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Show we y-x ‘.‘Wfl" .3. , V01. 1- 111E W'11". .111111 also 1. red 11o1n the l1'..tt1'111. in Detroit 1.111(11'11. Broel'. s arniy, 11111. 111111 little or no affect. Alter Broch's army crossed they coin- the ex1t|111onol such (11 the militia 111 Michigan tetiitoiy, 11 ho have not joined army. .':1\111111 21.1. All puhlic stores, arms, puhlie documents, 1111:.1111111111' every 11111133r and 01 :1 111111111: nature, '.1111'we immediately 1511en . up. Article 311. Private persons and private property 111 every description will he re- spoeted. Article 4th. 1115 exeeliency hrngadier-ge- their 111111'1'11 1111'. .11'1155 Detroit, :own, [.1'1'1'1/ were 011'! by (1 flag of Iruc'e from ([171. [In/l, 11.11111."rm.s' 1.1/~ 1'1/[11111/11/1071. imme- 1f/‘(nf1'lg/ (curfew/111! .' (11:11. 111111 lost 111 111111-11 and 3 wounded-1hr: enemy not one. The '.rtieles 111 '1'1'1'1'2/11'17' 1.11111 1 not he ohtztined, :11‘1. hough C.1ot.l1.1111r 1'1'p1:'.1te1lly applied 1111' neral "1111, having; expressed a desire that a. (let'telnnent 1111111 the state 111‘ ()11111, on its It was 11'1111'1's,tood however, that the way to join the .11'111y.as 11 ell '...sone sent 11'e1n them. Uhio volunteers and ter 1 itorial 1.1ilitia were to return home on parole~1he \1111111teers were 11;. he landed at (Llett.l:11111, 01.11.). The regu- lar troops to the 1:111111111'1111/1110, were surren- dered as prisoners 111~ warl The whole (11‘ llull's forces were 1' 111/1. .\11 the [111/1111' f/l‘oINT/y at Detroit was given tip. The 111'113r ."11121111s, lately repaired at Detroit, was also 11111 Denoit, under the (11111111111111 and balety 111' the territory will admit thereof. And I do hereny also 111 clare and make known tected 111 the 11111 exercise and enjoyment 111' their religion; 111 111111-11 all persons, hoth civil and 1111111111'y, will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. All persons having; 111 their possession, or having; tiny 11111113115111 :111 any puhlie proper, oi e111. .‘d'Arthur, should he included in the ahove stipulation, it is accordingly agreed to. It is, ent route 1111111 that 111' Brou'nstown, and. who were returning: to Detroit, were [111'/111/1'1/111 British forces will take immediate possession oi the 1111't. the .9111'1'1'71111'7'.' (.‘aptain Brush, 1111111 ()11111. 111111 111.15 at the river 111:1:111, on his march to Detroit, with '.1 volunteer 1'11111p:11.y, when 111111 surrendered, was also [Ill/((11,! 1/ in. I/Ir .'.'111'2'1'12111'r.' A son of (l1)l.l".lli11t,t liritish 111- 1111111 agent, was dispute hed to 1'i.1:1'1ez1n, to apprise (:apt. Brush 01 the 11'-mm 1.'-1 the capitulation, but being; a noble fellow, he rd'um'il, and took youn'r Mr. Elliott 111111111 31) miles in his retreat, and then let him return to Detroit. (C(H'Y.) 11111111111. .'Iundfgnurb 1. .11.! .IIz'Zr'oz'l, .'1' " I1), 1812. 11 1'; with pain and ahxitty tl1.-.tl)1'i}.'3‘arlier1131;111:1211 111111 announces to the north \\ estern '1'1111,' that. he has heen eoinpeihd iron) 1 A true copy, Guerrierc three 11.1} s 111-fur {it[111:(Htsttll'tl-"Otlse, 111.: t 1e1l written on 1111: niat'gni \v11.1.1.\.11111.:1.1., 1111;. 1:1... .\1\V -\ ()l'tK: (,‘oini11an1hng31' the N. \\. 1\.1ny. JAMES "HANK, !.t.()11l. " )aptain "th‘l't's', 1111111 .S‘..?'I‘l'l.'l).17I' 11mm 1.17;, .snm' 12, 1812‘. 