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Show 262 MESSRS. O. THOMAS AND H. SCHWANN ON [Apr. 18, crown, where it contrasts with the cheeks, which are yellowish white. Under surface yellowish white, the hairs light to their bases, line of demarcation on sides not defined. A slight greenish iridescence on the dorsal hairs. Skull small, in general outline more broadly triangular than in A. hottentottus; the breadth across the molars nearly equalling the distance from the last molar to the tip of the first incisor. Second and third upper incisors flattened and grooved externally. Canines more or less premolariform in shape, triangular in section. First premolar as elongated transversely as the first molar, its anterior lobe rounded and little projecting. Other premolars and molars with scarcely a trace of the usual antero-external projections. Lower teeth all unusually high ; premolars and anterior molars each with a small but distinct low secondary cusp at the postero-internal angle-absolutely internal, not mesial as in other species. Dimensions of a specimen in spirit :-Head and body 93 mm. ; hind foot (s.u.) 10 ; nose-pad 5-4 x 11. The type is rather younger and smaller: head and body 82 mm. Skull (the larger specimen)-greatest length 22; basal length in middle line 18 ; greatest breadth 15-6 ; greatest height 10*5 ; interorbital breadth 6'6 ; length of upper tooth-row 9'2 ; greatest breadth across premolars 8. I Jab. Delagoa Bay. Type. Female. B.M. no. Presented by Mrs. Mon-teiro. Two specimens examined. This interesting little species has been hitherto confused with A. obtusirostris, but differs by its smaller size and whitish fur. Both species differ from A. hottentottus and its allies by the whole of their upper premolars taking on a molariform shape, while the canine even is pressed into the same service by having the shape usually characteristic of an anterior premolar. As a result of this modification there are (putting aside the small m2) four large molariform teeth (p1'3, m1) as compared with three (p"'3, m1) in A. hottentottus and its allies. (See PI. XVI. tig. 2 b.) 13. M yo so r ex sc later i Thos. & Schw. J . 887, 888, 906, and one in spirit. $ . 886,889, 190. Ngoye Hills. M yosorex sclateri t a l p in u s , subsp. n. (S • 814, 819, 823, and one in spirit. § . 818. Umvolosi. M yo so r ex sclateri a f f in is , subsp. n. . 584, 641, 642. § . 580, 594, 643, 645, 666. Sibudeni. A more detailed examination of the series on which this species was founded convinces us of the necessity of distinguishing sub-specifically the specimens from the three localities mentioned above. |