OCR Text |
Show GREEN RIVER BASIN. [Arranged in order downstream.] Stream. Station. Period of record. Years. Drainage Mean annual recorded run-ofl. Mean annual run -off. to O Oi Green River.............. Do................... Do................... Horse Creek......'........ Cottonwooa Creek........ East Fork Creek......... Do................... New Fork Creek.......... Do................... Do................... Pine Creek............... Do................... Pole Creek......'......... Do................... Fall Creek................ Boulder Creek............ North Piney Creek....... Middle Piney Creek...... Labarge Creek........... Fontenelle Creek......... Big Sandy Creek......... Do................... Do................... Dutch Joe Creek......... Squaw Creek............. Little Sandy Creek....... Blacks Fork.............. Do................... Henrys Fork............. Hams Fork.............. Kendall, Wyo.................. Daniel, Wyo................... Green River, Wyo............. Daniel, Wyo................... Big Piney, Wyo................ East Fork Canal............... New Fork...................... Alexander's ranch, Cora, Wyo. Pinedale Crossing, Cora, Wyo. Boulder, Wyo.................. Fremont Lake outlet........... Pinedale, Wyo.............. Fayette, Wyo.................. Pinedale, Wyo................. Fayette, Wyo........«........ Boulder, Wyo.................. Marbleton, Wyo............... Big Piney...................... Labarge........................ Fontenelle..................... Big Sandy..................... Eden. Farson...... Big Sandy.. Eden, Wyo. .do Urie. Hams Fork, Granger,- Wyo. Linwood, Utah............. Kemmerer, Wyo..........., UINTA RIVER BASIN. [Arranged in order down stream.] Duchesne River.. Do........... Strawberry River Do........... Do........... Indian Creek___ At Duchesne, Utah.. At Myton, Utah..... Above Indian Creek.. Below Indian Creek.. At Duchesne___.*.... In Strawberry Valley |
Source |
Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : |