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Show THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD. ^H E object of the Z oological R ecord is to give, by means of an annua] Volume, complete lists of the Works and Publications relating to Zoology in all its branches that have appeared during the year preceding the issue of the Volume, together with full information as to the points they deal with, arranged in such a manner as to serve as an Index to the literature of Zoology in all parts of the globe, and thus to form a repertory that will retain its value for the Student in future years. The ‘ Zoological Record,' after Vol. 40, will be published by the Society at the price of 40s. per volume. But all Members of the Zoological Society of London will have the privilege of receiving it, including the cost of delivery, at a subscription price of 30s. per annum. This Subscription is due on the 1st of July in every year, and the privilege of Subscription is forfeited unless the amount be paid before the 1st of December following. The Zoological Society, having purchased the entire stock of the ‘ Zoological Record/ is able to supply complete sets. The thirty-seven Volumes to the end of the nineteenth century, and the Index-Volume (1880-1900) in addition, will be supplied for £15 net (or ivitliout the Index-Volume, for <£14 10s. net). Volumes of any single year (exclusive of the last five volumes and Vol. 6) can likewise be supplied at 10s. per volume net. The price of the Index Zoologicus (Index-Volume 1880-1900) is 20s., to Fellows 18s. Members of the Society wishing to subscribe to the ‘ Record ' are requested to apply at this office for a Form, to be returned when filled up and signed by the subscriber. In order to facilitate the payment of the subscription, a Banker's Order Form is also supplied to those who prefer that mode of payment. This order, when filled up and signed, should be sent to the Society's office for registration; it will then be sent to the Agents named therein. Learned Societies and Institutions and members of the former Zoological Record Association are permitted to subscribe to the ‘ Record ' on the same conditions as are accorded to Members of the Zoological Society. The divisions of the ‘ Zoological Record ' may be obtained separately as shown on the next page. |