31th 1". H. 11.11.1111,. .\Ii1.'111;3"an .\[1111_1;1. Approved, 11A.\C BRUCK, M" (ion. \V.11LI.L, 111121) (11:11 (.onnnandingl‘N - .\‘ ' Army. _.._ 1'112ssiox or .1111,1111'.11\'. The suhjoined l)l't1t‘ltt!ll;1[i<)ll appe:..1"~; to he no less authentic than astonishing. That gen. 111111, 11.3 governor 121‘ the territory of Aliel'itgan, has a right to cede the whole dis- C'J'l‘lh,‘ I'atrons 111' " '1‘/11' 1711" are I‘t spt'r‘tl‘lill} F1'11115:~1C(,l 1.1 take notice, that the increasing and 111‘. 1:1".15'11113r demand 1111' this paper has renalered it nece. s'iry 1311' 11s to print :1. second edition of‘ all the earl} 1111111111112», v14; 1,111: 171 11131171. Nothing but a livel: sense of gratitude to our patrons could i1111ue1- us 11. 1111'111' this extra expense "1111'y \1'1ll 11; 1:11111].l1;t.11.. it. the Ct)UI‘S1.' 111‘ a few \1 eeks, 11.1en they shall he puizc tually 1111'11'111'de1l, 'I‘he i1.d'1'._13re111':-. 1:1 our route: 1:1..- int-111111111 , i'; 1'1:.spe111".11‘._'. solicited. \‘.'1:1:1.111111‘.pass11v1:r this 11.1,...1.....1y (the (:11; 1.11~ ' '1'/11' Ezyu‘ UN‘MN! ' '11 '1'!!O('.S'.‘1.\‘I) SI'11'1\('/.'Il.'l'.'l.‘.\‘, and this 1111111111.": dred and .1111'11; 111111;, 1 .z'nf \\'e1'tt'l it '1 and 1.11131' dismantling l.1-:'. is dailg, 11111.1. almost 11111111},lll(11't.tsll..3'. regard it. ‘And gen. linll must have been [Mullevstruelt out 1.11 his senses to have executed so ridiculous an in- strument; or gen. Bruel; 11:11:51. have assumed the 1:1.ss1e11, 11y implication oi the general ea1)ltlll.‘1.l(.)ll. "We trust the hrave ()hio \olun~ teei's hire 111'1111'1-11'115 recovered at least 21 part 111 the lerrn‘ory in question: and hate littl'.‘ 1;o1111t tht' the uhole 1lis'tii1t. wit 1. the adjoini' 111' l11'iti';.h donniins, 1"ill 1,..1'y sho'. 'tly he 111 '.'1'1‘ 11111.; 15511111. (ll/ltI/I/flhul. duty t1:1.1'1.11,111:111111'utinosta ‘..tention on our part shall earttl, with 2.11"»1 11.11.13 '1 continue 111 he paid to the enntl'it'ting111'this esfzr 1.1!ishznt-nt; 1.1111 .211 our 111-1111111' :diihties 1.\e1'111l render " '1'/11' "111'," 111 51.1111: degree, worthy 1111 1 1mm .1 transport, {which 1. patrons. one 1113111 1'. 111.'in; lie 111 ". 1: Should any 111' 1:111' suhsi'rihers, through which he 11.111 11111'11' 1121.1 and ordered11 11' 1‘... 1111.13 1,1 th.tof11tl1ers, 11nd the .east detect. in their files 11: this paper, we shall hold ours.:lves ever hound 1:1 011 Tl.11r~..11\ 11st,"? 1.111. a '3'.:311 111 71111'.". steam-1111111 1'11. (1'11 111;» Suppl; the deficiency at :1 11111111e11t's notice, to complete a 1.111, -_.__ and Ogden 1111113111115, 12.41 Esq "411111111" 11- Iliu'is, "T": 111"" 4'l‘l)'>1'11<'11 (f1111111135si1111e1's 1111111111111: 1'" 'IIZII‘H (,1')' 1 ‘1‘:1111i:1:1ti1.11s, 1'-'.c. inprize causes, 111'1111' 1111' 111.11'11‘1 (.'.1111'1'.1'th1: 1.'. 5.11.11' .11: I.)1:.t|‘i1't o1. T-e'. I .1. rpiate to 1111 01111111.112.\1.' ,1 our 11'111ti'.1'. The L‘. '9 shit )lltl"',e ll." l . .)"L'11 3111\L'Ll ill. 4 : 11 -l'1'u'. 1.1.... ("firmly York. '11.. 111-111 '.';11 .‘.ssenhfiv ot‘the state of (f11.111.'-1ti1'1.1 1:1.1:~,1.1 11.. ‘..- 31.11.1111 5115511111 in Neu-iith-n, 11115111112 hi: 131111111111' 111111151}, 111.111.111 any 1111111'1'1111- dition than the protegtion 11." private proier 1 111‘. 1:151. l)1"111131'1111'11' :essiou,t11ey passed a 1‘1'5IJ1\L'1 » 1 .1 11 ‘7. :11.