1\ 1 Lalbot,se1'ert 1:1'1 J. 111, J (iill, if ::ic 111 "(1 slightly t1utw 111tl1L'll'Ltrboa1 l ,1,"them in tnof 1‘ 311 g; .11! and fl ri and five of the latter have perished-the former were artists and carpenters. The whole scene defies description. The force of the explosron was manifested in all houses-large planks were ripped off from ber of the houses were hurled to an inu'riensc distance; one of them at least nine inche' square and 12 feet long, .300 yards. Itis almost impossiblein such cases to anthenticate the cause of the disaster; but Wt‘ suspect no incendiaries. A negro lad, (1110' he gives a confused and suspicious account) who was saved, declares that he was in the out-house at 111.: time; and that it' was in drivingr an iron hoop to a screw with an axe, instead of a copper hammer used in this it:- stitution, that the fatal spark was struck, and the dust inHamcd. The‘1oss to the company is perhaps .3 or 4-000 dollars-11 good deal oi powder was blown away-but at such .1 crisis as this,ttoo, it is a national 1o". The -----t'.l<1 11th :rs at first supposed it to be a dis~ lltlipltiuson and Binney, for the claimant. charge of artillery, a few .1"; fair, on account of the dena‘t‘tttre of the tent and knapsack w1"r ms in our Citizirtifi of the west. But the Shocks weie unaccompanied by any of those loud 1:111 distinct explosions which artillery rm,5 in the car. Some voices cried out it wa; th. Pow.".1'~r null; the. same excla1111111111 1111' 11:11am ;;:neral, and the curls of 1111 11m, ‘1'111c11 begr't1111 yastically to rise to th: clloutls' 1'11 111 it direction, soon pave t)0 mzch "body and shape' to this alarming pre:.1: ntimcnt. it was too true. 111epo.vdcr- mills, occupied by 1‘41: .51rs. 1 age, Btown 11nd B.1:r,ot this city, about two miles to the E 1st from the c.:ntre of the place, with three This day judge l't'te 1's pionouuced a de- cree condemning" both vcss'Ll and cargo, as other buildings appropriated to the 111anufac- forbids an explanation; suffice it to .1'.ty, that in this improved cannon, no accident can happen in springing; or loading; and it may be charged and fired eight times in the same period that the common cannon (an be loaded lawful prize; principally on the ground that, at the time of the capture, the vessel was sail- -I(/i(,' m fiver/a" " () pity, if the holy tear, ll]ll:‘10l‘12\l,(lt;CliS thc wine; of time, "115 when the soldier's honored bier, l)t'1:1:tnrls the glittering drop sublime; For who, from busy life removed, Such glorious dangercus toil has nrovcd 41/10, who on 1111'. embattled plain l1ic>,210['[_1/ slam." f'iol‘ (/er I'Vm‘. TO THE I'A'l'lilO'l'S UL" ()ULUNIBIA. Rouse 1 ye patriots! haste away, Haste to meet the treacherous foc- All her armies overthrow. 111 the vengeance of your might, Meet the tyrant of the sea- \Va\'o the emblem of your right" The 11'atchword--" death or liberty.-'" In the field your fathcrs fought, 1n the field your fathers fell; Freedom with their blood was boutgh‘. You their glorious deeds can tell, Will you not the prize maintain Which their valor nobly won? \Vill you not the rights retain, Left by father for the son? Then arise, 'tis glory calls! Freedom's eagle soaring high, sengcr with dispatches in England, in the course of her voyage from Blur-York, ostensibly for Lisbon. 