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Show 124 MR. R. LYDEKKER ON [Feb. 21, ft. in. Anterior margin of pectoral fin along the curve. 1 3 „ ,, dorsal...................................... 1 3| Tail-flukes along the curve ................................. 1 3 Expanse of tail ....................................................... 1 7 ^ Beak from groove which separates the forehead 0 5 Genital groove........................................................... 0 5 Anal opening ............................................................ 0 1|- Gape of mouth ....................................................... 0 11 Greatest breadth....................................................... 1 0.| „ height ....................................................... 1 0| ,, circumference .......................................... 3 2| Smallest circumference .......................................... 0 10 Height of dorsal fin .............................................. 0 8| Length of dorsal fin at base ................................. 1 0 Greatest circumference ................................. 0 10| Smallest circumference ................................. 0 6| Lower jaw about half an inch longer than upper. Colour blue-black, paler at the sides; beneath fleshy grey. Lower jaw dull grey; a dark blue band, same as the smaller specimen, but less clear. Genital and anal regions fleshy pink. Teeth ^ and S = 55 and 53. Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 12, L. 16, Ca. 23 = 58. Ribs 12, of which five are two-headed. Pterygoids not in contact. The following are the particulars of the 1904 specimen supplied to me from the Trevandrum Museum :- Extreme length .......................................... From tip of beak to origin of dorsal fin „ „ „ flipper ... „ ,, anal opening............ Length of flipper round the outer curve ,, dorsal fin ................................. Expanse of tail-flukes................................. Greatest height, including dorsal fin ... Height of body .......................................... Greatest girth. 111. 1 7• ±o 5" 3 0 1 H 6f 0 3 Smallest girth............................................................ 0 9 Lower jaw somewhat protruding. Colour. Upper surface, flippers, and sides of tail glistening dark brown, abruptly passing into dull silvery grey (paling into light sea-green after skinning) on the sides ; facial region paler; under side dull pearly white, extending to a little behind the anal opening; orbits in a dark brown oval blotch, which gradually fuses into a tapering band running above and parallel to the basi-rostral groove and uniting at the angle of the (V-shaped) prenarial adipose elevation, from which four dark faint lines diverge towards |