‘11o:'1'.1..1,13' .'.n ‘12111111-1111111purchase 111 ~ .10110 11111111. .VILI'I'. 1111' Last 111'-11. 31'; 1111' 11" 1111111 \11"'111..., and 1 . (ll‘t‘elilnlsll. \1's'1I 1'111111111'lphi:;1 1111'11'5. ‘1 30111 11151. 1 30111) 1".11'111111'11 11115.1 .1, 8 13.1115 himss artillery 111 5.11. 1111:1'1:'.".1tionttinlJ15111::1 111111:11",.e1",111111..1t 11111 111'1'eh'1 11111111111111: to.'.'ll111e1111111111tt.;1nt> 1'1 1111' 5.1111 ttrrit1- ry that the laws 111:1'e1111111e1111 11.11111 1. ..hallte1111'11111: 1.11.11.-1'1,'1_".1,'..'.'i‘. 111'3111'1111 .1./ere, 1113') $1.113, 1'3 p111." :.e1:id1nt or 111:1.1‘1'11'1'tent'y, (whether 1111 our part 11: 11)'.1pit'..'l:.tion o.r surrenderh: . 1 {"1111 l)=‘11'111t, ‘. 1.1....1:.1'..1113- his 111:11'::.t'.‘s 1111112: :11 1111' pro- 1 . ,. ‘ , '.'ntered into h1.'t'.'.e1:n 11111111.'»-§.13':.-n';1".'.l '.':111 1:111 Lopei (1.111.11111,. '.13111111, 1 sonnnanding; his 111111111111: 1111111'sty'°s .111111: 1 vv'lif' rens the territory of \111'11111'1'311 '.'.th 111‘ the one part, and |rigra lier»;re1.1:rz'.l 1.11111, 1 this (‘.'.11'.11y ca 1111111111111, 1:e'1l111 to 1111 ..1111'111 £110 eennnand 111‘ nitijor-tgenei'al liroelc, and ~ 111 h': 1:1.-1.;s.1':ere'.‘. es igi'isont'r's of \‘1'1‘11‘, with quite to the s..tist'.1.‘.l1.11 :1'. as he may feel .1 1111.1..- 11 rather 11111113111 111 the 1::'. Porter, 11.15 arrived 111 ‘11 ' l 70 days, having 1"'.;'.tur'1;'1 hinisell authority to convey an 111011 011111: country to a loreign government. The cession, t.1e1'1.1_1;1'1:, is in itself a nullitv, and no 1y; ..1111 wit-,hhn; to '.1'ive .111 early '.'root 1:1 t. diiee him 1.11 Coiiiznmiore I for a patronage 11111.:1' e1,'u'.111e1‘, 111 111111111113 and 1‘31 spe1't'.hili‘_\, 1111' the :;;.1ne 11.11.1111? ti111':. ()111' 511:» sr'riptinr. 1111111; new presents :1 list 111111111111 '1‘/[REF that ol (1111' ,to '.."'1'1:e to the lt)ll1'1\1111""111.1;lt'.: rho-:11 1.1.1.»."1'111x vi capaulatiun. 1 1 131,1 I'::'.'..e .1111 111., lst..tl.1]oi-(}1.'11':1'.'.l, 1.11111(Jun/1 11.1". . If), 15.113. loinniandintg the north western army 01' the United States, 111. the other 1 1,11.1‘.1'ti 1'11: 151. l"11rt Detroit, with all the troops, vegg'ilars as well as 1121111111, will he 11:1:1111:1li- .'.tely surrendered to the British forces under frigate I'reszdcnt, and '-1 1.11m, or any other .\m1':r1c: the President, 1111' Sandy-l haying a few minutes rat/'4 Captain Hall has ~311'ed 1 501111'1'111' that opportunity .1. «'1'/11171111111131 withou‘. I'L‘Ptfltlillg‘will‘ ..1.1L~'.;;1.;1t thanks tri1:t.or a sinu'ie 111111 111‘ it, to a foreign power, we eanno‘. (‘.11111‘)1‘ellt:l.11, nor has the President .'\.n'1er11'.'.tn is hound to maiesty's frigate (.'.1'1'1‘1151'1'3 compliments 111 chmnio'lorv. I'l., Col. ls‘t 111'5'1‘. ticles ol‘ e:1pitt11'.'.tion. 111::zx'11111111. Midshipmen 'l‘aylor, board the frigate I'l'lflulfil'. Beli'idera, and nudsliiprnan {11011 at this port. 1111 Fri ["11 W AR. their arms, and 11111111: 1111-11 suhjeet to the ar- 'l‘lhe followin'é are the 112511.;1'1111'111! articles mung the mud» '.111 are a privatee': 1:1,". (£11111. Lewis, 111' 111.; port. .I. \Z'l.)1)\l".l.l., 1.1.(1111. .‘Iilitizt 8; A. I). L 1.1:.1;1tr'.1.1. 1 1.113.111. 11.1'. ‘1‘-cause he would have loo- miles start of the enemy. The Ohio volunteers Were einhark- :"_ the cepitulatien 111' (1.11. 111111 :3 111-11111 : 4'1111, Another Britsh 51,11 11 "1.7 111 . m.. coast. It 111 The John Adams, Cant .\lajor-(.)e11eralz Approved, 7.1101111), should they attempt to pursue him, ken down to Maiden, and the \‘1'e1lnes1lay 1111- 1111111113, the Queen Charlotte, hrig Hunter, vessels (1111.113 and two small merchant vessells full of troops, prisoners, military stores, ‘.:.e. sailed for {ort lirie, where they arrived on \Ve1‘.nesdaj.'. .1./2111 on Mr .‘.'(i/Ilt' .'[m/ {/11' arm's '1‘11'1'1111'1t-I1111‘. 11111. were 7111171211111, 1.1111- '.1't')' (z Air/121g131111711, 3/17/71}. for! I'M/1' (/0711?! (/11' river Nix/791'! Georgy, (nu/from //.'r')/(.'1' /11'r//1I/1.sI; i'llon/rt'el 07‘ {11.111111 Governor l_lt‘ 1.1. roe/e 1071.121 [/11: some day. (811.1ca,1s.1.\e 1112111711, "[11 1. apenlm in 1'11n~'1-'q'111'3': .I. M‘INHVI'ZL, I.t.(.'11l .KIilitia I}. A." 1'. The army at 1,2 o'clock this day will 111111111 out 111' the east gate, "here they will stack same day the regulars were entharked and ta- She 1113 .‘.1-". Constitution. and the 1:1{111 Col. Bi ush it was expected would escape hack ed at Detroit, on the 16111, and we under- stand, have he '11 landed u1(;1&.1c1....11',_.11.11.1» dual: whatever, who .1.1.'1..' in theii possesdou Mills 111‘ any kind, vyiil deliver them 111-) 11111.- however, will he delivered up 11 he- The 51:11, Hope, N1 , 11'11111 :1 at Hampton 110.1114 5" board ten 111011311111 out delay. (Given under 111v 111-.1111 at l)1t'1o this 111111 day 111‘ [\1111'111, 1961;}, .11111 111 the yeai ot his 1111111311 s 1'1'111'11. arms, nd. ed to three thousa notiee thereui to the 11.111-111'C11111111111.11111f;,o" IA. (:01- Nithol, who are herehy authorised LU I'CCC'H'C and give proper 1eceipts 1'111'tla; same. Ollieers 111‘ the 1111111111 will he held respons1111et11at.11'l'l..'11nsinposs1511111111 11111111a-1ne11 that they will not serve durintg the wai-the11' had been sent oll‘ with '.1 11e11:1:111111:n_t to open '.1. eezni111111ieatio11 11 11h river lezin ‘.1y :1 ditl'er- (1111. (2.111s and Col. .‘1'I'A1'tl1ur, who a 1 . I ..t l) ,p‘y'." the British si1c111:5s ..1 .3. 1' , ' 1111.... fume, i11clad1.n,; ‘1'. Coast. he innnediate1y 111: ll\(.‘ red 1111 , 21111 all 1111.111 1‘ Montreal, 1.1.1.... ty,slxall .orth'.'.ith111111111 in the s'.»1n1:,oi;;1ve however, to he understood, that such parts 111. the ()1 11o militia as have not joined the army, will he pei'niittedto retuin home on condition longing to the pnhlie. Article 5th. The garrison will 111111‘1'11 out '..t the hour 111. 12 o'clock this day, 111111 the given 11p. 1'.-11:11., 01th Emperor. 111 ..1 ..1, ‘.'CLLS to the said inhahitant'. that they shall he pro- and else when they had a:'1'1'. e11 within one mile of the iiieiieed l' ().1 \l'etlnes'lay 31. 111 111: ew lency Andr ty's pleasure 111: k1111'.'/11,111':.11longas the peace' the the ~11. V1114 . ‘ous the iiitish army 1.1.11 9,111'1'1'0111'11 in 1.11.11111t‘1er"111'1--1'1111'111113 which time (1C1). 1 1111112111.) 1':1111:'.'u, 11 1 1111.1 the 11t';.;ss:.1v app'iz'tttlir,. ' ' 1 11W [111'111114 111' pomhr. 70,1101.) 111nts 151111111111:1111 1: Lit". 1111.111». '..l.‘ 11-111'12'1211 111‘ 113.211. " 1.1 the "'a." i [1' 11 C11m1.:,11'11» 1.' .111111111111'e1l 1111'11,111'.1I ."1 1.11111ts1111, 11.11 1:i.111 11.". .111 Fort ~\lunltr i'; ‘11"1; 1' j 51.1 110111 911111111311 |