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Show N0. 5 ..,_V_ ~»»*. THE WAR. e Chew/male seamen. us who were forcibly esapeake hy the British Live been restored to rhor of Boston. They " LET THE VOL. I. HALLYING \VORD, 'I'IIIHHTUII ALL THE DAY, JH'Z " 1.11i1;1.~2'r (11: 1115/1711." NlHV-YORK ...... SAT 'l'tl)1\Y, AUGUST 1, I812. hoard the ClieSflpCald‘ e British oflicer,and rc. THE WAR, my hy lieut. Wilkinson, IS PUBLISHED FA It‘iItY SATLRUAY MORNING, .\'illl the following perti Great Britain and Ireland, and the suh- BY S. ‘V()()I)\V()R'I‘H F5 (10. N0. 473 Pearl, lute Ali/gym:z‘ne-S/rm't, .N'. Yer/r. nandt-d liy commodort 1.7V . II)I'."I.1V(..'IC. \e these three American 31 deck from which tlitv [SECRET J OURN AL] CONTINITA'I‘JUN FROM PAGE 18.] SENATE OF THE UNITED S'I‘ATBS. itlm‘e YCCt‘iVetl them with d truly American obser- ported hythe eoinmittee, for the purpose m glad to see you. From ken hy British outrage; ', you owe gratitude to ' your country. Your to you an opportunity to igs ; and I cannot doubt desirous of doing so on hip. I trust the flag that her, shall glorioUSly (lt- " and of all persons inhahitiner within the territories orpossessions," it was de- iS'an/rt/(Iy, June 13. ,s and seamen, asscniblrl *. .ed to say that Capt. p. been honorably acquitted quiry appointed by the Scavy to inquire into certn gainst him. Capt. Tail/i "dav on his way to Net" he ' command of the Job: 1):)22. Piotr the further "consideration thereof until [iMiz Leih's motion is the same as that re- ported on Friday last hy Mr. Anderson, except that, in the former ease, the amendment was The senate resumed the consideration of the motion submitted yesterday hy Mr. Lloyd; and on the question to agree thereto, it was determined in the negative z-Yeas 14, Na\ s 17. Mr. Guillard was" requested to take the ehair: and on motion hy I‘vIr. An- present motion was intended to take efl‘eet from the pass:th of the hill. Mr. Leih's inotioii contained the following additional sections : l I.a::-. Arnongg the laws it" me passed at the pt-cstl.‘ '18. was one " supplez'itth‘fill ire passed on the suiijct‘ir This is EllCl'lYJ‘ aou~es of C0375"): 'i, .1 t": ‘" by t l.e Pl'CSitinlIl-t ".5 l)f)ill moved (illl'll i eariy ., ' ns'1to t‘i .iin preiio lC ‘ \vll ll i: in w to the House, UEIL, (lHltl not lit'C "i COUI'st' nI tltlnitn (tillc ‘t‘stonti that. some . houht ‘1 .ie; , , ' ,. (Al in one or Ld‘ " 1. V. ll [0, W _,' :. , i't'i:'iLlL( ' . mp pi its ' ‘t'saleiit vi". of the E'i word ‘ that,' in the third line, the words " from and after the (lay of next," it was determinedin the negative: --Yeas 12, Nays IS). 0n the question, "shall the hill pass to a third reading,- as amended ?" it was determined in the affirmative : Yeas 1‘), Nays 13. The senate adjourned to 11 o'cloek tomorrow morning. Yiwst/ay, June It}. The amendments to the hill from the House of' Re]>resentatives, entitled " An Art deelariner "'UI‘IX‘t‘A'CL‘li (xreat Britain and her dependeneies, and the United and on motion, by iVIr. Bayard, to post pone the further consideration of the hill, to the 31st day of ()etoher next; it SEC. 9. JIM! {113 it J'izrt/tm' (warned, was determined in the negative :---Yeas day of' 1], Nays 22. On motion, hy hfr. Bayard, to post- next, the President of the Unit- That from and after the ed States he and he is herehy authorised to employ the naval foree of' the United States to make i‘eprisals upon the puhlie pone the further consideration to the 3d day of' July next, it was determined in the negative z-Yeas 9, Nays 2.". On motion, hy Mr. Bayaid, to post- pone the further eonsideration ofthe hill to Monday nest, it was determined in the izeg‘atiw :--Yeas 15, Nays 17. On motion that the senate adjourn, it was determined in the allirmative :~-- and private armed vessels, goods and inerehandize, helonggiug to the emptror derson, the eonsideration of the hill (in of It‘i‘anee and king); of' Italy, or his silhtitled " An aet declaring; \var hetwer-n jeets, uhieh may