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Show 134 THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO 106 DURAN 1705. y CHAVES, FERNANDO. February THE SPANISH ARCHIVES 7, Petition praying for a dispensation for his son, Antonio Chaves, from military duty on account of physical dis- ability. General Fernando Duran y Chaves was a resident of New Mexico prior to the rebellion of 1680 and, with all his family, escaped to El Paso with Governor Otermin. He came from a most distinguished Spanish family. It is safe to say that the Chaves blood from this ancestor is found in nearly every family of Spanish or Mexica n origin today in New Mexico. In the archives at Madrid is to be found the following relative to the origin of the family: ‘Chaves es familia muy noble y antigua en Espaia, suy nombre toma de la Villa de Chaves en Portugal en esta forma: Garci Lopez y Ruiz Lopez, herman os, ganaron esta villa atio de 1160 a los Moros sin ayuda del Rey, sino por siglos ; y por esta misma memorable azana les queda los de este linage el apelido de Chaves. Esto lo afirmo un letrero que permanece en el arco de la Yglesia mayor de dicha villa, que dice: “‘Dos hermanos con ai guinas Sin Rey ganaron a Chaves : Donde en Rouxo Cristalina, head of the Chaves family in Spain today is the condé de Caudilla, His cousin is the duchess de Nobleja s, In the center of whose coat of arms appears that of the Chaves family. General Fernando Duran y Chaves was a lineal descendLopez. ant of Ruiz one of whom, officer under De Vargas. 135 All of the members of this noted family have been famous in the annals of New Mexico, nearly every one an Indian fighter of renown. CUERVO y VALDEZ, FRANCISCO, Governor and Captain-General. Santa Fe, March 10, 1705. Bando and various other orders relative to the conduct of the soldiers of the Santa Fe Company; states also the date of his assuming the office of governor. 2f MORENO pve TRUJILLO, March 15-27, 1705. NICOLAS. Santa Fe, Petition asking for the confirmation of a license issued to him by the Marqués de la Nava Brazinas authorizing him and his family to leave the Province. 2f LUJAN, SEBASTIAN. Santa 19, 2 200, Petition, ete., same as No. 108. CUERVO y VALDEZ, Fe, March 27-April af FRANCISCO. Santa Fe, April, 1705. Autos and proceedings, muster, etc., in campaign against the Apaches. 23f Les hoy dado por mas signas En su escudo cinco Uaves.”’ The OF NEW MEXICO He was the father of eight children, Don Bernardino Duran y Chaves, was also an Governor Otermin and later with Cruzat e and Don Bernardino had a son, Diego Antonio de Chaves, whose son, Don Pedro de Chaves , married Dofia ESPINOSA, PEDRO ps. Santa Fe, April 13, 1705. Petition asking for relief on account of illness. RAMIREZ, Complaint NAVARRO, FRANCISCO. against Baltazar Romero LUISA. 2f Santa Fe, April 27, 1705. for debt. 2f Santa Fe, April 29, 1705. Petition, praying for leave to go to Paso del Norte to live. SANTA FE, CABILDO. Santa Fe, May 8, 1705. Catalina Baca, of Tomé, Valencia county, New Mexico. A sister of Dofia Catalina was the unwill ing cause of the masSacre of nearly Petition, to the governor and captain-general asking that he make application to the viceroy for assistance for the inhabitants of New Mexico. af in marriage to the son of a CuThere were several children born of the Chaves-Baca union, of whom Don Julian RAMOS, JUAN ANTONIO. Santa Fe, May 11, 1705. Autos, banishing him and his wife to the Villa eS Santa Cruz. all of the inhabitants of Tomé by the Cumanches, in 1717, her father having refuse d to keep his Promise to give her hand manche chieftain. father of Colonel Manuel Amado Chaves, now Antonio (1913) Chaves, Chaves was the father of Don a resident of Alburquerque- PERALTA, Petition PEDRO ps. and proceedings, May 17-22, 1700. in suit against Miguel Thenorio |