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Show 84 PROBLEMS OF IMPERIAL VALLEY AND VICINITY. Station. Total acreage. Diver-.sion. Loss. Required capacity. S. 7- Base. Depth of water. Economic cut per 100-foot station. * Excavation, 2,162,000 cubic yards, at 25 cents............................ $540,500 6 bridges', at $6,000..................................................... 36,000 2 siphons, 350 feet (4 tubes), at $27,025 per 100 feet....................... 94,600 8 siphons, 1,050 feet (3 tubes), at $20,245 per 100 feet....___...:........ 212, 600 3varroyo crossings, at $9,000...........................................,. 27,000 4 checks and turnouts, at $19,500...................................___ 78,000 lwasteway............................................................ 20,000 Telephone line, 21 miles, at $250....................................... 5, 300 Total............................................................ 1,014,000 Administration, engineering, and contingencies, 25 per cent.............. 253,000 Total"B" line canal............................................. 1,267,000 Charge to new lands (see preceding table)___„.....................___. 481,000 Charge to Imperial district lands.................•...................... 786,000 WEST'SIDE PUMPING SYSTEM. Net/area, 23,000 acres. Static lift, 125 feet. Total lift, 132 feet. Pump capacity, 240 second-feet. "R" canal, length, 8.15 miles; capacity 240 second-feet at head; 230 feet at end. "' S " canal, length, 7 miles; capacity, 200 second-feet. Estimate of cost. Pumping plant:l Required horsepower, 4,750, at $50................................... $237,500 1,600 feet discharge pipe, 5.9 feet diameter, at $20.50.................. 32,800 Excavation, 56,700 cubic yards, at 25 cents (branch forebay)........... 14,200 Transmission line (No. 6 wire) 42 miles, at$1,330............;........ 55,900 Totals......................................................... 340,400 dministration, engineering, etc., 25 per cent.................. y..... 85,100 Totalrpumping plant and transmission........................___. 425,500 "R" canal: Base, 21 feet; depth of water, 4 feet; 8=0.00035; V=2.6. Add 100 per cent to economic cut for yardage. Excavation, 310,000 cubic yards, at 25 centk............................ $77,500 3 metal flumes, total length 1,200 feet, at $15..................\.......... 18,000. 3 bridges, at $3,000...................................................... 9,000 3 checks with turnouts, at$66.......*.........___...................... 19,800 5 arroyo crossings, at $2,700...;......£.................................. 13,500 Subtotal, "R" canal.................................... 137,800 "S" canal: Base 18.feet;- depth of water, 4 feet; S=0.00035; V=2.5. Add 100 per cent to economic cut for yardage.. c Excavation, 260,000 cubic yards, at 25 cents....................,........ $65,000 3 checks with turnouts, at $3,000............'........................... 9,000 3bridges, at$l,750........................T............................ . 5,3Q0 Subtotal1'S" canal. 79,300 1 For details see table, "Pumping plants, Imperial Valley investigations," in Exhibit A following. |