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Show 188 THE SPANISH AR CHIVES OF NEW MEXI CO 299 300 LOPEZ, PEDRO ASENCION, THE SPANISH ARCHIVES et al. Proceedings, writs, tes timony, etc., in a crim inal] prosecution against him and Joseph Gonzales and Pedro Lopez, citizens of the Villa of Alb and insulted Don Nicold urquerque, for having wounded s de Chaves. 27f VALERO, 29, 1719, MARQUES DE, Viceroy. Mexico, July ete. 302 SANTA 10, 1719. FE PRESIDIAL 20f COMPANY. September Power of att orney b y the office rs and soldiers to Don Juan Joseph Flor es llon and Don Juan Bautista Settle their accMogo Lopez to ounts Pedro Otero Bermud with Don Felix Martinez and Don ez. 303 SANTA 304 VALVERDE Y COSIO. Auto giving notice to Pedro 305 4f FR PRE SIDIAL CO MPAN 7. Additional] power of attorney by the officers the company, and VALVERDE y COSIO. ae y HEZ, r YSIDRO. OF NEW MEXICO Marc h 25-April against him for robbery. 2, a 1719. Fragment 189 ge a pees 308 VALVERDE y COSIO. June 2, 1719. of de: dings of a council of war held for the ee cles ee eee in relation to a propose RAE against the Pawnees and the ae from the viceroy and oT. oe Valverde was epelraee z rly: vanes a military force, to be tse Ros He so a roceed to the villages of the asked ao i vinitted to discuss the order. He hs oneo whieh hg th Laas of establishing a post at gg a were ne to be decided by the Junta. Ni rience and at an ‘a portion of them of military. ae was deis of vie reputation in civil sang the ae ‘ ie to establish a post because 0 to distance consist of eee all ss of the garrison, which was for a post - 1a iy The Junta endeavored to gaia other Valane rilla but this failed. By some ee ane orderide eat d a revocation of the vicerega ati and the eee nally to command the expe ‘ Be n Dears de errand cae given to Lignans i at ee a of high utation oe 7 i. time was in command of the neice canes of September 50, 1719. de Montes de Oca, ete. dn part of the year 1700 the sole acy ce ioe of Frenchmen had attac tern plains. ae a : of Jumanos, located on the eas Se vehoh acta a that it was destroyed Nr . ae tho fi manos to be intruders; ae - sakes eeat co eer in western Texas an the Arkansas Wear din 17 16 some of them appeared ae claimed by which ee —aef the country thatactive French ee had atbeen fur trade. a Sraniurds ay 306 to secure some of this pasuee hed a small a, a Poke fe peek Tene lied Ea Quartelejo Picuriés Indians a te in what in nee <sbout 350 miles TAOS INDIAN. February 3-8, 171 9, Proceedings In a tria l of the Indian for having drank a everage made fro m the This herb is Supposed herb ‘‘ Peyote,’? to have a very delete 8f rious effe physically and morall ct y upon those who use by the Indians d it and the use Was proscr ibed by law. t anld je be Scott county; this place w aePrioror toto 1730 Valverde a 1e with V a force handrE ition against Ca ‘4 ae the Frenc ; Pa ee that he had gone as far a but this was not true. ee ; "He s the Platte |