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Show 1905.] HETEROCEUA FROM THE FIJI ISLANDS. 89 area suffused with grey, with a dark spot on the costa at the base and another at a fifth, a small rust-red patch at the base of the inner margin; a medial large grey patch to vein 2 and bounded on the costa by two short blackish stripes, the one nearer the base touching a whitish spot near the end of the cell and encircling it, a double postmedial strongly serrated line terminates this medial patch ; a subterminal deeply arched interrupted blackish dentate line rising in a heavy black costal dash, beyond which is a wedge-shaped dark grey patch with a white outer margin ; from the apex a dentate black oblique stripe meets the costal dash; between veins 3 and 5 are three dark marginal patches, the uppermost one obsolescent; cilia white, broadly intersected with rust-colour; between veins 3 and 4 a black, slightly curved stripe from the cell to the subterminal line ; there is a slight grey scaling beyond the basal grey area ; secondaries rich deep rust-colour, with a broad obscure black termen interrupted by the ground-colour at the veins, three pale lavender-greyish patches in the tornal area. Under surface : both wings rusty reddish, primaries with a broadish postmedial line, secondaries with a broad medial and postmedial line. Expanse 106-110 mm. The type from ISTausori is in my collection. Chromts erotus (Cram.). My specimens are somewhat different from ordinary specimens from Australia and New Guinea &c., the brown oblique nebulous stripes in the primaries are absent, giving them an unusual appearance; there is, however, a trace of the stripe in one specimen. TIepialhle. P hassodes, gen. nov. Palpi porrect, end segment depressed slightly; antennae short, filiform ; all the legs f r in g e d with hair on each side, hind legs with the tarsus perfect; tibise and femora short. Neuration as in the genus Phcissus Wlk., but with two bars close together from near the base of vein 12 to the costa in the primaries; vein 1 a free, 1 c of moderate length, a bar from 1 b to 1 c and to the median vein ; veins 9 and 10 in both wings forming a long fork on a long stalk. Primaries more or less excavated in both sexes below the apex, and decidedly longer than the secondaries; near the base of the inner margin of the primaries in the <S is a large gland (evidently a scent-gland), with a semicircular opening towards the cell. Type, Phassodes odorevalvula B.-B. In section B the neuration and other characters are precisely the same except that the scent-valve is absent. I am strongly of opinion, however, that a genus should not be created on a purely sexual character. All the species are strongly scented. |