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Show \‘Lh'l't 'I‘HE ‘hlx animates 11111 11 smithV 1111111 east to West 1.: hummus, 1‘, hith 1111110- :1 111111 Ll't‘ntttl,1111 \1‘111'111‘ 8". 1.11111 1111-1111, tha t, war ,1 " 1111/1~ r111: 1111,1,\1\'1; Wont), 111111111211 A111. 1111: 1111', 111: h-V01 i 1 h.l‘1\\'-i ()l‘:l\......51\l L1ltl)1\V, 1 1 Y 1] , i ‘kf'ii-RV-Ti‘fijijfilm: 'V i . 11'] .11 "'1" N11. "1.r '/ 1111/ unite in sup/ 191'! of 1.1112". A letv enemie s (11 1111111111}; 111 out 11111111 , \E .1111; 11:11 1111 such 11111, 111,o.1ti 111 1:11:13; 1111:1111111 11‘11111 :1 justice which hit 11;? 11‘111‘111 . , is expect, gut-e 11.11112111. (11'~I)tr§:t(1 t11 1111111 11,11-1 1 1, 1_\',\1'e:~1ht111111 ll"gltCl 1111» V ' 1 DP "AHA" 1 1W1). 47.3 I'M/N. [ct/1‘ filo/{aslntwo/reel, A.1‘ ‘7, 1 u! V At‘ All THU DOLLARS l‘l.R RN ‘1151'11, 0‘1 7‘. 1".1'1 I: 111'} Q (1.? [1' '13") [1' 121'- IA' .71) I '. "UVY '15}. ,~.._ ,, .m_._r.__ Him-$13133; it? 1: 1312115. 11,; 11 neen recruitttl . 1:1 many instance , 11\ efiigtt-d to set‘t'e,h.1\e ti l‘ttltlil‘t't'1--ulttilt: comns 1111\'e \1111111‘11-ured, 111111 d, "111.11: the 1 Hice'r, intr111111;; :1 hallot, called on \‘1111111111'113‘ to serve, to '1'11Iir1' 1111111111111 Was stcn 11111 i:f\:\11._] or lit-11'}:ICFLl'Lfi't'A'l‘l\‘1'25, ceivtd 1min the prrshhnt 111‘ the United ‘11-‘1'111'1; p usesbt's, 111 it: ,1' the 151 uppl'o‘tttl 111.1111 z: 1.: 11.1"1111111':.1111111;t': .,1 1111111 , 13111 18 [11111111111‘ ' p.111\._1.11 11 «its; htttt. -,, 111.111, he delivered in at the speaker's tat-le. The house was thin 1:1,:11‘1‘1‘1 111~ all per» honseto-day. Son's except. the 1111;111T11:rs, e1~ r11, hi'ltf‘tthl- at-iu‘nts :ttr'l (111:1r-l:ee;11'r, (11111 11111111 Wett‘ l timed, and the ow 1(‘4l11. {111-1» 11‘. ,11‘111'1t‘lil . 11151, 11111 11111111151411 111th". Winn] A motion "as then 131.1111: h} '1'1'11121'111lph that the 1:11:11 iiii‘s‘fit'ft: 111: I‘lyli'Ht‘Il to tlze 111m inittee 111' the whole hatrae on the state 111 111' Union. And the question thereon being taken, (in motion of Rh. 1). Vv'illiams, ()rdered, that the said message he refer- red to the connnittee on [li'tt part of the pietsident's message which relates to our foreig n rehttions. And then the house adjourned tmtil to- morrow morning 11 o'clock Tamar/(1v, J1me ‘7 The house met, and on motion (11 "11‘. Harper, adjourned until to-niorrow morn ing 11 o'clock. ll'1'11'211'.t-1/11,_1/, June '5. h'lr. Calhoun, tiro ‘11 thecommittee on 1‘11. rcn'n relatiotn 7 to "1111111 _) pie 7', 11:1 11'111‘1g1111i;,C.11 ., "1 (iliili‘litktt. l ,1 i113] 11‘i 111. "71* 1 \.1, (:15111111311, 1111111111111111121 1.11111511111u and r1111 s. tastern 11::11 ‘.'.‘ | , 1 stud tiles-111g: he removed, that the same he promultga'id, and that the suhse- 1 , quent proceedings then-upon he had with open doors. , " 11'1'17111i'i1‘1111'llInfinite i111 111,1.11::t11tsai1u:1..t. A :11‘1‘1'1'1‘11 the Britain; which 111-11111,r read, the 1112' 11:11 111.11 ‘»11'11.112111/_l1‘1.. 1121» message ott'ue president1111111: thou-11 Sta‘ s, of the 1st inst. 1n:.d1.: a report, s1111111;§:1t1ar1ge the causes and reasons 111' a war with (irettt hlr. (Quincy moved that the doors he now opened, that the 11111111eti111 111~ secrecy 111. Ill- . A1111 the question then-111‘ion helm ; taken, It was determined in the Meant-1&3, teas 46, nays 71}. 'U,311':,:111;')". ., 11111111, i"'t'<""e 111:: 1181 11: (11 , ." 1‘ ent pit " ‘1 d‘l‘ in thin-r -.1_ ., sneer}, i1711;111:111 \tl:11t1)..l , 111 111" ' othei- part. 1 it 111 ' l 1‘11‘1dthz: question 1,1 171,: taken 1111111 on, It passed in the 21"gltlitt'. (7'1; /1r ran/1111111! 1'11 o;1)'71/":(./ . States, h); Nlr. (loles his surretarr, uhich ttiLh 11117.1111'111‘1ctf1 (,1'11!!£‘1""--, nays 711. The said hill was then read the second tune and committed to a committee oi. the Vthole nays 83. i', under tile btlpt'l'mtelid .1111 1. hp L'it‘LCt'tl lttnIleEijt'. 111, ‘1111. 11111111\11:g tttlleltn Randolph, , , . . , , ,. __ lhe question was taken m the 1mm prt ' ‘ ,, SCI‘IIH ‘1 1W the 11111"; and orders oi ' the, 111111171, ~ n) to 1'11, " shad- the hill he rejected. And determined in the negative, )‘eas 45., it was determined in the negative, yeas (57, l))§.‘11)1i\\'1\1'1. 'l'hesaidrenortwnsthen,(1n111111.11111111."111‘. 1111 the Unite 1 .‘1111t1-1 1.11 ,1 innit 11 11.111, 1 . . 1 upon the. hunt . v 1 . Calhoun, ordered to he passed th1.:«l11l1day 111‘ April, 1111!, he, JVIr. (lullioun from the same Cullilhtttt'e‘, on the same herehy are repealed 7' ' ' .l, 1.. . leave girtn, prestnted a hill decnunig \\ »11n , A motion was thereupon 111:1111: hy Mn ‘ ' ' , . 1,, , i , \ .'... hetwet-ti (1re11t Britain and her (ltI)Lll(lth(:le5 Nelson, that the hill and the proposed airend and the. United States and their tt'l'l‘lttn‘ltfib, ment he recoonnitted to a committee of th.wheh was read the first tnne. whole, 1111th ' ' ' i‘. . And opposition lie-mg; made thereto I.11.1 1111. 1 «litilzl'i'l' A confidential uncanny}: in. writing; was re- '111 111 111- drafted from the "1;1111111,11te1'1511p- l ' (5' (K). '11: enlistment» ‘11;\\':1:-(>.‘13e-,1111111:fir" 1s, tint 5111\,Vi‘ii"'1‘l‘il‘i.\ ‘, It was determined In the in ‘ gatdc, 1,.115‘11 i i ' i" )etis " Itttnt " (Intuit ‘ i‘ ‘ 11 1" An 21kt J "1"" ,1 l 1n enizzuo'i 1 i , ‘ ' (,t‘. 1." navs 1 1. 1.I' '11 . H1111121111 .1 ‘ 1more; '.'t"-1.‘-.I‘.'Iu' . . . ,‘Zi V 1111l‘N‘H 1:11:1-1. ., r] .1 ,. 1.~ ‘1 ‘ 1 ‘4‘ 4:1*' 3 ,1 (1. ‘1‘," rt neatly coinplett-d. 111 N . BY 5. \VUOUVYURil‘l \1‘ rect ::t instances 11111 1.1 111 Lili' i1tion "item to that. (tenr. 1'1} [1" \V AR i A n ' 1 1, I 1 v- 1.5 H "Him." M LM 5 i H 1.1111 ~-vllit‘1‘.1c5 ,, 1.11 1 1'11111111\.111t'111 11111 .' tht 1111211111111it‘::::ise, that at 11111111111; the 1:1"Ldl. . A motion was then made 11y it‘t'ir. 1:111dolph, that the 1 11‘111‘1 111111111); upo n the said message of th' president hee 112111 ducted With 1111111 doors. And the attention htirxr taken, I 1") ‘ and con- The house resolved l? 111'011'11 'l‘hr‘, cmntnittee, to whom was referred 311 much of the president's mesmge as relates to Indian Ltiliiirs, itself into a coin inittee of the whole house on the said hill ; R lCl'Ult'l‘: and utter some time spent therein, hlr. 8111-: her resumed the chair and Mr. "1115511 reported, that, the committee had accord- 11111111011111 the :-.;1id hill under considera- tiwti, aid made some progress therein, That the attention of the committee has been directed to the following inquiries: 1st. "diether any, and what agency the suhiects 111' the British got'ernnnait may have had in exciting; the lndians on the and had directed him to ask leave to sit western frontier, to hostilities against the again" H 1 ‘ ()ruered, lnat' the committee 111 the 1.2111131,- 111111211: have leave to sit again on tin 511111 hill. And then the house adjourned, until to‘ morrow morning; 1 1 o'clock. Thu/eddy, .