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Show PROBLEMS OF IMPERIAL VALLEY AND VICINITY. 53 There is also a mesa on the west side of the river, namely, the Calzona Mesa. There has been no survey of this mesa, so no detail can be given of it. It is said, however, to be rather rough and unattractive. It is not here considered as a part of the project. Lands of the Parker project are all in the Colorado River Indian Reservation. Historical.-A detailed survey and estimate of the Colorado River Indian Reservation project, consisting of the gravity system of; the Project proposed herein, was made by the united States Indian ervice in 1918 and 1919. Topography was taken on a scale of 400 feet to 1 inch covering the entire ^reservation, with a contour interval on the bottom lands of from 1 to 2 ieet. Detailed estimates were prepared and the final report written by Mr. C. A. Engle, engineer in charge, under date of June 30, 1920. A soil report was also made by Mr. A. T. Strahorn, United States Department of Agriculture, dated 1920, which report is made a part off the Engle report. Topography and soil.-The bottom lands are flat and subject to overflow, and are considerably cut with sloughs and very heavily covered with mesquite, arrow weed, :and other brush. The soil is river silt and sandy.loam and is very fertile. The Parker bench is smooth and gently sloping toward -the river. The soil is gravelly and sandy loam. Drainaye.-The bottom lands are lowest next to the mesa, or away from the river, and are subject to seepage from the river during normal high water and by backing up from the sloughs. Artificial drainage will be necessary. Ownership.-All the lands in the proposed Parker project lie within the United States Indian reservation. Fifteen thousand acres is the maximum that will be needed for allotment to the Indians; the Balance may be thrown open to settlement. Area: Acres. Gross...............................,....,.....-...................121,900 Irrigable- Gravity. ..*-.............................,...................... 1O4,#O€ i Pumping, lift approximately 135 feet............................. .6,000 Total irrigable..____................................____......UO,jOQO WATER SUPPET. ypjm>-~Ro w#ter ifilings ihaye tbeeri made for this ^project to the knowledge of -the engineer in chaasge. The area irrigated in 1920, which is the maximum to .date, is 4,100 acres, and it, is -estimated by the engineer in cliarge that 7,000-acres wnU be in enltivar tion ^n 1921. Ine present pumping plant, with the installation of another boiler which is planned m tne near future, will be sufficient to cover about 7,500 acres. The right to divert water from, the Colorado River (a navigable stream) was authorized by act of Congress entitled "An act -making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending inane 30, 1905, and ior other pur- |
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Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : |