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Show VOL. I. ntmued calm the prirci (12221211221222‘2222222 01 the (12:. dron, consuting 221a l'l?lL11t5,11111" 2211(1 111's (122\ it "as 221.222 made, 121 2211112 ' iltl‘.tl\\.1\;1)ui the me. tittir boats to two in. gaining upon the Con22225.21." L22;1'..1td lity anl2ss ue the necessary orders to enable the militia to defend their homesand 112esides. them to to 122'222‘ 111)(‘11 her. This . ar. 21 the 12et1uent (11521: 22:12 22's stern Chasers 21 212?. 2121. 0222122: sin-.211 [22"2t‘Zt spring up nsprL-a 1 :21her (8111,1155 2222 2221, tscaptd a c0221121 not have maintained Lt'ess ap:tinst a force so he chase it as continued which time the whole t'ir stations. The C022to New-York, but from of the 1112221, has put 122 '[li/cm and Burn! 123/ 1/16,! Extract 4221222.. ji'amagull/2.722(1)! cf reSguar/ran command/‘0' /2_2/ Commodore s/Mdauz/zz‘utit 1'tuft/lurgr/t, (la/rd /u/g 22'), 1 limo/re. 0n the morning of the 15th, the governm dispatched the express to Erie with " reneral orders" to the inspector of the bripgatle‘, including lirie, (\‘v'm. Clark, csr1.) add a lettei to general Ke/so. In the general orders the governor directs the brigade inspector to have in immediau readiness for field duty, two classes 01 the militia of his brigade, (not before drafted) to be oiliL‘ered accordingr to law, and put under the command of brigadie2-general Kelso. The governor authorises the brigadeinspector to purchase sufricie‘nt lead for ball and any quantity of gunpowder not exceeding one thousand weight, to be paid for out of the militia state fund. In this letter Of governor Snyder to gent:ral Kelso he re;2rets that the militia on the lakes had not provided themselves with arms under the same regulations imposed by law 22231 pleasure in stating 241. as it puts to rest the ch hate been in circula22221 222oreespec1al§y as it .1.-t the article 222 the last Post, that " she "as upon the other militia of the state, but that regarding the necessity of the case and re- lying on the tiberality of the legislature, he had ordered the state muskets from Lancas- ter to Harrisburg to he put in thorough re- pair, and would lorthwith forward five hun- lo on the authority of an ho assures us that she is dred ol them to the brigade inspector (Clark) and also six casks of gun-powder, two hundred Weight of lead, and one thou- 1 sand llints. .:a without either powder with every necessary 25 ].I's't qf» :1 2.1212: 2': 121 1222112222-51201. 1! 2t 121 THE WAR. 1 hasa full1crew 01 brave 1812, to My friend near /'/zz//.2(/2'.')/1i/1. 1 July-~Brig Blinerva, Trott, from LiGeneral 111211 was at the seat of the geneu verpool, for Boston, sent into 111212112X. ral government this spring, where 12". had Ship Brutus Blunt, l‘vlay, from Ports- 1 made arranr'ements for condu cting a flrcc mouth, burnt. 1 to Detroit, to be222 readiness to make 72.. at6th. Schr. l‘vlount Hope, Cottle, from a '' tack on the British osts near Detroit the whaling voyage, rf Nantucket, burnt. moment war was declared "(3 assembled 10112. Schr. Argus, Starr, from Lisbon, for 12220 Ohio militia , and was 1oined by tht. N. York, burnt. fourth rtgiment from VinCLnnes, about 320O, 11112. Ship Elechanic, Anderson, from and ma2ehtd from Dayton, 21 town.I h"- Limerick, for Philadelphia, burnt. liete, on 21nd riv'.:r, and re.nched the rap:ds 12212.. Ship Oronokc, Richards, from Lis‘of the l‘tliami of the lake about the2 .3t 01 1 hon, forn.L‘w-Xork, sent to Halifax. June. Vessels2mm the lake came. up to the Ship liliza Gracie, Rogers, from Lisbon, rapi ds-what does the general but put on 1'12 1‘2"!York, sent to Ilaliiax. board a vessel there, all the baggage of the (Capt. Brown, who was a passenger in the army, his own baggage, his hospital stores, ship Eliza Gracie, arrived in this city yesteran officer of the fourth regiment and thirty day, and informs that the British squadron, men, with the officers wives, 8%. and the .tftei capturing the 121liza Gracie, burnt her vessel sailed for Detroit, while the army had immediately after taking out the crew.) about 70 miles to march. Unfortunately the 13th. BrniIlluminator, from Ha- Brit ish had the declaration of war several vanna, for Boston, sent to Halifax. (:1ays before it reached Detroit, and perh aps 14th. Schr. Amaranth, Green, from Habefore this vessel left the rapids, and at Fort vanna, for Boston, burnt. L‘vIalden, mouth of Detroit river, she was 15th. Schr. Citizen, Snow, from Balticaptured ; next day the ladies Were very pomore, for Boston, burnt. litely sent across to Detrort in a flag-boat, the 16th. Schr. Fame, Hunt, from Savannah, ofhce r, a prisoner, however, was the husband of one of them. This information is from for Boston, burnt. .- sdom even from our ene- ng is certainly worthy of Postscript 10 Z122; (.iJIZ)Ir'('[l('ZlZ Herald of last, Schr. Johnht George, Isaacs, from Lis'1 least/2.22;. bon, for N. York, sent to Halifax. a gentleman at Detroit to his friend here, dated the 7th inst. (1e22, Hull had then reached Detroit a couple or three days ; and U. S. brig Nautilus, Crane, from N. York, TATE ()1 V‘.AR. t‘ed. r. .-. bec, 1312 June 1812. g repair in the hands L1 Sent to the Ordnance hL-L‘, who has the (loverutstr them to be immedi2‘L-tnrned to those from j on a cruise, sent to Halifax. .‘ the writer says, that ne xt dry the ..rm_v, 23:1. Schr. Eleanor, Atkins, from St. Since our paper went i)1)1‘(:‘58, several ca..12212 ed by the force in th2.2t country, ex pecte d tains of captured \‘L 55.31% hat t. a2 2 ivcd 2n this Croix, for Boston, burnt. to cross the liver ..nd attack the British. city from New London. From a Very hasty Brig Dispatch, Mack, from Trinidad, for Fort BIL-11d: 22 is the only place where am re-v conversation, we learn that on 'l‘hursday last, a British souadron of five ships ol3 war fell in Newsllaven, given up to carry in prisoners, sistance is ex,~ :ted. It i". n regtilztr'fortiii-with the liri2r Dispatch c2122. l l(.l\ f2 om hitting about one third ofhertcar;0 taken out. 1 of earth. 23M) regu 1:222; and .10 pieces Trini 'lad to t111s poi t, 2n board of which they Tie brig had no specie taken out. C M :.\'2;212 022222 223. put 150 masttrs a2d5.2.22‘12‘22,122:1.2121'122gtot"- {ON'l'llil'tS m. at noon an express aruith a letter from (12» in General john KClEO, 12210222212222 the gorcrnor 2e ma teis <21 the lake, 22d hostile 1110\‘81‘1161113102 ,anada sidt ; the imitaout to those on t122s 5106 (1th mot alinto C: 2nad:2 ‘ 12 2d t.\'L' ited so mat. ad cm the (22'222‘ra1,h luding .i2 s ()1 22. 21221.2, inc 1 112122 ant ', 222\ .2p. 2.221.} C '.2‘ ‘\2n'.2 mitten that the 1212arsncr 0 States, in .1. in i ited 1.. ed lar ljrie, hid dtc l1-. mil the .or .. '2 ms, &c. ms, Per of r 2e r2ot'erno it: ncCCSSHrY rcsPO [film rious 22.21L.1L:m t‘e ssels, taken and sent for Halifax. Cant:1122 Br 22.'22, pass-2 on board the £11.52 ‘LIT12L1L,1xlle‘IIIS us thathe w12s pri- soner or: TtiziY‘Ll 2.2e A121a, 6-1 gun ship, when the squadro n c122..:d the Consti ution, and confirms 02‘. 2 statement this day. He says thatl s1'12: escaped212't12: e.:.‘2‘ e lle nt se. 222‘12 hip 01 h" 2‘ cr‘i‘.2r2'22‘(.-r, tor which the llritisli (2111- cers gave him fell L.‘L‘id‘,and 12101lily extolled 1r ' a‘lon‘.-~so t.‘2at 212.y expect s:.<22‘21t 11;2‘hti.:~‘. 1 \) J He saw2, th'2".1 he Ohio 221111tia (122.1 troops are in tint: splints, and anxicns to 122; l'fll across to 1 I'RIVATEERS CAPTUlllLD. 2 1 e h : enemy. 'We 212.211 hear ofsom. 111211113; scrim A letter received yesterday morning from 01.15 121 tilt} course 1 :2 Week. liastport, states, that the Plumpe‘ and :12 sloop of war Indian, have captured four of the privatcers belonging to lVlarhlehead and Salem, and sent them into St. Andrews. the 01120. 2‘s and crews were put. on hoard the 12) went for the enemy in 12."...11 ofafvancing 1 121221, might turn out to be. a 22.".22'1111eg-2, To conclude hostilities, wi‘hout tak~ Luir possession 01 Lanada. would. 12.: a peace () ll 1)CL1(C. Africa (11 guns, commanded by Captain These British vessels were in sight of EastBastard. ' heavy artillery, and several companies of ships"‘ulir/a Gracie, and Oronol; e,hoth ‘ militia, wiii no doubt he ordered into the taken the same day, belong to Art‘hihald fort: heel-52., hes'ws tun. t.(:y 12:.2211221122'maGracie and Sons, of New-York. '1‘ 1,- 112.1 : .Lion t..;.t 2‘). somt (1a; sthe trumy 12:22.1 issued Gracie had 10 or 1‘). ,ooo dollars in specie g to Indians, (7.221?" usscinbled at Alaiden, 1500 taken from her. r1113?) her mano'uum The same sown/iron, it will be seen, has, captured the 1,221ed States biifr Nautilus: ‘ The, 2..."..21... .2'22'. taken after a chase oi‘ 811 hours. (0:2. lii‘oohe tctuined capt. Crane his 8‘2.0221, 11 202152: quence of his rrood conductin en 1'2::‘2122‘1221219 to s'we his \‘Lssel. All C) ,4 No. 6. 1 p ort, when the letter was written. like a, \2 '21‘» 1 |