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Show March 7, 1905. Dr. Albert A. Gray. Exhibition of a series of lantern-slides of, and remarks upon, the Membranous Labyrinth of certain animals ......................................................................... 143 Mr. Henry Scherren, F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, illustrations of a Zebra in works by Aldrovandus and Ludolphus ......................................................................... 145 Mr. J. Lewis Bonliote, F.Z.S. Remarks on the Hybridisation of Ducks, illustrated with specimens ................ 147 Mr. G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S. Exhibition of a series of Fishes from Lake Chad and the Shari River....................... ......... 151 1. A Revision of the Fishes of the South-American Cichlid Genera Crenacara, Bcitrachojis, and Crenicichla. By C. T ate R eg a n , B.A., F.Z.S. (Plates X IV . & X V .) ... 152 2. Notes on a New Oribi Antelope from the Kenya District, British East Africa. By Capt. R. M e in e r t zh a g e x . F.Z.S...........................................................................................169 3. The (Ecology and Deposits of the Cape Verde Marine Fauna. By C y r il C r o ssl and, M.A., B.Sc., F.Z.S., Carnegie Fellow and Fellow of the University of St. Andrews ............................................................................. 170 March 21, 1905. The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in February 1905 ............................................... 186 Mrs. S. L. Hinde. Extract from a letter from, giving an account of an Antelope killing a bird................................. 187 Mr. Frederick Gillett, F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a photograph of a wounded Oryx hiding in bushes............................................................................... ^ I g j Mr. C. Tate Regan, F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a series of sketches of Fislms of the Rio Negro ... 189 Page |