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Show 340 1, 1791, in reference to the good conduct of the Yutas, Comanches, Apaches, Navajés, and Xicarillas. (8) Answering Concha to Revilla Gigedo, November 1, 1791, in relation to improvement in stock-farming, remounts, ete. 3f NAVA, PEDRO To pr. Chihuahua, December 16, 1791. Governor Fernando de la Concha, mitting pension certificates (cédulas Sargento Anacleto Miera, ete. NAVA, PEDRO pe Santa Fe: trans- de ymbalidos) for iH Chihuahua, December 17, 1791. To Governor Fernando de la Concha, Santa Fe; answering Concha to Nava, November 1, 1791, relative to Indian policy. NAVA, PEDRO pz. Chihuahua, December 21, 1791. to Governor Fernando de la Concha, Santa Fe: Letters (1) (2): Jn re civil jurisdiction of captains of presidios, flying companies, (2) ete. In re disposal of Fray Antonio Moreno end ray, . . 1181 NAVA, PEDRO REVILLA P roceedings of trial for disobedience to the orders of the acting governor, Antonio Guerrero, making a levy of 1180 ARMIJO, ANTONIO. 14f Santa Fe, December ora to Comandante-General Pedro de Nava, praying in view of his services as 31, 1791. archives; classified index the year 179i, of offibf 10, 1792: pz. Chihuahua, January NAVA, PEDRO ve. Chihuahua, January 16, 1792. Letter To Governor Fernando de la Concha, Santa Fe: , calling for payment of a debt, in kind or in currency to Alowed by the Fray Francisco Estevan Umatelli férez Nicolas Alamana, former Habilitado of the Presidio 1f of Buenaventura. answerTo Governor Fernando de la Concha, Santa Fe, 17 90, on the ing Concha to Ugarte y Loyola, November 1, reorganization of the missions of New Mexico, mission1791, aries, salaries, ete., and Concha to Nava, July 12, groupin re new doctrina for the Partido de Belen (now af ed with Isleta) ; first fruits, fees, ete. ry 18, 1792. NAVA, PEDRO pz. Chihuahua, Janua Fe: ReportTo Governor Fernando de la Concha, Santa Guadalajara, of cia, Audien Real the to nce ing refere and later Concha to Ugarte y Loyola, February 9, 1790, ador, El gobern de te Tenien the from ions communicat Matra or de la Paso del Norte, on the decision of the Provis Piro Indian, Crisvicar-general of Durango against the 1f tobal de la Cruz Lico, accused of incest. Ist Teniente, Santa Fe Presidial Company), of: pension December NAVARRO, FRANCISCO TREBOL (Capitan, late 74; ayot, Sates Mexico, a precaution against burglary, the goods by night, without previous PEDRO applied to costs and to the maintenance of Apaches in the jurisdiction of Belen. Governor Concha; Alcaldes Mayores, Manuel Alburquerque, Antonio José Ortiz, Santa Fe; Teniente Miguel Baca, Belen. GIGEDO. NAVA, oxen and men for work on a bridge across the Rio Grande, near San Phelipe: letters, writs, testimony, judgment. Fines to be the friendly Names: de Arteaga, Chihuahua, December 28, 1791. Bando, prohibiting, as removal of household notice. Broadside. New Mexico; (a) cial correspondence for of GARCIA JURADO, TORIBIO, er au. Isleta, Santa Fe, December 22, April 1, 1791-2. Inhabitants otf Belen. pe. To Governor Fernando de la Concha, Santa Fe, assigning Mariano Bernal, soldier, 2nd volunteer company, Catalufia, to the Santa Fe Presidial Company, with dis1f tinction. Campos Diehis 341 THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO a soldier an pacificator of Indians. Names: Comanches, Caracapas, Vicente Troncos0;ee ; Governors Concha and J _ P Joachin del Real Alencaster nd . 1805) 22, Estate on Opinion of the auditor (Pedro Galindo Navarro?) the distribution of the property left, over and above the widow’s dower, among the creditors. e Teniente Francisco Troncoso; Brigadier PeNames: dro Fermin de Mendinueta, Pedro de Nava, Manuel a ino, ete. Copy. o |