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Show 1315 for French and NAVA, American schemes to introduce into Spanish colonies the proscribed 1311 jillo, Cordén, NAVA, Chihuahua, January 31, 1795. PEDRO pr. Chihuahua, ie Circular letter to the magistrates and Religious of New If Mexico, asking each to furnish aid, especially two guides for Capitan Josef Zufiiga, in his reconnoissance for ae ee opening of a direct route between New Mexico and Copy. NI CARLOS IV. February 10, 1795. Cédula, establishing a scale of fees for perso nal, i: munity, and official privileges. Copy. lla Matheos to Chacon, Transmitted: 1321 10 October 3, 1799. BACA, NAVA, PEDRO vz. Chiiualea, February 10 ae of 1st NAVA, PEDRO pr. If on the missions ew Spain, especially those of the expelled Jesuits; ealling for a second Paso report from New Mexico, except El fe del Norte. Chacén, FRANCISCO. JUAN May 1, 1795. Genizaro Extraordinary NEW MEXICO. Santa Fe, April 15, 1795. No. Indian. 1794. Expenses, Account rendered by José Rafael Sarracino of expenses Chihuahua, February 27, 1790. transmitting copy of royal order of - Governor Chacén: tia al, 1794, calling for report to Trial swmaria. (sentence) for theft; on complaint of oo Mateo Mufiz; writs, testimony, sentence. de Abregé, and transfer of Santiago Abreu from the Pre- 1314 Zufhiga Santa Fe, April 13-July 15, 1790. In matter of the retirement ee Chacén: erez Pablo Sandoval, promotion of 2nd Alférez Juan Sidio del Norte to Santa Fe. ordering frequent reconnolssance che attacks, ete., pursuant to orders of June 19, 1793. 1f dace ‘Chacén: communicating order to comanes 0 presidios and flying companies, enjoining watehview to keeping the soldiers under ther h "cs a ee Chacon: ECHEAGARAY, MANUEL, Comandante de las Armas, Sonora. Arispe, March 31, 1799. :ie 13lla 2f Vicente. Chihuahua? March 23, 1799. pz. and drill-maneuvers, in preparation for possible Coman- February 4, 1795. charge up to the highest standard of efficiency. Joseph Gallegos, Benavides, chief, Comanche PEDRO To Governor To Governor Chacon; forbidding interference of citizens with military operations, ete, 2f NAVA, Antonio Joseph Names: Apaches, Apaches Navajés, Gilefios and Mimbreiios, Ten1ente Miguel Cafiuelas, Teniente miliciano, Santiago Tru- Indians from Spanish allegiance. Names: Kentucky, ilinois establishments (Louisiana), New Orleans, Pedro Vial, Comanches, Kansas river, Missouri river, ete. 2f NAVA, PEDRO pz. 13, 1799. Chihuahua, March pr. PEDRO if No. 1316. To Governor Chacén: answering February 5, 1795, transmitting diaries of Indian campaigns. work, ‘‘Desangano del Hombre,’’ to secure the free navigation of the Mississippi, and to seduce the southwestern 1310 Copy. Nava to Chacén, same date. Communicated: pres- of the in matter ervation of discipline, etc., among the troops. Confidential. thwarting Inspectores, to Ayudantes rs orders Chihuahua, March 10, 1795. PEDRO pr. Order To Governor Chacén: Giving NAVA, Chihuahua-Coahuila, January ee pr. a NAVA, PEDRO 31, 1795. Pt? pa a Dares 1309 at the presidios of Rio lf To Governor Chacon: transmitting royal despatch of September 17, 1794, making rule for expenses, etc., of erim; i inals. POPE Pe OP ts 2 #- $4 = Pri ee eet pee ee Se er eae ee ee Pare ee ee Pe ee ee ee ee ee re RE ee SNS Hostilities of the Comanches Grande and Aguaverde, ete. Chihuahua, March 5, 1799. pr. NAVA, PEDRO incurred in the maintenance the Indians, allies. 1339 CARLOS IV. of friendly relations is Dee ee January 27, 1795. 1794. Aranjuez, April 21, ee Chihuahua, ee ee ; Cédula, announcing appointment of the bishop © manca (governor of the Consejo de Indias) to direct the e ~~ EP* * AeA-+-¢@ Pr. Pear oe o-22 es 2-2-9 en 86 ee eeas eee pz. To Governor Chacon: 369 OF NEW MEXICO 7 PEDRO THE SPANISH ARCHIVES M EXICO =e. rt be en a Pe ee 2? -% &- &—% &- e-» ee ee NAVA, OF NEW Pp Pe Pa EL ee ee Oe ee ee ee ee ee aeer Se Seee ba 1308 THE SPANISH ARCHIVES ee 368 |