he found on the high Greit Britain and herdependeneies, and seas and elsewhere, and to issue letters the United States and their territories," of' marque and reprisal to the private was resumed as in eoniniittee of the armed ships or vessels of the United Yeas 18, Nays lv'it. whole, and hr. int; agreed to sundry States, against tho vessels, So the st irate adjourned to 11 o'eloek. sulrieuts and amendments, the president resumed the property ol the said emperor ol I‘i‘anee, a... ligjnifiiii. " The senate resumed the consideration of‘ the hill entitled " An Att deelai‘ine; war hetween (ire-at Britain and her de- termined in the allirmative :--Yeas, 21, to take effect from a future day which was States and their territories, were reported Nays, 1]. ' left hlank in the reported amendment: the hy the eommitte e, eorre etly engro ssed, On motion it was agreed to Insert the Wort "Britain." esting transaction. On motion, hy Mr. Lloyd, to amend the original hill, h} inserting; after the of inserting the amendment, the senate the first Monday in November next; were divided, and the question was lost, and on the question to agree to the mo- tion, it was determined in the negative : and the original hill was resumed. On motion to agree to the first report Yeas IO, Nays 22. On motion hy hlr. Leih, to amend of the select committee, and strike out of' the original hill, line 9, the words, the hill as follows-~- word " and," in the 9th line, after the erc given hy at numerous ed. pendencies, and the United States and their territories," together with the mo« On the question to strike out, as re- tion made hv Mr. German, to postpone bridge, upon the quartet posed hy Mr. Leih, it was determined in the nefqttii‘e :-~Yeas 15, Nays I7. Altair/any, June 15 . ll) of superior force." [IN Kovemher next; after dehate, the Senate adjourn- Coxoiiiiiss. l in time of peace, by a idtrs conducted the mt‘l] hill to the first Monday in A‘l‘ 'l'\\‘t) i)oi.i..\its PER A N NI' iii, 03" PJH'JYII'LI'} QUu'l/K'I'IQ'RLY posed anitndinent, it was determined in the negative :----Yeas 14., Nays 18. And on motion hy Mr. German, to On the question to strike out the, ori- postpone the further eonsideration of'the grinal hill, alter the word ‘ that,' as pro- jeets thereof." chair; and Mr. G tillai‘d reported thehii'l with amendments, ithieh were eonsitler- ed in senate and argreed to, as follou's‘: Third line-~Al‘tei‘ the nord " h;- tween," strike out to the end of‘the line, and insert " the United lilifiifl'MH ()1 Great Britain and Ireland and the dependencies thereof." Line 4--:‘il‘ter the \i'ord " Stuns," where it lir;,t oeeiu's, insert " of Anteri- ca." Line, 9--:\fier the word "Britain," strike out to the end of the hill, and and king of pi um, tU~lllf)l‘i‘()‘.\' litUi'llllt‘j‘. .,; .. t..t i. . .,,. 1',ions. titmtr p.o\i,. /;V('t'/111'.y(/i/z/, Jun e 17. and limitations eontaitr-d in this at-t in The third reading; of the hill from the J respet't to the United kingdom of (lit-at ,1 House of Rt presentativts, entitled " An . Britain and Ireland; if on or liefore the: 1 , . . . . .iet deelta‘ingg‘ wir hetween (xi‘e atBritaiii (lay of the mid empe- and her tleptn‘itlwiieits and the United ror of Frenee and king ol' lialv shalt not Stan s and tlicii‘ territories," was resu mgive to the president of the Unite ll d ed, wirrrnpon the lollowing motion was States stiti.-.laetoi'v and llilt"','ili'y'()tftll evi- i 'Slllfltilift‘tl hr_ tv‘i. H" {ii-his Z . , " , ,t , ,. l denee of tne repeai oi the liti‘nn and‘ [dram/Pro], Thu the III", entitled " An Milan (leei‘ees ) so far as they relate, to .\':t tlt-t'ita‘ing‘ i'mr hetw the neutral States. (LUIIHHU'CC of the United een Great Britain her d pentlx-iieies, and the. United .1 St {es and their territories," he l‘t'COlIl» - ill id On motion, hy hIr. Anderson, to mitted to the eoniniittee to whom was Iilb\l"l, "the said United Iiingdmll 0: strik e out the. nintn geetroii ol‘ the pi‘e~ (zoni mitted the, message of the president |