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Show or : . ‘FeS f " . 4 P : 9 . OE A ae “ ig se e a st src “ aia vane = ae - sist oO To Comandante-General Pedro de Nava; reporting action pursuant to orders of September 27, 1793, in the case of Ruiz, ete. Auto draft. it 1264p CARLOS IV. November CHP UT ae by). iy 1264a CENSUS, 1793. j | p . at Ta pz ta. Santa Fe, Novem- New Summary { Mexico, Santa Fe, November 20, ing sex, condition, class, and caste, inclu ding children. 1267 NAVA, PEDRO pz. Chihuahua, 1708. To Governor 1267a Fernando de la Concha; transm redemption of the old coinage. Broadside. If CONCHA, FERNANDO pz TA, Santa Fe, December 4, 1793. To Comandante-General Pedro de Nava return of Pedro Vial from his expediti ; reporting the on to Saint Louis of the Tlinois, Louisiana (San Luis de los Vlinueces, ete.), ™ . —— * Santa Fe, Decem- DE La. i poste New lection and forwarding of tithes in ete. proaching departure for Chihuahua, | Antonio Lorenzo, Quaron, etc. Names: 1270 L cis Mexico; o . Au to draft Chihuahua, December oa pe. NAVA, PEDRO To Governor Fernando de la Concha, he eon? : and recor ber 20, 1793, transmitting returns y. service 1271 1272 Santa of the NAVA, PEDRO To Governor 20, itting pension certificates for Juan de Urioste, a soldier of the Santa Fe Presidial Company. If REVILLA, GIGEDO. Mexico, November 21, 1793. CONCHA, FERNANDO ber 20, 1793. To Manuel de Toro y Casanaba, If November Bando, extending to the end of 1795, the time limitation for the 1268 uelas. 1269 of census returns by jurisdictions, distinguish- D. 8. by Governor Concha. pz. Fe Presidial Compan ) Chihuahua, Der Fernando de la Concha ; ee ih 93. os if ren ber 4, 1793, and December 10(?), een reporting on hostilities of the Apaches 0 . Chihua ) hua, December al 1793 NAVA, PEDRO pe. To Governor Fernando de la Concha. es mit ™ re Pedro Via ae December 4, 1793, : and his services. 1793, ete., m re CoDe Answering November (2) (Encarguan i to era ‘‘Gen new a manche election of . ased succeed Equerecapa, dece ee Mezco, 1793 1272a REVILLA GIGEDO. as inci Prov the of ress prog the Report, on narvo politicoy “Wve Printed. 17-59. ruary 13, 1822. In: Sema a, a ai pene . RO meee ARB ae writs, inventories, rePapers in relation to; petitions, : : ipts. e ne perenne Hath ne ia Polon ee i, +n «Alcaide n; Chaco and a gs Conch , Elguea naga, Larra on Surge o; ona Alerer Abreg 17, 1793. To Comandante-General Pedro de Nava; transmitting letters from the alcalde mayor of the Queres (pueblos) and the interpreters of the Navajés; and reporting hostilities between the Navajés and Gilefios, Spanish relations, ete. Auto draft. Ay, a" * CONCHA, FERNANDO ber 19, 1793. saa 1287a Teniente, Santa Fe 1989 GUERRERO, ANTONIO (Late Santa Fe, Decemof. e Estat any) Presidial Comp ber 4-October 11, 1793-4. Order, on the rank, style of address, ete., of the Intendentes of Provinces. Copy. Communicated: Nava to Concha, April 2, 1794. No. 1280a. 1f 1266 3 al a a images“ sonar pe Sins iii i nn ” Santa Fe, October r vz ta. en FERNANDO . aaa CONCHA, 20,1793. —_ To Governor Fernando de la Concha; contributions to be required of the Indians for their parish ministers; paro2f chial fees, personal service, ete. 1264 rossi sae ‘pe transmitting Vial’s diary; arya for his merito 2nd alférez in view or to 2 aurea as ae the Comanches; his expeditions draft. Texas, ete. Auto 19, 1793. RR October : Chihuahua, Lae, armen pbs. al PEDRO een NAVA, ut 1263 399 MEXICO THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW 3808 THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO |