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Show 170 .PROBLEMS OF IMPERIAL VALLEY AND VICINITY. ber, inclusive, no water could be stored, leaving an annual storable run-off estimated at 50,000 acre-feet, which is more than sufficient to supply the 3 acre-feet per acre demand for the 30,000 acres of land. Denver & Rio Grande branch railroad runs through the site. DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH. Acreage, gross, 50,000; net, 35,000 acres. Precipitation, annual average, 9 inches. Precipitation, in growing season, tf inches. Temperature, annual average, 60°. Elevation, 2,500 to 3,350 feet. Between frosts (summer), 175 days. Transportation, 90-mile haul to Lund, Utah, on Salt Lake Railroad. Irrigation season, March to October, inclusive, 8 months. Duty of water, 4 feet at diversion. Irrigation flan.-Diversion from Virgin River at a point 1£ miles east of.Virgin City; thence by tunnel 3f miles long to irrigable lands, which all lie south of the river. Duty of water. [Acre-feet.] March. April-May... June.. July... Per acre. 0.30 .50 .50 .65 .65 35,000 acres. 10,000 17,500 17,500 23,000 23,000 August..... September. October___ Total. Per acre. 0.60 .50 .30 4.00 35,000 acres. 21,000 17,500 10,500 140,000 Water supply, average discharge, Virgin River at Virgin City, 1910 to 1918. November to February (inclusive)........................................ 47,000 March................................................................... 28,000 April................................................................... 34,000 May..................................................................... 34,000 June................................................................... 12.000 July.................................................................... 14,000 August...........................,...................................... 11,000 September............................................................... 14,000 October...........................................................•...... 14,000 208. 000 Present rights require 50,000 acre-feet, leaving 158,000 for a new project. Storage.-Sixty-five thousand acre-feet are required in the average year and for complete holdover for a low year 130,000' acre-feet. Nothing is known of available reservoir sites but there are said to be several possible ones. LITTLE COLORADO PROJECT. Irrigable lands, gross, 93,000 acres; net, 60,000 acres. Precipitation, mean annual, 6 inches. Precipitation, in growing season, 4 inches. Temperature, mean annual, 54°. |