1). Press. See the purple tercnt 1101'! In virtue's cause, shall nobly the." 110111 a 1cllow- soldier's'l)1'cast, Murdered byin Indians blow, By an Indian sent to rest. Im/zorlrmt im/zroyemenz in Cannon. This day an ex nerimcnt was' made at the navy- yard ona piece of cannon, of anew constr 11c- tion. Such the friends the foe employs- blends of treachery and Woe: T he1111p101c111cnt is simplt", prudence Heaven will aid the frecman's CLLIIF‘L Sonic otht 1' veiy ; '1'111ti' 11 ad vantages attend it. :2:1 111:: "(lute and the ne'ii'oes 11111105de ~‘ Fig/1t on 7111/ /)mm' comrades-I 111/le IZL'UL'I‘ see Zones-ville This truth 1 it'oclaimin 1,r'. "be who fall:‘ in almost every (111' 1'. ction--le'135 broken, scull A 11111. e""1‘v tin:::;111"ut of every fate lost, pressed himself as follows: i111,r in the service of the enemy, under a contract between the claimant and Mr. Fus- tcr, the late British minister, to land a Inc's- and fired six fracture-'1, catcast 5 almost cut in two; arms torn 011‘, WC": scattered about in horriole profusion. On - c 1''pse was thrown a hundred yards 11: r the trunk (1111 tre'. , an 111' m and 11 1nd diiv- 1:11.} or 1 huudr<'1<1y'111-:1-. 1111111 the scene o1woc. about half an hour, and (lied with fortitude-- Among; his last words he is said to have ex- Crush old 1311rland' s haugrhty s11'1y, 5 hours out oi si;'111; before We lost sight oi company 111d entered into '11 contract with the United States to supply them with several gate and the Planter. the 1ri thousand pounds of this necessary manufacANOTHER CA'I‘AS'I‘RUPUE AT IHCHNHX‘JD. ture. The same company own another pourFront {/16 Hidmwnd Enquirer. clt'r-mz'll on the other side of Val/Les River. It is our duty to ptace belore our r'aders an event which must shock every heart th: 11. DISTRICT COURT 01" l'l'lNNSYLV.\N[A, can feel for the woes of others. Near 6 September 11. The Tour, Fun/1', master. o'clock P. 111.011 \Vcdncsday last this city The brigr Tulip, 19:11:11,1nastt'r, wa'scaptur- was shaken by three distinct and tremendous cd and biouuht into t1; 0 port of l'hiladtlphia convulsions; the houses shook as if under th':o;'e1"11tion of an earthquake; the win- for adjudication, by the ptivutccr armed sc hoo(lows rattled, and the furniture was thrown net Atlz-ts, Mallet, commander-, and both 113s- sel and cargo were claimed for \Villiam into considerable agitation. Crowds rushed Shaw, merchant, of New-York. into the streets-sonic conceiVed it to be an The case was argued for several <1:1ys,l>y earthquake some the fall of large buildings Mr. Dallas for the captors, and by Messrs. Lory, was found blown to atoms. What a (lircful spectacle was prt'saittttctl to view 1 The manghd remains of fifteen unfortunate being, employed 1n the buildin'vs, were strewn Kunmind/ZI', (Ohio) Sefil. ‘2. Died, in Detroit, on Sunday the lG‘h tilt. Dr. James Reynolds, surgeon‘s mate in ( ol. Cttss's regiment of tho ()hio volunteers, and only brother to major John Reynolds, of 1111:. (iottuty-~'.1;;'c(1 '24 years. llis death was ()(.l;','tsioriod by :1 cannon shot from a battery erect- cd by the British after the evacuation of Sandwich, which carried away one of his thighs and part of the other. Iie survived his Wounds Being») the 111' s‘01. the con- struction ever cast, it was tried first with :1 quarter of a, c:1argc-second, a hall (111‘ {N with balk-third, a full i:11111';.;e--fouith, '11 pt'ooi llcttvcn destroy the savage foe. In the vengeance of your might, Crush the tyrant of the land, ‘vVith the sword and butchering; knifc Exterminate the s;1va;;o band. In the vengeance of your itiiggbt, Meet the tyrant of the sea' 4 ' charge-and last, '11. full charire with 111-.11; 1111:} all succeeded to the c1111:' 11.:iislz'etiou of 11111.; pres-mu. an on:u whom were many t;111t:t=1‘s o. l the army and La.11.,'y, Aid. In! 1.1:: who 1'LllUWSll'.‘ 1211'. t1f1'igv'1it~~ Sircar to coutu'ei'. and be free |