//1)/1‘ 11 A motion was made 113.1 Mr. Milne-r that the doors he now opened. And the question heing talui'n, It was determined in the in 1.5111111; The house then 115.1111'111 itselii into :1 committee 111' the Vtholt: house, on the hill declaring \"(tl‘ ln‘ttht‘n (ireat 1111111111 ant? her (lepentlL-ucies and the Unittd Swans and their territories; and utter some tine spent therein, Wit". Speaker resumed tht chair, and i‘a‘lr. liassett reported that th. 1:1111m1itte1: had according; to order had the 1111311 hill under (:1‘111siderz1tion and made no 11111 111111111111 thereto. A motion was then made hy Mr. Quinct', to amend the said hill by adding thtretd (I new section, as follows : " Sec. 1/1'111/ be it/iu'l/iwr enacted, That from :11'111111t.:r the passage of this act, the act entitled " An act concerning the commercial intercourse hetWeen the United States and [(1reat Britain and li'ranee and dieir depen " deznties and for other purposes," passed the 1 [st day of May, 1811), and alsothe act entitled " An actsupplement111'y to the act enti- tied " An act concerning the (‘oininercial in- tercourse hetween the United States and Great Britain and 1*‘1‘1111171: and their depen- United States. 2:1. The evidence of such hostility, on the part 111. the Indian trilws, prior to the. late campaign on the VVahash. .Jd. The orders 11y which the can) paign wzn authorised and carried on. The committee have obtained all the cut- dence within their power relative to them,several inquiries. The 11111't1niet1ts 111111111111:- nying the president's 11112241111 11' to (:1)111;i‘1":s 111' the 11111 inst. contain all 111111 some additionztl evidence to what had 1111:1‘1 111111111111 11\‘ 1111" continittee, in rtlation to tit: 11151 intpiirx‘. 'l‘hosti documents 111111r11 With-111:1; 1:5 (1,111») 1;- niv': as thenature 111-1111;111:112 c1111 \t't'li he 511ppost 11 t') admit 111", that the supply 111 1111111111 15111dsf111111sln‘11 at heit 311111111, 11:11 (115,111itritd11111‘i1153'the111st vet-1r 113' 111.: 1311111, I(lit1551111th IllE111,A'l'(ii£llittid,1.0015: Indi an trilt .r, l' ' \Vtil'fi lli')i'tff ‘l;1|iitlili\ 1111i,. , ‘. . tieuit. to account 1111 tins 1:xtt'11111":111.1rv\,‘ 11111111 itv, on raw 111111;:‘1311111111 11:1. 1 'I.: ,_ ,1 ..... 1|" il')i'}ll(ix' t..111 toattaeh 1111: Indiana to the 31131; .~ :11- 1 1111111-e\'ent111:1war nitii the United have That the Indian trihes should put to 1.11.2: 11'11 the large annuitit s which they have 1:11:11 5w. 1111155111 the hahit11111‘eeeit'nigg iron) th-. I 7 , 1 ‘1113111 States; that thet' should relinoni: 11 $1111 . t . :11 necessarv 1"". ." 3 to tii:ireoinh1rt, it not to Lilt‘.1‘ e3 istence, 11y itilt):1tlie‘ conduct, in t}. ‘3 21) 1: 11'.111 all other evidence, is not {1 n- has: 1‘11" vineing proot that soon- 111;1:n(:.'1' 11.15 hweo 1 1:1ployed to stimulate tlitzs:1\1:11§e:1 to 11117 Hill-11*; and hitting; I‘tti'htti'tl a t!)lll"‘wti i 11111‘111111111' which most lead to :1 1:111 eiturt: ()1 1111::11- ,. ‘ vai1t1u;‘I-'1, 2‘1'1111'1'53 1t at least p11-l :ieiitfiv's and 111111111511111111115511," z'111~ 15.111, paused tlit‘ 1111:} 1-21Vl‘It'»:c[ltlt:,‘t.LdUi :t‘t‘ei'~,i1 .1; 111s1‘1‘, 11 5 1.111151 day of 1711111111, 1811. Anti also,t1r 1 1711|:\‘v'ilL/‘1C. 1 |